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一、青蛙的故事 从前,有一群青蛙组织了一场攀爬比赛。比赛终点是一个非常高的铁塔塔顶。另一群青蛙围着铁塔看比赛,为它们加油。比赛开始了。围观青蛙都不相信参赛者会到达塔顶,纷纷议论道:“这太难了!它们肯定到不了塔顶,它们绝不可能成功的,塔太高了!”  相似文献   

有一群青蛙组织了一场攀爬比赛,比赛的终点站是:一个非常高的铁塔的塔顶。一大群青蛙围着铁塔看比赛,给它们加油。比赛开始了,老实说,群蛙中没有谁相信这些小小的青蛙会到达塔顶,他们都在议论:"这太难了它们肯定到不了塔顶!""它们绝不可能成功的,塔太高了!"  相似文献   

从前,有一群青蛙组织了一场攀爬比赛,比赛的终点是:一个非常高的铁塔的塔顶。一群青蛙围着铁塔看比赛,给它们加油。比赛开始了。老实说:群蛙中没有谁相信这些小小的青蛙会到达塔顶,他们都在议论:"这太难了!它们肯定到不了塔顶!""他们绝不可能成功的,塔太高了!"  相似文献   

设计意图 运动场上的各种比赛吸引着孩子们的眼球:有的在比赛拍球,有的在比赛跳绳,还有的在比赛拔河……孩子们都不由地在呐喊助威:“加油!加油!”因此,我设计了这个活动,让幼儿自己去设计节奏、寻找生活中的乐器,为运动员们助威。  相似文献   

品德与社会课上,老师让我们进行了一次扳手劲比赛。于是,每组就推选了一位力气大的同学做选手。第二次比赛的选手是男同学。一位是第三组派出的李晨鸿,另一位是第一次比赛冠军——陈峥烨。他俩走到了比赛的课桌前坐下。比赛开始了。裁判员老师见双方都已经准备好了,说了一声“预备——开始!”第二组的同学都高声喊起来:“陈峥烨加油!加油!……”而另一组却在喊“李晨鸿加油!李晨鸿加油!……”叫喊声响彻云霄。陈峥烨和李晨鸿的手紧紧地握着,谁也压不倒谁,两个人就这样相持了好几分钟!他们的脸从浅红慢慢地变成了深红色,最后,头上都沁出了许…  相似文献   

一阵阵欢呼声和“加油!加油!”的呐喊声,不时从我们的教室里传出来。路过的人都好奇地往里看,原来我班正在举行别开生面的吹气球比赛。  相似文献   

有人问,童年是在什么时候结束的?我想也许童年就在我们不知什么叫惜别,却在笑嘻嘻地摘下红领巾的时候悄悄地走了。回想起六年的时光,我们留下了许多抹不去的记忆。还记得五年级时,我们赢得那场扣人心弦的拔河比赛吗?小组赛中,我们抽签先与601班比赛,要说与别的班比咱们都不怕,就是这个601班的实力与我们不相上下,也就使得这场小组赛比决赛还要精彩。比赛开始了,大家憋足了劲用力把绳子向后拉。啦啦队员们在赛场旁边为我们加油鼓劲:“加油!加油!604必胜!”这时,绳子中间的红布条也一点一点地向我们移来。“耶!”第一局我们赢了,大家都非常高…  相似文献   

在体育教学中我经常会发现有这样一批学生:他们有的不愿参加练习,而且还会这样认为所有的批评都是针对自已的,因而非常注意他人的言行,并认为班级中每一个人都在注意自己的行动.平时也显得神经过敏,好猜疑别人;还有的人也非常关心比赛的输赢.在平时的比赛或游戏中,他们只跟显然可以赢的对手比赛,如果没有取胜的把握,他们便尽量避免参加.如果非参加不可,他们便表现出不屑一顾的样子,以表示自已并没有认真比赛,或者选择自已有明显的客观原因无法取胜的对手比赛;还有一些自卑心理的学生因为自我认识不足,不相信自己能学习,掌握某项技术,因此在学习中不能充分发挥自己的能力,表现出自己应有的水平.但他们仍希望得到老师和同学的赞扬.这些学生的表现都是缺乏自信心造成的.  相似文献   

