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Ceramic samples made with a mixture of 70% ball clay and 30% quartz sand were moulded and then fired at 900 °C in an electric kiln. Samples were then treated with different products and analyses and tests were performed to evaluate the physical changes induced by the application of these products and their effects on the quality of the ceramics. A petrographic study indicated that the ceramics were composed of quartz, small amounts of mullite and sanidine and traces of hematite. Mineral clays (i.e. kaolinite) disappeared during firing. Two consolidating products (Paraloid B72 and Tegovakon V) and one water repellent (Silo 111) were applied to samples by capillarity, and physical changes (colour, water flow, porosity and pore size distribution) were measured. Finally, we carried out salt crystallization tests in order to determine which product improved the quality of the ceramics. Treated samples registered a decrease in porosity and a general increase in pore size. The application of Silo 111 drastically reduced water absorption by immersion and by capillarity. This product was also responsible for a decrease in pore interconnection. Samples treated with Tegovakon V performed better in terms of their overall hydric behaviour. Silo 111 was the only product that did not modify the colour of samples when compared with untreated ones, and after accelerated aging tests, samples treated with this product hindered the absorption of saline solution into ceramic pores and prevented their decay. Paraloid B72 did not improve any of the properties of the ceramics.  相似文献   

Among China's vast majority of ancient literature, a wide variety of historical material about natural hazards and natural phenomena are recorded. These records provide significant data and documents for research on historical natural hazards. However, Chinese ancient literature is heterogeneous in syntactic, structural and semantic levels, lacking systematical and scientific information collation, which hinder their use in the research on historical natural hazards. This article presents a solution for promoting comprehensive in-depth understanding of historical natural hazard records by developing a semantic enhanced WebGIS platform. It includes: (1) a geodatabase to systematically store and manage Chinese historical information on natural hazards collated from ancient literature; (2) an ontology to mitigate semantic heterogeneity problems among different datasets; (3) WebGIS tools to visualize and analyze natural hazards in a multidisciplinary way. The platform is compliant to other historical and culture data at spatial and temporal levels. A survey on users’ expectation and satisfactions are conducted. Conclusions and discussions are also raised to suggest further improvements for the semantic enhanced WebGIS platform.  相似文献   

Adobe is a construction technique that uses raw earth mixed and moulded to form sun-dried blocks to realize a bearing wall. The recent discovery of adobe walls belonging to a Republican domus sited in Suasa (Ancona, Italy) was the starting point of the present work. The research was developed through an experimental approach, in order to characterize the mechanical behavior of this type of walls: firstly some adobe blocks similar to the original ones were reproduced by using the soil directly came from the archaeological site near the adobe walls and adding straw to reduce hygrometric shrinkage and coarse sand, taken from a local quarry, as a stabilizer, as Romans were used to do. Then, after a seasoning period of 4 months, four adobe walls were produced to be tested by compression and shear. From compression tests, maximum strength, first cracking compression stress, Young modulus and breaking manner were evaluated. As well, compression results show a possible two-storey structure of the earthen Republican domus. In fact, it appears that the stress from the two-storey load analysis is lower than the first cracking compression stress. From the shear tests, a proportional law seems to regulate the relation between the maximum value of the mean tangential tensions and the vertical compression the sample is subjected to. This could be the starting point for a future seismic analysis.  相似文献   

The ‘Cotto Variegato’ are tiles used in Lombardy, between the XVII and XIX centuries as flooring for several historical buildings. Tiles are produced by the processing of two compositionally distinct clays. The main stylistic character of these tiles is a banded texture producing a veined aspect, in which white and red bands are also folded. The artefacts were hand crafted using two clayey raw materials of different composition, that are only partially mixed before the firing. The colour differences are produced during the firing. In all samples white and red portions are always composed of Ca-rich and Ca-poor clay, respectively. The multi-layered texture was obtained by a multiple folding and pressing process of the mixture. The interference of fold limbs with the tile surface gives the ‘variegato’ style to tiles. The paper explains how basic petrological knowledge can be applied to the study of ceramic artefacts in order to define provenance of the raw material, firing technology and how ancient craftsmen transformed the natural clayey materials into floor tiles. The methodological approach is that commonly applied to the study of the rocks and consists of textural analyses, at a different observational scale, combined with X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and microprobe analyses.  相似文献   

