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Along with informed consent, anonymization is an accepted method of protecting the interests of research participants, while allowing data collected for official statistical purposes to be reused by other agencies within and outside government. The Decennial Census, carried out in a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, is a major event in the production of research data and provides an important resource for a variety of organizations. This article combines ethical evaluation, a review of relevant law and guidance, and analysis of 30 qualitative interviews (carried out during the period of the 2001 UK Census), in order to explore the adequacy of the current framework for the protection of informational privacy in relation to census data. Taking account of Nissenbaum's concept of “contextual integrity,” Vedder's concept of “categorical privacy,” and Sen's call to heed of the importance of “actual behavior,” it will be argued that the current “contractarian” view of the relationship between an individual participant and the organization carrying out the Census does not engage sufficiently with actual uses of data. As a result, people have expectations of privacy that are not matched by practice and that the current normative—including the governance—framework cannot capture.  相似文献   

本文基于博弈论思想,对国际贸易双方分别与本国政府的环境规制进行博弈分析,发现如果不能合理地把环境成本内化为商品成本的情况下,加之各个国家对环境污染管制的严格程度存在着空间的不均质性,将出现通过国际贸易渠道,转嫁环境污染的问题。从发展中国家角度分析,如果为了鼓励出口创收而放松对出口企业的环境污染监管,未能将环境污染成本内化,则出口环境污染密集型产品相当于出口国政府通过出口帮助进口国承担了环境污染治理费用。环境污染成本内部化的路径选择包括庇古税、环保补贴、排污权的初始分配、科斯式排污权交易、环境损害责任保险制度等。  相似文献   

Can a player be held morally responsible for the choices that she makes within a videogame? Do the moral choices that the player makes reflect in any way on the player’s actual moral sensibilities? Many videogames offer players the options to make numerous choices within the game, including moral choices. But the scope of these choices is quite limited. I attempt to analyze these issues by drawing on philosophical debates about the nature of free will. Many philosophers worry that, if our actions are predetermined, then we cannot be held morally responsible for them. However, Harry Frankfurt’s compatibilist account of free will suggests that an agent can be held morally responsible for actions that she wills, even if the agent is not free to act otherwise. Using Frankfurt’s analysis, I suggest that videogames represent deterministic worlds in which players lack the ability to freely choose what they do, and yet players can be held morally responsible for some of their actions, specifically those actions that the player wants to do. Finally, I offer some speculative comments on how these considerations might impact our understanding of the player’s moral psychology as it relates to the ethics of imagined fictional events.  相似文献   

K Simkiss 《Endeavour》1979,3(1):2-6
With the exception of sodium, potassium, and calcium relatively little is known of the cellular control of metal ions. Nevertheless, this is demonstrably very important, because a large number of metals—iron, copper, and manganese, for example—are essential constituents of enzyme systems. Provision must be made, therefore, for them to be stored in anticipation of demand but in a form that neutralises their toxic properties. Equally, mechanisms must exist to eliminate excessive amounts of metal ions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a critique will be developed and an alternative proposed to Luciano Floridi’s approach to Information Ethics (IE). IE is a macroethical theory that is to both serve as a foundation for computer ethics and to guide our overall moral attitude towards the world. The central claims of IE are that everything that exists can be described as an information object, and that all information objects, qua information objects, have intrinsic value and are therefore deserving of moral respect. In my critique of IE, I will argue that Floridi has presented no convincing arguments that everything that exists has some minimal amount of intrinsic value. I will argue, however, that his theory could be salvaged in large part if it were modified from a value-based into a respect-based theory, according to which many (but not all) inanimate things in the world deserve moral respect, not because of intrinsic value, but because of their (potential) extrinsic, instrumental or emotional value for persons.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the key political issues involved in current and past attempts to come to a common European space programme. The history of European space policy has been characterised by different perceived interests on the national level. In the 1960s financial and above all political problems shattered the ideal of a unified Europe, and European collaboration in space largely failed. Political disagreement — particularly between the three main European space nations, France, F.R. Germany and the United Kingdom — continued into the 1970s. Finally, a renewed attempt for European technological cooperation was made by the setting up of the European Space Agency. Since its creation, in 1974, Europe's space policy has again been facing political uncertainty. As a result of the divergence of national interests and of inappropriate industrial policies at the European level, Europe is now unable to cope with the reality of competitive space markets (satellites, launchers, ground equipment, tracking stations, etc.). If Europe is to become competitive in the commercial space market, industrial policies will have to be altered — with possible profound consequences for the structure and existence of the European Space Agency. If, alternatively, political disagreements about joint European programmes are not resolved, and if Europe as a consequence fails to make a (already late) start in the commercial space sector, the consequences may be far-reaching. The European countries may then either revert to separate national (or bilateral) programmes or become largely dependent on outside suppliers for space technology products. Europe may thus find itself without any share of the world space market.  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss whether in a society where the use of artificial agents is pervasive, these agents should be recognized as having rights like those we accord to group agents. This kind of recognition I understand to be at once social and legal, and I argue that in order for an artificial agent to be so recognized, it will need to meet the same basic conditions in light of which group agents are granted such recognition. I then explore the implications of granting recognition in this manner. The thesis I will be defending is that artificial agents that do meet the conditions of agency in light of which we ascribe rights to group agents should thereby be recognized as having similar rights. The reason for bringing group agents into the picture is that, like artificial agents, they are not self-evidently agents of the sort to which we would naturally ascribe rights, or at least that is what the historical record suggests if we look, for example, at what it took for corporations to gain legal status in the law as group agents entitled to rights and, consequently, as entities subject to responsibilities. This is an example of agency ascribed to a nonhuman agent, and just as a group agent can be described as nonhuman, so can an artificial agent. Therefore, if these two kinds of nonhuman agents can be shown to be sufficiently similar in relevant ways, the agency ascribed to one can also be ascribed to the other—this despite the fact that neither is human, a major impediment when it comes to recognizing an entity as an agent proper, and hence as a bearer of rights.  相似文献   

