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甘孜州由于其特殊的地理环境和教育水平相对落后,有条件的家庭大豆选择通过自发异地择校的方式,把孩子送到条件相对较好的内地学校学习。这一行为一方面会大大减少本地学校的生源,造成教育资源等的浪费,另一方面也加重了家长和学生的投资风险。  相似文献   

区域文化的差异导致现阶段发生在少数民族地区的自发异地择校,客观上造成了从社会文化和学校课程这两个方面对文化进行选择。这种选择一方面促进了少数民族地区的社会稳定,另一方面也使学生易出现"文化休克"现象,影响学生发展。教育管理部门应重视对学生的文化适应能力的培养,加强同主要生源流入地的教育管理部门的合作,从而避免自发异地择校的不利影响。  相似文献   

甘孜州财经学校即将并入康定师专,档案整合是学校整合工作的一个部分。甘孜州财经学校的档案业务受甘孜州档案局的指导,按地方档案分类立卷,与高等学校档案管理规范不尽相同。在学校整合过程中,其档案并入康定师专档案室,并保留其全宗。  相似文献   

正11月23日是四川康定"11·22"地震后的第一天。据了解,地震造成甘孜州46所学校318间教室不同程度受损。其中,当地的两所寄宿制学校——木雅祖庆学校和甘孜州特殊教育学校,学生已经住进帐篷并得到妥善安置;另有两所学校目前正在鉴定校舍受损情况,还未恢复教学;其余42所有条件的学校都已恢复正常教学秩序。地震发生后,甘孜州  相似文献   

孙敏 《中国教师》2005,(12):50-51
一、美国择校制度简介在美国,中小学择校制度是指任何用于打破中小学生居住地与就读学校所在地之间的关联、旨在降低传统公立学校地理位置限制性的政策措施。具体来说,1980年至今美国的择校方式主要有:1.开放入学从家长所选择的学校区域范围来看,学生可以在学区内或州内跨学区择校。明尼苏达州于1980年初率先通过立法,规定只要对方学区和学校有容纳的空间而且有相关的反歧视法律,就应允许家长跨学区择校。目前,越来越多的州制定了开放入学的政策和法规。2.建立特色学校为了给择校的学生提供可供选择的多样化学校,近年来各种具有特色的学校应…  相似文献   

为切实推进富民安康工程教育项目的深入实施,加快甘孜州民族教育发展,近日,甘孜州积极向四川省委、省政府争取富民安康工程项目,编写完成了《甘孜州富民安康工程教育事业2007—2009发展规划》,并以四川省教育厅的名义报省委、省政府。规划将对甘孜州义务教育寄宿制学校建设、职业教育、高中教育等方面重点投入,计划2007—2009年共投入资金10.04864亿元,对甘孜州民族教育的发展将起到重要作用。  相似文献   

基于校本培训的甘孜州初中英语教师专业素质提高策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘孜州初中英语教师专业素质的提高是提高甘孜州民族教育的关键,校本培训是教师专业素质提高的有效形式。本文从校本培训的角度分别探讨了学校和教师两大方面在教师专业素质上的提高策略。  相似文献   

甘孜藏区义务教育远远落后于内地,尤其是学校体育教育严重滞后,体育师资质量问题和流失问题严重,影响体育师资队伍建设,不能保障学校体育健康发展,并影响甘孜州的基础教育发展。如何理性地面对甘孜藏区中小学体育师资现状,转变观念,提高教师地位;如何合理地找到解决问题的对策是甘孜藏区学校体育工作亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

甘孜州委宣传部和甘孜州文化局于4月8日在康定召开了新闻出版及内部报刊表彰会。甘孜州23家新闻出版及内部报刊单位参加了会议,会上对甘孜州近9年来,坚持办刊方针,遵守宣传纪律,服从、服务于经济建设,为宣传甘孜州、建设甘孜州作出一定成  相似文献   

重点建设和县域经济是甘孜州“三大经济工作格局”的重要组成部分。搞好甘孜州的重点建设,大力发展县域经济,既是甘孜州目前经济社会发展现状所决定的,也是增强甘孜州经济发展后劲、实现经济可持续发展的根本保证和富民裕县强州的必由之路。重点建设和县域经济都是甘孜州经济发展的重点,要在总结经验的基础上,明确发展方向,乘胜前进。  相似文献   

Parental choice of secondary schools is central to the Labour Government's education agenda. This article draws on work from an Economic and Social Research Council funded study considering teachers' and students' perspectives and experiences of choice in two locales. Two distinct ways in which choice operates are identified: overt choice, which is parental choice as Labour's education policy envisages it, and veiled choice, which refers to the previous more clandestine operation of parental choice. The article qualitatively explores students' experiences of choice in East Town with active parental choice, and in North Town where there is a strong tradition of attending the local school. For some students who do not get into their chosen school, choice appears to be having negative effects on their experiences of school, whilst choice has positive effects when students attend a school they actively chose and one which is viewed positively by the community.  相似文献   

