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为了培养卓越教师,帮助职前教师在实习中联结理论与实践,美国密歇根州立大学的小学职前教师培养项目形成实习学校指导教师、大学授课教师、大学实习指导教师共同参与的三方指导模式。该模式以社会文化理论作为理论基础,三方教师教育者既有明确的分工指导职责,又在指导职前教师计划、教学、评价等方面共担责任,并且三方指导模式中的两方教师教育者以合作的方式提供指导。职前教师和教师教育者都能从三方指导模式中相互学习和受益。然而,三方指导模式存在没有明确规定三方教师教育者的直接合作指导方式,可能影响职前教师整合多重身份,使得多方指导可能造成职前教师的负担过重等问题。  相似文献   

教育实习是教师职前培养的重要环节,它对职前教师的成长起着关键作用.澳大利亚的大学特别重视职前教师的教育实习,创新教育实习模式:强调大学与中小学合作,阶段性的教育实习方式,多样化的教育实习内容与标准,多元化的教育实习评价主体.借鉴澳大利亚经验,我国大学应加快教育实习基地建设,采取阶段性和连续性相结合的教育实习方式,丰富教育实习内容,形成多元化的教育实习评价主体.  相似文献   

王美晗  田佳 《教书育人》2023,(36):23-27
为提高教师培养质量,澳大利亚引入教师表现性评价(TPA),用于评定职前教师的专业知识和实践技能。目前有两个评价工具在澳大利亚推行:毕业生表现性评定立足教学实践中的每个教学周期,以螺旋上升的形式推动职前教师提高教学水平;毕业生教学能力评定立足整体教学实践活动,从全局出发促进职前教师教学能力发展。TPA首先由校内评议小组进行评定,而后将合格的证明材料与教师培养机构材料一起交由专家评议小组进行复审。澳大利亚教学表现性评价工具具有合作性、多样性、全面性和统一性的特点,对我国职前教师评价体系的建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

农村教师数量和质量的双重关卡导致城乡教育不均衡问题.澳大利亚农村职前教师培养项目,围绕"农村"形成了特色鲜明的培养模式.具体包括:制定明确的职前教师教育培养目标去定位农村;开发特色鲜明的"向农性"课程去服务农村;设计系统化的实习实践环节去体验农村.澳大利亚农村职前教师培养的有益经验,对我国公费师范生培养具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

教育实习中的"三角关系"探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育实习是职前教师教育中教学实践的关键环节,也是一名教师专业成长的重要阶段。通过实习来探索教学实践的要义和良方,是每个师范生必须经历的学习过程。这个过程是复杂而艰辛的,因为师范生需要在适应实习环境的同时,还要穿梭于不同的指导教师对他们的期望和要求之间。本文旨在通过展示一项实证研究的结果,探讨教育实习中师范生、学校指导老师和大学带队老师之间的三角关系,并分析其对师范生学习教学的影响。研究发现,学校指导老师和大学带队老师都认为自己在实习中的作用有限,并且双方之间缺乏有效的沟通。我们建议应在教育实习中明确双方的指导角色和功能,积极建立相应机制鼓励双方合作督导。  相似文献   

教育实习是职教师范生熟悉、接纳、融入职教生态环境,获取教育反思及实践性智慧的核心环节。目标明确的教学内容及任务设计、教学评价环节方式及效果的多样化呈现、教学反思的实践性发展、专门机构的有效沟通与对接,是德国职教教师教育实习取得巨大成效,并在整体上提高职教教师职前培养质量的核心举措。结合我国职教教师职前培养的实际情况,要想提高职教教师核心的教学实践能力,还需从加强职教教师职前教育实习的质量着手,从教学目标、内容、任务、评价反思及监督管理等多个环节夯实实习效果。  相似文献   

教师职前专业发展以师范教育阶段的专业学习和实践为主。大学本位的师范教育具备较强的理论优势,而其专业实践以及在实践中对学生研究意识和能力的培养却相对薄弱。应充分利用顶岗支教实习的契机,加强对师范生专业素质的培养。师范生在实习中要践行专业理论,提高实践技能,反思教学实践,积累科研素材,实习同伴间要合作互助,在指导教师专业引领下,实现职前专业发展。  相似文献   

