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In 2006, the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, recommended that all public institutions of higher learning in the country incorporate soft skills formation into their curricula. This qualitative study aimed to explore Malaysian students?? expectations of university education with a special focus on the acquisition of soft skills and to examine the students?? perceptions of the instructors?? and the courses?? effectiveness in fulfilling their educational agendas. Ninety-six students at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) participated in this study. The findings revealed that their educational expectations were varied and diverse and could be separated into three categories, such as ??Life Skills??, ??Subject Matter (Hard Skills)??, and ??Soft Skills??. The students considered soft skills formation as an important part of university education. However, not all of the soft skills identified by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, were mentioned by the respondents. The article discusses the implications of the study??s findings for Malaysia??s higher education policy.  相似文献   

我国高职高专教育发展迅速,但是很多院校都将培养学生的目标集中于职业技能的培养,忽视了学生的人文素质教育,这样很不利于学生的全面发展。高职高专高专的英语课不仅是一门语言基础课,同时还是一门人文课程。因此充分挖掘、发挥这门课的优势对提高学生的人文素养有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

通过对上海9所高校大学生工程技术素养的问卷调查,采用描述性统计与回归模型分析发现:大学生工程技术素养存在性别刻板印象,男生的工程技术素养显著高于女生。但在具体维度上男女生各有优劣,男生在工程知识、工程实践维度得分显著高于女生,女生在工程伦理维度得分显著高于男生,在工程技术维度,男女生没有显著差异。影响学生工程素养的因素方面,兴趣与职业期望对男女生的工程技术实践、技能均具有显著影响;学科类别、家庭所在地、学校类别对学生的工程技术知识、技能、实践均有不同程度的显著影响。建议从社会层面构建男女平等的文化氛围,加强女大学生工程技术兴趣培养,开设工程技术类通识课程,强化有德性工程师的培养,营造良好的制度环境等方面着手,提升不同性别学生的工程技术素养。  相似文献   

This study examines the organizational characteristics of 51 higher education institutions in relationship to student performance and growth. The study first finds that organizational measures of mission, size, wealth, complexity, and selectivity are statistically represented by the 2-year versus 4-year college mission. Findings indicate that 2-year and 4-year campuses indeed do exert significantly different influences on undergraduate GPA and self-reported intellectual growth. Next, the study uses both OLS regression and HLM to examine these influences. High school percentile rank and college classroom experiences are better predictors of Cum GPA at 4-year institutions, while student effort is a better predictor of GPA at 2-year institutions. Whereas the most important predictors of Cum GPA include precollege measures such as high school percentile rank and SAT score, the most influential predictors of student intellectual growth are campus experiences including classroom vitality, peer support, student effort, commitment, and involvement. Controlling for all other variables, students at 2-year institutions receive higher grades, and students at 4-year campuses experience more growth.  相似文献   

This study investigated visual arts college students’ perceptions of the gender stereotyping of creativity and the influence of this stereotyping on creative self-efficacy. The sample consisted of 1198 Chinese visual arts college students. The results showed that (a) both male and female students identified stereotypically masculine traits as more important to creativity than stereotypically feminine traits are, (b) male students demonstrated higher creative self-efficacy than their female counterparts did, and (c) students’ gender significantly moderated the effect of the gender stereotyping of creativity on creative self-efficacy. Specifically, the gender stereotyping of creativity had a positive effect on male students and a negative effect on female students. These findings revealed that gender stereotypes dominate concepts of creativity in Chinese art education and may hinder female students’ development of creative self-efficacy, resulting in gendered inequality in the visual arts field. The implications of these findings for visual arts education in China are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-first century and higher-learning skills such as critical thinking are highly desired for new college graduates entering the workplace, especially with rapid changing technology and a more globalized economy. As a result, the importance of critical thinking development at higher education institutions has increased. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of student and institutional variables on the difference in critical thinking scores between first-year and third/fourth-year students at higher education institutions. We examined the extent to which institutional variables moderate the relationship between student variables and the critical thinking score difference. We used a multi-level modeling approach to account for the clustering of students in institutions. Results of this study showed that: (a) institutional variability accounted for 15% of the variance in estimated critical thinking scores, (b) third/fourth-year students had higher critical thinking scores as compared to their first-year peers even when controlling for college admissions score, and (c) in the final model, the main effects of college admission scores, student-faculty ratio, and percent Black/African American were statistically significant; however, retention was the only significant moderator of the relationship between critical thinking scores and class level. Implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

与我国普通高等院校相比,"以就业为导向,培养应用型高技能人才"已经成为高职教育的主要任务和特点。高职院校通过调整专业设置、教育教学改革等手段,不断加增学生的实践技能培养,在很大程度上适应了企业的用人需求,学生的一次就业率和对口就业率也成为评价高职院校人才培养质量的重要指标。但是麦可思机构调查数据显示:无论是用人单位还是高职学生,都认为学生的职业素养培养对学生的职业技能培养更为重要。  相似文献   

