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毛泽东的马克思主义宗教观,是以毛泽东为主要代表的中共第一代领导集体从中国的国情出发,服从服务于中国革命和建设的大局,创造性地运用马列主义宗教观的基本原理,实现马列主义宗教理论与中国宗教问题的正确结合,而形成的马克思主义宗教观中国化的第一个巨大理论成果。实践证明,在毛泽东宗教观的指导下,当时的宗教工作取得了巨大的进展。这一宗教思想对于我们今天正确认识和处理宗教问题仍有着重要意义。  相似文献   

马克思主义宗教理论是马克思主义整个理论的组成部分。中国共产党和中华人民共和国的缔造者之一、中国人民的伟大领袖毛泽东同志在把马克思主义理论成功地应用于中国革命的伟大实践过程中,同时也把马克思主义宗教理论成功地应用于解决中国宗教问题的伟大实践,对马克思主义宗教理论的发展做出了重大贡献。 全国解放以后,毛泽东同志非常关注宗教问题,重视宗教工作。五十年代末,六十年代初。  相似文献   

毛泽东同志关于宗教问题的论述,紧密结合我国革命和建设实际,针对性很强,具有鲜明的中国特色和时代特征,体现了毛泽东关于正确观察和处理我国宗教问题的基本思想,成为毛泽东思想的一个重要组成部分。 学习毛泽东关于宗教问题的思想,最主要的是学习他的关于宗教信仰自由的思想,党同宗教界在政治上团结合作的思想,向群众进行无神论和科学文化知识宣传的思想,警惕和反对帝  相似文献   

人类社会系统的发展,文艺的意识形态性质,文艺活动中王客体的关系决定了文艺是具有社会功利性的。文艺的社会功利性,从与其他意识形态的关系看,包括政治、道德、宗教、哲学等方面;从文学接受角度看,包括认识、教育、审美、交流四个系列,而以审美为基础。它具有时代性、间接性、不平衡性、可附加性。我们应完整准确地理解毛泽东文艺思想的社会功利观。那种把毛泽东文艺思想的社会功利观与审美功利观割裂开来的做法是十分错误的。  相似文献   

毛泽东对宗教的认识经历了一段曲折的心路历程。他提出宗教的本质是崇拜超自然力,宗教也是化,宗教是群众问题。他的宗教思想的实践包括:对宗教应采取保护政策,不能用行政命令消灭宗教,马列主义要同和尚合作。  相似文献   

肖德连 《学周刊C版》2010,(5):197-198
毛泽东军事思想是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分,是以毛泽东为核心的中国共产党第一代领导集体在军事领域集体智慧的结晶。毛泽东军事思想博大精深,达到了军事理论和革命实践的有机统一。科学、准确、完整地理解毛泽东军事思想,对于学生准确理解毛泽东思想,正确认识新民主主义革命史的发展规律具有重要的意义。笔者结合自己的教学实践,谈一谈对毛泽东军事思想特点的粗浅认识,以期引起广大教育同仁对这个问题的重视,起到抛砖引玉之效。  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯奠定了历史唯物主义的宗教观,列宁进一步揭示了在资本主义制度下宗教的麻醉作用,阐明了无产阶级革命时代无产阶级对待宗教的态度,以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为代表的中国共产党人根据马克思主义宗教观的基本原则,从我国的国情出发,正确把握我国宗教所具有的群众性、民族性、社会化、国际性等特点,立足于我国社会主义条件下宗教问题的长期性以及宗教在当代的某些变化,克服教条主义和主观主义,探索了如何处理宗教与社会主义的关系,以及如何引导宗教与社会主义相适应的重大课题,这是我党对于马克思主义宗教理论的重大贡献,体现了我党坚持真理、实事求是的优良传统和与日俱进的开拓精神。  相似文献   

伴随着经济全球化进程加快,大学校园也出现了宗教的身影。大学生多以宗教为人类文化的组成部分来理解宗教,而西方敌对势力也是利用宗教的文化属性来进行渗透。因此,从宗教的本质出发,对宗教进行分析,向大学生宣传马克思主义宗教观,宣传党的宗教工作方针、政策,能够使大学生正确地解释宗教现象和分析宗教文化,正确地认识宗教文化在世界文化中的位置,理性地看待宗教及其信徒,以促进校园和谐、社会和谐。  相似文献   

