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韩雯 《职教论坛》2018,(10):88-93
老年人继续社会化是老年人能动地适应社会环境和角色变化的过程,一定程度上反映和决定着老年人的生活质量和生存品质。本文基于徐汇区老年教育志愿者的调查研究,从社会适应、交往适应、角色适应、群体适应四个方面,分析参与志愿服务对提高老年人四个适应力的帮助,进一步验证参与老年志愿服务对老年人继续社会化的促进作用。政府和社会应高度重视老年人继续社会化的意义,扩大老年志愿服务支持,积极倡导老年人参与公益活动和志愿服务,让更多的老年人发展自我,提升价值。  相似文献   

为了对大学生志愿者进行科学管理,根据善治理论,要合理满足与引导大学生志愿者的动机,培育国人志愿精神,及时公开与志愿者相关的信息,建立科学的志愿者绩效评估机制,高度重视志愿者对志愿服务管理过程的全程参与,为志愿活动提供法律保障,有效利用网络平台,建立区域性志愿组织服务中心.  相似文献   

本文在分析调查问卷的基础之上,从企业志愿者组织中志愿者的基本信息、企业志愿者组织的志愿者参与志愿服务的现状、企业志愿者组织的志愿者对志愿服务的基本认知、企业志愿者组织的志愿者参与志愿服务活动的体会四个方面对企业志愿者对志愿服务的认知情况做了简要的整理和分析,希望对相关的志愿服务研究提供一定的借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展进步,我国人口状况逐步走向老龄化,城镇老年人群体日益壮大,并逐渐成为思想政治工作的重要领域。弘扬老年群体的志愿服务精神,鼓励老年人参与志愿服务活动成为加强和改进我国思想政治工作的重要途径。  相似文献   

随社会进入老龄化,老龄化问题成了社会的关注焦点。传统老龄化将老年人看作是消极的对象,对社会没有贡献。积极老龄化则认为老年人是积极的社会力量,可以发挥余热,可以积极参与志愿服务或者从事其他有利于社会和自身的活动。老年人参与旅游志愿者活动不仅有助于老人资源的效用最大化,而且有利于老年人实现自我价值,促进健康老年化,丰富中国旅游文化的内涵,塑造中国旅游的国家整体形象。  相似文献   

本文以积极老龄化为理念,以优化老年教育供给为目标,探索老年志愿服务与老年教育结合的实现路径。通过对区域老年志愿服务现状进行调研,提出老年教育应培养有"工匠信仰"的老年志愿者、树立"参与为上"的教育价值观、推进灵活多样的教学模式、倡导体验式教育教学策略、营造协同发展的志愿服务氛围。  相似文献   

活动目的:通过志愿者的感人事迹,感受志愿者活动的魅力,学习我志愿,我快乐,我学习,我成长的志愿精神,号召所有的学生都参与到力所能及的志愿服务中去,享受为他人服务的快乐。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查、抽样分析、统计整理等方法,对上海市部分老年志愿者进行调查和访问,分析和综合了上海老年人对志愿者活动的信息获取情况、活动参与状况、影响活动因素等,阐述了老年人参与志愿者活动的发展趋势。在此基础上,对老年人志愿者活动提出了改进建议:转变思想,将老年人作为积极的社会人力资源;加强宣传,扩大老年人志愿者活动的传播渠道;出台政策,使老年人志愿者活动有章可循;提升内涵,确保老年人志愿者活动的有序进行;立足社区,为老年人志愿者活动提供场地等。  相似文献   

运用知识供应链管理理论,分析高校志愿服务工作在志愿者的培训、志愿服务活动的开展和活动成效三个方面的特征表现,提出高校志愿服务工作的立项应遵循互补性、双赢性、开放性、协同创新性的原则.根据高校志愿服务工作的知识供应链管理模式形成以学习与竞争为驱动机制、以交流与共享为运行机制、以主流价值观为引导机制的高校志愿服务工作长效机制总体模型,知识供应链管理的知识获取、共享、运用与创新贯穿在高校志愿服务工作中的志愿者培训、志愿服务活动立项、志愿服务活动开展与志愿服务成效评估中,以此实现高校志愿服务工作的长效化和不断创新.  相似文献   

近年来,高校广大学生志愿服务者围绕文体活动、支教援助等广泛开展各种志愿服务活动,大学生志愿者在社会中的影响力逐渐扩大,受到社会的好评和认可,大学生志愿者队伍不断发展壮大。大学生们在志愿服务中的参与热情度和动机不同,需要高校不断调查、修改、调整、完善奖励机制,创新激励形式。但总体而言,高校志愿者服务还处在初级阶段,缺乏激励机制,如何吸引更多的人加入到志愿者队伍中来,是高校需要研究的课题。  相似文献   

义工的社会认同作为最重要的公共行政理念和价值观准则,具有维护社会稳定、促进社会文明、增进社会福利、实现社会公平、建构社会资本、倡导社会融合等重要功能。研究义工的社会认同,有助于深入挖掘公民精神,为志愿服务的日常化、制度化、持续化提供有益思考。影响义工社会认同的因素主要有:人们对义工的认知错误;义工本身的内在特质;志愿活动的行政指导;志愿服务舆论宣传不力等,并提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

