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Early assessment programs frequently rely on intelligence tests for making predictions regarding children's future school performance. Unfortunately, IQ scores provide little information to those who must develop educational interventions tailored to the unique ways in which children respond to learning situations. Alternatively, measures of children's learning style focus on distinct patterns of learning-related behavior manifested in classroom settings. Each dimension of learning style is composed of observable skills that are potentially teachable or alterable through available instructional procedures. In order to examine the relative contributions of learning style dimensions, IQ, and their interactions to the prediction of subsequent performance, 100 kindergarten children were evaluated by teachers using the Study of Children's Learning Styles scale and were administered the Kuhlmann-Anderson Intelligence Test. Fifteen months later the children's first-grade achievement was determined through standardized tests and teacher-assigned grades in reading, language, and mathematics. Relationships between the predictor and criterion variables were studied through patterns of bivariate correlations, canonical variate loadings, and standardized regression weights. Although IQ was found the better predictor, learning styles accounted for appreciable and statistically significant proportions of the variability in later achievement. The learning style dimensions functioned differentially across areas of achievement to enhance overall prediction either by complementing or interacting with the predictions afforded by IQ. The results are examined in the light of earlier research on learning-related behavior.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the issue of separating reading disability from general intelligence in order to identify those cognitive processes which discriminate between poor and good readers when intelligence is covaried. Subjects were 140 Grade 5 and 6 students who were administered Lorge-Thorndike intelligence test (1964), a reading decoding test and cognitive tests which measure planning, attention-arousal and simultaneous-successive processing. The tests which emerged as discriminators between good and poor readers when Lorge-Thorndike full scale IQ was covaried, were three measures of successive processing (Sequence Repetition, Naming Time, Speech Rate) and a measure of selective attention, the familiar Stroop Color-Word test. Subsequently, a comparison of reading disabled high and low average IQ children confirmed that the four tests were performed poorly by both groups. All four tests involve the use of articulatory representation, confirming the important role speech-related processes play in reading (decoding). The results support the notion that deficient speech-related processes may be the central problem of the majority of poor readers, especially those of above-average intelligence. Future directions for research on phonological coding and articulation were suggested.  相似文献   

Since both intelligence and reading readiness tests are widely used to predict reading success in grade one, both types of tests were administered to all entering first-grade pupils in two schools. Performance on these measures was correlated with end-of-year teacher marks and scores on a standardized reading test. Although the predictive validity coefficients for the readiness test were larger than those for the intelligence test on both criteria, the differences were not statistically reliable. When IQ was added to reading readiness scores, the multiple correlation rose from .61 to .67. Adding father occupation, sex, and age failed to meaningfully increase the accuracy in prediction; the multiple R’s increased only to . 68.  相似文献   

The study examined the degree to which scoring of responses to the Stanford-Binet test items might be influenced by the examiner's prior knowledge of subjects' ethnicity and IQ. Thirty-six actual Stanford-Binet protocols of subjects ranging in age from 5 to 8 years were divided into four groups. The matched sets of protocols were then assigned to four groups of examiners for the purposes of scoring. The protocols, representing varying ability levels, were scored in a counterbalanced order. Each group of three examiners, varying in the amount of information about the subjects' ethnicity and IQ, scored the protocols. Results obtained from a 4 × 3 repeated measures analysis of variance suggested that obtained IQs by the four groups of scorers were found to be similar, indicating no bias in the process of scoring Stanford-Binet protocols.  相似文献   


Etiological factors in reading disability for a high intelligence group were compared to those in average and low intelligence groups. All subjects were elementary and secondary pupils ranging from 7-1 to 15-10 in age. The twenty-six high intelligence subjects ranged from 113 to 128 in WISC IQ. The 146 subjects of average intelligence ranged from 88 to 112 in IQ. The thirty-four low intelligence subjects ranged from 70 to 87 in IQ. The subjects were administered several diagnostic tests to determine the etiology of their reading disabilities. When the etiological factors were divided into organic and functional categories, it was noted that the high intelligence group's disabilities were significantly more often functional in origin than those of the other two groups.  相似文献   