To refine the theories of operations strategy, we need research from all different situational contexts, including different countries—both developing and developed. There have been many studies, including some replications, done in various parts of the world to further the debate on whether competitive priorities are mutually supportive or if they present potential trade-offs, but hardly any from a rapidly growing economy, such as India. This study is a significant attempt in that direction. After a thorough review of the literature, a set of hypotheses is introduced to test whether Indian manufacturers view competitive priorities as mutually supportive or trade-offs. The data from over 150 high-ranking individuals from over 75 manufacturers in India is used to test the hypotheses by way of cluster analysis and ANOVA. The resultant taxonomy reveals patterns that uniquely represent Indian manufacturers' view of the competitive priorities, namely quality, flexibility, delivery and price. The study findings have significant managerial implications, both for India and other developing as well as developed economies. The taxonomy will serve to gauge India's manufacturers' role in the world. From a researcher's perspective, this study makes a significant contribution to theory development, furthers our understanding of the strategic role of operations, moves forward the ongoing debate on the topic of trade-offs or complementarity, and paves the way for future studies in this topical area.  相似文献   

Information plays a major role in any moral action. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) have revolutionized the life of information, from its production and management to its consumption, thus deeply affecting our moral lives. Amid the many issues they have raised, a very serious one, discussed in this paper, is labelled the tragedy of the Good Will. This is represented by the increasing pressure that ICT and their deluge of information are putting on any agent who would like to act morally, when informed about actual or potential evils, but who also lacks the resources to do much about them. In the paper, it is argued that the tragedy may be at least mitigated, if not solved, by seeking to re-establish some equilibrium, through ICT themselves, between what agents know about the world and what they can do to improve it.  相似文献   