近几年,有关教师或管理者评价素养发展的项目愈来愈多.当前教育者将评价测量分为课堂评价和能力测评,但在这两个评价领域中所欠缺的评价素养知识却在不同程度上影响了教育质量.而评价素养是作为一名合格的教育者所必不可缺的条件,也成为现在和将来教师职业发展所努力的关键领域.因此,评价素养项目的提出者和设计者详细地列出教师必懂的十一条素养论题,以此来阐明教师评价素养的新发展、新趋势.  相似文献   

高校志愿服务施行项目化管理,要以学院实际情况为基础,双向满足服务社会和志愿者个人成长的需要。为确保志愿服务活动健康长效发展,应推动志愿服务活动制度化、项目化、基地化,健全志愿服务激励机制。  相似文献   

This contribution will describe the empirical trends regarding civic society in Germany between 1999 and 2009, especially the development of the main issue: volunteering. The basis of the analysis constitutes three volunteer surveys with large representative samples of 14 year olds, which were commissioned by the German federal ministry for family, elderly, women and youth. The participation of the population in civic activities increased over this period, particularly the willingness to undertake public responsibility voluntarily. Between 1999 and 2004, the share of volunteers rose from 34% to 36%. These are people who execute specific activities or offices within the framework of their membership of clubs, organizations or public institutions. This share has, however, stagnated since 2004. The willingness to volunteer has, therefore, not led to an increase in actual volunteering since 2004, especially amongst young people, for whom the share even dropped slightly. In the difficult context of demographic change, social reform and an increased pressure on young people in schools and vocational training and on employees and the unemployed, the level of engagement could at least be maintained in Germany. This is largely due to older people and families, which have tended to take on more tasks in social and health areas and in services for children and young people. In view of the continuance of these societal problems, one can expect the level of voluntary engagement to stay broadly the same in the future.  相似文献   

在政府部门主导公共危机管理的同时,还要广泛动员社会公众参与到危机管理中,充分发挥社会公众在危机管理方面的积极作用。要提高公众对公共危机的知情权,应该通过多渠道加大公共危机知识宣传教育力度,增强公众危机意识,提高公众的自救能力。通过公众参与公共危机管理,建立起有效的社会监督机制。公民参与危机管理,不仅表现为个体的单独行动,而且需要通过各种社会组织来发挥公民参与的集体力量。社会需要形成一股强大的力量推动志愿者组织成为公众参与危机管理的主渠道。  相似文献   


This qualitative study explored how Korean older adults can be encouraged to become more involved in volunteer activities. The study utilized in-depth, face-to-face interviews with twelve practitioners in senior volunteering fields in South Korea. The themes were (a) helping seniors become involved in volunteer activities; (b) developing programs to satisfy both the demand for and the needs of senior volunteers; (c) leveraging volunteer groups with elderly group leaders; (d) providing financial support for the cost of volunteer activities; (e) preventing dropout through personal support and mediation; (f) empowering service recipients for recruitment through one-to-one contact; (g) establishing a dedicated volunteer manager for senior volunteers; and (h) cultivating a privately led organization dedicated to senior volunteering. The results are expected to promote volunteer involvement among older adults based on the experiences of practitioners and to provide practical educational implications for instructors teaching and equipping college/graduate students or field practitioners who are new to the older population.  相似文献   

公共图书馆志愿者是公共图书馆可借助的重要资源与宝贵财富,具有不可取代的积极作用。但宁波公共图书馆的志愿者服务事业还处于一个起步阶段,在管理过程中存在着诸多问题,为此,应建立公共图书馆志愿者管理机制,对志愿者管理人员进行专业培训,实施志愿者系统化、专业化管理。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of the volunteer with vulnerable populations, specifically, new parents and their infants and at-risk elderly. As demand for volunteer services increases due to budgetary and personnel reductions, a better understanding of volunteers as service providers is imperative. METHOD: A review of the literature related to volunteers who work with these two populations was conducted. Volunteer characteristics, roles, needs of populations served, recruitment, and training issues were addressed, specifically as they relate to the two populations. RESULTS: Studies indicate that the socio-demographic range of volunteers is wide, as are the motivations for volunteering. Similarities between the needs of new families and the elderly exist, and volunteers for both populations often provide supportive and pragmatic services. Volunteers for both populations are further challenged to maintain a client-focused intervention, a task which may be more difficult in the home. Training of volunteers was found to be both client and volunteer driven, with the needs of the population being served and the role of the volunteer within a specific service domain of prime importance. CONCLUSION: Similarities between infant and elder populations exist, as do volunteer interventions with these populations. A theoretical framework for defining motivation, designing need-based training, and addressing the role of volunteers is discussed. The use of volunteers as compassionate and cost-effective service providers for populations across the lifespan not only provides an increase in the number of skilled workers involved with these vulnerable populations, but also allows professional staff to expand the care which they are able to provide.  相似文献   

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