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Pedagogical innovation—whether involving technology or not—is shaped by a complex interaction of the innovation with contextual factors such as school and school district policy, leadership, cultural norms and values, teacher attitudes and skills, and student characteristics. This study examined school and classroom contexts in which pedagogical innovations employing technology were successfully sustained. Data were obtained from 59 cases drawn from the Second Information Technology in Education Study—Module 2, a project that examined 174 cases of innovative pedagogical practice in schools in 28 countries. An explanatory model of sustainability was derived from a qualitative analysis of the cases using grounded theory techniques. Essential conditions for the sustainability of classroom innovation were teacher and student support of the innovation, teacher perceived value of the innovation, teacher professional development, and principal approval. Contributing factors for sustainability were supportive plans and policies, funding, innovation champions, and internal and external recognition and support. An interactive website that allows for searching of SITES-M2 case reports on various attributes such as sustainability, transferability, level of school, and evidence of supportive policies and plans is available at http://sitesm2.org.  相似文献   

Teacher education programs are facing a range of external pressures today — from shifts in the educational landscape to an ever-expanding curriculum to meet changing standards. In this article we shared how our process of “reforming from without by leading from within” is the beginning of a culture change. Partnership initiatives, newly involved classroom teachers, school liaisons, training for classroom teachers and university faculty alike, all may make a difference in our culture and our efforts. As teacher educators we must adapt our programs to the changing standards for teachers, accountability measures and student testing, and a diverse population. The ETRA faculty at Northern Illinois University lead from within by seizing opportunities in administrative changes, existing partnerships, funding opportunities, and collaborations. Our goal continues to focus on demonstrating that technology innovation may serve an important role in coping with these external pressures and achieving the changes required.  相似文献   

This article describes the cultural consequences of the local school closing in a predominantly black community (Centerville) as a result of desegregation policies. Based on oral accounts of community members, the author unearths the diverse functions the former all-black school used to have in the community. Furthermore, the possible reasons for the nostalgia with which the community remembers its “own” school are analyzed. It is shown why the predominantly white schools to which today's students are bused cannot possibly “pass the test” of comparison with the former community school. And finally, the article reminds us of two promises ofBrown, only one of which has been fulfilled in the case of Centerville. While racial segregation of schooling was indeed abolished in Centerville, the second promise ofBrown—providing equal educational opportunities for all children irrespective of race—remains elusive at best. And the very institution that would be central to fulfilling the second promise ofBrown—a school for which the town feels a sense of ownership—was closed for the sake of desegregation. Parts of this article have been the basis for an oral presentation at the South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society meeting, Richmond, VA, October 1993, and are published in the SAPES Proceedings, 1993, pp. 109–114.  相似文献   

Collegial sharing and reflection about practice has been widely suggested as an effective form of teacher professional learning. Information and communications technology (ICT) has the potential to foster this professional learning through online community environments. Whilst the potential of self-sustaining online teacher communities to support professional learning through reflective sharing of practice is recognised, the journey to realising this potential is not straightforward. This paper identifies two key aspects of school culture that are acting as barriers on the journey—schools do not adequately value collegial reflective sharing of practice, and classroom teachers do not use online communications tools as an integral part of their professional practices. The paper suggests a framework for maximising participation in online teacher communities.  相似文献   

