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生活是一首赞歌,你要唱响它。生活是一项比赛,你要参与它。生活是一次挑战,你要迎接它。生活是一个美梦,你要实现它。生活是一种牺牲,你要奉献它。生活是一种友爱,你要享受它。Life is a,song--sing it.Life is a game--play it.Life is a challenge--meet it.Life is a dream-  相似文献   

Life Is Beauty     
Life is beauty,adm ire it.Life is bliss,taste it.Life is a dream ,realize it.Life is a challenge,m eetit.Life is a duty,com plete it.Life is a gam e,play it.Life is a prom ise,fulfill it.Life is sorrow ,overcom e it.Life is a song,sing it.Life is a struggle,acceptit.Life is a tragedy,confrontit.Life is an adventure,dare it.Life is luck,m ake it.Life is too precious,do notdestroy it.Life is life,fight for it.Life Is Beauty!河南@杨阳…  相似文献   

Life can be good,生活也许美好,Life can be bad,生活也许懊恼,Life is mostly cheerful,生活常常充满欢乐,But sometimes sad,但有时令人悲伤。Life can be dreams,生活也许是一场梦,Life can be great thoughts,生活也许是智慧结晶,Life can mean a person,生活也许能将一个人,Sitting in court.送上被告法庭。Life can be dirty,生活也许丑陋,Life can even be painful,生活甚至可能痛苦,But life is what you make it,但生活是由你自己所创作,So try to make it beautiful.所以努力创造幸福。(山西省原平市铁路中学启晖推荐)生活@…  相似文献   

Life Life Li仆Life Li介Li介Life Life Lif卜Li仆Life Li介叼加t IoU阿15 a gift一aeeept it. i、a stru路le一faee it. 1片月sf,rlg一Slng It·15 an aol、,enture一dare ir. 151,eauty一rraise it. 15‘1 nlyste卿一,一nfold it. i,a game一play it. 15 a Puzzle一solve it,i,an‘、rPort一,nity一take it. i,a goal一a。、hieve it. 15 a mission一fulfill it. 15 11一live it.入生里什么?人生是一件礼物,接受它。人生是一场斗争,面对它。人生是一首歌曲,歌唱它。人生是一场冒险,挑战它。人生是一种美,颂扬它。人…  相似文献   

1.Life is not fair,get used to it.生活是不公平的;要去适应它。2.The world won’t care about your selfesteem.The world will expect you to accomplishsomething before you feel good aboutyourself.这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所  相似文献   

学习是什么?学习是奋斗。学习是探索,学习是发现。学习是一首歌,我们要唱响它。学习是一项运动,我们要参与它。学习是一种挑战,我们要迎接它。学习是一个梦想,我们要实现它。学习是付出,我们要为它奉献。学习是一种快乐,我们要享受它。学习是一种义务,我们要履行它。Study is to strive.Study is to seek.Study is to find.Study is a song,sing it.Study is a game,play it.Study is a challenge,meet it.Study is a dream,realize it.Study is giving,offer it.Study is a pleasure,enjoy it.Study is a duty,fulfill it.学习是什么?@…  相似文献   

汽车——Life is ajourney.Enjoy the ride!(生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途愉快!)饮料——Life is a sport.D rink it up!(生活就是一场运动,喝下它!)酒——Life isharsh,your tequilaz shouldn’tbe.(生活是苦涩的,而您的龙舌兰酒却不是。)运动鞋——Five feet nine inches in hissocks.Ten feettallin hisshoes.(光着脚身高5.9英尺,穿上“锐步”身高10英尺。)航空公司——W ith our new e-ticket,allyou have to bring is yourself.(选用我们的电子机票,阁下不需携带任何东西,只需带上自己。)移动电话——M ake yourself heard.(倾听自我…  相似文献   

A llthings in their being are good for som e--thing.(天生我材必有用。)Life is ten percent w hat you m ake it andninety percenthow you take it.(生活有百分之十在于你如何塑造它,有百分之九十在于你如何对待它。)B e concerned about the affairs of statebefore oth  相似文献   