In order to conserve the archeological site of Olynthos, a systematic study of materials preceded. The analysis of mortar samples taken from the remains of ancient Olynthos (400 BC) showed that different qualities of mortars were used for different purposes. Almost impermeable mortars were found in contact with draining canals. This was the initiative to start a combined analysis of mortars by determining their physical and chemical characteristics in order to find the textural features and the alterations of the structure in order to understand their resistance to weathering.The paper focuses on the interrelation of findings from the above-referred examinations. The use of reactive siliceous materials in combination with lime as well as the excellent gradation of aggregates used seems to be the secrets of the good performance of the ancient mortars.  相似文献   

This work describes the quantitative analysis of mercury present in the ink used to colour some books of XVIII century. The mercury content was determined by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry. This is a non-destructive technique which allows elemental identification and quantification (Z > 13) by atomic physics processes. The organic pigments cannot be identified by this technique, taking into account that its composition is mainly C, O and H. Levels of 2 wt.% and 4.5 wt.% were measured in 1756 and 1753 books respectively. No significant amount of mercury was observed in other red books, on a total of 11, all from XVIII century: 1720, 1732, 1753, 1756, 1780, 1798, 1800. More than one book for each year were analysed. The studied books belong to a private collection, and were selected taking into account the age and the reddish colour of their external parts. High content on Fe were observed in some of the books. This work highlights the application of a physics technique in a very important aspect for art and cultural heritage conservation and restoration, considering that high levels of toxic elements might be found in ancient documents. It is of great importance that preliminary elemental analyses are performed on ancient documents before handling them, because they might constitute some danger for restorers, conservators and collectors. This work highlights, for the first time, the danger of some ancient books. They might contain a very high concentration of mercury, which is toxic for the organism. This is also a particularly important problem of public health never mentioned in literature before.  相似文献   

Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) is a well-known tool in cultural heritage diagnostics. It is also suitable to reveal cracks and debondings of tiles in ancient mosaics of Roman and Medieval age. This paper describes a portable electro-optic system as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the state of conservation of ancient mosaics. The proposed system is based on the integration of ESPI and local speckle correlation techniques. Some experiments have been carried out on real, ancient, mosaics in laboratory and in situ. The different features of each technique are outlined and a comparison with holographic interferometry is also given.  相似文献   

Some architectural structures inside historical buildings are often interpreted as cooling systems. The problem is the knowledge about the real functioning of these systems during the past and at the present. Full scale measurements can provide data on ventilation rate, airflow distribution, mean air velocity around and inside a building, but these experiments are really expensive and time consuming. In this paper, the airflow patterns, distribution and velocity and the air temperature distribution inside a historical building in Palermo (Italy) were investigated by a transient simulation. A three-dimensional model of the library room, actually used as book deposit, where an ancient natural ventilation system is operating, was investigated using a CFD tool during the hottest day of the summer of 2006 in Palermo. The simulation results are in agreement with the trends of air velocity and temperature of the experimental values measured during a test campaign.  相似文献   

Historical cartography all over the world is a fundamental part of Cultural Heritage, and it needs to be preserved from damage of its analogical support due to ageing. Regeneration of ancient cartography in digital form is an interesting way not only to preserve historical cartographic documents as Cultural Heritage, but also to allow new chances of understanding and using the historical information they record. In such a way, modern digital techniques, in particular study of map deformations and map georeferencing, help in metric analysis of ancient cartography, and at last they appear to be useful for researchers to derive historical information for their studies, for example related to urban development or to geomorphological and environmental topics. The present research would give an example of the usefulness of the digital regeneration of ancient cartography, but also an example of possible difficulties in correctly interpreting information preserved in historical cartography, especially the pre-geodetic one. The study subject consists in three contemporaneous pre-geodetic maps (late 16th century) from the ancient Po river delta area (Italy), by means of which a geometrically correct representation of those parts of the landscape, not preserved today because of sea erosion, was tried. In fact, standard georeferencing methods, that use reference control points to compare historical cartography with the present one, in this specific case demonstrated to be not successful in describing the real location of disappeared landscape details with an adequate level of accuracy. For these reasons, in order to define which map among the others was the most faithful to the contemporaneous physical reality, a compound methodology, consisting of a three-step analytical process, is here applied to the three samples. Starting from measurement of sighting angles and distances applied to a number of landmarks, a splitting of the old maps in sub-areas, probably corresponding to the set of original surveyed zones, was performed. In the area of main concern, the use of absolute measurements was avoided in order to check the level of inner congruence of the representation. Finally, a new specific error index, that can also be applied to maps lacking an explicit graphical scale, is proposed to evaluate the map truthfulness degree. The proposed method can be applied to other similar examples from ancient cartography.  相似文献   