The System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA) was initially administered to 700 Anglo, 700 Black, and 700 Hispanic children in California elementary schools in order to develop a nonbiased testing program. Ten years later, 1184 of the original 2100 youths were again tested with the SOMPA in high school. At that time, academic achievement and parental interview data also were collected. The results indicate that: (a) Mean achievement test scores and GPAs for the high school students showed that Anglos obtained higher scores than Hispanics, who received higher scores than Blacks. (b) Among the various medical measures, the Bender Gestalt, Fine Motor Sequencing and Finger-Tongue Dexterity tests of the SOMPA were the only ones able to consistently differentiate between youth who did poorly and those who did well academically ten years after their initial testing. (c) Scores on the 1972 IQ test (WISC-R) showed moderate correlations with achievement test scores ten years later. (d) 1972 IQ scores showed low but reliable correlations with GPAs ten years later. (e) In only a very few instances were IQ correlations with achievement test scores higher for minorities than for Anglos. (f) IQ correlated less well with GPA than with achievement test scores for all three ethnic groups. (g) An adjusted IQ, called Estimated Learning Potential (ELP), was more predictive of school achievement than was verbal IQ, particularly for Blacks in the lowest sociocultural quartile. (h) In the second lowest sociocultural quartile, the VIQ correlations with academic measures were reliably higher than the VIQ-ELP correlations, but only for the Anglo and total groups. (i) In the upper two sociocultural quartiles, for all ethnic groups combined, VIQ correlated slightly, but significantly, higher than ELP with school achievement. (j) Also in the upper two quartiles, VIQ correlated higher with academic measures than did VIQ-ELP for both Blacks and Hispanics in almost half of the comparisons. In conclusion, it appears that some subtests of the SOMPA may have some validity for predicting school achievement for students from different ethnic groups.  相似文献   


Twenty‐four second‐ and third‐grade children were given two cognitively‐based role‐taking tests developed by Flavell et al. (1968). The children's social behaviour was observed over a two‐month period. It was coded according to a scheme introduced by the anthropologists Whiting and Whiting (1975) which produces composite scores of egoism and altruism. Teachers rated the children's social behaviour and role‐taking ability. IQ scores were obtained from school records. Tests of the reliability and validity of the measures of role‐taking and altruism were positive. Role‐taking ability was positively correlated with naturally‐occurring altruistic behaviour and teacher's ratings of altruism. IQ was positively correlated with role‐taking ability, and tended to be positively correlated with altruism. The correlation between role‐taking and altruism was marginally significant with IQ partialled out. The results were consistent with the conclusion that role‐taking ability increases the disposition to behave altruistically in third‐grade children.  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代青岛平民住所问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪二三十年代,青岛市住房问题十分突出。当时的青岛市政府成立筹建委员会,修建了多种平民住所,并在管理与整顿方面制定了明确的规章制度,从而在一定程度上缓解了住房问题。虽然由于历史和阶级性的局限,当时政府的作为还存在很多不足,但是对今天廉租房的建设仍有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The Boder Test may represent a viable screening instrument for the identification of dyslexia and dyslexic subtypes. Proportions of the 30 LD children studied identified by Boder's classification system as dysphonetic (63.3%), dyseidetic (6.7%), and mixed dysphonetic-dyseidetic (13.3%) were similar to those reported in earlier studies. Neuropsychological characteristics associated with the Boder categories were consistent with the literature: Significantly fewer dysphonetic readers were represented in the V > and Spatial<Sequential IQ groups, and left-handedness and left-hand tapping preference were overrepresented in the mixed dyslexic category. Black children who had been identified as learning disabled on the basis of other tests were categorized as normal readers by the Boder, suggesting its possible use as a nonbiased measure of reading.  相似文献   

Performance of hearing-impaired students on selected tests of visual processing and the relationship between performance on those measures and on a test of reading comprehension were investigated. Seventy-seven subjects, all 7- and 8-year-olds, were tested using the MVPT, ITPA Sequential Memory Subtest, VADS, Jordan, VMI, Slingerland, and SAT-HI. Scores of the hearing-impaired subjects failed to match those of the hearing norm sample of the VADS test but no systematic differences were found on the other tests of visual processing. Performance IQ was strongly associated with both visual processing and reading scores. Significant portions of the variance in reading scores were explained by IQ and performance on tests of memory for visual stimuli. Visual tests without a memory component failed to explain significant portions of the variance in reading performance.  相似文献   