 1)  The Compositae in Tibet so far known comprise 508 species and 88 genera, which nearly amounts to one fourth of the total number of genera and one third of the total number of species of Compositae in all China, if the number of 2290 species and 220 genera have respectively been counted in all China. In Tibet there are all tribes of Com- positae known in China, and surprisingly, the large tribes in Tibetan Compositae are also large ones in all China and the small tribes in Tibet are also small ones in all China. Generally speaking, the large genera in Tibet are also large ones in all China and the small genera in Tibet are likewise small ones in all China. In this sense it is reasonable to say that the Compositae flora of Tibet is an epitome of the Compositae flora of all China.      In the Compositae flora of Tibet, there are only 5 large genera each containing 30 species or more. They are Aster, Artemisia, Senecio, Saussurea and Cremanthodium. And 5 genera each containing 10—29 species. They are Erigeron, Anaphalis, Leontopodium, Ajania, Ligularia and Taraxacum. In addition, there are 77 small genera, namely 87% of the total of Compositae genera in Tibet, each comprising 1—9 species, such as Aja-niopsis, Cavea and Vernonia, etc.      2)  The constituents of Compositae flora in Tibet is very closely related to those of Sichuan-Yunnan provinces with 59 genera and 250 species in common. Such a situation is evidently brought about by the geographycal proximity in which the Hengtuang Shan Range links southeastern and eastern Tibet with northern and northwestern Sichuan- Ynnnan.  With India the Tibetan Compositae have 59 genera and 132 species in common, also showing close floristic relationships between the two regions. Apparently the floris- tic exchange of Compositae between Tibet and India is realized by way of the mountain range of the Himalayas.  The mountain range of the Himalayas, including the parallel ranges, plays a important role as a bridge hereby some members of the Compositae of western or northern Central Asia and of the northern Africa or of western Asia have migrated eastwards or southeastwards as far as the southern part of Fibet and northern part of India, or hereby some Compositae plants of eastern and southeastern Asia or Asia Media have migrated northwestwards as the northern part of Central Asia.      Some of the species and genera in common to both Tibet and Sinjiang indicate that this weak floristical relationship between these regions is principally realized through two migration routes: one migration route is by way of the Himalayas including the parallel ranges to Pamir Plataeu and Tien Shan, or vice versa. The other migration route is by way of northern Sinjiang to Mongolia, eastern Inner Mongolia, southwards to Gansu, Qinghai (or western Sichuan), eastern Tibet up to the Himalayas, or vice versa.      However, Tibet is not entirely situated at a migration crossroad of the floral ele- ments. An ample amount of the data shows that Compositae flora have a particular capability of development in Tibet. of the total number of species of Tibetan Com- positae, 102 species and 1 genus (Ajaniopsis Shih) are endemic. Besides, 8 genera are re- gional endemics with their range extending to its neighbourhood. The higher percentage of endemics at specific level than at generic in Tibetan Compositae may be a result of active speciation in response to the new enviromental conditions created by the uplifting of the Himalayas.  The flora in Tibetan Plateau as a whole appears to be of a younger age.       3) The uprising of the Himalayas and of the Tibetan Plateau accompanied by the ultraviolet ray radiation, the microthermal climate and the high wind pressure has, no doubt, played a profound influence upon the speciation of the native elements of Tibetan Compositae. The recent speciation is the main trend in the development of the Com-positae flora native in Tibet in the wake of upheaval of the plateau.  相似文献   

If, as a number of writers have predicted, the computers of the future will possess intelligence and capacities that exceed our own then it seems as though they will be worthy of a moral respect at least equal to, and perhaps greater than, human beings. In this paper I propose a test to determine when we have reached that point. Inspired by Alan Turing’s (1950) original “Turing test”, which argued that we would be justified in conceding that machines could think if they could fill the role of a person in a conversation, I propose a test for when computers have achieved moral standing by asking when a computer might take the place of a human being in a moral dilemma, such as a “triage” situation in which a choice must be made as to which of two human lives to save. We will know that machines have achieved moral standing comparable to a human when the replacement of one of these people with an artificial intelligence leaves the character of the dilemma intact. That is, when we might sometimes judge that it is reasonable to preserve the continuing existence of a machine over the life of a human being. This is the “Turing Triage Test”. I argue that if personhood is understood as a matter of possessing a set of important cognitive capacities then it seems likely that future AIs will be able to pass this test. However this conclusion serves as a reductio of this account of the nature of persons. I set out an alternative account of the nature of persons, which places the concept of a person at the centre of an interdependent network of moral and affective responses, such as remorse, grief and sympathy. I argue that according to this second, superior, account of the nature of persons, machines will be unable to pass the Turing Triage Test until they possess bodies and faces with expressive capacities akin to those of the human form.  相似文献   

宗兰英 《中国科技信息》2009,(15):312-313,315
外贸英语对话,也称外贸英语口语,是我校商务英语专业开设的一门技能必修课程.按照传统的教师讲授为主的教学方法来教这门课,即把口语课上成精读课,学生虽然能够掌握大量的英语语言知识和外贸业务术语,然而在走上工作岗位之后往往不能胜任真正的外贸业务谈判.因此,结合这门课的性质和我校学生的实际特点,笔者建议在实际教学中不妨采取以下教学方法——用关键句型造句、即席性翻译、模仿与背诵以及小组情景对话.  相似文献   

One of the major problems in information retrieval is the formulation of queries on the part of the user. This entails specifying a set of words or terms that express their informational need. However, it is well-known that two people can assign different terms to refer to the same concepts. The techniques that attempt to reduce this problem as much as possible generally start from a first search, and then study how the initial query can be modified to obtain better results. In general, the construction of the new query involves expanding the terms of the initial query and recalculating the importance of each term in the expanded query. Depending on the technique used to formulate the new query several strategies are distinguished. These strategies are based on the idea that if two terms are similar (with respect to any criterion), the documents in which both terms appear frequently will also be related. The technique we used in this study is known as query expansion using similarity thesauri.  相似文献   

