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亲子关系对农村留守儿童主观幸福感的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为考查农村留守儿童的亲子关系状况及其与主观幸福感的关系,运用<主观幸福感阶梯量表>和自编<亲子关系状况调查表>对河南省周口地区8所农村中小学279名留守儿童和182名非留守儿童进行调查.结果发现:(1)留守与非留守儿童对自己未来主观幸福感的预期要好于当前主观幸福感的评估,对过去主观幸福感的估计最低.(2)留守儿童与非留守儿童主观幸福感不存在差异,都处于中等偏上程度;不同年龄留守儿童当前主观幸福感没有差异.(3)父母与子女的联系及关系状况、对父母外出打工的认知和感受对留守儿童当前主观幸福感均有重要作用;同与抚养人的关系质量相比,与外出父母的关系质量对留守儿童主观幸福感的影响更大.  相似文献   

留守儿童心理发展及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村留守儿童是随着农村剩余劳动力向城市大规模流动所产生的新的社会问题.本研究采用量表法,通过与非留守儿童的比较,发现留守儿童在自尊、心理控制、情绪控制、心理支援、生活信心、社会适应等心理发展上都明显落后于非留守儿童;而且,留守儿童的性别、留守时间、年级及打工父母与留守儿童的联系状况等对留守儿童心理成长有影响.  相似文献   

一、农村留守儿童的现状1.留守儿童的内涵。指父母双方或一方流动到其他地区,孩子留在户籍所在地,并因此不能和父母双方共同生活在一起的14岁以下的儿童。2.基本现状。通过人口普查显示,我国留守儿童大约在1000万以上,留守儿童人数众多已经形成一个需  相似文献   

采用艾森克人格问卷(儿童版)和应对方式量表对211名农村初中学生进行调查分析,探讨农村留守儿童的人格特征、应对方式的现状及在性别、父母外出时间等变量上的差异情况。结果表明:农村留守儿童在人格特征的内外向、神经质,应对方式的自责、求助、退避等因子上与非留守儿童存在显著差异;男留守儿童的精神质、解决问题、自责等因子远远高于女留守儿童,具有统计学上的显著意义:在父母外出时间上,人格特征中的内外向特质有显著变化。在教育中,教育者应给予留守儿童更多的关注,并根据性别、父母外出时间等因素给学生以适当的教育。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童是我国经济高速发展和城市化的产物。父母长期不在身边,导致农村留守儿童最大问题是亲情缺失带来的对关怀的迫切需求。通过对比留守儿童与非留守儿童情感状况的深入调查了解,分析学生存在问题,发挥学校老师优势,探索“言教.身教、心教”三结合模式,探索农村留守儿童情感缺失移情于老师的方案。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童身心状况已成为教育学与心理学领域共同关注的焦点.有研究表明,留守儿童出现不少适应问题.但是,留守儿童并非一定是“问题儿童”.采用整体随机抽样的方法抽取广西342名农村儿童,比较农村留守与非留守儿童自我意识状况,探讨农村留守儿童自我意识保护性因素及其作用机制.结果表明:留守与非留守儿童的自我意识得分差异不显著(p>0.05);应对方式、主观社会支持和支持利用度能显著预测留守儿童自我意识,积极应对和主观社会支持是农村留守儿童自我意识的保护性因素,主观社会支持在农村留守儿童积极应对和自我意识之间起部分中介作用和调节作用.  相似文献   

亲子分离对留守儿童安全感发展的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究亲子分离对农村初中留守儿童安全感的影响.方法:采用S-I问卷对初中留守儿童和非留守儿童的安全感进行测试.结果:留守儿童与非留守儿童的安全感差异显著,与父母分离时的年龄越小,分离时间越长,一年内相处时间越少,孩子不安全感倾向的可能性则越大;隔代教养和独立生活的留守儿童安全感显著好于寄养儿童.结论:亲子分离后,亲子相处时间和替代养育方式显著影响着留守儿童安全感的发展.  相似文献   

微话题:据全国妇联统计,全国留守儿童的人数约为5800万,其中14岁以下的留守儿童超过4000万。目前,留守儿童占全部农村儿童总数的28.29%,平均每4个农村儿童中就有一个留守儿童。留守儿童与打工父母一年中仅在过年时能短暂相聚。过了年,父母又要远行。你是否也是留守儿童中的一员呢?  相似文献   

微话题:据全国妇联统计,全国留守儿童的人数约为5800万,其中14岁以下的留守儿童超过4000万。目前,留守儿童占全部农村儿童总数的28.29%,平均每4个农村儿童中就有一个留守儿童。留守儿童与打工父母一年中仅在过年时能短暂相聚。过了年,父母又要远行。你是否也是留守儿童中的一员呢?  相似文献   

