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善与恶的斗争是托尔金《魔戒》系列幻想作品的主题。《魔戒》中体现的善恶观与奥古斯丁关于善恶问题的论述有相似性,具有一元论的特点。《魔戒》中的善恶观基本上是基督教的,强调善恶的不对等性和自由意志的影响,但也带某些古希腊色彩。  相似文献   

Hobbit Frodo and his small band of allies continue theirquest to destroy the Ring while the Dark Lord Sauronstill holds Middle-earth in his evil grip.Welcome topart two of the Lord of the Rings trilogy,in whichthings have gotten decidedly darker.Story  相似文献   

袁娟  王文铃 《海外英语》2012,(11):200-201
托尔金在其魔幻巨作《魔戒》中塑造了众多风格迥异,不同种族的人物形象,通过这些人物形象的塑造,向人们传达了善与恶的较量及对于美好事物的坚持不懈的追求这一主题。因此托尔金的善恶观也成为众多《魔戒》爱好者和学者讨论、探讨的话题之一,而这些讨论大多是围绕着魔戒的象征意义的角度展开。该文从分析古鲁姆这一人物形象的角度,阐释托尔金的善恶观。  相似文献   

王国喜 《天中学刊》2011,26(3):87-90
作为在西方读者中享有盛誉的奇幻文学代表作,托尔金的《魔戒》三部曲在英美学术界的遭遇堪称曲折。50年来,英美学术界对托尔金及《魔戒》的认识和接受经历了由最初的褒贬不一到当前的备受推崇的过程。《魔戒》研究的兴起推动并引领了奇幻文学研究热潮,促使学者们重新思考他们对经典文学的定义,重新评估神话、传奇等奇幻体裁的文学价值,从而开拓了奇幻文学研究的新领域。  相似文献   

《魔戒》与《西游记》分别为西方和中国的文学巨著,前人已从不同角度分别对这两部作品进行过大量研究,如宗教、接受美学、翻译、交际以及主人翁分析等;也有论者从哲学和文化角度将两部作品一起分析。但至今未有作品从霍夫斯泰德的价值维度视角来比较这两部作品,因此,本文从霍夫斯泰德的个人主义-集体主义价值维度,比较分析《魔戒》和《西游记》中体现出的文化现象,探讨其中的文化差异与差异根源。  相似文献   

奇幻文学业已在国内外读者群和学术界取得可观的声望,但该范畴作品的驳杂繁多反而使其范式特征晦暗不明。而追本溯源,考量奇幻文学的典范之作《魔戒》以及作者J.R.R.托尔金本人的文学思想后可以发现,奇幻文学的本质是玄奇而富含内在真实一致性的幻想,功能是给人们提供心理恢复、逃避痛苦和精神慰藉,而典型特征是兼具灾难和欢乐的善灾式结尾。  相似文献   

作为在西方读者中享有盛誉的奇幻文学代表作,托尔金的《魔戒》三部曲在英美学术界的遭遇堪称曲折。50年来,英美学术界对托尔金及《魔戒》的认识和接受经历了由最初的褒贬不一到当前的备受推崇的过程。《魔戒》研究的兴起推动并引领了奇幻文学研究热潮,促使学者们重新思考他们对经典文学的定义,重新评估神话、传奇等奇幻体裁的文学价值,从而开拓了奇幻文学研究的新领域。  相似文献   

《蝇王》是诺贝尔奖获得者戈尔丁的代表作。以海德格尔的死亡美学观审视作品,更深刻地领会现代人类"向死存在"的困境,正视对死亡的恐惧导致人性沉沦的人类缺陷,通过反省,使人从日常生活的困顿中超脱出来,成为真正意义上的"本真的向死的存在"。  相似文献   

按照冯友兰先生的说法,生死的意义是与人的精神境界相关的,人的精神境界有高低之分,生死对于不同境界的人的意义也有大小之分。对于在自然境界中的人,生死是没有清楚的意义的;对于在功利境界中的人,生死是“我”的存、灭;对于在道德境界中的人,生是尽伦尽职的所以(所以使人能尽伦尽职),死是尽伦尽职的结束。对于天地境界中的人,生死是顺化。不同境界中的人对于生死的理解和态度是大不相同的。  相似文献   

人心的黑暗,社会的缩影--论《蝇王》的实物象征主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国当代作家威廉.戈尔丁在其成名作及代表作《蝇王》中大量运用象征手法,从不同层面赋予实物以象征意义。该文从实物方面入手剖析其象征意义,探讨本书中象征手法与主题表现、情节发展以及人物塑造的有机结合,从而解读戈尔丁所寓言的人性及人类社会中所存在的善与恶。  相似文献   

皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼是所有知名意大利导演中最不被国人理解的一位,一度被误认为是"色情影片大师"。事实上,帕索里尼不仅是一位电影导演,还是一位真正的知识分子,有着复杂的社会政治身份和多元化的作者身份。面对社会的迫害,世人的误解,他不得不为自己建构一个异端的主体身份来说出真话。只有真正理解了帕索里尼的异端身份,才能真正理解他的思想,读懂他的作品,也就会明白为什么卡尔维诺会叹息他的死亡仿佛是一个爱国主义者被他的国家所背叛。  相似文献   

