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This article assesses the ways in which electoral systems present unique rhetorical challenges for women running for elective office, using German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a case study. In proportional systems, much of the rhetorical work occurs at the level of the party, requiring the political woman to capitalize on the rhetorical resources of the party structure in which she finds herself, advancing to party leadership, and eventually localizing the national election via the party structure. However, Merkel's performance demonstrates that the presence of women and of feminine norms of communication can sometimes mask the hegemonic masculinity that continues to govern democratic electoral systems. The authors conclude by considering the utility of the theory of “feminine style.”  相似文献   

鉴于实践中当事人合谋通过诉讼损害案外人合法权益的现象多有发生,2012年修改的《民事诉讼法》尝试性地对此增设了旨在保护其权益的第三人撤销之诉制度.但作为制度初创,立法对此规定过于简约,无以为司法实践提供确定的详尽指引.鉴于此,界定其含义,审视其功能,以解释学和比较法学的视域,深度检讨我国现有的第三人救济制度,参考借鉴域外的相关制度,尝试性地构建适合我国基本国情的独立型第三人撤销之诉之程序要件,是本文要解决的问题.  相似文献   

本文从叙事模式的角度出发,以平行研究的方式比较分析了两位天才女作家张爱玲和简.奥丝汀的小说创作,试图理解在不同时空和文化背景下的女性写作是怎样不约而同地涉及到灰姑娘叙事模式。而这一古老而悠长的女性神话又怎样被两位作家重新审视,并予修正和颠覆。  相似文献   

近年来,在有关“离散”的华文文学讨论中,20世纪北美华文女作家的创作被认为是用文学想象的方式探讨华人移民女性的性别身份与族裔身份的双重“问题”而成为热点。本文结合两代北美华文女作家的代表作,分析“离散”的具体内涵及其演变,以期丰富研究界有关“离散”概念的思考,同时探讨女性主义话语在“离散”论述中所具有的理论能动性。  相似文献   

新时期女性文学叙事情结始终呈焦虑态,显出对现实生活中坚挺的男性中心话语的柔软无力。为此,女性作家群体被迫无奈地转向寻觅自我的身体、内心、性灵,但这并不意味着女性文学演义业已突破了男性文化霸权的困境,反而是过多彰显了女性自我灵魂的分裂、搏斗和挣扎。可见,中国女性文学似乎总是在刻意突显女性长期被遮蔽的情欲渴盼,肆虐袒露女性隐秘的本能欲望,张扬个人化的性爱自慰体验,从而始终洋溢着女性主义文本叙事的生命意蕴。  相似文献   

Roy Corden 《Literacy》2003,37(1):18-26
This article describes work undertaken as part of a partnership programme initiated to encourage collaborative research between teachers and university tutors. In the Teaching Reading and Writing Links project (TRAWL) primary school teachers, working as research partners, explored ways of developing children as reflective writers. The research group wanted to know whether, through examining how texts are crafted by expert writers during literacy sessions, children might be encouraged to pay more attention to compositional rather than secretarial aspects of narrative writing during writing workshops. The overall writing achievement of 338 children was monitored over one school year and narrative writing from 60 case study children was evaluated at the beginning and end of the research period. In this article the impact on achievement is illustrated, some examples of writing are analysed and evidence of development in children's metacognition and confidence as writers is discussed.  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯关于无产阶级建党学说的经典论述,以及列宁根据俄国实际发展了的布尔什维克化建党理论,是李大钊推进马克思主义建党理论中国化的理论渊源。李大钊于国家民族危难之际,大力介绍、研究、传播马克思主义思想,结合中国社会状况和斗争实际,对经典作家的建党理论进行灵活运用,进而成功地继承发展和创新了马克思主义建党理论。探究李大钊推进马克思主义建党理论中国化的历史过程及其贡献,对于当前和今后思考如何在实践中坚持和发展马克思主义,如何认识理论与实践的关系,如何借鉴世界大党、老党的执政经验教训以推进自身建设等,仍然有着重要的时代启示和现实借鉴价值。  相似文献   

