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循环经济是新时期一种新的生产方式和经济增长模式,要解决传统农村经济发展模式的弊端,实施和发展农村循环经济是最好的选择。要构建农村和谐社会,实现农村经济的可持续发展,我们必须大力发展农村循环经济。  相似文献   

农村经济的发展事关农村改革发展和稳定的大局,但新形势下农村经济发展面临着农村经济管理人员的知识结构不适应我国社会经济在整体上的发展.加快新型农村经济管理职业人才的培养,必须重新准确定位农村经济管理职业教育的功能和职责,构建起支持现代农业产业发展的农村经济管理人才培养体系,切实解决农村职业教育的人才培养目标设定,培养内容与方式选择,培养主体确立等核心问题.才能加快发展现代农业,增强农业综合生产能力.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,经济飞速发展,农村经济也获得了长足的发展。虽然国家加大了对农村经济的投入力度和广度,但我们要看到农村经济发展的制约因素及现阶段农村经济发展过程中存在着诸多问题,严重影响和阻碍着农村经济的顺利发展,同时我们要想办法加以解决。  相似文献   

邓小平同志历来十分重视农业和农村经济发展问题,他认为必须把农业和农村经济发展放在重要的战略地位,提出了实行农业“两个飞跃”的发展战略思想,指出依靠政策和科学是发展农业和农村经济的关键,强调调动农民积极性是农村经济发展的前提,强调发展多种经营和乡镇企业,全面繁荣农村经济。邓小平同志的上述思想,是邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部分,是实现农村改革,全面振兴农村经济的重要指导思想  相似文献   

农村经济发展模式是农村经济发展结构和运行方式实践中的具体表现形式,农村发展模式的创新,是解决农村经济发展问题的关键。本文在对安徽农村经济发展水平阐述和对安徽农村发展典型模式深入对比基础上,结合内生经济增长理论,得出了农村经济能人、农村观念创新的内生发展模式将是安徽农村发展的长效模式。  相似文献   

我国农村的所有制改革是一次巨大的成功。农村经济的建设和发展,直接影响到我国的社会主义现代化建设。高等教育要为社会主义经济建设服务,当然也必须为农村经济建设服务。我们只有了解农村经济建设的现状和发展趋势,以及农村经济建设对科学技术、专门人才的需求情况,才能更好地为农村经济建设服务。  相似文献   

在实践中发展了多元化的农村经济组织形式,是适应分散的小生产和大市场衔接的要求,也是适应农村社会化商品经济发展的要求。农村经济组织的创新必须依存与农村社区中的经济资源、社会资源和政治资源才能更好的实现经济组织的有效运作。农村经济组织创新体现出组织建设的地方特殊性。  相似文献   

农村实行费税改革后,村组经济依然存在,村组财务核算与管理依然是农村工作的重点和难点。根据农村村组经济的性质和发展状况,对村组经济的核算与管理采用"分村核算、强化公示、定期审计、落实惩处"模式,符合中国农村国情,有利于促进农村经济的发展。  相似文献   

凯里市人口城市化与小城镇建设初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设社会主义新农村,实现农村经济繁荣和农村人口城市化,要充分认识小城镇建设在整个经济建设中的重要作用.发展小城镇,是带动农村经济和社会发展的一个大战略,也是凯里市实现农村人口城市的必经之路.  相似文献   

农村经济发展与农村教育的关系是互动的,二者之间的发展是相互促进的。农村经济的发展可以推动农村教育的发展,具体来看,能够加大农民对人力资本的投资、能够扩充农村教育的发展空间和改善农村教育发展的外部环境。反过来,农村教育发展在农村经济增长中有重要的价值,具体而言,农村教育发展能够推进农业现代化进程,能够缩小城乡收入差距,能够促进和规范农村剩余劳动力的非农转移。基于二者之间的关系,农村经济和农村教育发展需要协调进行,通过稳固农村基础教育地位、构建农村终身教育体系、完善"三教统筹"工作、完善农村教育的经费投入机制来促进农村经济的发展。  相似文献   

Learning through experience and learning through media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

近年来,我国高等教育管理体制进行了空前的改革和调整,改革的重点是解决计划经济年代形成的条块分割、低水平重复建设、优化组合教育资源的问题,提高整体办学水平和人才培养的综合素质.按教育部提出的"合作、共建、调整、合并"的方式,全国高等学校合并重组,调整规模空前.实质性合并的高校发展大多经历了"打破原有办学格局,重新调配办学资源,统一办学思想和观念,深化内部管理体制改革"的磨合期.做好高校合并的前期工作,尽量缩短磨合期是学校快速发展的基础.  相似文献   

Not a panacea—but an additional useful strategy, suggest Edward McNamara, Senior Educational Psychologist, Lancashire Schools Psychological Service, Area 3, and Christine Heard, who describe the role of self-recording in classroom control  相似文献   

Reading materials developed for five to nine year old children with severe specific speech and language disorders at John Horniman School, Worthing, Sussex are described by Muriel Gillies, headteacher. The materials are being used in some ordinary as well as in special schools, and for children with a wider range of learning difficulties than those at the Worthing school, which is run by the Invalid Children's Aid Association.  相似文献   

This article explores the introduction of science writing into the undergraduate classroom. By asking students to write about science for popular audiences, teachers can illuminate the social and cultural aspects of science that are often lost in the complex prose of scientists writing to their peers. Not much has been written about the place of science writing in technical writing classrooms, though some articles focus on the process of training students to be science staff writers for a newspaper or magazine. But teaching science writing goes beyond professionalization. It has to do with a poetics of science that heightens and enhances our appreciation of the world around us.  相似文献   

Learning through discussions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Students studying a third‐year e‐commerce subject experienced face‐to‐face and online discussions as an important part of their learning experience. The quality of the students' experiences of learning through those discussions is investigated in this study. This study uses qualitative approaches to investigate the variation in the students' understanding of what they were learning through discussions, and how they went about engaging in them. Quantitative analyses are used to investigate how the students' experience related to their performance. Key outcomes of the study include that the quality of the students' experience of learning through discussions is positively related to their performance and that face‐to‐face and online discussions have qualitatively different benefits for learning.  相似文献   

The focus of this presentation will be on issues arising from a three year action research project, exploring young people's creative uses of digital technology, outside of formal education. The project, based at the University of Central England in Birmingham, and Jubilee Arts in Sandwell, has sought to both engage young people in a creative process, and provide access to digital technology. The research was formulated as a means of exploring the ways in which young people might utilise digital technology creatively, given access, outside of formal education.  相似文献   

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