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人本化是现代图书馆必须的管理和服务理念,是适应现代信息经济社会的必然要求,是国家可持续发展的动力,是现代图书馆事业发展的出发点和归宿点。因此,现代图书馆的知识管理和服务的人本化是现代图书馆存在和发展的必然结果。  相似文献   

素质教育视野中,社会需求的现代化人才品质凸现为健康人格和创新能力。而作为在此项素质造就过程中起重要作用的手段的高校“两课”教学目前面临着危机——教学过程中的“人”的缺失。确实树立“两课”教学的人本原则,以人性丰满、个性张扬的教学语境,实现“两课”教学的人本化的现代转换,对于切实提高高校“两课”教学水平,推动现代素质教育、人本教育具有重大意义.  相似文献   

人本化是现代图书馆必须的管理和服务理念,是适应现代信息经济社会的必然要求,是国家可持续发展的动力,是现代图书馆事业发展的出发点和归宿点.因此,现代图书馆的知识管理和服务的人本化是现代图书馆存在和发展的必然结果.  相似文献   

传播与化是相互作用、相互影响的。电视传播作为迎合受众的媒介,它在化和受众之间架起一座桥梁,营造多层次的受众化氛围,接受化熏陶,推动着化的进步与发展。  相似文献   

需求牵引、技术推动是教育技术装备发展的两大基本动力。通过对教育需求、技术推动内涵的分析,指出教育需求是牵引教育技术装备发展的主要力量,科学技术进步是教育技术装备产生和发展的基本动力。在此基础上,提出必须坚持教育需求牵引和技术推动相结合.这是今后我国教育技术装备发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

教育教学人本化理念的萌芽,是以孔子、马克思主义和西方的苏格拉底为代表。他们以发现人的主体性为端倪,注重人的发展,强调人主观能动性的发挥,并对其在教学认识过程中的动力作用尤为关注。这些教育哲学思想为当今的教育教学在科学发展观指引下践行人本化思想奠定了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

动力机制是推动系统运动的各种力量相互协调而形成的有机整体,决定着系统的生机和活力.在推动电大教育发展的系统工程中,政府及教育行政部门的重视和支持是电大教育发展的制度动力,不断满足社会需求及学习者的学习需求是电大教育发展的物质动力,教育信息化是电大教育发展的技术动力,电大自身坚持不懈的探索、实践与创新是电大教育发展的内在根本动力.研究动力机制,对推动今后电大教育的发展意义重大.  相似文献   

教育电视作为现代教育技术与大众教育传播的交叉应用领域 ,需要具有前瞻性的理论研究与实践发展。其中 ,对于教育电视在学校教育、社会教育、理论研究与实践应用水平以及我国东西部地区非平衡发展问题的提出 ,为进一步推动现代教育发展提出了策略性探讨  相似文献   

近年来,在教育改革的推动下,思政教育逐渐成为我国教育工作的重点内容。现阶段,我国中学思政教育工作传统管理模式已无法满足思政教育管理工作需求。为进一步合力开展学生思政教育工作,教师应积极做好探索与优化管理,为思政教育管理水平提升奠定良好基础。本文针对我国当前中学思政教育中人本化管理工作开展相关情况进行分析,并深入探究人本化管理工作的价值与应用要点,旨在促进落实思政教育人本化管理。  相似文献   

随着素质教育的蓬勃发展,我国的基础教育已由“应试教育”向“素质教育”转变,实施素质教育成为教育改革的主课题。在提倡素质教育的今天,美育作为其重要的组成部分,在现代教育中发挥着积极的导向作用。教育技术的根本目的是使教学最优化,优化的实质就是人本化,以人为本成为贯穿教育技术发展始终的理念。现代教育媒体在传播信息的同时,也积极发挥着美育功能。  相似文献   

数字教育电视节目作为一种有效的现代教学手段,在现代教育和培训中发挥着重要的作用。首先对教育电视节目的类型作出了划分,接着借鉴韩国电视剧的成功经验,并将其与国内的教育电视节目作比较分析,提出教育电视节目的设计策略,最后提出传播策略,以期为国内数字教育电视的发展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

通过文献研究发现当前对数字教育电视节目的传播渠道及其在不同渠道的应用和创新推广问题研究比较缺乏,本研究就此问题对教育电视节目的专业制作人员开展调研。  相似文献   

The Children's Television Workshop goes to school   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Repackaging existing educational television series to fit the needs of more narrowly defined audiences is a cost-effective way of delivering high-quality educational television into the schools. This article discusses both the technological and program-design barriers to wider use of television in classroom instruction and details the steps that the Children's Television Workshop took to make3-2-1 Contact, its educational television science series, a more effective science teaching tool.  相似文献   

在激烈的媒体竞争中,电视受到来自网络等新兴媒体挑战的同时,各种电视节目之间的明争暗斗也不可忽视。科教电视应以文化为本位,塑造节目的人文内涵与文化气质,全面提升电视文化的软实力,以收视率造成强大的传播效果,这样才能在激烈的市场环境中扩展生存空间。  相似文献   

在素质教育背景下构建电大教育评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施素质教育应确立科学的评价机制。当前,电大教育评价必须摆脱传统应试教育观念的影响和制约,通过全面发展教育,实现教育评价观念的转变,才能阐述教育评价的科学性。  相似文献   

县域经济的发展需要强有力的智力支持。县级电大在长期的办学过程中,为当地的社会进步和经济发展作出了重要贡献,但也存在着许多问题。在信息网络环境下,县级电大必须理顺管理体制,健全管理机构,构建县级现代远程教育中心;必须转变工作职能,优化能力结构,全面加强教师队伍建设;必须更新教育思想,转变教育观念,依托县级现代远程教育中心构建农村终身教育体系。  相似文献   

In highlighting the nature of educational television in Nigeria, the author traces the development of television in Nigeria, discusses aspects of instructional and educational television and looks at their importance in Nigerian education and national development. Some of the educational programmes broadcast on Nigerian television are described and the major problems facing the television industry are discussed. The author proposes some recommendations for solving those problems.  相似文献   

Statements made about educational television and learning are usually general, but they should refer to specific developmental stages of thought and mental development. Evaluation of the medium's efficacy in pre‐operational children's learning has received scant attention. Some suggestions are made whereby production and teachers’ use of programmes can align to Piaget's theory, but this is insufficient. Scope remains for ample research, but the immediate needs are for producers to embark on more ambitious and enterprising programmes and for teachers to examine whether they are providing adequately for pre‐operational children's learning from existing practices with educational television.  相似文献   

The author was based at the Educational Television Centre in Tel‐Aviv with a remit to study the development of educational television in Israel from its inception in 1966. The article briefly discusses the political and technological factors which led to the development of an educational television channel in Israel. At that time television in Israel consisted solely of educational television broadcasts in the mornings and afternoons. This was extended when the Israeli Broadcasting Authority started to broadcast on the one Israeli channel in the evening slot. The article concentrates on the recent development of educational television and its bid for a new niche in the constellation of Israeli broadcasting. Inevitably the development and future of educational broadcasting is intimately linked with Israel's religious and political schisms and its military and cultural preoccupations. At the moment Israel still only has one television channel, although test programming has been piloted on a second channel. This article explores the future options open to the Educational Television Centre in the context of satellite and cable broadcasting and the development of a second channel. Evidently the factors affecting the future of broadcasting in Israel are not dissimiliar from those which now face the UK, given the publication of the 1988 White Paper on Broadcasting  相似文献   

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