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Ⅰ.选择填空 1.—Your sweater looks nice.Is it wool? —Yes,and it’s Inner M ongolia. A.m ade of;m ade by B.m ade of;m ade in C.m ade by;m ade for D.m ade by;m ade from 2.— are m anatees? —They’re about 10feet long and they weigh about 1,000pounds. A.H ow heavy B.H ow long C.H ow tall D.H ow big 3.—W hat is he doing over there? —H e talking to M iss W ang. A.was seen B.saw C.is seen D.be seen 4.W e a factory near our school.It’s too noisy. A.against build B.are against build C.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空1.I arrive at7:00,but I arrived at8:00.A.suppose to B.am supposed toC.was supposed to D.was supposing to2.—Do you often your friends’hom es?—Y es,we do.A.drop by B.drop offC.drop at D.drop on3.People in Colom bia don’t have to m eettheir friends.A.m ake plan B.m ake plansC.m ake plan to D.m ake plans to4.Don’t point anyone your chopsticks.It’s not polite.A.at;by B.at;with C.to;by D.out;with5.They were friendly to m e,which m ade m eat hom e.A.feel B.to feelC.feeling …  相似文献   

1.Both sides exchanged their view s on a wide of topics they wereinterested in atthe m eeting.A .am ount B .collection C .num ber D .range2.Jim s close to his brother m ade people m istake them for one an-other.A .identification B .m em bershipC.probability D .resem blance3.She said she could not allthe inform ation given in the broadcast.A .accum ulate B .absorb C .adm ire D .appoint4.Itw ould be a m istake to this law to situations which are outsidethis range.A .apply B .use C .em ploy…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单 项 选 择1.— does Tom learn E nglish?— H e learns E nglish .A .W hat;by playing w ith his friendsB .H ow ;by reading aloudC .W hich;by helping w ith hom ew orkD .H ow ;by playing2.M any students think the best w ay E nglishis by using E nglish.A .to learn B .learnt C .learning D .learns3.She alw ays had trouble com plete sentences.A .m akes B .to m ake C .m aking D .m ade4.I realized that it doesn ' t m atter youdon 't understand every w ord.A .how B .until C .w hat D .if5.Y o…  相似文献   

Unit 211.(2005浙江)I couldn t .The line was busy. A .go by B .go around C.get in D .getthrough 2.(N M ET 1998)—C an I get you a cup oftea? — . A .Thats very nice ofyou B .W ith pleasure C.Y ou can,please D .Thank you for the tea 3.(2004湖北 )W hat surprised m e w as not w hat he said but he said it. A .the way B .in the way that C.in the way D .the way which 4.(1998上海) m ost students,she was always w ell prepared and never cam e to class late. A .Like B .A s C .For D .To 5.(200…  相似文献   

1.C an you think of som e cases drivers obviously knew the traffic rules butdidn tobey them ? A .why B .w here C .as D .w hich 2.The villagers, had been dam aged in the earthquake,w ere given help by the R ed Cross. A .alloftheir houses B .alltheir houses C.shoes allhouses D .all of whose houses 3. w e all know ,Tom has m ade great progress in physics since last term . A .It B .That C .W hat D .A s 4.The professor offered us another piece of advice, of great help to our English learnin…  相似文献   

我们先看几道高考题: 1. I couldn't do my homework with all that noise .(2005年北京卷) A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on 2.two exams to worry about, have to work really hard this weekend. (2004 年北京卷) A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of 3.It was a pity that the great writer died his works unfinished.(2004年福建卷) A.for B.with C.from D.of 4.production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(2000 年全国卷)  相似文献   

U nit 3 A rt and architecture Ⅰ.单项填空 1.W ith the sun shining,the scene of the m ountains and fields ap- pears fascinating(迷人的). A .snow-covered B .snow -covering C.covering-snow D .covered-snow 2.Y oung people should never sim ply m aterial com forts. A .go against B .go in for C.go aw ay w ith D .go through 3.The film w as so thatit m ade the old ladies to tears. A .m oving;m oved B .m oved;m oving C.m oving;m ove D .m oved;m oved 4.A s a Party m em ber,you m ustbehave . A .such…  相似文献   

1.(天 津 卷 )Y ou should understand the traffic rule by now.You’ve had it____ often enough. A.explaining B.to explain C.explain D.explained 2.(天 津 卷 )Idon’twant____ like I’m speaking illof anybody,butthe m anager’splan isunfair. A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded 3.(上 海 卷 )H e got well-prepared for the job inter- view ,for he couldn’trisk ____ the good opportunity. A.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost 4.(上 海 卷 )____ into use in April2000,the hot…  相似文献   

U nit 7 1.(N M E T 1998)D r Black com es from either O xford or Cam bridge.I can trem em ber . A .where B .there C .w hich D .that 2.(N M ET 1999)Y ou should m ake it a rule to leave things you can find them again. A .when B .w here C .then D .there 3.(N M ET 1995) is a fact thatE nglish is being accepted as an in- ternationallanguage. A .There B .This C .That D .It 4.(2001春招)H ave a good rest,you need to your energy for the tennis m atch this afternoon. A .leave B .save C .hol…  相似文献   