回顾旅游研究中学者比较容易忽略的话题——旅游对宗教的影响,指出现有研究较为分散,可大致概括为三类观点:1、旅游破坏当地人的正常宗教生活,导致宗教衰退;2、旅游保护宗教并促进其发展;3、宗教变迁不受旅游影响,只与社会整体大环境相关。同时,现有研究没能解释旅游对宗教影响的复杂性,缺乏对不同环境和宗教的案例研究,需要更多宗教群体的视角理解旅游影响。  相似文献   

马克思把实践理解为感性的对象性活动,理解为主体实际改变对象世界从而也改变自身的活动,即理解为主体改造世界和改造自身的统一。马克思的实践观是在批判黑格尔及其哲学体系基础上建立起来的。马克思在对费尔巴哈的宗教观进行批判时指出,宗教作为一种文化形式,一种特殊的意识形态,决不是悬浮于现实生活之外而是根源于现实生活之中——世界、国家、社会之中,揭示了宗教的世俗基础。马克思指出,只有在实践中使世俗基础革命化,才能消灭宗教。显示了马克思哲学是实践的、批判的,是对德国古典唯心主义和旧唯物主义的超越。  相似文献   

The article forms an analysis of the religious discrimination discourse in Polish public schools, with special attention paid to the culturally specific, Polish understanding of the notion of religious discrimination. The introductory part presents the concept of religious discrimination as present in anti-discriminatory policies. The following part outlines the Polish system of religious education and its relation to the religious discrimination. Studies on religious discrimination in Poland are presented and discussed. Important context is supplied by a presentation of two recent cases of religious discrimination in Polish public schools, and the actions undertaken by the Freedom from Religion Foundation. Authors of the article point out the important influence of cultural context on the perception of religious discrimination. The attention is drawn to the seemingly homogenous environment of the Polish school and of the discriminative discourse used in political and social debates. The analysis shows that the presence of religion as a subject in Polish schools remains a cause of conflict between the religious and atheist citizens, a conflict in which concepts of religious discrimination and religious freedom are used as arguments by both sides.  相似文献   


The rule of law presents a new path for understanding and handling religious affairs in contemporary China. The field of religious education is no exception and current legislation has to be improved so that China’s religious education can be further promoted. This research examines the legislation and legislative regulations governing China’s diversified and dynamic religious education, which includes professional religious studies, religious education embedded in ethnic education, missionary religious education, religious education included in general education, and education on religious policies and regulations. It argues that how to understand and implement the principle of separation of education and religion stands out as the core issue, as China requires a more dialectical and pluralistic religious education.  相似文献   


This article interrogates family and religious studies in the context of religious leaders who serve as regime enablers and resistors in Zimbabwe. Some religious leaders have overtly or covertly assumed the role of enablers of the current Zimbabwean political matrix, thereby threatening democracy, social justice, and accountability, by using religious narratives to buttress the status quo. I use critical emancipation research as lens to interrogate religious leaders as regime enablers. This theory allows me to name, expose and challenge oppression and injustice in and exclusion from social structures. I answer two questions: What are the trajectories of religious leaders as enablers in postcolonial political discourses, and how can family and religious studies tease resistor ideology among learners, to mitigate the challenges posed by enablers? There is always a price to pay when religious leaders become regime enablers, and there is a need for curriculum that can enact values, such as social justice, equity, and love for humanity, as a counter-hegemonic strategy to mitigate the challenges posed by religious leaders who act as enablers.  相似文献   

