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The National College for School Leadership (now the National College) exists to serve the development needs of school leaders in England. The College has begun to use web conferencing in several areas of its work including its professional development programmes, strategic initiatives and support and networking opportunities. Web conferencing tools offer a range of modes of interaction including audio, chat, text, desktop sharing, presentations and video conferencing. It thus has the potential for multi-process learning. The research reported here investigated the ways in which multi-process learning using these tools can be understood. It asked ‘What insights can be gained into the learning processes occurring in synchronous online seminars involving experienced educators? A literature review was carried out to provide background on the current thinking about learning through web conferencing and to explore factors that might be essential for the collective construction of knowledge in this context. Recorded internal and external NCSL web conferences were chosen as case studies; these provided the data for independent qualitative analysis by each of the researchers. From this analysis a model of the learning processes, identified in the data, was developed and related to the current literature. The major findings and model were further reviewed, in the light of their own web-conferencing experiences, by a large number of expert College educators. The resulting ‘model of multi-process learning in web conferencing’ identifies the part played by social, informational, individual internalisation and co-construction stages in multi-process learning.  相似文献   

《Assessment Update》2014,26(3):1-16
Do Good Assessment Practices Measure Up to the Principles of Assessment? Call for Contributions Healthy Assessment: What Nursing Schools Can Teach Us about Effective Assessment of Student Learning Development of a National Survey for Secondary Mathematics Teacher Education Programs From the States: New Looks in Specialized Accreditation Community College Strategies: Curriculum‐Level Assessment: Finding Meaning and Focus for Real Results  相似文献   

高考的历史传承、现状及其未来走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科举制的历史告诉我们,高考的理念不会消失,但是某种具体的高考制度可能淘汰。当前的统一高考制度的根本问题到底在哪里,它是否存在自身无法克服的弊端,这是决定其未来命运的基本依据。在对历史作出回顾,对现行高考制度进行深入分析的基础上,得出高考将往何处去的一些启示。  相似文献   

What is open learning?   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The recent change in this journal's title, from Teaching at a Distance to Open Learning, poses obvious questions of definition. What is open learning? And how does it relate to distance education and adult education? In this article, Roger Lewis, Head of Educational Development Unit at North Staffordshire Polytechnic, makes use of his considerable and varied experience of working with the Open University, the Council for Educational Technology, the Open Tech, the National Extension College and other practitioners of open learning in providing some answers. Readers should find the analytical tools and examples included in the article of considerable use in examining their own experiences in the open learning field.  相似文献   


The College of Lake County Regional Photonics Initiative project was motivated in part by the hiring of out-of-state technicians for local Photonics industry positions. Fifteen high paying employment opportunities during the recent recession could not be filled from the locally available workforce. Research on the current demand and future growth of this industry led to inquiry regarding the feasibility of establishing a photonics program at the College of Lake County. With support from National Center for Optics and Photonics Technology, Indian Hills Community College in Iowa, consultation with local industry, and funding from the NSF (National Science Foundation) ATE (Advanced Technical Education) program, the first Lasers, Photonics, and Optics certificate program was established. This immediately provided photonics skills and employment opportunities to students, many of whom were already working in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) related fields.  相似文献   

This article is an excerpt from a report issued by Clayton State College and from an article by B. R. Rice and E. W. McElroy, “General Education at Clayton State College” in Outcomes: The Quarterly Journal of the Network for Outcome-Based Schools, 10 (1), Spring 1991.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Modern Mathematics. By Raleigh Schorling (University of Michigan) and John R. Clark (Lincoln School of Teachers College). Three volumes. Yonkers: World Book Company, 1924.

The Unstable Child. By Florence Mateer. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1924. Pp. xii + 471.

Science Remaking the World. Edited by Otis W. Caldwell and Edwin E. Slosson. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1923. Pp. xi + 292.

A Modern College and a Modern School. By Abraham Plexner. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1923. Pp. xviii + 142.

The Honesty Book (fourth edition). By The National Honesty Bureau, W. B. Forbush, Managing Director. New York, 1924. Pp. iv + 59. Price, $0.80.

Psychology and Self‐Development. By H. E. Bennett. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1923. Pp. viii + 296. Price, $1.48.

Laboratory Chemistry for Girls. By Agnes F. Jaques. New York: D. C. Heath & Co., 1923. Pp. xi + 244.  相似文献   

Barry R. Gross was professor of philosophy at York College of The City University of New York and held high positions in both the National and New York Associations of Scholars. Professor Gross delivered this address to the New York Academy of Sciences conference “The Flight from Science and Reason” on 31 May 1995. This address is reprinted with permission from the proceedings of that conference, published as Volume 775 of theAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

1977年恢复高考制度,不仅改变了几代人的命运,尤为重要的是为我国在新时期及其后的发展和腾飞奠定了良好的基础。纪念恢复高考制度30周年意义重大,一方面回顾小平同志在教育界拨乱反正的伟大创举,一方面回顾高考30年走过的历程,思考和展望高考发展和改革的未来。因此,1977年恢复高考制度不仅具有很深远的历史意义,还具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

恢复高考制度,是"文革"后1977年邓小平拨乱反正时的英明决策。三十年来,高考为国家选拔了成千上万的优秀人才。高考必须坚持不能轻言废除;但要改革,向多元化方向推进。  相似文献   

