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Intelligent Indexing and Semantic Retrieval of Multimodal Documents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Finding useful information from large multimodal document collections such as the WWW without encountering numerous false positives poses a challenge to multimedia information retrieval systems (MMIR). This research addresses the problem of finding pictures. The fact that images do not appear in isolation, but rather with accompanying, collateral text is exploited. Taken independently, existing techniques for picture retrieval using (i) text-based and (ii) image-based methods have several limitations. This research presents a general model for multimodal information retrieval that addresses the following issues: (i) users' information need, (ii) expressing information need through composite, multimodal queries, and (iii) determining the most appropriate weighted combination of indexing techniques in order to best satisfy information need. A machine learning approach is proposed for the latter. The focus is on improving precision and recall in a MMIR system by optimally combining text and image similarity. Experiments are presented which demonstrate the utility of individual indexing systems in improving overall average precision.  相似文献   

The images found within biomedical articles are sources of essential information useful for a variety of tasks. Due to the rapid growth of biomedical knowledge, image retrieval systems are increasingly becoming necessary tools for quickly accessing the most relevant images from the literature for a given information need. Unfortunately, article text can be a poor substitute for image content, limiting the effectiveness of existing text-based retrieval methods. Additionally, the use of visual similarity by content-based retrieval methods as the sole indicator of image relevance is problematic since the importance of an image can depend on its context rather than its appearance. For biomedical image retrieval, multimodal approaches are often desirable. We describe in this work a practical multimodal solution for indexing and retrieving the images contained in biomedical articles. Recognizing the importance of text in determining image relevance, our method combines a predominately text-based image representation with a limited amount of visual information, in the form of quantized content-based visual features, through a process called global feature mapping. The resulting multimodal image surrogates are easily indexed and searched using existing text-based retrieval systems. Our experimental results demonstrate that our multimodal strategy significantly improves upon the retrieval accuracy of existing approaches. In addition, unlike many retrieval methods that utilize content-based visual features, the response time of our approach is negligible, making it suitable for use with large collections.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce an out-of-the-box automatic term weighting method for information retrieval. The method is based on measuring the degree of divergence from independence of terms from documents in terms of their frequency of occurrence. Divergence from independence has a well-establish underling statistical theory. It provides a plain, mathematically tractable, and nonparametric way of term weighting, and even more it requires no term frequency normalization. Besides its sound theoretical background, the results of the experiments performed on TREC test collections show that its performance is comparable to that of the state-of-the-art term weighting methods in general. It is a simple but powerful baseline alternative to the state-of-the-art methods with its theoretical and practical aspects.  相似文献   

Evolving local and global weighting schemes in information retrieval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a method, using Genetic Programming, to automatically determine term weighting schemes for the vector space model. Based on a set of queries and their human determined relevant documents, weighting schemes are evolved which achieve a high average precision. In Information Retrieval (IR) systems, useful information for term weighting schemes is available from the query, individual documents and the collection as a whole. We evolve term weighting schemes in both local (within-document) and global (collection-wide) domains which interact with each other correctly to achieve a high average precision. These weighting schemes are tested on well-known test collections and are compared to the traditional tf-idf weighting scheme and to the BM25 weighting scheme using standard IR performance metrics. Furthermore, we show that the global weighting schemes evolved on small collections also increase average precision on larger TREC data. These global weighting schemes are shown to adhere to Luhn’s resolving power as both high and low frequency terms are assigned low weights. However, the local weightings evolved on small collections do not perform as well on large collections. We conclude that in order to evolve improved local (within-document) weighting schemes it is necessary to evolve these on large collections.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates different retrieval strategies that are useful for search operations on document collections written in various European languages, namely French, Italian, Spanish and German. We also suggest and evaluate different query translation schemes based on freely available translation resources. In order to cross language barriers, we propose a combined query translation approach that has resulted in interesting retrieval effectiveness. Finally, we suggest a collection merging strategy based on logistic regression that tends to perform better than other merging approaches.  相似文献   

Learning to Rank   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New general purpose ranking functions are discovered using genetic programming. The TREC WSJ collection was chosen as a training set. A baseline comparison function was chosen as the best of inner product, probability, cosine, and Okapi BM25. An elitist genetic algorithm with a population size 100 was run 13 times for 100 generations and the best performing algorithms chosen from these. The best learned functions, when evaluated against the best baseline function (BM25), demonstrate some significant performance differences, with improvements in mean average precision as high as 32% observed on one TREC collection not used in training. In no test is BM25 shown to significantly outperform the best learned function.  相似文献   