A significant number of archaeological finds of the 13th–16th century from the Tuscan sites of Germagnana and Gambassi in Valdelsa—FI, was studied by different physico-chemical investigations (SEM–EDS, ICP, Mössbauer spectroscopy, XRD, XRF, TG-DTA) in order to contribute to clarify the production methodology and the pre-industrial glass manufacture technology. The studied samples are mainly non-vitreous finds as production waste, refractory materials, crucibles and raw materials; also vitreous finds as frits, skims, glasses (glass masses, glass working waste and finished products) have been taken into consideration. The obtained petrographic and physico-chemical data strongly suggest that both Gambassi and Germagnana glass manufactures were strictly connected with the sources of vitrifiable materials, situated in Tuscan sand quarries. In particular a comparison between sands from the neighbouring quarries and appropriate finds of the two archaeological sites evidences that the employed vitrifiable materials possibly belong to La Casina La Cava resort. The archaeological classification, based on macroscopic observation and stratigraphic position, was compared and verified with the scientific classification of the examined finds of Germagnana and Gambassi sites based on their composition, morphology and physico-chemical properties.  相似文献   

Although Venice is regarded as being one of the most important centres of glass manufacture and trade in Western Europe, little is known about the origins of the Venetian glassmaking. Some archaeologists suggest there is a continuity in the history of glass making, in its transplantation from the Roman centres of the mainland (Altino and Aquileia), first to some islands of the lagoon, and later to the town. Some others, instead, think that there was no continuity at all and that the art of glassmaking was imported in Venice from the Islamic glass factories of the Middle East. Of great help in answering this and other technological questions is the information about the composition of ancient glass from well-dated excavations that allows to conclude on the early technology, sources of raw materials and long-distance trade. Some significant glass findings, including fragments of pots used for glass melting, were found on the island of Torcello and, more recently, in two emergency excavations in the historic centre of Venice. In this paper, the chemical composition of a large set of glass findings (and related materials) from the Venetian lagoon dating from the 7th to the 13th centuries is determined by X-ray microanalysis in order to throw new light on the glassmaking technology in the early centuries of the Venetian tradition. The results show that in this period there occurred a gradual transition from the Roman technique (a two-ingredient formulation with silica-lime sand and natron as a fluxer), towards the use of silica sand and soda plant ash. There is evidence, therefore, for a production continuity with the Roman period (melting pots and glass scraps with a natron-based composition), yet restricted to transparent blown items. No evidence was found for a local production of glass tesserae for the mosaics of the church of St. Maria Assunta in Torcello.  相似文献   

With the aim of identifying new water dispersed polymers for textile conservation, the structure and properties of three commercial polyacrylates and one commercial polyvinylacetate were analysed. The characteristics of these materials, not previously used in the conservation and restoration fields, were compared with that shown by Primal AC33 and Mowilith DMC2 and SDM5, widely used as consolidating or adhesive agents of ancient textiles. To achieve a thorough characterisation of each polymer, molecular, thermal, structural and mechanical investigation techniques were applied on film samples, obtained from polymer water dispersions through water casting at room temperature and/or compression moulding. The photo-oxidative resistance of these materials was also assessed by artificial weathering of water cast films and by measuring the Yellowing Index (YI) as a function of the exposure time under xenon-arc lamp. Collected data were used to appropriately compare the performances shown by these polymers when applied on artefacts consisting of natural fibres. In particular it was found that, among the products not previously used in the conservation and restoration fields, a high potential for carrying out treatments on textiles is shown by the samples commercialised with the trade names of Acrilem RP6005 and Acrilem 30WA. These products, in fact, exhibit properties that make them suitable as substitutes for Primal AC33 and Mowilith DMC2 and SDM5, respectively, depending upon conservation needs. It was very interesting to note that Acrilem 30WA, also after aging, shows YI values lower than that shown by Mowilith DMC2 and SDM5.  相似文献   