本世纪以来德国教师职前培养进行了全面改革,提高了职前教师培养质量,呈现出资格认证制度严格、职前培养专业化、实践方式多样化的特点。针对我国数学教师职前培养存在的课程设置不合理、实践环节薄弱、与职后培训脱节等问题,借鉴德国改革的成功经验,我们应从规范资格认证体系入手,完善数学教育课程标准,推进教育实习改革,建立大学内部评价体系,从而有效提高数学教师职前培养质量。  相似文献   

“教师实践表现性评价”(PPAT)是美国著名的“教育考试服务中心”(ETS)新近开发的一种面向入职教师的评价工具。它立足教学实践,设计了四项任务,侧重评价教师真实的教学技能,对职前教师在获得教学许可证之前的教学能力和影响学生学习的能力作出基于证据的判断。PPAT评价具有以下五个方面的特点:面向真实完整的教学实践;与权威专业标准相衔接;任务驱动并基于证据;提供持续的评价反馈;重视教师专业成长评价。PPAT评价是美国基于证据的教师表现性评价的一部分,也是美国职前教师教育领域当下最前沿的改革,体现了美国教师评价领域追求评价效率与评价效果之间平衡关系的不懈努力,对改进和完善我国的教师职前培养评价体系具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

大学教师专业发展的困境与策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大学教师在发展取向、知识构成、研究旨趣和工作方式上的应然角色导致大学教师教学学术专业化发展不足,大学教师专业发展面临职前培养学术性与师范性分立、在职实践科研冲淡教学、职中培训学历取代素养、专业发展个人胜于群体的四重困境.严格培养规格、改革评价标准、完善培训体系、构建专业共同体等是促进教师专业化发展的应对策略.  相似文献   

Pre-service teacher educators, both nationally and internationally, must negotiate a plethora of expectations including using Professional Standards to enhance teacher quality. In Australia, the recent Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group (TEMAG) report highlighted weak application of Standards in Initial Teacher Education (ITE). However, recent reports suggest that many education stakeholders feel positive about the implementation of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APSTs). This study responds to these differing viewpoints by exploring how teacher educators in a large metropolitan university in Australia account for the use of Standards in their work. Discourse analysis techniques in conjunction with socio-spatial theory make visible particular metaphors of practice as teacher educators negotiate the real-and-imagined spaces of regulated teacher education programmes. The findings highlight the importance of investigating the utility of Standards in the lived experiences of teacher educators, as they are responsible for preparing quality, classroom ready graduates.  相似文献   

Pre-service teachers move through multiple learning communities during teacher education programs, arguably emerging as authentic insiders in teaching culture. In this case study, a critical perspective is offered by Ann, a First Nations learner who described her experience of teacher education, and how she came to question different aspects of her university program and practicum assignment which challenged her understandings of self. The experiences of pre-service teachers like Ann are often hidden from view, and what they perceive as shortcomings in programming are often unseen within institutional contexts. Ann articulated numerous gaps that still reside within teacher culture despite structures that are in place to address such gaps. The situated knowledge of pre-service teachers can offer alternative perspectives to guide the future of teacher education by drawing attention to shifts underway among students that will change the nature of professional practice.  相似文献   

Comparing self-perceived quality of teaching to students’ perception can be used in higher education to improve the quality of teaching of pre-service teachers in teacher education. However, comparing these measurements from different perspectives is only meaningful if the same constructs are being measured. To shed light on this comparison’s meaningfulness, we scrutinised whether aspects of quality of teaching are measured in the same way across pre-service teachers and their students by means of measurement invariance analyses. To do so, 272 pre-service teachers in teacher education rated aspects of their quality of teaching, and were rated by their 4851 students. Measurement invariance across these perspectives was tested in multilevel structural equation models. Strong measurement invariance held for two aspects of quality of teaching; for the third, one item lacked weak measurement invariance. Pre-service teachers perceived their quality of teaching lower than their students. In conclusion, aspects of quality of teaching can be compared across perspectives, and teacher education should encourage pre-service teachers to use students’ feedback as a valuable resource for improving their quality of teaching.  相似文献   