随着高等院校成为中国社会“网络化”的发展前沿,互联网对大学生的行为模式、思维方式、心理发展、价值取向、政治态度、道德观念等产生着越来越大的影响。面对网络这把双丸剑给大学生带来的困惑、迷惘,为了更确切地了解在校大学生接触和利用网络的现状,充分利用信息网络技术给高等教育带来的机遇,促进高校思想政治工作的顺利开展,我们必须认真研究网络条件下大学生思想政治工作的特点和规律,开创大学生网络教育工作的新格局。  相似文献   

目的:比较分析高等院校女生人格状况,为高校女生人格教育提供实证依据。方法:运用大学人格问卷(UPI)在湖南省的某理工院校对504名2005级女生进行人格测查,并抽取男生样本858名作为性别比较因素。结果:(1)有第一类人格问题的女大学生比例显著高于男大学生;女大学生UPI分数显著高于男大学生。(2)女大学生人格问题症状选择率排前列的项目依次为:在乎别人的视线,缺乏自信心,过于担心将来的事情,父母期望过高,情绪起伏过大。(3)非独生女与独生女的UPI分数不存在显著差异;农村生源女生UPI分数显著高于城镇生源女生;文科类女生UPI分数显著高于理工类女生。结论:女大学生人格问题比男生严重,农村生源女生人格问题比城镇生源女生严重,文科类女生人格问题比理工科女生严重;应高度重视女大学生尤其是农村生源女生和理工院校中文科类女生的人格健康教育,以优化她们的心理素质。  相似文献   

This study investigated university students?? perceptions of their institutions?? learning environments, and related those perceptions to students?? academic aspirations and satisfaction with their universities. A sample of 12,423 juniors at 42 universities in Taiwan was used to confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument: CUEI-S. The study revealed diversity of students?? perceptions among specific aspects of the learning environment. Students responded more positively for student cohesion, library resources and administrative support, but less positively for student-faculty relations, student services, enhancement of their language abilities and emotional development. The majority of students had low academic aspirations but felt satisfied with their universities. The learning environment on campus was shown to play an important role both in students?? academic aspirations and in their general satisfaction, whether the individual student or the university was used as the unit of analysis. The relationship between faculty and students is the aspect that was most strongly associated with students?? academic aspirations. On the other hand, both adequate library resources and university support for student services were the key correlates of students?? general satisfaction at the individual student level. By identifying important relationships among variables, this study suggests initiatives for improving the learning environment at higher education institutions.  相似文献   

Dyslexia is defined as a disability that primarily affects reading and writing. Internationally, the number of dyslexic students entering higher education is on the rise. It is estimated that students with dyslexia represent a small but significant minority. Many English-speaking countries have developed support services and teaching practices to accommodate dyslexic students' educational needs. In Greece, research on dyslexia is very limited. The purpose of this study is to define the incidence of dyslexia among the Greek student population and to examine dyslexic students' age, gender and major field of study. Data were collected from a total of 406 departments at all Greek public institutions of higher education (n = 32). The existing practices for identifying and provisions for supporting dyslexic students were also examined. The incidence of dyslexia in Greek higher education was estimated to be 0.16%, which is far below the estimated incidence in the general population. Interesting results were yielded regarding the variability of higher education institutions' responses to dyslexia. In almost all Greek institutions, provision takes place in the form of oral examinations and generic counseling. technological education institutions (TEIs) seem to be more aware of the educational needs of dyslexic students, possibly because they have three times more dyslexic students than higher education institutions (HEIs). All Greek universities deal with the needs of dyslexic students on an individual basis, making provision reactive rather than proactive. The results of the present study are discussed in the light of inclusive education and equality of opportunity for students who learn in a different way but do not differ from their counterparts in terms of intelligence or general abilities.  相似文献   

The number of contact hours, one of the important institutional context factors, was examined and compared between Dutch and Vietnamese higher education at institute and student levels in Psychology and Business and/or Economics specializations. The quantity of contact hours per credit point given by institutions was investigated in a number of Dutch and Vietnamese universities. Additionally, 104 students in Groningen, the Netherlands, and 140 students in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, participated in the survey with a self-reported and self-assessed questionnaire on their study time allocation. Beside contact hours, other learning process related factors such as study activities, motivation, quality of instruction, and generic skills were examined to provide a better insight into these two systems. Results showed that Vietnamese students had significantly higher number of contact hours than Dutch students while their generic skills, motivation and time spent on independent study were a lot lower.  相似文献   

For decades, institutions of higher education have provided study abroad opportunities for college students wishing to increase and expand their intellectual and social skills. While many universities around the country have supported successful international exchange and study abroad programs, there is little research on community college study abroad programs and their impact on student development. Therefore, this article examines specific vectors that impact student development before and after study abroad participation in nine community colleges using Chickering's Theory of Student Development and SAS statistical methods.  相似文献   