Roman cements, one of the most extensively produced types of hydraulic binders of the second half of the 19th century, played an important role in the architecture of many European countries. This paper deals with the chemical-mineralogical and microstructural characterisation of historic Roman cement renders from Budapest, Hungary. Different microscopic techniques were used on polished thin sections and fracture surfaces in order to understand the method of producing these renders and the effect of urban pollution on them. The renders exhibited characteristics typical to a Roman cement mortar, such as high binder to aggregate ratios (b/a), mostly fine-grained aggregates and high capillary porosity, but without the shrinkage cracks that are also normally present. This research suggests that coarse residual cement grains may have acted in a manner similar to aggregates by absorbing stress and thereby reducing the formation of shrinkage cracks. Based on the mineral characteristics of residual cement grains, the samples could be divided into two groups, which correspond to either a higher or lower temperature of calcination of the original source material of the cement. Chemical characteristics of the binders suggest the presence of intermixed CaCO3 originating from the carbonation of hydration products and partly from residual calcium carbonate of the raw material. Despite dense and often impermeable coats applied in later renovations and exposure to a polluted urban environment, which resulted in formation of gypsum on the surface of the renders, the samples show good to excellent state of preservation after more than a century. The strong “house of cards”-like arrangement of the complex C-(A)-S-H-type phases is responsible for both the high capillary porosity and the good resistance of Roman cement renders to atmospheric pollution and potentially damaging salts such as Na- and K-chlorides which are found near the base of the building due to sidewalk de-icing. These results help to better understand the behaviour of historic Roman cement renders, which in turn assists in making good decisions in choosing a repair material to future restorations of 19th century façades built with this material.  相似文献   

An epoxy coating modified by PDMS hydroxyl terminated is presented in this paper in order to evaluate its potential use as a protective of a stone surface. With a view to its use in restoration sites, visible and long-wavelength photoinitiated cationic polymerization is proposed here. The system investigated is based on a crosslinking mechanism which shows remarkable advantages for stone protection, such as the low toxicity of the products and facility of mixture preparation. Furthermore, the visible light exploitation represents the most important advantage, because it is easy to apply in a restoration site, with or without irradiation instruments. Besides coating characterization through FT-IR, DMTA analyses and contact angle measurement on glass slides, analyses were also carried out on coated plaster samples. These analyses were performed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the protective, in relationship to hydrophobicity (contact angle measurement, capillary water absorption) and morphology surface changing (SE/SEM observations, colorimetric measurements) before and after polymer application and UV aging test of coated samples. The overall characterization makes it possible to consider it a suitable coating for stone protection.  相似文献   

The use of a scanning electron microscope equipped with a microanalytical system is proposed for characterising ancient mortars. A calculation procedure is presented that allows a determination of the binder and aggregate compositions (including volatile components) from microprobe data collected on the binder, and chemical, mineralogical, petrographical and physical data collected on the mortar bulk sample. The proposed procedure is applied to 11 mortar samples from three historical monuments built in Pisa throughout the Middle Ages. The binder of the analysed samples consists of a carbonate crystalline fraction and an amorphous carbonate-free fraction that makes up from 20 to 60 % by weight of the binder. The aggregate composition, on average, is close to that of the Arno River sands.  相似文献   

The oil painting “La Medusa” executed by Caravaggio at the end of the XVI century on a wooden shield, was investigated by integrated physical–chemical and analytical methodologies in order to obtain scientific data capable of elucidating the state of conservation and the painting technique. Optical (OM) and electronic (SEM-EDS) microscopy, micro-FT-IR spectroscopy, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and pyrolysis GC–MS were applied on two microfragments and some organic samples obtained by solvent extraction using the swab cleaning technique. The obtained results indicated that Caravaggio probably reused an old shield as a previous gypsum preparation layer has been detected under the original painting layers. He used white lead, natural earths, verdigris and lead–tin yellow type I mixed with drying oils to paint. The considerable amount of amorphous particles of copper chlorides found in the green pigment verdigris suggests that it could have been produced according to the ancient recipe of verde salsum described by Theophilus. Mordant gilding has been identified on the upper part of the shield that can be related to an abandoned experiment to give the painting a mirror-like reflecting effect. Three different varnishes layers have been detected above the painted surface. The original and restoration varnishes have been identified and they contain a mixture of drying oil, mastic and turpentine and some beeswax. Cleaning tests, performed with different organic solvents, suggest the use of isopropyl alcohol as cleaning agent because it is less efficient in comparison to others solvents; thus it ensures a careful and controlled removal of the varnishes.  相似文献   