Public concerns over the possible effects of school segregation on immigrant and ethnic majority religiosity have been on the rise over the last few years. In this paper we focus on (1) the association between ethnic school composition and religious salience, (2) intergenerational differences in religious salience and (3) the role of ethnic school composition for intergenerational differences in religious salience. We perform analyses on religious salience, one five-point Likert scale item measuring religious salience among 3,612 16-year-old pupils in Belgian secondary schools. National origin was used as a proxy for ethnicity. Ethnic minority pupils in schools with a higher share of ethnic minorities tend to be more religious. This relation holds for Muslim as well as other religious and ethnic minorities. Ethnic school composition also moderates the relationship between migrant generation and religious salience: second generation migrants tend to be more religious in ethnic minority dominated schools. For ethnic Belgians the association is moderated by their religious affiliation: Catholics tend to be more religious, while non-affiliated ethnic Belgians are less religious in schools with a higher share of ethnic minority pupils.  相似文献   

Drawing on sociocultural perspectives on educational design, this article presents a qualitative study investigating how religious texts emerge as educational objects and mediating artefacts in Norwegian textbooks of religious and moral education. The article describes how the distribution of text references in textbooks influences the formation of religious traditions as objects. It also describes how religious texts are given various roles and how textbook assignments use various means to facilitate the interpretation of religious texts in a response to the demands posed by Norwegian syllabuses of religious and moral education.  相似文献   

从历史角度看,以哲学、思想理论为主导的老庄道家创立于前(先秦),以宗教信仰为主旨的道教建立于后(东汉以降),随之而来的是道家与道教的融合、涵化、整合、熔铸,亦道家亦道教,亦道教亦道家。因此,从整体上说,作为思想学术的老庄道家与作为宗教信仰的道教的关系是一而二、二而一的关系。章分析了老庄道家自然主义的生死观与道教“我命在我”的长生成仙说,说明了在生死观上道教对道家思想的援引和衍化。  相似文献   

马克思主义宗教观研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪八九十年代,学术界遵循“学术需理性,信仰要宽容”的原则开展宗教研究。如何理解“宗教是人民的鸦片”这句话,是学术界争论最为激烈的核心问题。长期以来,“鸦片论”一直作为我国宗教工作和宗教研究的出发点和最终归宿,甚至把它概括为马克思主义宗教观的理论根本。其实,“鸦片”是马克思承袭前人的提法,是对宗教在阶级社会中一定条件下所起消极作用的形象化比喻,不能把它归结为马克思主义宗教观。马克思主义宗教观是制定宗教政策的理论依据,而宗教信仰自由政策是马克思主义宗教观在实践中运用的结果。“积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应”的思想,充分体现了实事求是的精神,堪称对马克思主义宗教观理论的创造性发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theological base identified as a Christ‐with‐culture stance and its implications for religious education in Japan as a multireligious society. Affirming multiple revelations of God in various religious traditions, a Christ‐with‐culture stance recognizes Christ as the “Christian criterial revelation” to discern truths of God. Japanese Christians can employ Buddhist and Shinto traditions in the Christian worship service as a part of their own religious traditions and participate in different religious ceremonies to share a common life with non‐Christians, thus integrating their identity as religious multilingual persons who can be bridges between people of diverse religions.  相似文献   

Up until the 1960s, Catholic schools throughout most of the English‐speaking world were dominated by members of religious teaching orders, including female religious. For over a century following their establishment in 1866, one of the most prominent female religious teaching orders in Australia was that of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The first part of this paper contextualises the emergence of this particular religious order in terms of the development of Catholic education internationally and in Australia, and the associated ‘religious formation’ of nuns as teachers. Part two is centered on the most significant text used to guide the ‘religious formation’ of members of this order both as religious and as teachers, namely, that of their ‘rules and customs’. Drawing on an analytic approach based on a theory of social semiotics, it analyses both the sets of practices and the textual mechanisms through which the identity of members of the order as teachers was constructed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that the acquisition of meta-concepts and thinking skills in order to facilitate scholarly religious thought should be the principal aim of religious education in schools. As a result, the aim of religious education is primarily stated in cognitive terms and religious education is understood as closely related to education about religion. The educational value of this approach is explained in a cultural–historical perspective on learning. It is shown that there is a close connection between learning and development and that school learning especially contributes to development of pupils’ higher cognitive functions, if school learning aims at the acquisition of subject-specific meta-concepts and thinking skills. In order to apply these insights to religious education, the aim of religious education is reconsidered and some examples of meta-concepts and thinking skills that may serve as the content of religious education are discussed.  相似文献   

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