中国现当代文坛在20世纪90年代迎娶了女性文学的异军崛起,诸多女性作家及作品闪亮登场、争奇斗妍、炫丽恣肆而争相演绎为世纪之交文苑笔触的一道独特的艺术景观。继而导致“母亲神话”叙事范式的颠覆、消解和重构,从而体认着新型女性叙事话语的韵味隽永的文本情趣。  相似文献   

“自传性”成为五四女作家“女性写作”的途径,从女性主义角度看,女作家的“自传性”小说是真正的“女性写作”。文章用女性主义的眼光对五四女作家的“自传性”小说进行研究,探究其蕴涵的女性意识,有助于我们更直观、真实、深入的认识五四女性。  相似文献   


The American Female Moral Reform Society was one of the first ante‐bellum reform movements to be founded and controlled by women. This paper examines the rhetoric of the society's primary organ, The Advocate of Moral Reform, to discover how these women justified abandoning their traditional feminine roles to pursue social change. The analysis reveals that through skillful casuistic stretching of the feminine ideal, the women were able to justify non‐traditional actions in the name of traditional values. In so doing, the movement also created a new feminist consciousness that recognized the essential victimage of all women and their power to instigate social change.  相似文献   

In pursuit of my rights, I joined the revolution that imposed the veil upon me and then joined a political party, where I found that I was making decisions against myself. Following this, I researched the only women's magazine published in Iran at that time and found that it was against women. The questions that came to mind were about whether women writers voice their own experiences. Were my experiences unique? Could I learn from others, particularly through what they wrote? Since literature cannot exist without education, this may be the main reason why Iranian women started so late. In the l960s, mass education created a mass readership and with it the first novel by a woman. The issues of women's rights, education and writing are intertwined.  相似文献   

This article argues, in the context of national concern about standards in writing, for a reconceptualisation of the teaching of writing that acknowledges both the significance of the writer's voice and the need to teach about how written texts create meaning. The teaching of writing requires the dual activities of creating and crafting: young writers need opportunities to express their ideas and support in developing understanding of how best to shape those ideas.  相似文献   

This article is the result of working with several schools concerned with improving achievement in boys' writing. It begins by describing a range of effective teaching and learning strategies, observed in my role as a Literacy Consultant, which had a positive influence on writers especially boys. The article goes on to explore how a small group of boys, described by their teacher as ‘reluctant writers’, were encouraged by the use of film text to make the most of their preferences for action‐driven narratives to improve story writing. It suggests that ‘slowing down’ this action in the author's eye gives pupils, and boys in particular, an opportunity to consider detail to enhance composition in the same way that a film director uses camera angles to capture the viewer's attention.  相似文献   

昭和时期,尤其是昭和战后时期,是日本女性文学史上的又一个高峰。这一时期由于新宪法的颁布,女性得到了解放,女作家们开辟了自己的文学道路。富有教养及知性的女作家辈出。战后的女性作家无论在质还是在量的方面都取得了空前的成绩。同时所涉猎的文学领域也很广泛,不仅是小说界,在短歌、俳句、随笔以及日记等方面都出现了许多女性作家。论文首先纵观战后动荡时期的女作家发展态势,然后从各个文学形式的角度分别介绍并典型分析女作家及作品。  相似文献   

目前的商业包装、商业炒作和文本接受者中男性的“误读”和女性的“白眼”,作为一种暗示有意或无意地使私人化女性作家走进“无物之阵”,面临“镜城困境”;女性作家通过解构夫 (父 )权、逃避母性、返归“私人生活”、“姐妹情结”,使得女性霸权极度膨胀 ,陷入“女尊男卑”的二元对立模式。私人化写作要突破重围 ,走出困境 ,首先社会应具备一种“人的行为”的审美心理 ;其次应公正客观地评判女性作家的私人话语 ,这是女性意识的诗意表达 ;再次女性作家也应重新审视自己的写作目的和责任 ,用爱心和审美的标准去控制情与理、灵与肉的关系 ,力求表现和谐的人性 ,建立一种理性的女性文化价值体系。  相似文献   