Recent national attention on college completion poses unique challenges and opportunities for community colleges. Moving underprepared students through basic skills educational courses to degree attainment represents an ongoing challenge. With more than 60% of community college students enrolled in remedial education, 2-year institutions must explore innovative approaches aimed at underprepared student completion. One community college did just that and partnered with a 4-year institution to expand postsecondary pathway options for underprepared first-year students. By establishing the Tiger Gateway Program, these two institutions collaborated to address student college readiness gaps using a summer bridge model. Seventy-five percent of participants self-reported as Hispanic/Latino with the remaining 25% identifying as African American or Black. Outcomes indicate participants who completed the program, 23 of 26, made gains in intellectual, academic, and social development. Findings support scholarship attesting that highly structured, meaningful, well-defined collaboration particularly benefits students from low-socio-status and underserved populations.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国高校扩招,大学生就业形势越来越严峻,同时因为性别歧视等原因,女大学生的就业问题突出,并由此引发出一系列的心理问题。本研究以状态—特质焦虑量表为研究工具,对南京大学应届本科毕业生的就业焦虑现状进行问卷调查。结果表明,南京大学学生普遍存在就业焦虑现象,并且女大学生的就业焦虑水平高于男生。根据问卷调查和对女大学生的访谈结果探究女大学生就业焦虑的原因和对策。  相似文献   

重庆市大学生职业心理成熟度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆市大学生的总体职业成熟度和职业成熟度各因子的表现水平均一般。其中以职业世界知识最低;大学生职业成熟度在性别上存在显著差异,男生比女生职业成熟度高;大学生职业成熟度在年级上存在显著差异,大四最高,整个发展趋势呈“V”型;大学生职业成熟度在是否兼职上存在显著差异,兼职过的学生比未兼职过的学生职业成熟度高:大学生职业成熟度在家庭收入上存在显著差异.家庭收入高的学生职业成熟度高。  相似文献   

The main function of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) is to produce skilled and knowledgeable workforce who are able to not only function with minimal guidance but also to contribute effectively to the hiring organizations. Many studies have indicated that most HEIs have somewhat similar course content and thrived at producing students with good academic achievement. But what differentiated them from one another is their ability to develop knowledge workers with the right employability skills or ??soft skills?? such as communication, problem-solving, interpersonal and other skills deemed important as the foundations by which they require to function at work regardless of the nature of employment. This paper reports findings of a large-scale study looking into the soft skills attainment of Malaysian HEI graduates. A quantitative survey design was employed whereby data were obtained through the administration of an instrument called the Malaysian Soft Skills Scale (My3S). My3S consists of 180 items covering seven elements namely Communications, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Teamwork, Moral and Professional Ethics, Leadership, Life Long Learning and Entrepreneurial aspects. The mean scores for the seven My3S subscales were found to be between 6.3 and 7.8 from the maximum possible score of 10. Specifically, comparisons were made between graduates of public and private institutions with respect to the seven elements. Findings of the study suggest that, in general, students of public HEIs scored higher in all seven skills. With respect to gender, male students scored higher than female students in all elements except for teamwork skills and moral and professional ethics. A comparison between fields of study showed that for both types of HEIs, technical students scored the highest in all skills except for moral and professional ethics. Based on the findings of this study, it is suggested that in addition to offering specific courses to improve soft skills attainment, HEIs need to embed soft skills in their academic curricula.  相似文献   

与其它普通高等院校的在校大学生相比,高职学生有其自身的特点。高职学生的特殊性决定了在教材的选择和高职教育的实施上也不能因循守旧。该文总结高职学生的心理行为特点和学习特点,分析如何根据这些特点来选择更加适合高职学生的教材,从而使高职教育更加具有针对性。  相似文献   

试析大学生心理健康教育的现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在目前的体制下,大学生心理健康教育被纳入德育系列。高校的思想政治工作,重视培养大学生的思想品德素质、科学文化素质和身体素质,心理健康教育还处于相对弱化的地位。随着现代社会的不断发展,大学生面临的心理问题越来越多。高校心理健康教育愈显其重要。作为思想政治工作者,应在厘清大学生心理健康教育与思想政治教育的关系的同时,试对目前的现状与对策作一些思考。  相似文献   


Higher education student selection has significant societal, institutional and individual impacts. Thousands of applicants apply only for nursing, one of the major higher education disciplines. As the nursing profession is characterised by cognitive requirements, higher education institutions assess the learning skills of nursing applicants. However, there has been no comprehensive analysis of learning skills assessment for nursing student selection. The purpose of this scoping review was to describe the assessment of learning skills in undergraduate nursing student selection. Five databases were systematically searched, and 24 studies published between 2006 and 2016 were included. Learning skills were most commonly assessed using standardised tests in the areas of language and communication, reasoning, mathematics and natural sciences. Overall scores of onsite selection methods were found to best predict future academic performance. The results indicate that higher education institutions may benefit from comprehensive assessment of learning skills in their selection processes. This assessment should focus on a wider range of cognitive aptitudes, including reasoning skills. This review focussed on nursing education, but the results may benefit other higher education disciplines due to the generic nature of learning skills and similar cognitive requirements of higher education studies. The results support the development of more comprehensive and valid methods for assessing learning skills.  相似文献   

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