英语教育在20世纪二三十年代占据着重要的地位。这一时期的英语教育在师资与教材、教育组织、教育方法等方面有着显著的特点,如师资条件日趋改善,教材选择日益生活化和专业化,英语教育组织日趋增多,且规模不断扩大,关于英语教育方法的讨论更加有深度和广度,并或多或少的应用于实际的英语教育当中。20世纪二三十年代的英语教育对当今英语教育改革具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Sixty children between the ages of 3 and 5 participated in this study of children's ability to discriminate emotions in others. Twelve children were identified as neglected, and eight were identified as abused. Two additional groups of nonmaltreated children included one comparable on IQ and one with significantly higher intelligence. All children were given three tests: The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the Borke Interpersonal Awareness Test and the Rothenberg Social Sensitivity Test. The results showed that normal children with the higher IQ were significantly better able to identify and discriminate other people's emotions from picture stories than were the other groups of children, who were not different from one another on any of the measures. Furthermore, when IQ was covaried in the ANOVAS, all group-differences disappeared. It was suggested that previous studies demonstrating inferior performance on measures of social cognition by maltreated children may have been due to the failure to control for IQ.  相似文献   

Fifty white, suburban middle-class children were tested in the fourth grade with six divergent thinking tests developed from Guilford's SOI model and in the sixth grade with the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Verbal Form A. In the fourth grade, these students' classroom teachers completed for each of them the Scale for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students. With IQ and reading and math achievement controlled via partial correlations, Guilford-like and Torrance measures were significantly correlated over 2 years but only teachers' rating of students as “sensitive to beauty and the aesthetic characteristics of things” was significantly related over 2 years to creativity measures. This characteristic appeared to be most crucial in the prediction of creativity for boys.  相似文献   

The K-ABC and the Stanford-Binet IV (abbreviated test battery) were administered in a counterbalanced order to 32 gifted third- and fourth-grade students. It was found that the Stanford-Binet IV produced scores that were an average of eight points higher than those on the K-ABC. The concurrent validity coefficient of .70 indicated a high degree of association between test performance on these two tests. When the diagnostic heuristic of +2 SDs is used to identify gifted children, 68.6% concordance was found between these tests. Eighty percent of the discordance involved cases in which the Binet IQ was above +2 SDs and the K-ABC was below +2 SDs. Implication for the assessment of gifted children is discussed.  相似文献   

奥登在上世纪30年代创作了大量反映社会状况和战争的诗歌,以中国抗日战争为背景写下十四行组诗《战争时代》。与奥登相似的政治时代背景使杜运燮在奥登诗中找到情感的共鸣,上世纪40年代中国诗坛的状况使他借鉴奥登表现时代主题的诗歌技巧和语言特色,并与中国实际情况相结合,将现实与艺术有机地融合在一起。杜运燮对奥登诗歌的成功借鉴,对纠正上世纪40年代新诗的不良倾向,起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,上海面临着严重的自杀问题。由此,当时社会的一些有识之士和官方当局为控制和解决此社会问题纷纷从原因、方法、社会控制等方面提出了一些防止自杀的意见和建议,并在此基础上实施了一些预防自杀的措施和对自杀未遂者进行具体的救济,从而在社会中初步构建了一个由官方和社会力量共同参与的自杀预防和救济机制。  相似文献   

The Stanford-Binet IV and the WISC-III were administered in counterbalanced order to 31 subjects, aged 11 to 17 years, who were previously identified as functioning in the range of mild mental retardation. The correlations among the scores on the two tests were significant, but the Stanford-Binet IV Composite IQ was higher than the WISC-III Full Scale IQ for 29 of 31 subjects. The results suggest that children identified as functioning in the range of mental retardation on the WISC-III could be identified as functioning at a higher level if the Stanford-Binet IV were used. The consistency of the results points to the need for the use of multiple criteria in making decisions regarding educational accommodation. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Third grade boys identified as being disruptive to on‐going classroom activities were grouped according to their teacher's ratings of their behaviour characteristics as unco‐operative (Type I), easily flustered (Type II), and unco‐operative and easily flustered (Type III). No significant differences in performance existed between types on individually administered tests of perception and psycholinguistic abilities. On group administered tests of academic achievement and intelligence, the uncooperative boys did significantly better than the other two types. It was also determined that the easily flustered boys did substantially better on individually administered measures of IQ. than they did on group administered measures. These findings suggest that teachers should avoid using group tests to evaluate disruptive boys they perceive as being easily flustered.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代"小品文热"的文化学透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1930年代初中期小品文期刊的繁荣以及林语堂所鼓动起幽默闲适小品文的热潮,是30年代上海文化工业起步和兴盛的结果。围绕小品文热而产生的种种争论辩驳,则凸显出现代作家对商业化文化机制或顺从或警觉或抵抗的心理。借助文化学的视角将有助于我们对30年代小品文现象的发生与变化过程进行重新阐释。  相似文献   

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