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Numerous studies show that children's language ability is related to false-belief understanding. However, there is considerable variation in the size of the correlation reported. Using data from 104 studies (N=8,891), this meta-analysis determines the strength of the relation in children under age 7 and examines moderators that may account for the variability across studies--including aspect of language ability assessed, type of false-belief task used, and direction of effect. The results indicate a moderate to large effect size overall that remains significant when age is controlled. Receptive vocabulary measures had weaker relations than measures of general language. Stronger effects were found from earlier language to later false belief than the reverse. Significant differences were not found among types of false-belief task.  相似文献   

利益是政治的基础.当代中国利益多元化趋势的出现将对中国政治生活产生双重影响,适时地建立利益整合机制,从政治、经济、文化、社会等方面着手,协调利益矛盾,规范利益关系,将促进现代化建设健康有序地进行.  相似文献   

This study examined a moderated mediation model among 314 Black adolescents aged 13–18. The model included general coping strategies (e.g., active, distracting, avoidant, and support‐seeking strategies) as mediators and racial identity dimensions (racial centrality, private regard, public regard, minority, assimilationist, and humanist ideologies) as moderators of the relation between perceived racial discrimination and depressive symptoms. Moderated mediation examined if the relation between perceived racial discrimination and depressive symptoms varied by the mediators and moderators. Results revealed that avoidant coping strategies mediated the relation between perceptions of racial discrimination and depressive symptoms. The results indicated that avoidant coping strategies mediated the relation between perceived racial discrimination and depressive symptoms among youth with high levels of the minority/oppressive ideology.  相似文献   

Visuomotor integration (VMI) is the ability to coordinate visual perception and motor functioning. Measures of VMI are commonly used to assess children's readiness for academic learning. Attention and investments towards VMI development are mainly focused on early learners, but some empirical research indicates sustained relations between VMI and academic achievement through middle and high school. To determine the relations between VMI and academic achievement, as well as moderating factors, we conducted a multilevel meta-analysis using a total of 96 articles and 266 effect sizes published over the past 60 years. The pooled effect size revealed moderate correlations between VMI and mathematical (r = 0.39) and reading (r = 0.34) achievement. Educational stage, disability, and intelligence were significant moderators of the relation between VMI and mathematics achievement, whereas educational stage and subdomains of reading skills were significant moderators of the relation between VMI and reading achievement. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of 36 studies examining the relations between parent autonomy support (PAS) and child outcomes indicated that PAS was related to greater academic achievement and indicators of adaptive psychosocial functioning, including autonomous motivation, psychological health, perceived competence, engagement, and positive attitudes toward school, among other outcomes. The strongest relation emerged between PAS and psychological health. Results indicated that the strength of the PAS relation was stronger when PAS was reflective of both parents, rather than of just mothers or just fathers among five of six outcomes for which moderators could be examined. Moderator analyses also suggested that PAS correlations are stronger when the outcome is better aligned to the predictor and the relation between PAS and psychosocial outcomes may vary by grade level. Implications for theory and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

While previous research has documented a relation between sexual content in music and the sexual attitudes and behaviors of consumers, to date, there are no meta-analytic reviews of the literature, making our meta-analysis the first in this area. Results from 26 studies indicated that sexual content in music had a significant effect on sexual attitudes and behaviors, with both music format and genre being significant contributors. Additionally, participant ethnicity, sex, age, location, and study design were found to be significant moderators. Theoretical implications are discussed, along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和改革的深入,贫富差距不断扩大,利益关系的协调势在必行,而如何对待私有财产也成为影响改革走向的一个重要因素。必须妥善处理好利益关系的协调与私有财产的保护的关系,才有利改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

从中国农民与国家关系的历时性视角来看,农民与国家关系的演变可能有五种变动模式:(1)传统社会中的农民与国家是一种四位一体、虚实双线关系;(2)土改时期的农民与国家是一种四位一体、双边二重关系;(3)集体化时期农民与国家是一种三位一体、城乡二元关系;(4)改革以来农民与国家是一种四位一体、强弱双线关系;(5)未来农民与国家关系演变的可能前景,或许是一种多元一体、合作共赢关系。  相似文献   

社会的和谐发展从根本上取决于它是否具有公平正义的制度和体制。社会主义和谐社会首先应是一个公平正义的社会,公平正义实现的关键是妥善协调多元分化甚至是相互冲突的利益关系,而公平正义的制度和体制是妥善协调利益关系的根本保证。因此,建立公平正义的制度和体制能从根本上保证构建社会主义和谐社会战略目标的实现。  相似文献   

To test specific hypotheses about the relation between hostile intent attribution (HIA) and children’s aggressive behavior, a multilevel meta-analysis was conducted on 111 studies with 219 effect sizes and 29.272 participants. A positive association between HIA and aggression was found, but effect sizes varied widely between studies. Results suggested that HIA is a general disposition guiding behavior across a broad variety of contexts, whereas the strength of the relation between HIA and aggression depends on the level of emotional engagement. The relation is stronger for more reliable HIA measures, but is not stronger for reactive aggression or co-morbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder than for aggression in general. The importance of understanding specific moderators of effect size for theory development is discussed.  相似文献   