<正>相机不停地闪光,手机拍照的按键声此起彼伏,学生的欢笑声回荡在学校的操场上。紧张而热烈的趣味比赛正进行着,主角是学生带来的一只只螃蟹。瞧,这里的螃蟹赛跑现场,观赛的学生兴奋地喊着"加油!加油!"螃蟹选手横着向前,漫不经心,急坏了学生。再看那里,正在进行的是螃蟹举重比赛,现场的学生鼓足腮帮子用力呐喊,螃蟹选手举起大螯,夹着硬币,一枚、两枚……努力坚持不放松。  相似文献   

今天,我们中山路小学开运动会,大家都很高兴比赛的项目很多,有拔河,有速算跑,有跳高、跳远,还有50米跑和持球跑,我很喜欢拔河,五年级的大哥哥、大姐姐在拔河的时候,我大声喊:“加油!加油!再加油!”  相似文献   

There is scant research concerned about punishment of handicapped, minority students in public schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate race and gender, types of rules violations, types of punishments, referral rates, referral frequencies, and follow-up activities to determine differences in treatment by race, sex, and handicapping condition. The sample consisted of 4,391 discipline files representing records from 9 schools in a district (K-12). All data were analyzed using the Chi Square statistic. It was demonstrated that racial bias existed in the administration of punishment, and that Black, male handicapped students were punished more severely than others for commission of the same offenses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of presenting a choice of writing tasks on the quality of essays produced by 11th-grade students. The effects of task choice were examined for interactions with the gender and race of students. Fifteen writing tasks, designed to elicit persuasive essays, were administered to 34,200 students in Georgia. Approximately half the students received an assigned task, whereas the other half were presented a choice of two tasks. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted using four domain scores as the dependent variables assessing writing quality and four independent variables (gender, race, writing tasks, and choice condition). The student characteristics of gender and race and the writing task variable had a significant effect in the MANOVA and all four univariate analyses. Female students wrote essays of higher quality than male students and White students wrote essays of higher quality than Black students. The choice condition had no substantive effect on the quality of essays. The writing task variable had a significant interaction with the other independent variables.  相似文献   

Teaching is a very complex endeavor. Embedded within this complex environment are issues of power, culture, ethnicity, and race. When teachers and students come together, in the classroom, some of these issues become visible and others remain invisible. Attempting to make influences on teaching and learning visible is one of the steps toward developing a practice framed by conscientização. Ms. Cook, the teacher of this story, is empowering herself and her students; through critical reflection that serves to deneutralize educational acts by recognizing they are embedded in issues of culture, ethnicity, politics, power, and, race. Classroom based research must be more inclusive and indeed cognizant of the mediating macrostructures that teachers deal with everyday. For example, Goldberg and Muir Welsh describe some of the students as being Latinos. In doing so, they adopts a third person as opposed to a first person view of these students. A first person view can acknowledge a dialectical relationship between race and ethnicity.  相似文献   

As a first step in developing a model of academic dismissal, logistic regression was employed to analyze predictors of academic performance (academic dismissal versus satisfactory performance) for first-time freshmen after one semester in an eastern state university. The analyses for each of two entry years produced very similar results. The analyses indicated that academic performance was highly related to high school academic grade point average (gpa). After controlling for SAT Verbal and SAT Math scores and high school academic gpa, race and the academic grouping of the student's major were significantly related to academic performance. However, for students of a given race and in a given academic grouping with the same SAT Verbal scores, the same SAT Math scores, and the same high school academic gpas, there was no significant difference in the predicted probability of academic dismissal for (1) men and women students, (2) dormitory and commuter students, and (3) full-time and part-time students.  相似文献   