The vaults of the Saint Peter basilica in Vatican (Rome) are decorated with mosaics whose realisation is dated to the end of the 16th century. The mortar layers beneath the mosaics are realised with the so-called “Roman stucco”, a kind of mastic specifically employed as a binder in the mosaic's supporting layers. Its empirical recipe was known and reported by 18th century authors, accounting for the use of lime, travertine powder added to a mixture of herbs and linseed oil. A recent restoration of the mosaics has allowed to characterise the mortars from a compositional point of view by individuating the inorganic mineralogical fraction and by chemically characterising the organic components. The study of stucco samples has been performed through polarising microscope observations, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses, thermal analyses (TA) (thermodifferential-DTA and termogravimetric-TGA analysis), Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, pyrolysis-gascromatography (PY-GC)–mass spectrometry. The analyses have allowed to distinguish between original stucco, produced and utilized at the same time of the realisation of the mosaics, and other mortars, presumably employed in later times during restoration interventions. The outcomes of the mineralogical investigation and TA indicate the presence of four different types of stuccos, here considered as four characteristic groups. The mineralogical analyses indicate that all the samples are constituted of two main phases: calcite and vaterite and the TA, beyond the quantification of the calcium carbonate content, have shown the presence of organic components in the stucco. The organic fraction was characterised by PY-GC–mass spectrometry, confirming the presence of the linseed oil cited in the ancient recipes. The very interesting outcome of this study is the occurrence of the rare calcium carbonate polymorph vaterite. The ATR-FTIR spectroscopy on the stucco gives further contribution to a better understanding of the FTIR spectrum of the rare mineral and an explanation of its formation is tentatively given.  相似文献   

A new laser-based spectroscopic technique, called calibration-free LIPS (laser-induced plasma spectroscopy), is proposed for fast and precise elemental analysis in the field of cultural heritage conservation and study. Quantitative stratigraphic results, obtained by CF-LIPS on ancient Roman frescoe samples, are shown. The application of this calibration-free procedure frees the LIPS technique from the need of reference samples or an internal standard. This characteristic, along with the intrinsic speed (the whole process of data collection and analysis takes a few minutes) and precision (of the order of a few parts percent) make the CF-LIPS a viable technique for in situ quantitative analysis of artworks.  相似文献   

In this study, the dyes present in five 17th- to 18th-century textiles from the National Museum of Art of Romania, three religious embroideries and two brocaded velvets, are characterized and discussed, together with earlier results on textiles from Romanian collections obtained by the same research group. Dye analyses were performed using two methods: the well-established liquid chromatography-diode array detection (LC–DAD) and a recently developed liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC–MS) analytical protocol. The examination of very small historical samples by both techniques allows a better insight in the advantages and limitations of the two approaches to real analyses to be obtained. LC–MS data interpretation is based entirely on the results accumulated for dye standards. Electrospray ionization (ESI) was used in the negative ion mode and an ion trap served as mass analyzer. Both single stage (MS) and tandem (MS/MS) mass spectrometric approaches were considered. The dyes and natural sources identified by both analytical techniques are discussed in the historical context of the textiles, with respect to earlier results collected for similar Romanian objects. The study showed that the dye sources found in the 17th- and 18th-century Romanian velvets and embroideries were produced using a wide variety of dye sources, suggesting influences from Europe as well as from Asia Minor. Dye sources imported from New World have been also detected. The range of biological sources is in very good correspondence with earlier results obtained from textiles in the Romanian Collections. LC-MS (single stage and tandem MS) approaches have been demonstrated to be valuable tools for dye identification in small-scaled samples from historical textile objects only if sufficient knowledge on the dyes and their biological sources is first accumulated within experiments performed on standard dyes and standard dyed fibers.  相似文献   

Waterlogged wood samples of Ulmus sp. and Fraxinus sp. from the ancient harbor of Otranto in Southern Italy were radiocarbon dated by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and examined for physical and chemical changes to assess the degree of degradation. The analyzed woods were dated to the 2nd half of the twelfth – 1st half of the thirteenth centuries AD. The results of all the used methods (maximum water content, basic density, shrinkage, XRD analysis and holocellulose content) indicated a low level of degradation in the inner part of the wooden find. The outer and middle part, on the other hand, showed a greater degradation level. An important result is the identification of a not homogeneous degradation in the different parts of the examined wooden block, which will affect the design of the consolidating treatment.  相似文献   

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