While debates about adolescent sexuality education persist in the United States, little attention has been paid to adult sexuality education. Research suggests that teachable moments may be present in interactions between adult bookstore employees and the consumers who shop at these venues. The purpose of this study was to explore the potential for in-home sex-toy parties as an avenue for adult sexuality education for women. A total of 1197 women who facilitate in-home sex-toy parties for a large US-based company completed an online questionnaire related to their experiences facilitating these parties. As part of this larger survey, participants reported in an open-ended question the three most commonly asked questions they received when facilitating a party in the previous three months. Questions reported (n = 3149) were analyzed for commonalities using qualitative methods. Resulting themes were then compared with Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) guidelines for comprehensive sexuality education to assess the potential for teachable moments at the events. Of the 36 topical areas identified by SIECUS, 31 areas were represented in questions reported by consultants indicating a strong potential for teachable moments related to sexuality education. In-home sex-toy parties may provide an additional avenue through which to increase adult sexual literacy.  相似文献   

In this article I present some ideas, based on qualitative research into young children's drawing, related to the developing discourse on young children's thinking and meaning making. I question the relationship between perception and conception and the nature of representation, challenging traditional ideas around stage theory and shifting the focus from the drawings themselves to the process of drawing, and thus to the children's own purposes. I analyse examples of my observations (made in naturalistic settings within a nursery classroom) to reveal the range of representational purposes and meaning in children's drawing activity. My analysis shows that, rather than being developmentally determined, the way children configure their drawings is purposeful; children can recognise the power of drawing to represent, and that they themselves can be in control of this. I explore aspects of the process, including transformation and talk to show the importance of understanding drawing in its specific contexts. I show how children's drawing activity is illuminated by the way in which it occurs and the other activities linked to it, presenting drawing as part of children's broader, intentional, meaning‐making activity. As an aspect of the interactive, communicative practices through which children's thinking develops, representation is a constructive, self‐directed, intentional process of thinking in action, through which children bring shape and order to their experience, rather than a developing ability to make visual reference to objects in the world. I suggest that in playing with the process, children are actively defining reality rather than passively reflecting a given reality.  相似文献   

This article examines how the gender of professionalism is central to an understanding of occupational closure. Using the social history of the Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario (FWTAO) as an example, the author shows how the executive allegiance to the gender of professionalism incited a moral concern with rural women teachers employed in the elementary public school system in the early twentieth century, and how this concern interfered with the delivery of protective services to country teachers involved in contractual disputes. The model of professionalism was based on a composite portrait of the older masculinised European ideal of professional rationality, and distilled through a feminine ideal of conduct intelligible to white middle- and upper-class women in early twentieth-century Canada. The professional ideal was used as a measure of occupational success and applied as a criterion for granting or withholding protective services. As a result, rural women falling short of the ideal were denied protective services when embroiled in tenure-related disputes and, ultimately, they were excommunicated from the profession.  相似文献   

党员主体地位思想是马克思主义政党的重要建党原则。新时期加强党员主体地位思想研究具有理论与现实意义。党员主体地位思想是在世情、国情以及党情发生重大变化而以改革创新精神推进党的自身建设的大背景下提出和形成的。马克思主义经典作家提出了民主原则、平等原则及少数服从多数原则等,为确立党员主体地位提供了原则性保障;党代表大会制度、选举制度、罢免制度和监督制度等,为确立党员主体地位提供了制度性保障;党员权利与义务的关系,尤其是保障党员权利的思想,为确立党员主体地位奠定了重要思想基础。  相似文献   

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