This experiment addressed the question of how headings influence readers' memories for text content. College students read and recalled a 12-topic expository text. Half of the participants were trained to construct a mental outline of the text's topic structure as they read and then use their mental outlines to guide their recall attempts. The remaining participants did not receive such training. Half of the participants read a text containing headings before every subsection; the other half read the same text without headings. The results were that participants who received training and/or read the text with headings remembered text topics and their organization better than participants who received no training and read the text without headings. The results support the hypothesis that signals induce a change in readers' strategies for encoding and recalling text.  相似文献   

以女性主义视角构建关心共同体的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在对个体美好生存及和谐社会呼吁越来越强烈的当下,关心共同体的建构显得越发必要。女性主义基于对生命的理解与尊重,运用"圣杯"之思,行使"关怀"与"联系"之权,一直和需要关心的生命站在一起,并对之施以"圣爱",以期在更广泛意义上建构关心共同体,从而实现人与自我、人与他人、人与自然、人与社会、人与地球、人与宇宙和谐共生的愿景。  相似文献   

Voted the greatest book of all time in several polls, J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings has been made into three films between 2001–2003 by New Zealand director Peter Jackson with the complete trilogy out on DVD in 2004. Prompted by the question: “What would Tolkien have made of them?” Mark Sinker discusses the films and the books by way of Tolkien’s inspiration William Morris and the English Arts and Crafts Movement’s notion of ‘‘right-making’’. Sinker contrasts the techniques of computer generated imagery (CGI) with Tolkien’s own ethic of the art and craft of writing, looking at Tolkien’s radical contribution to Fantasy as a genre for adults and how ‘right’ story-telling emerges into 21st century culture.  相似文献   

Twenty women who are mothers and primary school headteachers were interviewed regarding their understanding of the self and how this interacts with the role of parent and professional. The data are read as an illustration of dialogic identities where the self is in constant negotiation regarding how to position as mother and as headteacher, and how they are being positioned by organisational and social structures. Training and preparation for headship does not engage with the person as subject outside the organisation, and this paper provides an opportunity to examine how professional and personal positioning are interrelated, dynamic and vital to how practitioners do and value their work.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess the knowledge, application of knowledge, and attitudes associated with the reading of different genres of expository science texts. We assigned approximately half of a sample consisting of 220 students 14–15 years of age, chosen at random, to read an excerpt from a popular scientific text, and the other half to read an excerpt from a textbook addressing the same topic. Readers took knowledge and application tests immediately after the reading and again 15 days later. Students also took knowledge and reading proficiency pre-tests, and attitude tests related to the selected texts. Overall, girls scored higher than boys and readers of the popular scientific text scored higher than their colleagues who read the textbook excerpt. We noted interaction between ‘reader gender’ and ‘genre of the text read’ in terms of long-term learning based on the reading. Attitude regarding the text read appears as an important factor in explaining behavior of boys who read the popular scientific text. Surprisingly, knowledge and application test scores were not statistically different among girls with different degrees of reading proficiency who read the textbook excerpt. In addition, on the application tests, among the boys who read the popular scientific text, good readers scored lower than their colleagues who read the textbook excerpt. In our opinion, this study can serve to show that ‘reading in science education’ is not a trivial matter and we feel that the subject merits more in-depth investigation.  相似文献   

在教育活动中教师并非纯粹的“道德人”,随着环境条件的变化,其行为也会发生巨大改变。教师既是社会—化人,其行为选择受到社会化结构包括道德的约束;也是经济人,有追求自身利益或偏好的最大化倾向。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to test the effects of indirect contact through book reading on the improvement of Italian students' attitudes, stereotypes, and behavioral intentions toward immigrants. The results indicated that adolescents who read a book concerning intercultural topics, compared to those who read a book unrelated to intercultural themes or to those who did not read any book, showed improved intergroup attitudes, reduction in stereotyping, more positive intergroup behavioral intentions, and an increased desire to engage in future contact. Furthermore, the effects of indirect contact were mediated by increased inclusion of other in the self and reduced group identification. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Janet Evans 《Education 3-13》2013,41(3):315-331
Children from literate home backgrounds, who have exposure to supportive, positive reading role models using good quality texts, are the ones who are best able to cope with the demands of learning about literacy and the transition from home to school. This study of 3-year-old children will focus on their interactions with picturebook read aloud, their repeated requests to have favourite books read over and over again, their developing sense of identity and their growing ability to respond to the books through play, oral retellings, drawings, emergent writing and ‘readings' of the stories in their own words. Over a period of time, as the children had a series of picturebooks read to and shared with them, they were able to identify a sense of self mirrored in the content of some of the books and to make informed choices about their favourites. The children identified themselves in the storybook narratives and went on to record their responses in a variety of differing modes some of which led to them becoming real authors as they constructed their own books to be read, re-read and enjoyed.  相似文献   

“陵阳”究系何方 ?宋洪兴祖注 :在“前汉丹阳郡”。后世学者多承此说。而当今学者多持否定态度 ,认为“屈原行踪未必至此。”但是 ,若以江神神话为线索 ,就会发现 ,江神 (大波之神 )陵阳国侯 (阳侯 )就是江神奇相 ,也就是奇相所身兼的湘君。可见 ,江湘之神奇相的别名“陵阳国侯”(阳侯 )之居不在安徽陵阳山 ,而在湖南湘山。因此 ,先秦陵阳 ,就是后世岳阳。  相似文献   

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