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一、问题的提出动机是"学习过程的核心",它促使学生把自己的行为指向学习.心理学家奥苏伯尔指出:"一般称之为学校情境中的成就动机,至少包括三方面的内驱力决定成分,即认知内驱力;自我提高的内驱力以及附属内驱力."他认为,学生所有的指向学业的行为都可以用这三方面的内驱力加以解释.化学学科认知内驱力指的是以获取化学知识为目的的学习动力,即指向化学学习任务本身的动机,诸如学生对化学学科的兴趣、好奇心及想要探索其中奥秘的愿望等.它直接使学生以学习来满足需求.自我提高的内驱力,指的是把成就看作是赢得地位之源而激起的对成就的向往,诸如希望自己  相似文献   

曹杨娟 《教师》2014,(31):62-62
正化学学科以实验为基础开展各种研究活动,因此,实验在化学教学中具有十分重要的意义。但是,传统的课堂教学中往往是教师进行各种演示实验,这显然不能满足学生学习化学知识的需要。在教学实践中,笔者发现,自主实验更能激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的动手操作能力,从而成为其学习化学的内驱力。一、改进演示实验,促进学生自主操作传统的化学实验都是教师进行演示实验。但我们不难发现,每次进行演示实验时,学生们总是很感兴趣,甚至有  相似文献   

在中学化学教学中,深化实验改革,既有利于帮助学生形成化学概念、促进学生对化学知识的理解和掌握,同时也有利于培养和提高学生的实验能力.如何在化学教学中利用已有的条件和设备,来深化实验改革,我在教学中做了以下几方面初步探索.一.进行演示实验的改革演示实验,即教师的“现身说法”,对学生有潜移默化的作用,演示实验对教师要求很高:一要清晰稳定的实验现象;二要使学生的知识系统化、网络化.现在的化学教科书上有一部分演示实验未达到这些要求,需要老师加以改进,我采取了以下几种错施.1.将能系统化的一系列单个实验改…  相似文献   

毛坤 《考试周刊》2012,(44):103-103
小学高年级的英语教师应该认识到学生对英语的兴趣表现为对学习发自内心的未知欲。著名的教育学家奥苏伯尔指出,人的成功动机由认知内驱力、自我提高的内驱力和附属内驱力组成,其中附属内驱力就是从他人的称赞和奖励中获得的驱动力,这在童年早期是成功动机中的主要因素,而到了少年期和青年期,这种动机自然而然地被其他两种动机所替代。  相似文献   

远程学习者学习动机测量工具的编制与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在文献调研的基础上,设计了远程学习者的学习动机问卷,并对250名远程学习者进行问卷调查。问卷包括认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力、附属内驱力三个维度,具有良好的内部一致性信度和结构效度。调查结果发现,远程学习者的学习动机主要倾向于认知内驱力(49.3%)和自我提高的内驱力(34.7%),表明参与远程学习的学生不仅是受到一种学习动机,而且有可能是受到两种或两种以上的学习动机、既有内部动机也有外部动机影响这一初步研究结果。研究结果可为改进远程教学提供参考的依据。  相似文献   

实践证明,化学实验以其生动的魅力和丰富的内涵,在培养学生创新意识方面发挥着独特的作用。笔者曾做过如下探索:一、利用趣味小实验,激发学生的好奇心,诱发创新意识课堂教学的过程,既是传播知识的过程,又是培养学生创造性解决问题的过程。创造学认为,不是任何问题都能引起创新动机的,只有在对解决问题的途径、方法产生困惑时,才会产生创新动机。所以,教师在设计教学时,要努力为学生创设适合学生发展及创造新知识的问题情境。好奇是创新行为的开始,是学生探索心理的推动力,在创新思维中具有催化剂的作用,因而成为学生探索行动的内驱力之一。…  相似文献   