Gordon Porter 《Prospects》1995,25(2):299-309
Conclusion Michael Fullan, Dean of Education at the University of Toronto and an acknowledged expert on educational change, reform and improvement, has noted that reform in special education ‘represents just about all the issues involved in bringing about educational reform.’ complexity and leadership are particularly difficult challenges. Fullan has noted that, ‘the solutions to inclusion are not easily achieved. It is complex both in the nature and degree of change required to identify and implement solutions that work. Given what change requires—persistence, coordination, follow-up, conflict resolution, and the like—leadership at all levels is required...’ (Fullan, 1991b). Organizational support for inclusive education must be in place at the provincial/state level, the regional/school district level, and at the school level. These structures, programmes and policies must deliver the support needed by classroom teachers and their students. We have set out specific ways that this can be done, consistent with an inclusive policy framework. The commitment to equity, as well as access and quality, requires continuing development by building on these approaches. In so doing, we can achieve better results for students with special needs while simultaneously creating more effective schools for all students. A former teacher and school principal, Gordon Porter is now director of student services for the public schools in Woodstock, New Brunswick. A well-known advocate for integrated education, he has been instrumental in developing inclusionary programmes for all students in the schools in the Woodstock area, and throughout the province of New Brunswick. Dr. Porter has conducted training in many parts of Canada as well as the United States. He is currently vice-chair of the Committee on Integrated Education of the International League of Societies for the Mentally Handicapped.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of high-stakes gate-keeping assessments (of both K-12 students and new teachers) on teacher development of equitable teaching practices. Drawing from two studies of field experiences in Washington State—one of teacher interns and one of cooperating teachers—findings include that state level policies in response to NCLB may actually be decreasing teacher attention to closing the achievement gap. Further, the article explores how even progressive performance-based standards—when administered “globalistically”—are generally ineffective. After discussing university complicity in exacerbating the problem, the paper concludes with ways policymakers may shift their attention from creating complicated rubrics to promoting relationships that support pedagogical change.Jason Margolis is an Assistant Professor in Teacher Education and Professional Development Partnerships, Washington State University.  相似文献   

Conclusion Educational technology will remain on the periphery without resources unless educational administrators—and the civilian administrators above them, for example, school boards— give it top-level commitment. Without top-level commitment there will be no favorable climate in which change can happen and no favorable organization of time, space, and money inside which the teacher may be able to make the change. Educational technology will begin to have a significant, and hopefully beneficial, impact on education only when all the many interlocking problems of change have been squarely faced. Much more is needed than odd bursts of enthusiasm for a piece of technology here or an innovative idea there. The piecemeal approach must be discarded. As Julius Stratton (1964) has said, “We indulge excessively in uncoordinated conferences, surveys, and studies that on the whole are highly unproductive. Our ailments are vast and complex, and they will yield only to planned, collaborative attacks focussed on clear objectives and leading to concerted action [pp. 20–21].”  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between low teacher expectations and principal behavior. The researcher investigated why some teachers seem to acquiesce, or make deals and ‘give in,’ to student disengagement. After a two-year ethnographic study in an alternative school for at-risk Black students, the author found that White teachers are more likely than Black teachers to engage in deal-making with students, whereby Black students were allowed to academically and socially disengage. However, another finding of this research was that the school leader—armed with a vision to combat racism and advocate for children—imposed on his staff a policy that required them to socially and academically engage these Black, at-risk students. Implications for school leaders and teachers of at-risk, alternative school children are presented.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the work of a small group of Education academics to build a professional learning community in a regional university in the north of England. Their efforts form part of a ‘Leading Learning’ school–university partnership serving schools in disadvantaged communities in inner city Leeds. This is designed to support teachers’ professional learning and development and reclaim their sense of collaborative professionalism in a new era of austerity Britain. The account given here is about the new partnerships being created between and among academic colleagues, who are learning to work effectively with each other and their schooling colleagues on their collective professional learning and to build their collaborative sense of professionalism. The complexities of this task—of working in a professional learning community within Faculty in order to model and support a city-wide professional learning community with teacher partners, school communities, and civil servants in the local Authority—are framed in terms of knowledge-building for the improvement of educational provision for disadvantaged students in local schools and the university.  相似文献   

This study examines the self-efficacy of one preservice elementary school teacher (Kasey) during and after her participation in Science in Childhood Education—a 16-week, elementary preservice science methods course. The case study of this teacher is situated in the context of the class as a whole. This is accomplished through interviewing the one teacher and examining artifacts and observations of the entire class. The results of these experiences are studied to determine what changes have taken place in the participants’ self-efficacy in science teaching as well as the one preservice teacher in greater detail. Because self efficacy is influential to student learning, the results of this study have significant implications for the design of elementary teacher education programs and the support of elementary teachers in teaching science.  相似文献   