Currently, the central questions in the philosophical debate surrounding the ethics of automated warfare are (1) Is the development and use of autonomous lethal robotic systems for military purposes consistent with (existing) international laws of war and received just war theory?; and (2) does the creation and use of such machines improve the moral caliber of modern warfare? However, both of these approaches have significant problems, and thus we need to start exploring alternative approaches. In this paper, I ask whether autonomous robots ought to be programmed to be pacifists. The answer arrived at is “Yes”, if we decide to create autonomous robots, they ought to be pacifists. This is to say that robots ought not to be programmed to willingly and intentionally kill human beings, or, by extension, participate in or promote warfare, as something that predictably involves the killing of humans. Insofar as we are the ones that will be determining the content of the robot’s value system, then we ought to program robots to be pacifists, rather than ‘warists’. This is (in part) because we ought to be pacifists, and creating and programming machines to be “autonomous lethal robotic systems” directly violates this normative demand on us. There are no mitigating reasons to program lethal autonomous machines to contribute to or participate in warfare. Even if the use of autonomous lethal robotic systems could be consistent with received just war theory and the international laws of war, and even if their involvement could make warfare less inhumane in certain ways, these reasons do not compensate for the ubiquitous harms characteristic of modern warfare. In this paper, I provide four main reasons why autonomous robots ought to be pacifists, most of which do not depend on the truth of pacifism. The strong claim being argued for here is that automated warfare ought not to be pursued. The weaker claim being argued for here is that automated warfare ought not to be pursued, unless it is the most pacifist option available at the time, and other alternatives have been reasonably explored, and we are simultaneously promoting a (long term) pacifist agenda in (many) other ways. Thus, the more ambitious goal of this paper is to convince readers that automated warfare is something that we ought not to promote or pursue, while the more modest—and I suspect, more palatable—goal is to spark sustained critical discussion about the assumptions underlying the drive towards automated warfare, and to generate legitimate consideration of its pacifist alternatives,in theory, policy, and practice.  相似文献   


Self-driving cars promise solutions to some of the hazards of human driving but there are important questions about the safety of these new technologies. This paper takes a qualitative social science approach to the question ‘how safe is safe enough?’ Drawing on 50 interviews with people developing and researching self-driving cars, I describe two dominant narratives of safety. The first, safety-in-numbers, sees safety as a self-evident property of the technology and offers metrics in an attempt to reassure the public. The second approach, safety-by-design, starts with the challenge of safety assurance and sees the technology as intrinsically problematic. The first approach is concerned only with performance—what a self-driving system does. The second is also concerned with why systems do what they do and how they should be tested. Using insights from workshops with members of the public, I introduce a further concern that will define trustworthy self-driving cars: the intended and perceived purposes of a system. Engineers’ safety assurances will have their credibility tested in public. ‘How safe is safe enough?’ prompts further questions: ‘safe enough for what?’ and ‘safe enough for whom?’


To better understand if and how the mechanics of the process Tinder imposes on its users (i.e., swiping, matching, and starting conversations) influences the resulting sexual or romantic interactions, we collected data from 1038 Belgian Tinder users. Our findings show that a user's swiping quantity does not guarantee a higher number of Tinder matches, women have generally more matches than men and men usually have to start a conversation on Tinder. Moreover, while conversations were positively associated with reported offline Tinder encounters, less than half of our sample reported having had an offline meeting with another Tinder user. Whereas more than one third of these offline encounters led to casual sex, more than a quarter resulted in the formation of a committed relationship. Such findings indicate that Tinder is not “just a hookup app”, as often assumed in public discourse. We argue it is plausible that sexual encounters will eventually lead to committed relationships in a society where initiation of relationship formation with dating has been replaced by hooking up.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》1986,15(4):199-210
While there is much opinion about the work of individual inventors — most of it either highly dismissive or hopelessly romantic — very little is actually known about their work or about what sort of individuals invent. This paper is based on the second of two research studies carried out in Australia. The first sought, by means of an extensive survey, to discover something about the characteristics and motivation of individuals who invent, or, more accurately, who apply for patents. The second built upon this work in an effort to determine whether the work of individuals was especially different from that of formal research units. Individual inventors do generally work in different areas from research units, but their work seems to be valued most by those units when it is most similar to the units' own research. However, when comparison can be made, the individual's work is regarded as less professional than formal research. Although research units seem to have little contact with individual inventors, do not usually hold their work in high esteem, and would normally be quite capable of devising their inventions within the unit, they do show an interest in the patents of individuals and sometimes license from them. Individual inventors are remote from the innovative process in which the research unit is expected to play a part. It remains uncertain whether the distinctive nature of their work makes it worthwhile drawing individual inventors closer to that innovative process.  相似文献   

There are many physical differences between men and women, some obvious and others — such as the presence or otherwise of a Y chromosome — less so. There is now growing evidence that there are sex characteristics also in the central nervous systems of animals, and of humans. This does not imply, however, that there is any relationship between brain structure and desirable or undesirable social behaviour.  相似文献   

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