《History of education》2012,41(1):18-37

The paper considers the relation between society, science and institutionally-embodied higher education reform in nineteenth-century Ireland. Institutional reform is measured in terms of governance, curriculum, access and teaching practice. Superiorisation, subversion and fusion are identified as characteristics of reformed institutions. Mobile professional elites are viewed as agents of institutional reform. The institutions examined are Trinity College, Mechanics Institutes, the Museum of Irish Industry, Royal College of Science, Queen’s Colleges, Catholic University, Royal University, and the National University of Ireland. Historians of education have frequently tended to write commemorative histories of individual institutions. This writer’s interest resides less in the institutions per se than in tracing their popular roots and assessing their often strained inter-relationships which qualified their progress and which was conditioned by government’s imperative to manage consensus in the changing milieu within which they operated. As such the paper contributes to much-needed research into the university as ‘a societal phenomenon’.  相似文献   

In 1991, the federal Administration on Aging initiated the National Eldercare Campaign to broaden the base of commitment and societal involvement to assist today's vulnerable elderly. With Administration on Aging funding, the project described in this study sought to enhance services to American Indian elders by training individuals as home‐care workers. The project replicated a previously developed American Indian paraprofessional home‐care worker curriculum at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College in Cloquet, Minnesota. This program, which is transferable to Indian and non‐Indian communities, addressed three contemporary aging issues. First, it addressed the need to incorporate diversity and minority aging knowledge into the curriculum of postsecondary education. Second, it provided more accessible and better quality community‐based in‐home care to meet the needs of frail elderly. Third, this training program confronted the pervasive lack of employment opportunities in many American Indian and other minority communities.  相似文献   

Peter Shaw is consulting editor ofAcademic Questions and Will and Ariel Durant Professor of Humanities for 1990–1991 at St. Peter's College, Jersey City, NJ 07306. This essay was originally presented as part of the panel “Academic Utopianism: Its Past and Its Future” at “Strategies for the Nineties,” the second national conference of the National Association of Scholars, held June 8–10, 1990. The panel focused on what impact, if any, the fall of European Communism would have on academic Marxism in the United States.  相似文献   

Based on a nation-wide survey of higher education graduates, this paper analyzes the impact of family background, using paternal occupation and education as indicators, on their scores in the National College Entrance Examination, the level and type of higher education institutions they attend, their employment after graduation, and the income they receive from their first job. It has been found that there are wide disparities among students with different family backgrounds in both access to higher education and their potential employment in China nowadays. This paper also studies how those influences happen. __________ Translated from Peking University Education Review, 2005 July (3)  相似文献   

Reading Aloud, by Wayland Maxfield Parrish. New York: Thomas Nelson &; Sons, 1932; pp. 401.

A Theatre Library. By Rosamond Gilder. (A publication of the National Theatre Conference.) New York: Theatre Arts, 1932; pp. xiv, 74; $1.

The Stage Is Set. By Lee Simonson. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1932; pp. 585; $5.

Correction of Defective Speech. By E. B. Twitmyer and Y. S. Nathanson. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son &; Co., Inc., 1932; pp. 413.

The Year Book of College Oratory, Volume IV. Compiled by Evan A. Anderson. New York: Noble and Noble, 1932; pp. 378; $2.

Intercollegiate Debates, Vol. XIII, Edited by Egbert Ray Nichols. New York: Noble and Noble, 1932 ; pp. x, 466 ; $2.

Straight and Crooked Thinking. By Robert H. Thouless. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1932; pp. 261.

Preparing the Commencement Address. By F. W. Lambertson. Cedar Falls, Iowa: College Print Shop, 1932; pp. 84.

Man as Psychology Sees Him. By Edward S. Robinson. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932; pp. 376; $2.50.

A Method of Lighting the Stage. By Stanley R. McCandless. New York: Theatre Arts Inc., 1932; pp. 132; $1.50.  相似文献   

我国高考政策的价值取向长期未能得到准确定位,影响了高考政策改革的深入。为此,需要以科学发展观为指导,在指导思想上坚持“以人为本”,在基本价值理念上坚持公平选才,在技术层面上以科学选才为重要价值诉求。通过价值整合,提高高考政策的效度和信度,重构高考政策的价值基础,为高考改革和高等教育发展创造良好的政策环境。  相似文献   

近年来,社会对高考及其改革高度关注,而各界关注的热点是高考的公平性;在高考公平性的讨论中,焦点又集中于各省市之间录取分数线的差异。目前,社会对湖北高考移民状元李洋的普遍关注,又把高考公平的讨论推向顶峰。在对高考存在的不公平现象进行鞑伐之余,高考公平的本质是什么,高考的公平与效率的关系应该怎样把握,才能够体现“三个有助于”的原则并促进高考改革。  相似文献   

分析现有高考制度及其影响下的应试教育,阐述素质教育与基于素质教育理想的高考观,以温家宝总理关于素质教育与考核的谈话精神为指导,借鉴美国大学新生录取标准多样化的做法,提出了我国高考改革的若干视角与思路。  相似文献   

高考何去何从   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科举和高考在推动历史前进的同时,也颠覆了教育的本质,使之沦为考试的工具。历史发展到今天,高考也日渐显露出其落后性,必须对其进行否定之否定,才能进入更高的教育境界。高考改革的核心是,改革分数至上、认分不认人的评价和选拔人才的高考招生制度;高考改革的方向是,借鉴世界一流大学的“三合一”的更公平、更合理、更严格、更科学、更完善的评价、选拔人才的标准。  相似文献   

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