A review of text and image retrieval approaches for broadcast news video   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effectiveness of a video retrieval system largely depends on the choice of underlying text and image retrieval components. The unique properties of video collections (e.g., multiple sources, noisy features and temporal relations) suggest we examine the performance of these retrieval methods in such a multimodal environment, and identify the relative importance of the underlying retrieval components. In this paper, we review a variety of text/image retrieval approaches as well as their individual components in the context of broadcast news video. Numerous components of text/image retrieval have been discussed in detail, including retrieval models, text sources, temporal expansion methods, query expansion methods, image features, and similarity measures. For each component, we conduct a series of retrieval experiments on TRECVID video collections to identify their advantages and disadvantages. To provide a more complete coverage of video retrieval, we briefly discuss an emerging approach called concept-based video retrieval, and review strategies for combining multiple retrieval outputs.  相似文献   

对信息检索系统返回结果相关度的改进,一直是信息检索领域重要的研究内容。本文首先引入查询词出现信息的概念,随后给出了查询词出现权重的形式化表示,进而将其与BM25模型结合起来。对于查询词出现权重的计算,本文采用了两种方法,即线性加权方法和因数加权方法。我们通过在GOV2数据集上的实验发现,无论哪种方法,通过加入查询词出现权重,都可以有效的改进检索结果的相关度。实验显示,对于TREC 2005的查询,MAP值的改进达到15.78%,p@10的改进达到3468%。本文所描述的方法已经应用到TREC 2009的WebTrack中。  相似文献   

基于文档权重归并法的企业专家检索*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对企业专家的专长识别与检索问题,采用文档权重归并法,利用TREC W3C数据集实现企业内的专家检索,并与专家档案法进行了比较。研究结果表明同样采用BM25模型,采用文档权重归并法具有稳定的优势。  相似文献   

We first present in this paper an analytical view of heuristic retrieval constraints which yields simple tests to determine whether a retrieval function satisfies the constraints or not. We then review empirical findings on word frequency distributions and the central role played by burstiness in this context. This leads us to propose a formal definition of burstiness which can be used to characterize probability distributions with respect to this phenomenon. We then introduce the family of information-based IR models which naturally captures heuristic retrieval constraints when the underlying probability distribution is bursty and propose a new IR model within this family, based on the log-logistic distribution. The experiments we conduct on several collections illustrate the good behavior of the log-logistic IR model: It significantly outperforms the Jelinek-Mercer and Dirichlet prior language models on most collections we have used, with both short and long queries and for both the MAP and the precision at 10 documents. It also compares favorably to BM25 and has similar performance to classical DFR models such as InL2 and PL2.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel neighborhood based document smoothing model for information retrieval has been proposed. Lexical association between terms is used to provide a context sensitive indexing weight to the document terms, i.e. the term weights are redistributed based on the lexical association with the context words. A generalized retrieval framework has been presented and it has been shown that the vector space model (VSM), divergence from randomness (DFR), Okapi Best Matching 25 (BM25) and the language model (LM) based retrieval frameworks are special cases of this generalized framework. Being proposed in the generalized retrieval framework, the neighborhood based document smoothing model is applicable to all the indexing models that use the term-document frequency scheme. The proposed smoothing model is as efficient as the baseline retrieval frameworks at runtime. Experiments over the TREC datasets show that the neighborhood based document smoothing model consistently improves the retrieval performance of VSM, DFR, BM25 and LM and the improvements are statistically significant.  相似文献   

This paper presents four novel techniques for open-vocabulary spoken document retrieval: a method to detect slots that possibly contain a query feature; a method to estimate occurrence probabilities; a technique that we call collection-wide probability re-estimation and a weighting scheme which takes advantage of the fact that long query features are detected more reliably. These four techniques have been evaluated using the TREC-6 spoken document retrieval test collection to determine the improvements in retrieval effectiveness with respect to a baseline retrieval method. Results show that the retrieval effectiveness can be improved considerably despite the large number of speech recognition errors.  相似文献   

We present a system for multilingual information retrieval that allows users to formulate queries in their preferred language and retrieve relevant information from a collection containing documents in multiple languages. The system is based on a process of document level alignments, where documents of different languages are paired according to their similarity. The resulting mapping allows us to produce a multilingual comparable corpus. Such a corpus has multiple interesting applications. It allows us to build a data structure for query translation in cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). Moreover, we also perform pseudo relevance feedback on the alignments to improve our retrieval results. And finally, multiple retrieval runs can be merged into one unified result list. The resulting system is inexpensive, adaptable to domain-specific collections and new languages and has performed very well at the TREC-7 conference CLIR system comparison.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of feature weighting on document clustering, including a novel investigation of Okapi BM25 feature weighting. Using eight document datasets and 17 well-established clustering algorithms we show that the benefit of tf-idf weighting over tf weighting is heavily dependent on both the dataset being clustered and the algorithm used. In addition, binary weighting is shown to be consistently inferior to both tf-idf weighting and tf weighting. We investigate clustering using both BM25 term saturation in isolation and BM25 term saturation with idf, confirming that both are superior to their non-BM25 counterparts under several common clustering quality measures. Finally, we investigate estimation of the k1 BM25 parameter when clustering. Our results indicate that typical values of k1 from other IR tasks are not appropriate for clustering; k1 needs to be higher.  相似文献   