教育心理学的理论启示我们,应该充分运用动机原理,使学生的学习具有内驱力,学习将会取得良好的效果.激起学生学习数学的内驱力的一种很有效的方法,就是创设问题情境,使学生引起认知冲突或置身于渴望解决问题的情境中.《义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》,提倡“问题情境——建立模型——求解——解释与应用”的教学模式,把问题情境放在首位,  相似文献   

激发学生有写好作文的动机和指导修改是作文教学至关重要的两个教学内容,但调查显示,语文教师对学生学习作文动机的激发和对作文修改的指导与要求普遍没有做到位.因此,激发学生作文的内驱力和指导学生有效修改是作文教学的两个突破点.应通过教材和教师的引领,让学生感受、体验,充分认识写好作文的重要意义;同时,认识到"订正"式修改对提高作文能力的重要作用,并采取有效措施,科学操作,事半功倍,切实提高作文教学效率.  相似文献   

认知内驱力是指学生为了理解周围事物而主动学习的内部心理动机。教师在实际教学中可以通过强化学生的认知内驱力促使学生认真学习,达到教学目的。本文主要探讨如何强化学生的认知内驱力,提高初中数学学习成绩。  相似文献   

初中化学课是学生化学学习的启蒙阶段,要让初中生对学习化学产生浓厚兴趣和特别爱好,具有一个良好动机的学习开端,出现一个努力学习化学课程的好势头.教师应充分利用化学实验手段来激发学生的学习兴趣,在教学过程中,教师要从三个方面强化实验教学.  相似文献   

学习兴趣是学生探求知识的巨大动力,是发明创造的精神源泉.因而,在化学教学中培养学生的学习兴趣具有十分重要的作用.本文主要从师生情感、教学艺术、教学方法、实验教学、课外活动五个方面探讨了如何在化学教学中培养学生的学习兴趣.  相似文献   

Although numerous programs have been developed for Grade Kindergarten through 12 science education, evaluation has been difficult owing to the inherent problems conducting controlled experiments in the typical classroom. Using a rigorous experimental design, we developed and tested a novel program containing a series of pharmacology modules (e.g., drug abuse) to help high school students learn basic principles in biology and chemistry. High school biology and chemistry teachers were recruited for the study and they attended a 1‐week workshop to learn how to integrate pharmacology into their teaching. Working with university pharmacology faculty, they also developed classroom activities. The following year, teachers field‐tested the pharmacology modules in their classrooms. Students in classrooms using the pharmacology topics scored significantly higher on a multiple choice test of basic biology and chemistry concepts compared with controls. Very large effect sizes (up to 1.27 standard deviations) were obtained when teachers used as many as four modules. In addition, biology students increased performance on chemistry questions and chemistry students increased performance on biology questions. Substantial gains in achievement may be made when high school students are taught science using topics that are interesting and relevant to their own lives. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 922–938, 2003  相似文献   

化学思维教学策略谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思维教学,并不是教学生如何思维,而是在教师引导下,学生自己发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,真正地掌握所学的知识,即学生自己教自己.要让学生自己教自己,最为关键的就是,教师在课堂教学中要讲究思维教学的策略,即引发学生的好奇心、引导学生动手设计实验、注重一题多解和拓宽学生的学习空间.  相似文献   

针对教育学院在校学生是将要或正在从事中学化学教育教学的教师这一特点 ,通过加强对在校生的实验操作技能训练和创新意识培养 ,来达到培养中学生的创新能力这一目的 .并且在长期的实验教学中 ,从加强学生的实验操作规范化和增加实验的探究性 ,激发学生的实验探究兴趣入手 ,加强了学生的实验技能训练 ,并取得了一定的成果 .对中学的素质教育 ,中学生创新能力的培养具有积极的推动作用  相似文献   