This study surveyed the current situation of teacher burnout in a sample of 400 teachers from urban junior high school in Shangqiu of Henan Province with scales, and examined the relationship between dimensions of teacher burnout and sources and types of social support they received. The results show that Shangqiu urban junior high school teachers’ emotional exhaustion is serious; gender does not affect the score of burnout significantly; teachers with 1 year job experience recorded significantly lower scores of burnout than others, and teachers who have worked for 6–10 years is second; urban junior high school level affects the score of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization significantly, but does not affect reduced personal accomplishment; social support is most important to enhance feelings of the teacher’s personal accomplishment; among all the sources, supervisor and principal support is the most significant predictor of teacher burnout; emotional support is more significant predictor of teacher burnout than practical support; peer support increases the teacher’s emotional exhaustion. __________ Translated from Jiaoshi Jiaoyu Yanjiu 教师教育研究(Teacher Education Research), 2007, 19(3): 65–71  相似文献   

Integrated curricula seem promising for the increase of attention on science and technology in primary education. A clear picture of the advantages and disadvantages of integration efforts could help curriculum innovation. This review has focused on integrated curricula in primary education from 1994 to 2011. The integrated curricula were categorised according to a taxonomy of integration types synthesised from the literature. The characteristics that we deemed important were related to learning outcomes and success/fail factors. A focus group was formed to facilitate the process of analysis and to test tentative conclusions. We concluded that the levels in our taxonomy were linked to (a) student knowledge and skills, the enthusiasm generated among students and teachers, and the teacher commitment that was generated; and (b) the teacher commitment needed, the duration of the innovation effort, the volume and comprehensiveness of required teacher professional development, the necessary teacher support and the effort needed to overcome tensions with standard curricula. Almost all projects were effective in increasing the time spent on science at school. Our model resolves Czerniac’s definition problem of integrating curricula in a productive manner, and it forms a practical basis for decision-making by making clear what is needed and what output can be expected when plans are being formulated to implement integrated education.  相似文献   

The evaluation of teaching quality in mathematics has become increasingly important following research reports indicating that preschoolers are developmentally able to engage in mathematic thought and that child performance in mathematics at this level is a strong predictor of later school achievement. As attention turns to early mathematics education, so too does the focus on teaching quality. This paper reviews nine instruments designed to measure mathematics teaching quality—their theoretical bases, foci, and psychometrics—and examines their appropriateness for administration in early childhood settings. Three of the nine measures are identified as having highly desirable characteristics, with one of them specifically designed for early childhood administration. The measures, our review process, and our recommendations for practice are presented. As school divisions and teacher educators examine teaching quality, they will be better able to support their teachers’ practice, and better able to reap the benefits in improved child outcomes.  相似文献   

Although potentially powerful for educators, the construct of teacher reflection has become diluted, rendering teacher engagement with meaningful reflection problematic. This article presents a theoretical framework that divides teacher reflection into two broad categories. The first and most common incident reflection occurs as specific incidents or episodes unconnected to future activity. The second process reflection—based on the work of John Dewey and Donald Sch?n—connects reflective incidents into a cyclic progression that refines ideas through experimental action. I examined the reflective activity of a group of prospective secondary mathematics teachers as they jointly planned a public school lesson to illustrate how incidents of reflection can be refined and linked into more powerful and purposeful progressions of ideas. I conclude with implications for mathematics teacher development.  相似文献   