1.M y parents gave______a nice toy dog form y birthday.(2006年北京市)A.I B.m e C.m y D.m ine【点拨】选B。give sb.sth.给某人某物,代词用宾格。2.—D o you know the w om an overthere?—Y es.She’s______aunt.(2004年济南市)A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily’sand Lucy’sC.Lily’sand Lucy D.Lily and Lucy’s【点拨】选D。题干中的aunt是一个人,是莉莉和露西两人的姨妈。3.M ore and m ore people in Shanghaiare ableto talk and w rite______English these days.(2004年上海市)A.for B.w ith C.in D.to【点拨】选C。“…  相似文献   

请同学们先看两道中考题:1.-Lily is coming by plane tomorrow.-Let’s go to airport to meet her.(四川眉山)A.a;a B./;a C.the;the D./;the2.Lin Lin often practices English chatting with her American friend.(山东德州)A.in B.by C.for D.with分析:上面的两道中考题均是考查同学们对介词by的掌握情况,答案为:1.D项;2.B项。英语中,by的用法比较复杂,它既可用作介词,又可用作副词。为帮助同学们能准确运用,  相似文献   

A.选择填空。1.More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays,advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.(2005上海卷)A.taking B.taken C.having taken D.having been taken2.When the first English settlers arrived in the New World,theIndians jewllery made of animals bones greeted them warmly.(2005上海春招)A.wearing B.to wear C.worn D.having worn3.The old man,abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to hismotherland.(2004江苏卷)A.to work B.working C.to have worked D.havi…  相似文献   

1.M iss G reen goes to the doctors M onday m ornings. A .on B.in C.at (2005年武汉市) 2.Y ueyang is the north of H unan. A .at B.on C.to D .in (2005年岳阳市) 3. your help,I can tget the inform ation about H awaii. A .W ith B.W ithout C.U nder D .Below (2005年吉林省) 4.—W hats this called in English? —Its a teapot.Its used serving wine. A .to B.as C.by D .for (2005年漳州市) 5.H arbin is a beautiful city.Thousands people com e here to visit the Sun Island every year. A .off B.for C…  相似文献   

hoolardenfnglishU nit5T he B ritish IslesⅠ.单项填空1.The culture and custom s of A m erica are very m uch like of Eng-land.A.that B.w hat C.w hich D.those2.Com m unist spirit consists whole-hearted devotion to public in-terests.A.in B.w ith C.of D.on3.—I don tthink Jack can sing w ell.—But you are shy,he is courageous.A.where B.w hat C.though D.if4.A ctually,he is a new-com er unknown us all.A.for B.as C.by D.to5.Charles Babbage is generally considered the first com puter.A.to in…  相似文献   

1 .1 know nothing about the young Iady_she 15 from Beijing. A .exeePt B.exeePt for C.exCePt that D.besides 2 .Rose was wild with」oy—the result of the examination. A .to B.atC,by D.as 3一You are 50 lueky.一What do you mean_that? A .for B.in C of D. by 4  相似文献   

1.W e adm ire those are loyal their nation.A.who;w ith B.w ho;toC.whom;to D.that;to2.I don t care in his com pany.A.to see B.to be seenC.seeing D.being seen3.M ike often argues angrily his friend sm all things,w hichsom etim es m akes us very unhappy.ool den lish A .with;for B .w ith;about C.to;for D .to;about 4.—W ho, ,is the bestfootball player in China today? —I think it is Sun Jihai A .as a result B .in your opinion C.m ore or less D .in all 5.She w as scared the yard because she…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—W hat’s population of thiscity?—It has population of onem illion.A.the;the B.a;aC.the;a D.a;the2.—The plane is due to take off at7:50from the airport.—w e fail to arrive there intim e?—Try to take another flight then.A.W hat if B.A s ifC.E ven if D.O nly if3.There are so m any books for m e to,so I can’t decide which one to.A.choose;chooseB.choose;be chosenC.choose from;chooseD.choose;choose from4.—you got in t…  相似文献   

1.-W hat'syourbrotherdoing in hisroom now?-H e________a kite.(2006年北京市)A.m akes B.m ade C.ism aking D.willm ake●分析与解答:选C。问句是现在进行时态,所以,答语要与问句的时态保持一致,也要用进行时态。2.-H asthe m atch started?-Started?Finished!G uo Yue___  相似文献   

U nit 4 1.(2004春招)H e looked around and caught a m an his hand i the pocketofa passenger. A .put B .to be putting C.to put D .putting 2.(2004春招 )In order to change attitudes em ploying w om e the governm entis bringing in new laws. A .about B .of C .towards D .on 3.(2000上海)W hat he has done is far from . A .satisfactory B .satisfied C .satisfaction D .satisfy 4.(N M ET 1998)—N ancy is not com ing tonight. —Butshe . A .prom ises B .prom ised C.will prom ise D .had prom ised 5.(…  相似文献   

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