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政府教育行政部门、高级中等学校、考生及其家庭、所毕业学校和市场经济条件下的社会主体是初中升学考试的价值主体。其价值诉求,决定了初中升学考试的质量既受基础教育内外部规律制约,又对基础教育的发展产生着重要的影响。政府教育行政部门、社会生产力和科学技术发展水平、青少年的身心发展规律,是基础教育制约初中升学考试质量的外部因素;而基础教育目标和初中教学的内容,则是基础教育制约初中升学考试质量的内部因素。初中升学考试质量的优劣,左右基础教育改革和发展的方向,加固或削弱高级中等教育的培养目标,影响初、高级中等学校的办学效益。  相似文献   

关于教育管理学发展现状的三维审视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育管理学的发展主要表现为学科、学术和理念的发展。其学科发展的现实表征为性质归属转移、对象范围拓展、结构体系类化、研究方法更新。其学术发展的前沿课题有批判反思与教育管理的元研究、实践与问题取向的教育管理探索、教育效能与教育人力资源管理、知识管理与教育管理创新、教育政策分析与教育管理评论、校长专业化与学校组织文化的自我诊断、学校经营及其与社区的关系、以德治教与校本管理。其理念发展的实际走向是科学和人文交融、权利和责任对称、竞争与合作俱存、传承与创新结合、可持续发展与绿色管理互动。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the definition of the field of educational research and the changing and developing role of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) in representing and constituting this field. The evidence for the argument is derived from AARE Presidential Addresses across its 40-year history. The paper documents the enhanced complexity and diversity of the field over these 40 years, including the emergence of a global educational policy field, theoretical and methodological developments in the social sciences and new research accountabilities such as the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) measure. Specifically, the paper suggests that the evidence-based movement in public management and education policy, and the introduction of the ERA, potentially limit and redefine the field of educational research, reducing the usefulness and relevance of educational research to policy makers and practitioners. This arises from a failure to recognise thatEducation is both a field of research and a field of policy and practice. Located against both developments, the paper argues for a principled eclecticism framed by a reassessment of quality, which can be applied to the huge variety of methodologies, theories, epistemologies and topics legitimately utilised and addressed within the field of educational research. At the same time, the paper argues the need to globalise the educational research imagination and deparochialise educational research. This call is located within a broader argument suggesting the need for a new social imaginary (in a post-neoliberal context of the global financial crisis) to frame educational policy and practice and the contribution that educational theory and research might make to its constitution. In relation to this, the paper considers the difficulties that political representations of such a new imaginary might entail for the President and the Association, given the variety of its membership and huge diversity of its research interests.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised was administered to 76 subjects from 8–0 to 16–11 years. All subjects were students from rural school districts in southwest Minnesota, and were referred to a consulting school psychologist for various learning problems. The subtest scores for each subject were factor analyzed, using a principal-factor method. Three factors were found consistent with previous research, although there were mild positive loadings of all subtests except Coding on the two primary factors, suggesting that the test items measure a consistent ability such as Spearman's g. In the second aspect of the study, each subject's results on the old and new color formats of the Coding B subtest were compared. No order effects were found, and there was a highly significant difference in raw score and scaled score favoring the color format. This suggests the possibility of a color enhancement effect, at least with students having learning problems. Caution is advised for interpreting coding scores as an index of distractibility as recommended in the literature, if the subject has color-deficient vision.  相似文献   

This paper attempts an account and evaluation of the historical development of psychology of education in the 1960s in the UK. It contributes to both the history of the academic discipline of educational studies and to the history of higher education. Progress of the subject is introduced in the general context of university developments and the research environment of educational studies and then examines the growth of research and scholarship in psychology of education through an assessment of the contributions of individual psychologists, including the inheritance from pre‐1960s scholars, an analysis of the authorship of papers in the British Journal of Educational Psychology, and case studies of selected university centres of research excellence. A brief discussion of external research funding is followed by a consideration of advanced course development and the provision of suitable textbooks. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

本文从教育理念转变、资源配置与利用、实施困难三个方面对山西省部分中学研究性学习实施现状与实施因素进行了调查。研究发现,研究性学习实际开展的现状不容乐观,资源匮乏、高考压力、社会不支持这些来自学校人力资源以外的外部条件,被认为是实施研究性学习的困难所在。分析显示:学校人力资源素质良好,无论是学校领导,一线的生物教师还是学生都已经具备新的教育理念,但教师的研究素质有待于有效的在职培训;学校物质资源基本具备,但学校、社会物质资源的利用率有待于开发。实施研究性学习,必须改善学校的办学环境资源。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research is to examine in-service teachers' instructional beliefs about student-centered education. The inventory was designed to measure teachers' student-centered educational beliefs based on four components of the educational curriculum comprising of educational objectives, content, teaching strategies and instructional assessment. Data for the study were collected from 307 in-service teachers working at K-8 schools. A quantitative research analysis showed that in-service teachers held positive beliefs about student-centered education. In addition, the characteristics of teachers such as school level, teaching experience, teaching subject and educational background had statistically significant effects on their beliefs about student-centered education.  相似文献   