Multidimensional models of giftedness specify individual and environmental moderators or catalysts that help transform potential into achievement. However, these models do not state whether the importance of the ‘individual boxes’ and the ‘environmental boxes’ changes during this process. The present study examines whether, during the early stages of talent development, the ‘environmental boxes’ play a more important role than the ‘individual boxes.’ To answer this question, we analyzed individual moderators and environmental moderators of achievement for fourth-grade primary-school students (N?=?976). A cluster analysis that included intelligence, achievement, and two individual moderators (motivation and learning behavior) revealed three groups of students, two of which are of particular interest, as they both displayed high intelligence and achievement but differed in their motivation and learning behavior. Questionnaire data on family environment (filled out by parents, N?=?682) and school environment (filled out by teachers, N?=?47) supported the assumption that among young students an inauspicious set of individual moderators, in this case maladaptive motivation and learning behavior, can be compensated by a sufficiently propitious set of environmental moderators, in this case parents’ and teachers’ learning support, cultural capital within the family, and teachers’ commitment to support their students’ learning.  相似文献   

A path model of teacher expectancy effects was evaluated in a sample of 376 first- through fifth-grade urban elementary school children. The roles of two moderators (classroom perceived differential treatment environment and developmental differences) and one mediator (children's self-expectations) of teacher expectancy effects on children's year-end achievement were examined. Significant differences in effects and effect sizes are presented. Both classroom environment (high versus low in differential treatment, as seen through children's eyes) and developmental differences moderated the strength of teacher expectancy effects. Generally, stronger effects were found in classrooms in which expectancy-related cues were more salient to children, but developmental differences moderated which effect was most pronounced. A significant age-related decline in direct effects on ending achievement was interpreted as evidence that teacher expectations may tend to magnify achievement differences in the early grades, but serve to sustain them in later grades. Support for indirect effects (teacher expectations --> children's self-expectations --> ending achievement) was limited to upper elementary grade classrooms perceived as high in differential treatment. In contrast to prior research that emphasized small effect sizes, the present analyses document several instances of moderate effects, primarily in classrooms in which expectancy-related messages were most salient to children. These results underscore the importance of explicit attention to the inclusion of moderators, mediators, and multiple outcomes in efforts to understand teacher expectancy effects.  相似文献   

中国国际关系理论建设:问题与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对近20年中国国际关系理论研究的现状、研究的成果进行概述和评估的基础上,认为中国国际关系理论建设首先应该解决一个“我们需要什么样的国际关系理论”的问题,本文提出了逻辑的和利益的两种国际关系理论划分,认为中国国际关系理论工作者的任务是努力建设逻辑的理论。  相似文献   

宫希魁 《教学与研究》2004,12(12):11-17
在市场经济条件下,用集体谈判的办法协调和解决不同社会主体之间的利益关系和矛盾,被西方发达国家的实践证明是一种有效的途径。我们在发展和完善社会主义市场经济体制的过程中,如何协调好社会各阶层之间的利益关系,如何解决好不同市场主体之间的矛盾,已经成为迫在眉睫的棘手问题。仅靠传统的道德劝说和行政手段已经不能有效解决这类问题,因此,顺应市场经济的发展规律,引进和建立起集体谈判的规则和机制,对于处理好日益复杂的社会利益关系和矛盾是非常必要的。  相似文献   

社会和谐是社会主义社会的本质属性。构建和谐社会的关键与核心在于妥善协调利益关系;利益关系协调应遵循普遍受益原则、统筹兼顾原则;我们必须在大力发展生产力,不断增加社会财富的基础上,综合运用经济、政治、道德、法律等各种手段,来协调当前我国的利益矛盾和冲突。  相似文献   

The incremental theory of intelligence has been identified as a strong predictor of students’ learning motivation. Recent research has suggested various moderators of its effect. The present study sought to examine the moderating effects of self-enhancement and self-criticism on the relation between incremental intelligence beliefs and students’ motivational engagement. Responses were collected from 440 junior secondary school students in Macau. The results showed that self-enhancement strengthened the effect of incremental beliefs on students’ efforts after a perceived failure. Self-criticism strengthened the effect of incremental beliefs on efforts after a perceived success. The reasons for these findings are discussed and their pedagogical implications elucidated.  相似文献   

班晓娜 《大连大学学报》2011,32(6):89-92,101
和谐劳动关系是企业发展的基础,目前,部分企业存在劳动关系不和谐状况,劳动者及企业解决纠纷的方式均存在不正规的解决方式。如何解决劳动纠纷,减少不和谐现象,是企业在管理过程中应该关注的内容。工会组织是构建和谐劳动关系的重要基础,发挥工会服务型职能,维护劳动者权益并进行扶贫帮困是工会工作今后发展的方向。  相似文献   

利益是维系党群关系的决定性因素。党群关系的发展是围绕利益这个核心而进行的,在这个过程中,利益的冲突与整合是两种常态性的作用方式。市场经济的发展使社会的利益格局产生了深刻的变化,也为新时期的党群关系带来了新的挑战。以制度来规范利益调整,以广大人民群众的利益为价值取向是密切党群关系的出发点和落脚点。  相似文献   

This investigation examines the relation between self-esteem and socially desirable responding by integrating previous findings via a meta-analysis. In 55 studies containing 73 independent samples (N?=?11,901), the correlation between self-esteem and Impression Management was weak, that between self-esteem and Self-Deceptive Enhancement was from moderate to strong, and that between self-esteem and omnibus socially desirable responding was moderate based on Cohen’s guidelines (1988). The effects of all moderators, including the measures of self-esteem and socially desirable responding, and mean sample age and sample gender, on the relation between self-esteem and socially desirable responding were non-significant. Socially desirable responding did not function as a useful suppressor or spurious variable in the relation between self-esteem and performance.  相似文献   

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