随着我国社会政治经济的快速发展,越来越多的农村剩余劳动力走入城市,随之在广大农村地区产生了一个特殊的未成年人群体——农村留守儿童.留守儿童是指与父母双方或一方分离并留守在农村的少年儿童,是农村流动人口在户籍地以外谋生时把其未成年的子女留置在户籍地而产生的社会群体.据全国妇联统计,全国留守儿童的人数约为5800万,其中14岁以下的留守儿童超过4000万.目前,留守儿童占全部农村儿童总数的28.29%,其中,0~5周岁农村留守幼儿约占全国农村同龄儿童的1/3,集中分布在中西部人口大省.  相似文献   

在我国社会经济急速转型时期,由于社会政治、经济、文化、自然等多重因素的影响,出现了一个特殊的群体——“弱势群体”.家庭的弱势,对其子女的学习、品德及身心健康造成了严重的影响.在构建和谐社会、促进教育公平的今天,“弱势群体”的教育问题应该引起全社会的关注.  相似文献   

The present study examined the child-rearing attitudes of incest and nonincest child sexual abuse survivors and their perceptions of their own parents' behavior. From a sample of women with a history of child sexual abuse, 40 women with children completed questionnaires designed to assess their own and their parents' child-rearing behavior in terms of the dimensions of parental acceptance and control. The data indicated that women from incestuous backgrounds had more negative perceptions of their fathers and mothers in terms of acceptance and control than women abused by men who were not related to them. Moreover, incest victims who perceived their mothers negatively endorsed autonomy promotion in their own attitudes toward child rearing. The findings are discussed in terms of (1) the lack of positive parenting models when relations with both parents are experienced as negative, (2) incest survivors' conflicts about their own early maturity, and (3) the relation of these findings to the tendency for intergenerational repetition of father-daughter incest.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - What relationships exist between Mexican students and their professors? This paper compares student expectations with their experiences. This comparison is done...  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - With the end of summer's carefree days, children (and parents too) are anxious for the first day of school. The projects and activities listed here will help...  相似文献   

Robert Nicholls, head of Tesdale and Bennett House Schools, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, describes an experiment in educating severely and mildly handicapped children together—a practice likely to become more widespread in future  相似文献   

对多数学生来说,写作是难事,写好作文则更不易,久而久之形成恐惧。克服恐惧感和提高写作信心的一些方法主要是细心观察,养成练笔的习惯,掌握正确的写作方法和技巧,培养写好作文兴趣。  相似文献   

This article reports on an Economic and Social Research Council‐funded study into secondary‐aged writers' compositional processes, both as observed in a naturalistic classroom setting and as gathered through post hoc reflections. The sample comprised 38 children drawn from Year 9 and Year 11 who were observed, using an annotated timeline, responding to a writing task in the classroom and were subsequently interviewed, using stimulated recall. The initial analysis of the pause and writing patterns observed during the writing task revealed different writing profiles for different writers, and subsequent analysis suggests tentatively that writers of different proficiency may present differing writing profiles. These patterns of composition are then illustrated further through use of the interview data, indicating the writers' awareness of their own composing processes. Finally, the article considers the pedagogic and theoretical implications of these findings, in particular the need for further confirmatory research.  相似文献   

The Images of Schools through Metaphor (ISM) was developed as a simple, economical questionnaire to allow school leaders and researchers to survey teachers' images of their school. The article describes briefly aspects of the development and validation of this questionnaire and its application in an investigation of relationships between teachers' images of their schools and their perceptions of its work environment as assessed by the School Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ). The sample used consisted of 162 teachers in 48 schools in Tasmania, Australia, each of whom completed both the ISM and the SLEQ. The various results revealed were generally of considerable statistical significance indicating a strong relationship between the images teachers have of their school and the perceptions they have of its work environment.  相似文献   

耶鲁大学校长莱文认为,大学正史无前例地变成提升国家竞争力和维护世界和平的工具。在众多力量的胶着过程中,跨越国境运动对塑造高等教育的作用披靡无比。作为对推进世界经济力量的回应,大学变得更加具有“自我全球意识”。全球化正在改变大学从事研究的方式。通过开展联合研究,大学为全人类的利益发展科学。与美国形成鲜明对照,欧洲已经失去了其竞争优势,同时美国的可持续发展也依然矛盾丛生。这些对21世纪中国大学的职能定位和与其它世界一流大学的国际合作具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

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