The purpose of the research is to investigate the behaviour of school personnel under two assessment-reporting conditions and school functioning when faced with the choice of excelling in high-stakes tests or catering to local educational needs. The functioning of 60 schools was compared in terms of their preparation for high-risk external tests and for low-stakes tests, of the same level of difficulty. The study examined the practices of school principals, subject coordinators and teachers, communication with parents and the ethical behaviour of the school staff. In all the comparative measures, many more school resources were invested in preparation for high-stakes tests than for internal tests. This investment came at the expense of formal and informal cutbacks in studies for non-test subjects. A clearer, more comprehensive analytical picture of the behaviour of school personnel is obtained about differences in school functioning when external and internal tests are administered.  相似文献   


This paper presents data that consider ways in which young people experience the curriculum through the lens of subject examination syllabuses (for GCSEs), their associated assessment techniques and structures, and educational policies at national and school level concerning subject choice. Drawing upon an original qualitative dataset from a mixed-methods study of students’ views and experiences of GCSE from Northern Ireland (NI) and Wales, the paper explores students’ perceptions of choice and fairness in relation to studying various subjects at GCSE. Factors of importance are the subjects available to them through subject option selections at the school level and the ways in which GCSE courses are then administered. In relation to notions of choice and fairness, the paper considers how students see access to the curriculum moderated by national- and school-level decisions regarding the assessment of GCSEs; the extent to which assessment techniques such as tiering, controlled assessment, and modularity, as well as school-level policy decisions about timing of entry to GCSEs (known as early entry) all combine to restrict students’ access to the full range of subjects and influence the ways in which they experience these subjects as curricula within their particular school settings.  相似文献   

This article theorizes on the role of school subjects, especially history, in multicultural and intercultural education, arguing that to ensure intercultural learning there is a need to integrate these curricular intentions in subject teaching. However, the epistemological reorganization that such integration involves will challenge both a traditional structured content knowledge, and the multicultural research focused on deconstructing these traditions. This article investigates Michael Young’s concept of ‘powerful knowledge’ as a way to incorporate knowledge in the discourses of intercultural education. While proponents of the intercultural perspective emphasise educational policies and socialisation, advocates of powerful knowledge tend to dismiss such political interference. In order to use powerful knowledge in this context the concept is reconceptualised by relating it to curriculum theory and Gert Biesta’s conceptual distinction between educational purposes. Finally, this intersection is pursued through the example of history education. When acknowledging that societal needs, policy and disciplinary boundaries are interrelated, the perspective of ‘powerful knowledge’ can bring the potential of subject knowledge to intercultural research, and thus prove useful in identifying the guidelines necessary to develop History as a contemporary relevant subject.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the domain specificity of multidimensional motivation and engagement (adaptive cognitions, adaptive behaviors, impeding/maladaptive cognitions, maladaptive behaviors) in mathematics, English and science high school subjects, with an additional focus on three key educational correlates (educational aspirations, class participation, enjoyment of subject). Based on a sample of 1801 students from six Australian high schools, confirmatory factor analysis offered modest support for the domain specificity of motivation and engagement (as measured by the Motivation and Engagement Scale — High School: MES-HS) across three distinct high school subject areas and also in relation to the three key educational correlates. Interestingly, the level of specificity varied as a function of the particular academic motivation construct. For example, between-subject correlations for more ‘state-like’ constructs such as ‘valuing of school subject’ were relatively lower, whereas correlations for more ‘trait-like’ constructs such as ‘anxiety’ were relatively higher suggesting that the latter is relatively more general across mathematics, English and science. The implications of these findings for future practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

教育科研是教育事业持续健康发展的先导和重要引擎. 为充分发挥教育科研的先导和引擎作用,我们必须采取有效的策略,帮助和引导教师开展教育科研活动.在实践中, 合理运用"问题教研"、"掘井深挖研究"、"小课题研究"、"层级联动"、"研推结合"、"构建科研共同体"等教育科研策略,将有效解决中小学教育科研的针对性、实效性、普及性、规范性和科学性等问题.  相似文献   

PISA对我国中小学考试评价与质量监控的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学考试评价改革(尤其是命题评价改革)是20世纪80年代以来,我国教育教学改革的“攻坚战”,举步艰难。2000年开始研究制订、2004年12月刚刚公布第二次评估结果的国际性评价项目PISA(学生能力国际评估计划)的做法可以提供一些有价值的参考。这主要体现在,对学生的终身可持续发展进行评估;评价学生在实际的生活状态下的能力,测试学生在学校课程以外的知识运用;考试仍可以是评价的主要方式之一,过程性内容、情感、态度、价值观的内容完全可以在笔试中得到考察;建立教育质量评价体系,关注教育投资的有效性。  相似文献   