Educational performance tables have become a feature of the educational landscape in a number of countries in the 1990s. These tables have been published on the assumption that they will help to inform parental and pupil choice, school improvement and will make schools more accountable. This article explores the uses and (negative) side-effects of the publication of performance tables in two European countries. It shows the strengths and weaknesses of the current practices in England and France, reviews the current practices critically and gives some recommendations for improvement.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the reforms made to the quasi-market in school-based education in England that occurred between May 1997 and May 2001. It discusses the changes that have taken place in relation to parental choice, admissions to schools, school diversity, fund-ing and examination 'league tables'. The Labour Government can be seen as having embraced the quasi-market with a similar enthusiasm to that of its Conservative predecessors although it has tended to emphasise social inclusion as opposed to competition. While it has attempted to soften the edges of the quasi-market it has not tackled some of its major deficiencies such as the power that schools that are their own admission authorities have to distort the admissions process.  相似文献   

Parents in the United States have had the legal right to choose the school their child attends for a long time. Traditionally, parental school choice took the form of families moving to a neighborhood with good public schools or self-financing private schooling. Contemporary education policies allow parents in many areas to choose from among public schools in neighboring districts, public magnet schools, public charter schools, private schools through the use of a voucher or tax-credit scholarship, virtual schools, or even homeschooling. The newest form of school choice is education savings accounts (ESAs), which make a portion of the funds that a state spends on children in public schools available to their parents in spending accounts that they can use to customize their children's education. Opponents claim that expanding private school choice yields no additional benefits to participants and generates significant harms to the students “left behind” in traditional public schools. A review of the empirical research on private school choice finds evidence that private school choice delivers some benefits to participating students—particularly in the area of educational attainment—and tends to help, albeit to a limited degree, the achievement of students who remain in public schools.  相似文献   

This article reports on aspects of the PASCI (Parental and School Choice Interaction) Study which is investigating the interaction between school decision‐making and parental choice of school. The article focuses on findings concerning how schools in a pilot case study area (part of the PASCI Study's exploratory fieldwork) are responding to parental choice and competition between schools.  相似文献   

Differences in reputation between schools and in classes within schools shape parental choice in the Finnish urban context, even if the differences in school performance and the risks of making a ‘bad’ choice are relatively small. This study analyses the instrumental and expressive orders of schools in a specific educational context. Two overlapping local school choice spaces emerge: the local space of school catchment areas, and the selective space of the city in interaction with neighbouring cities. Entry into the selective space requires different forms of parental capital, and may reproduce educational and social distinctions. Institutions that provide less future exchange value according to the parental conceptions, with socially and ethnically mixed student populations and low expectations of pupils’ contentment are seen to be worth avoiding. The discussion on the choice between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ schools seems to be superficial and to conceal certain educational reproduction processes, which do not officially exist in the Finnish education system. Choosing between classes (general and classes with special emphasis) within a school also works as a distinction strategy.  相似文献   

This study examined the considerations involved when parents of sixth‐ and eighth‐graders in Israeli religious state elementary schools choose a religious secondary school for their children. While academic achievement was an important factor in parental choice, as religious Jews the parents were also greatly concerned with die secondary school's religious level. By means of discriminantal analysis, our study attempted to distinguish between two groups of parents: those who stressed the institution's religious level as opposed to those who stressed its academic level. We found that more religious parents, parents who had studied in boarding schools, and parents of Western origin belonged to the first category. Parents of younger children, less religious parents, and some parents of Oriental origin belonged to the latter group. The article also treats variations in parental attitudes according to parental gender, religious and communal identification, and child's grade and gender.  相似文献   

Catholic schools have become a popular choice for many low income families Latino/a families. Families enrollment in these schools are often faced with the mandate to participate. However, regardless of the mandate, some schools often experience low parental participation. The purpose of this study is to document the experiences of low income, Latino/a families around parental involvement in hopes of understanding the reasoning for participating (or not) in their child’s school. The researchers conclude that families do not participate for a number of reasons including lack of opportunities, and an unwelcoming environment. The implications for Latina/o urban education are discussed.  相似文献   

Traditionally, most systems have required that parents send their children to a school within the district of residence and close to the family home, sometimes with an elite private system co-existing alongside. In recent years, this basic model has been modified, with some countries witnessing more extensive changes than others. This article outlines the range of change that has taken place along the dual axes of promoting diversity and establishing room for the exercise of parental choice. The synthesis article draws on the material submitted by all the countries participating in the OECD study, and not only those which feature specifically in this issue.
The first section reviews the current situation regarding parental choice of school and evidence relating to how that choice is exercised by different groups of parents. For choice to be exercised, there must be alternatives to choose from, and hence there follows a review of some of the policies and practices for diversity. The article then examines diversity in more forms contrasting selective and non-selective schools, public and private schools, and formal and home schooling. Several countries have moved to greater diversification of public education, allowing for different types of schools accommodating different student ability levels or parents' educational preferences. The role of demand is clearly a central element in their emergence and differing fortunes. This in turn is closely, but not exclusively, related to the familiar factors of social advantage and reproduction as well as to issues of value choices and beliefs.  相似文献   


As a consequence of the 1944 Education Act church schools were given the choice of opting for voluntary controlled status or for voluntary aided status. In voluntary aided status the Church had more control but carried greater costs. Within England and Wales this distinction is still maintained. This study measures the attitude toward Christianity of 4581 year 4, 5 and 6 students (8- to 11-years of age) attending 87 Church in Wales primary schools, and compares the responses of 1678 students attending controlled schools with the responses of 2903 students attending aided schools. After controlling for sex, age and frequency of church attendance, voluntary aided status is associated with a more positive attitude toward Christianity. In other words, aided status does make a difference to the attitudinal dimension of students’ religiosity.  相似文献   

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