Pictures play an ever-increasing role in the public’s understanding of mediated events. However, many studies show that visuals remain an understudied field, especially when it comes to multimodal approaches. This remains an important issue in today’s media environment, where visuals and their interaction with textual contents are becoming increasingly important carriers of meaning. The following paper presents results from a multimodal quantitative content analysis of the online coverage of the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, wherein an innovative comparative approach to visual and textual frames was applied. We examine the existing frames, identify patterns of visual and textual frame co-occurrence and describe changes of the applied multimodal framing. Overall, a sample of 150 texts and 219 pictures was coded. The study shows that the applied visual and textual frames initially correspond with each other thematically. During the course of the conflict, however, the provided textual and visual framing divert increasingly. While the textual mode more or less upholds its original framing of the events, the visual level intensifies the framing strategy it has adopted since the escalation of the conflict began. As a result, textual coverage focuses more on negotiations and solutions, whereas images become increasingly graphic.  相似文献   

The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) developed a Web-based platform for audiovisual media. The audiovisual portal optimizes access to scientific videos such as computer animations and lecture and conference recordings. TIB's AV-Portal combines traditional cataloging and automatic indexing of audiovisual media. The article describes metadata standards for audiovisual media and introduces the TIB's metadata schema in comparison to other metadata standards for non-textual materials. Additionally, we give an overview of multimedia retrieval technologies used for the Portal and present the AV-Portal in detail as well as the additional value for libraries and their users.  相似文献   

Different term weighting techniques such as $TF\cdot IDF$ or BM25 have been used intensely for manifold text-based information retrieval tasks. Their use for modeling term profiles for named entities and subsequent calculation of similarities between these named entities have been studied to a much smaller extent. The recent trend of microblogging made available massive amounts of information about almost every topic around the world. Therefore, microblogs represent a valuable source for text-based named entity modeling. In this paper, we present a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of different term weighting measures, normalization techniques, query schemes, index term sets, and similarity functions for the task of inferring similarities between named entities, based on data extracted from microblog posts. We analyze several thousand combinations of choices for the above mentioned dimensions, which influence the similarity calculation process, and we investigate in which way they impact the quality of the similarity estimates. Evaluation is performed using three real-world data sets: two collections of microblogs related to music artists and one related to movies. For the music collections, we present results of genre classification experiments using as benchmark genre information from allmusic.com . For the movie collection, we present results of multi-class classification experiments using as benchmark categories from IMDb . We show that microblogs can indeed be exploited to model named entity similarity with remarkable accuracy, provided the correct settings for the analyzed aspects are used. We further compare the results to those obtained when using Web pages as data source.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(39):131-139
This paper explores the trend toward centralization of library services resulting from the impact of technology and economic conditions on today's research institutions. It contends that earlier predictions indicating library services would became more decentralized due to automation have not held true. Instead, as remote access to libraries and electronic databases becomes more popular, it appears to be the users who are increasingly decentralized rather than the collections and services. The growing trend toward centralization is reflected in the growing consolidation of science and technology departmental libraries into either one central sci/tech library or the integration of departmental collections into the main library collection. Economic factors, organizational patterns, and library users have also contributed to the increased use of the centralization model. The merging of services and library functions are also discussed. A possible scenario for future library organization is provided.  相似文献   

Query languages for XML such as XPath or XQuery support Boolean retrieval: a query result is a (possibly restructured) subset of XML elements or entire documents that satisfy the search conditions of the query. This search paradigm works for highly schematic XML data collections such as electronic catalogs. However, for searching information in open environments such as the Web or intranets of large corporations, ranked retrieval is more appropriate: a query result is a ranked list of XML elements in descending order of (estimated) relevance. Web search engines, which are based on the ranked retrieval paradigm, do, however, not consider the additional information and rich annotations provided by the structure of XML documents and their element names.This article presents the XXL search engine that supports relevance ranking on XML data. XXL is particularly geared for path queries with wildcards that can span multiple XML collections and contain both exact-match as well as semantic-similarity search conditions. In addition, ontological information and suitable index structures are used to improve the search efficiency and effectiveness. XXL is fully implemented as a suite of Java classes and servlets. Experiments in the context of the INEX benchmark demonstrate the efficiency of the XXL search engine and underline its effectiveness for ranked retrieval.  相似文献   

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