Teaching in urban schools, with their problems of violence, lack of resources, and inadequate funding, is difficult. It is even more difficult to learn to teach in urban schools. Yet learning in those locations where one will subsequently be working has been shown to be the best preparation for teaching. In this article we propose coteaching as a viable model for teacher preparation and the professional development of urban science teachers. Coteaching—working at the elbow of someone else—allows new teachers to experience appropriate and timely action by providing them with shared experiences that become the topic of their professional conversations with other coteachers (including peers, the cooperating teacher, university supervisors, and high school students). This article also includes an ethnography describing the experiences of a new teacher who had been assigned to an urban high school as field experience, during which she enacted a curriculum that was culturally relevant to her African American students, acknowledged their minority status with respect to science, and enabled them to pursue the school district standards. Even though coteaching enables learning to teach and curricula reform, we raise doubts about whether our approaches to teacher education and enacting science curricula are hegemonic and oppressive to the students we seek to emancipate through education. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 941–964, 2001  相似文献   

Conclusion Salem’s commitment to technology has not been without hard work, dedication, financial support, administrative leadership, and many hours of teacher staff development. Our commitment is beginning to reap rewards and results. This past February, the entire district staged a Technology Day, a day of multiple workshops in all the above technologies. Most of the workshop sessions were taught by our own teaching staff—teachers sharing their technical expertise with their colleagues. The district’s commitment to the importance of ongoing staff development is reflected in our strategic plan, which mandates the establishment of a Teacher Technology Training Team, whose title is self-explanatory. In fact, one of the mandates of the district’s strategic plan is to “infuse technology into every aspect of the learning process.” Salem is taking this mandate seriously.  相似文献   

This retrospective study is an in-depth investigation of the perspectives of Turkish immigrant parents on their children’s early schooling in the United States (PreK-3). It specifically explores how these parents connect with or are disconnected from school culture, and how their socio-cultural understanding of education and teachers influence their relationships with schools. Using a qualitative research design, data were collected through in-depth interviews with 18 parents from 10 families. Findings suggest that Turkish parents negotiated the ways curriculum and instruction is constructed in American schools—such as their assumptions about the lack of academic rigor—while they also embraced sound pedagogies the teachers practiced. Through their experiences with schooling in the United States, Turkish parents reconsidered their sociocultural perspectives on the role of the teacher in their children’s lives based on their experiences with their children’s teachers. The parents also reported their challenges in understanding school culture and curriculum, and described how they negotiated their access to the school culture. The results indicate the need for a stronger partnership between home and school. Teachers could support parents in their struggle to access to the culture of schooling by establishing an eagerness for communication and a reciprocal personal connection with families, who already socioculturally assume the teacher’s role as part of family.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to investigate how key competencies can be incorporated into school curricula, what relevant instructional methods are needed and what institutional support is required to make school curricula based more on key competencies. For this, the study uses qualitative data from three schools (one each in South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand). The results indicate that a transformative approach, not an additive approach, is required. That is, teachers tend to restructure existing curricula to develop students’ key competencies instead of considering the latter as a new teaching component. In terms of instructional methods, teachers are likely to believe that more engaging and participatory instructional methods would help their students to practice and develop diverse aspects of their competencies. Further, the principal’s efforts to enhance communication and interaction with teachers is crucial to constructing local definitions of key competencies and shared visions for integrating such competencies with school curricula and instruction. The results indicate a need for redirecting the role of school curricula from transmitting content knowledge of academic subjects to developing students’ key competencies.  相似文献   

One of the central challenges globalization and immigration present to education is how to construct school language policies, procedures, and curricula to support academic success of immigrant youth. This case-study compares and contrasts language experience narratives along Elena’s developmental trajectory of becoming an urban science teacher. Elena reflects upon her early language experiences and her more recent experiences as a preservice science teacher in elementary dual language classrooms. The findings from Elena’s early schooling experiences provide an analysis of the linkages between Elena’s developing English proficiency, her Spanish proficiency, and her autobiographical reasoning. Elena’s experiences as a preservice teacher in two elementary dual language classrooms indicates ways in which those experiences helped to reframe her views about the intersections between language learning and science learning. I propose the language experience narrative, as a subset of the life story, as a way to understand how preservice teachers reconstruct past language experiences, connect to the present, and anticipate future language practices.  相似文献   

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