Self-regulated learning has been one of the important areas in educational research. The authors adopted structural equation modeling to explore and compare the impacts of three aspects of self-regulatory climate (i.e., academic emphasis, teacher trust, and student trust) on three features of self-regulated learning (i.e., self-efficacy, intrinsic motive, and self-regulation strategy). The results revealed both direct effects of academic emphasis on students’ use of self-regulation strategy, and indirect effects mediated by self-efficacy and intrinsic motive. Teacher trust has a positive impact on self-efficacy. While student trust has a positive impact on intrinsic motive, its relationship with self-regulation strategy is negative. Significant differences in school levels and gender were identified. The findings indicate that students in different cultures may have different expectations for teachers’ support in learning, which in turn influence the relationship between student trust in teachers and the use of self-regulation strategy. Implications for cultivating self-regulated learners are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

化学教学中情感因素的积极作用和培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
化学学习过程是认知与情感的统一,它们在学习过程中同时发生、交互作用,从不同的角度对学生的发展施以重大影响。没有情感因素的参与,化学学习活动既不能发生也不能维持。情感因素可以优化教学过程.提高学生认知水平,促进学生素质的全面发展;在化学教学活动中,教师要充分重视情感因素,培养学生情感,发挥情感因素的积极作用,提高教学效果,为祖国培养新世纪需要的合格人才。  相似文献   

An inquiry-oriented laboratory in chemistry was integrated into the chemistry curriculum in Jewish high schools in Israel, and after a short period was also implemented in Arab sector. In this study, we investigated the effect of culture on the perceptions of laboratory classroom learning environments by comparing the perceptions of Arab and Jewish high school students who learned the inquiry-oriented chemistry laboratory. The learning environment is influenced by student-teacher relationship and we thought that this relation is an important issue in the inquiry laboratory and is different between the Arab and Jewish populations. However, until recently, the Arab teachers have remained in the centre of the learning process and their students perceived them as the main source of knowledge and information. In this study, we used both quantitative and qualitative methods to determine whether the laboratory learning environment was different in Arab and Jewish classes that learned in the inquiry-oriented laboratory in chemistry. A statistical comparison of Arab and Jewish inquiry groups revealed significant differences in their actual and preferred perceptions. From the qualitative part of the study, we found that the teachers and students from the Arab and Jewish sectors were statistically similar in the categories that we measured during the inquiry phase, but they were statistically different during the pre-inquiry phase of the laboratory. From the interviews with the teachers and the students, we found that there were differences in the student-teacher relationship between the two sectors.  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的不断发展,教学理念和教学模式都有了很大的改革和创新。在初中化学教学中,提升学生化学学习能力和水平,提高化学教学质量和效率,一直都是化学教师追求的目标。化学实验作为化学教学中必不可少的内容,直接影响化学教学的效果。提升化学实验的趣味性,才能更好地激发学生学习化学的兴趣和动力,促进化学教学质量的提升。  相似文献   

基础教育改革要求中学教师具有教学研究能力。中学化学教师应具备化学实验教学研究的能力。本文就如何培养中学化学教师实验教学研究能力,以及化学实验教学研究的一般方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Of primary concern in professional development (PD) are the ways in which teachers transfer knowledge from PD to the classroom. This qualitative case study of a chemistry PD course for elementary teachers investigates the first step in the transfer process by examining why and how K-8 teachers consider transfer to the classroom. Motivations for considering transfer were the same whether teachers only proposed how they could use PD content or teachers actively utilized PD experiments and concepts in their own classrooms. Teacher learning of chemistry concepts, activities, and pedagogical strategies were motivating factors for considering transfer. Teachers appropriated and adapted PD materials based on the specific learning needs of their own students, the constraints of their teaching contexts, and their desired outcomes, including making science learning relevant for students. Understanding teachers’ motivations and means of adaptations in considering PD can inform PD provider programs how to be more effective and responsive to teacher needs. Furthermore, teachers’ active consideration of appropriations and adaptations highlights how teachers leverage their expertise in shaping their PD experiences.  相似文献   

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