This article examines the process a diverse group of eighth grade students go through when charged with writing about the ways in which race might matter at their desegregated school. Students' articulations are bounded by a school culture of silence around race. The regulatory aspect of this school culture was enacted when students first make racism visible through exaggerated writing in a fictional play about school life, only to later censor themselves in an effort to more accurately portray the implicit nature of racialized relations at the school. As the students talked and wrote about their understandings of race and racism at their school, we listened carefully to what they said and also to their silences, paying attention to the erasures. The article concludes that such findings invite us to think about the value of alternative spaces for students to talk and write as well as a consideration of how the school sphere itself might be made more accepting of diverse perspectives on race outside of the dominant colorblind discourse. In addition, we suggest the power of fiction for eliciting conversation among youth. Katherine Schultz is an Associate Professor of Education, Foundations and Practices of Education Division, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. Patricia Buck is an Assistant Professor of Education, Department of Education, Bates College and Tricia Niesz is an Assistant Professor of Qualitative Research in Education, Department of Educational Foundations and Special Services, Kent State University. All these authors have received their Ph.D from University of Pennsylvannia.  相似文献   

Service learning courses provide meaningful community service for students in order to assist them with the integration of theory and practice. A partnership with local high schools allows students in a large criminal justice program on the west coast to serve as mentors for students who are referred to the program by school counselors and/or social workers. Data on student performance are used to assess whether the exposure to service learning improves matriculation. All criminal justice students who participated in the program were included in this analysis. The impact of this pedagogy is highlighted by using a randomized sample of criminal justice students who have not participated in this particular course. Findings from this program assessment indicate that race and gender are not strong predictors of graduation. Students with high GPAs and those taking service learning courses are more likely than their low GPA and no service learning course counterparts to obtain a degree.  相似文献   

This research study examined the 2006 cohort of First-Time-in-College students from all 23 community colleges in Virginia. The goal was to examine fall-to-fall persistence and success in the first college-level mathematics course. Predictor variables used were developmental status, age, gender, and race and ethnicity of the student. Interaction variables were created to determine if age, race and ethnicity, or gender moderates the effects of developmental status for both persistence and success. And a model was created using all main and interaction predictor variables to determine to what extent each variable accounts for persistence and success. It was found that neither gender nor race and ethnicity moderates developmental status for either persistence or success, but age moderates both success and persistence. Developmental courses are more effective for traditionally aged students and developmental courses are positively related to the persistence of nontraditionally aged students and negatively related to the persistence of traditionally aged students. The predictor variables developmental status, age, race and ethnicity, and gender are all significantly related to both the success and persistence of students. The effect of developmental status on both success and persistence is weak. Nondevelopmental status, female, nontraditionally aged, and non-Black race and ethnicity are all positively related to the success of students. Nondevelopmental status, female, traditionally aged, non-White and non-Black race and ethnicities are all positively related to the fall-to-fall persistence of students.  相似文献   

This study investigated sex and race peer preferences among adolescent deaf students. Sociometric ratings were obtained and analyzed for possible preferences. A marked peer preference for female students by both male and female students was found. In examining racial preferences, I found that white students rated same-race students higher than they rated minority students. Based on the data and analyses, the investigator found race to be secondary to sex in peer preferences among deaf adolescents. These findings are consistent with the sociometric literature on hearing adolescents.  相似文献   

Teacher ratings of students’ potential achievement, classroom behavior, and personal characteristics, and teacher-student dyadic interaction measures were obtained to examine the nature of teacher perceptions and interaction with black and white, male and female students in integrated classrooms. Two-way (race X sex) multivariate analysis of variance of the ratings and interaction data yielded significant differences in teacher perceptions of their students according to race, with whites being rated more favorably than blacks. There were no significant sex effects or differences in teacher-student interaction. Examination of the relationship between student behavior and teacher ratings revealed differences between black and white students, suggesting that the teacher differentially interpreted the same student behavior depending on the students’ race.  相似文献   

A growing body of research has found that student-teacher race match is associated with higher test scores, teacher expectations, and teacher perceptions of students. This paper contributes to the student-teacher race match literature by investigating the effect of race match on course grades. To the extent that race match is associated with higher course grades for minority students, a more diverse teacher workforce is one mechanism that may help to narrow the achievement gap. Using a series of fixed effects models exploiting within-student variation across year and subject matter, I find that having a race-matched teacher is associated with a small but significant increase in course grade, on average. The positive effect of race match is driven largely by the experience of Black students.  相似文献   

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