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公民政治参与的广度和深度,在很大程度上衡量了一个国家政治现代化的程度。针对转型期广大人民群众强烈的利益诉求,科学合理的政治参与模式是满足最广大人民群众根本利益的关键。  相似文献   

现在总是处于过去的掌心之中,世代承续的社会传统规制着人们的观念与行为。传统对当代中国社会的影响尤为深重,著名学者殷海光将中国人称之为被“古祖牵着手走的孩子”。中国自古以来就有着文人主政的文治传统。这一传统历经千余年的薪火相传,逐渐沉淀为华夏民族的心理定势。千百年以来,在国人的内心深处,视文人政权为正统,视军人政权为非法,国家由文人领导被看做是理所当然的事情,而军人当政则会被千夫所指。文人角色的历史定位铸就了“文主武从”的军政领导体制,它规制了中国军政关系的现实走势。“党指挥枪”是现代中国军事领导体制的指导原则,党对军队的领导既与中国的文治传统有着不约而同的精神会通,又契合中国社会的心理定势。  相似文献   

This study analyzes public perceptions of Boston's magnet school program. Typically evaluated in terms of their impact on racial integration, magnet schools also were designed to improve the tarnished image of the Boston school system. While promoting voluntary integration at a handful of schools, the magnet program struggled to change the reputation of public education in the city. Boston's magnet schools found themselves perched precariously between conflicting and equally-problematic perceptions. To the extent that they were perceived to be elite enclaves, Boston magnet schools became potent symbols of inequality. To the extent that magnet schools were not perceived to be academically superior, they could never encourage integration nor become symbols of the potential of Boston public schools. Illustrating the dilemma presented by these contradictory perceptions, the history of Boston magnet schools suggests that efforts towards racial integration must be intertwined with campaigns for increasing educational achievement citywide.  相似文献   

How susceptible are you toadvertising?Are you more likely tobuy things if you’ve seen them in aTVad or on a hoarding?  相似文献   

You hear it all along the river. You hear it, loud and strong, from the rowers as they urge the junk with its high stern, the mast lashed alongside, down the swift running stream. You hear it from the trackers, a more breathless chant, as they pull desperately against the current, half a dozen of them perhaps if they are taking up a wupan, a couple of hundred if they are hauling a splendid junk, its square sail set, over a rapid. On the junk a man stands amidships beating a drum incessantly to…  相似文献   

I think you must knowsomething about the Inter-net(因特网).The Internethas now become one of themost important parts ofpeople's life.But do youknow its history? You may be surprisedwhen you find that the In-ternet was set up only in the1960s.But at that time,computers were large and  相似文献   

英语中,有些习惯用语或俚语,不能按照单词的表面意义直接翻译成对应的汉语。如以下这段题为The Cream of Crop的对话,几乎每一句都有习语或俚语,为理解增加了相当的难度。  相似文献   

David was seven when he and his family moved to the village of Beersheba in Israel.He would never forget that first evening.His father‘s hand resting on his shoulder...his mother looking out across the strange, dry, rocky land.  相似文献   

刘晶 《初中生》2007,(3):54-55
The wind of the sea kisses m Its cool salt tang cleanses the The wind of the sea caresses Its gentle touch, soft and cool y face. air I breathe; my skin. , like that of a lover.[第一段]  相似文献   

Mr. Smith taught English at a school .At the begin- ning of his lesson, he liked to have one of his students give a report on any subject. When it was Jack's turn, he  相似文献   

Whydoesthefoxhaveabadfame穴名声雪?Thefollowingstorywillgiveyouanan鄄swer.Inabigforestlivedsomeanimals.Theywererabbits熏ducks熏cats熏mon鄄keys熏cocks熏dogs熏foxesandotheranimals.Theylivedapeacefulandhappylife.Oneyearthewinterwascoming.Theweatherwasgettingcolderandcolder.Everyanimalhadtobuildtheirownhouses.Themon鄄keybuilthishouseinthetree.Theduckandthecockbuilttheirhousesusinggrass.Thecatanddogbuiltbeautifulhouseswithstones.Buttherabbitdidn’tbuildahouse.Why芽Be鄄causeshehurtherlegsomedaysb…  相似文献   

In the past, the Ainu people of Japan and eastern Russia used to celebrate the bear festival, in which the sacrifice of a bear is involved. The festival takes place in September or October, but the preparation for it starts about three years prior to that.Preparation begins with the capturing of a bear cub. It is raised in the village amongst children, sometimes suckled by women. When it has grown big enough to hurt people, it is transferred to a strong cage.  相似文献   

笑翠鸟实在是太奇怪了。生性好奇的Goldie希望了解得多一些。于是就向布鲁斯请教。  相似文献   

We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how manyof us know the history of the Internet?Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was setup (建立) in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive.Computer networks (网络) didn’t work well. If one computer in thenetwork broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new net-work system (系统) had to be set up. It should be good enough to beused by many different computers. If part of the netw…  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate public opinion on education in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Two questions are investigated: (1) whether there is a “Nordic model” of public opinion, and (2) whether public opinion is characterized by political consensus or conflict. Large-scale surveys from 1981 to 2009 are analyzed. The findings reveal that the nature of public opinion on education differs between Norway and Sweden on one hand and Finland on the other. In Norway and Sweden there is a tendency for supporters of the social democratic parties to have the most positive perceptions of the education system, even though the degree of polarization decreased during conservative participation in government. In Finland, political polarization was almost non-existent. Finally, the findings suggest that some of the dissatisfaction with the education system, as with other public institutions, was explained by support in populist parties. The article contributes to our understanding by filling a gap between research on education and public opinion.  相似文献   

ThestoryofTheTempesthappensonamagicalis land .Itishalf-mythicandhalf -real ,whichmakesitdifferentfromtheworksofpurerealismandmakesitfullofsymbolsandallegories .Thecharactersinthisplayareinterpretedasallegor icalfigures .Prospero ,asanomnipotentmagician ,hasaboundlesssupernaturalpower ,suchascontrollingtheforcesofnature ,foreseeingeverythingandsendingthespiritsatwilltoachievehisowngoal.Heisnowactuallyasupermanorhalfagod .PerhapsjustinthissensesomecriticsconsiderProsperoasGod ,Calibanasadevil…  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the stylistic feature of the poem from the perspective of its theme,its sentence pattern  相似文献   

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