日本综合学科高中是20世纪90年代诞生的新型高中,主要以普职课程融通和科目选修制为特点,将升学为主的普通教育和就业为主的职业教育融合在一所学校体系内。综合学科高中发展至今已形成了较为完备的制度体系,主要体现在三级教育管理体制、办学规模、课程设置、学分制课程管理方式、校外学分认定及毕业生双向出路等方面。但综合学科高中也面临发展中的深层困境,如政府后期财政投入不足、高中序列化问题加剧、课程优势削弱、教师队伍建设不充分以及"重升学、轻就业"倾向凸显等。日本综合学科高中在多样化、个性化教育改革中独有的优势逐渐消失,重新构建综合学科作为第三学科的主体性和独特性是其进一步发展的关键。  相似文献   

高考改革推进过程中不同利益主体基于风险收益权衡选科决策,引发了选科决断异化风险。澳大利亚制定了"考试中心指引、高校专业限定、高中选科支持、家社协同指导、成绩科学赋分、录取综合评定"的科目自选支持体系,但其也涌现出了"选科倚重成绩、走班编排冲突、大学限定缩水、考生趋易避难"的异化风险。以往鉴来,应配备学生发展专兼职指导教师,把生涯发展规划贯穿科目选择全过程;优化高中教学组织编排管理,建立规范、高效、有序的选科走班运行机制;激发高校科目限定主动权,提升大学人才培养与高中自主选科的关联度;优化科目加权赋分机制,防控"田忌赛马"机会主义风险;落实多元评价方式,提升生源甄别选拔精准度。  相似文献   

基于教育管理学学科的综合性质来研究我国教育管理学的学科范式,可以把我国教育管理学的学科发展划分为三个阶段:1978年以前,教育管理学学科发展的前学科时代;1978-1992年,教育管理学学科的对话期;1992年至今,教育管理学分支学科的蓬勃繁殖时期。教育管理学学科范式形成的前提是其作为一门具有教育学和管理学基因的综合性质的社会学科,它有强烈的现代学科意识,然后在其学科范式形成的动力系统的推动下,逐步形成本学科的格式塔的模型,即教育管理学科的本体论、认识论和方法论的优化组合。  相似文献   

This article examines educational decentralization efforts in both developed and developing countries, guided by two questions: (1) under what conditions does school-based management (SBM) produce best results and (2) what are the roles and relationships of the school/community and of the region/center. The authors summarize, from recent literature, reasons for the usual failure of SBM and identify the conditions under which SBM works, noting school/community relations and external infrastructure as important factors. In looking at research from developing countries, the authors highlight similarities and differences compared to Western research, focusing on projects with promising results. Finally, the article draws strategic implications for establishing the kind of school-based developments that will positively affect learning outcomes.  相似文献   

突出特色是学科建设的突破口,学科特色培育是地方高校提升学科发展水平的根本出路。地方高校学科特色培育应遵循一定的原则;地方特色、科研特色和产学研合作是地方高校培育学科特色的基本途径;制定科学的学科发展规划、加强学科团队建设以及创新学科建设管理体制与考评机制是学科特色培育的条件保障。  相似文献   

An investigation of the relationship between gain in attitude toward and increases in knowledge of educational research was conducted. In addition, a comparison of two instructional styles was made. Preservice social studies teachers were randomly assigned to either an Individual Workbook or Lecture Workbook treatment. Two attitude measures were given before and after each ten week treatment. A knowledge measure was given as a final examination. Because of loss of one subject from each treatment and the small number of subjects, there were initial differences between treatment groups. Therefore, analysis of covariance tests were used. No significant differences between treatments were found. The results for the major question of the study indicated that increases in research knowledge did not result in gains in attitude toward educational research.  相似文献   

Because testing time in educational research is typically scarce, the use of long scales to assess motivational-affective constructs can be problematic. The goal of the present study was to scrutinize the psychometric properties of short scales (with three items) and single-item measures for two core motivational-affective constructs (i.e., academic anxiety and academic self-concept) by conducting systematic comparisons with corresponding long scales across school subjects and within different subject domains (i.e., mathematics, German, French). Statistical analyses were based on representative data from 3879 ninth-grade students. All short forms possessed satisfactory levels of reliability (range: .75–.89) and substantial correlations with the long scales (range: .88–.97); correlational patterns with educational student characteristics (e.g., achievement, school satisfaction, gender, academic track, and socioeconomic status) were comparable to those obtained with the corresponding long scales (all average differences in correlations below .07). The correlational patterns between all single-item measures and the external criteria were similar to those obtained with the corresponding long scales (all average differences in correlations below .08), yet the single-item measures demonstrated low to modest score reliabilities (estimated with the model-based omega coefficient; range: .22–.72) and correlations with full scales (range: .50–.88). When long scales are not applicable, short forms and perhaps even single-item measures may represent psychometrically sound alternatives for assessing academic anxiety and academic self-concept for educational research purposes.  相似文献   

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