本刊资料Life…What is it?See it in the colors of autumn,A gentle snow fall in winter,A sudden shower in spring,The radiance of a summer day.Behold it in the laughter,Of the young and the old.Know of it in a surge of hope,The blessings that are bountiful.What is life?It is joy,awareness,And the music within.心灵深处的音乐生活是什么?它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里,飘融在轻柔无语的冬雪中,在阵阵春雨里,在绚丽夏日中。它包含在老人爽朗的笑声里,也隐匿在孩子们天真的嬉戏中。它汹涌在人们的希望里,它荡漾在美好…  相似文献   

Life...What is it?See it in the colors of autumn,A gentle snowfall in winter,A sudden shower in spring,The radiance of a summer day.Behold it in the laughterOf the young and the old.Know of it in a surge of hope,The blessings that are bountiful.What is li…  相似文献   

Life is a sweet flower.We enjoy it.We spend our life in peace and harmony.We learn to love life,because we love the people in our life.Life is filled with joy and happiness.We must learn to cherish  相似文献   

生命或许美好,亦或充满荆棘,生命大部分是快乐的,但有时也会有悲伤。生命或充满了梦想,亦或是伟大的思考;生命就是坐于法庭,等待着时间的宣判。生命或许污浊,甚或倍感痛苦;但生命由自己创造,所以努力使其美丽吧!Life can be good,Life can be bad,Life is mostly cheerful,But sometimes sad.Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts;Life can mean a person,Sitting in court.Life can be dirty,Life can even be painful;But life is what you make it,So try to make it beautiful.生命@兰斯顿·休斯~~…  相似文献   

你的存在是献给世界的一份厚礼。你是唯一的,是独一无二的。你想要的生活能成为现实。日子要一天天地过。多关注好事,而不是烦恼。不论有什么困难,你都能克服。相信你的能力。要有毅力,要有勇气,要身心坚强。焦虑最浪费精力。问题拖得越久,就变得越沉重。不要事事都太计较。过平静的生活,不要活在悔恨之中。不要自我设限。你的梦想等着你去实现。不要浪费时间去找种种借口。攀登你的巅峰,追求你的目标。Your presence is a gift to the world.You5re unique and one of a kind.Your life can be what you want it to be.Take it one day a…  相似文献   

Life…What is it? See it in the colors of autumn, A gentle snow fall in winter, A sudden shower,the radiance of a summer day.  相似文献   

Li Yijia, 20, lives in Beijing and sings in a band. She hasn't seen her parents in three years. And she tells us what it is like to live in two different cultures. Life in the Big City 在大城市中的生活  相似文献   

生活中少不了要提出些建议和劝告, 但是一定要注意提建议时的语气和用词。 这里收集了一些提建议的好句子, 大家要 学以致用哦! Encouraging someone who is hesitant 当某人犹豫不决时给予鼓励 1. Give it a try. 试试看。 2. Go for it. 去试试吧。 3. Have a go at it. 你来试一试。 4. It won’t hurt you to try it. 你不妨 试试。 5. It’s going to be hard, but give it your best shot. 事情会很难, 你尽力而为就 是了。 6. Come on. You can do it! 来吧, 你 能行! 7. Go for the first prize! I know you are good enough. …  相似文献   

Life is like a chocolate, as is often said, and you will never know what is inside until you open the box. However, too many times, we just can't face it when the box is opened.  相似文献   

Life is like a mulfifacefed prism,which gives different colored images,when viewed from different angles.Look how it appears to different people:  相似文献   

Brain Twister脑筋急转弯1.How many letters are there in English?English里有多少个字母?2.What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than byyourself?什么东西只属于你,而别人使用它比你使用的还要多?3.What letter is a question?(什么字母是一个问题?)4.What letter is an animal?(什么字母是一种动物?)5.What letter is a vegetable?(什么字母是一种蔬菜?)6.You have it.You read it.There are some pictures in it.What is it?(一学习用品)kooB.6aep-P.5eeb-B.4.yhw-Y.3.emanyM.2个7.1:案答""""""""""""""…  相似文献   

One of my favourite posters says,“Life is a test. It is only a test.Had this been a real life you would have been instructed where to go and what to do .”Whenever I think of this humorous bit of wisdom,it reminds me not to take my lift so seriously.  相似文献   

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