Pre-service teacher education is a spatialised enterprise. It operates across a number of spaces that may or may not be linked ideologically and/or physically. These spaces can include daily practices, locations, infrastructure, relationships and representations of power and ideology. The interrelationships between and within these (sometimes competing) spaces for pre-service teachers will influence their identities as teachers and learners across time and space. Pre-service teachers are expected to make the connections between these often-contradictory spaces with little or no guidance on how to negotiate such complex relationships. These are difficult spaces, yet the slippages and gaps between these spaces offer generative possibilities. This paper explores these spaces of possibility for pre-service teacher education, and uses the spatial theories of Lefebvre and Foucault to argue that critical reflective practice can be used to create Soja’s ‘thirdspace’ for reconstructing future practice.  相似文献   

The absence of male teachers in primary schools has been an ongoing concern for policymakers and schools in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, and as schools have become more ethnically diverse so have concerns that the teacher workforce should reflect the communities it serves. Pre-service teacher training plays a critical role in this aim, by identifying, recruiting, retaining and training those who demonstrate potential to become teachers in English primary schools. As one of a few studies to explore the racialised and gendered experiences of black male teachers in England, I adopt the use of critical race theory (CRT) to examine how black male teachers are characterised and constructed in white education spaces. Drawing on a larger study, this paper utilises counternarrative, a key precept of CRT, to draw attention to processes of exclusion, othering and surveillance through the experience of David (the main character). Interview and documentary data illuminate institutional processes of overt and covert racism, as well as racialised and gendered stereotyping. David’s story reveals how his voice is muted as it is woven into processes of othering, hyper-surveillance and disciplinary power.  相似文献   

英语专业师范生不仅要具备良好英语语言能力,还必须具备成为优秀外语教师的众多素养。文章在回顾国内外英语教师能力结构研究的基础上归纳了符合我国师范教育实际的英语师范生非专业素质的构成。并基于此提出了相应的非专业素养培养策略和建议。  相似文献   


This article examines the development of pre-service teachers’ job-related perceptions of teaching in rural areas in the Free Teacher Education (FTE) programme in mainland China. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 22 teacher educators and 11 pre-service teachers, this study found that pre-service teachers’ perceptions were constructed through relative perspectives, professionality orientation, and realistic expectations during the process of FTE teacher education. Pre-service teachers employed utilitarian concerns to increase access to prestigious universities to the detriment of their academic interests. The professionality orientation of the FTE programme held a profile of isolated curriculum modules, urban-centred approach, and theory-practice divide, resulting in pre-service teachers’ fragmented body of knowledge and weak rural consciousness. Although participants saw significant improvement in living and working conditions of rural schools, their negative perceptions were magnified due to this weak rural consciousness. This study argues that the FTE programme needs to integrate separated courses and embed the components of rural settings in addition to current financial incentives.  相似文献   

Pre-service teacher programs have a responsibility to equip graduating students with more than the minimum skill sets required by governing bodies. The Assessment and Mentoring Program (AMP) is a four-way collaborative mentoring learning community underpinned by social constructivism. Conducted in Victoria, Australia during the 2014–2016 academic years, 25 final year physical education pre-service teacher mentors aged 19–23 years (M = 13; F = 12) participated in focus groups to discuss the perceived benefits of the program prior to commencing their mentoring role. The mentors considered AMP as a pathway to develop experience in assessment, engage in appropriate professional relationships through mentoring and further their professional learning experiences. Through the involvement in mentoring and developing and implementing assessment, mentors perceived they would have an opportunity to develop valuable work ready skills, immediately transferable to their future professional role as a teacher in a school.  相似文献   

教师的职前培养、职后培训必须与教育实践互动结合,才能培养出合格的师资,这需要制定完善的教师教育政策,形成完善的运行机制。本文提出改革师范教育教学模式,调整教师教育体系,重新构建适合学校发展要求的职前、职后教育和教育实践三位一体化运行机制的教师教育体系。  相似文献   

小学数学教师职前培养应重视的几个方面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学教师的职前培养是数学教师专业化发展的重要环节,小学数学教师职前培养应重视以下几个方面:更新职前教师的数学教育观念;改进小学教育专业数学类相关课程的教学方法;深入研究高观点下的小学数学内容知识。  相似文献   

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