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Do online recommendations have the same motivating impact as price at the point of online purchase? The results (n = 268) of an conjoint study show that: (1) when the price is low or high relatively to market price, it has the strongest impact (positive and negative) on the likelihood of an online purchase of an mp3 player, (2) when the price is average to market price, online recommendation and price are equal in their impact at the point of online purchase, and, (3) the relative impact from price increases when online shopping frequencies increases. The implications these results give are that online retailers should be aware that online recommendations are not as influential as a good offer when consumers purchase electronics online. However, other customer recommendations have a stronger impact on novice online shoppers than towards those consumers that shop more frequently online.  相似文献   

In online travel communities, ‘Top-K best places to visit’ recommendations are gaining more attention from travelers due to their ubiquitous access to the Internet, but little empirical effort has been made to investigate what factors lead to the popularity of user-curated ‘best places to visit (BP2V)’ recommendations. This research therefore aims to identify and validate the heuristic factors affecting the popularity of BP2V recommendations. Based on the heuristic-systematic model (HSM) of persuasion, we derive recommender-related (i.e., recommender's identity disclosure, reputation, experience, and location of residency) and recommendation-related (i.e., number of places recommended, helpfulness rating, number of comments added, and length of recommendation) heuristic characteristics of BP2V recommendations and investigate their impact on recommendation popularity. In addition, this study examines the moderating effect of destination category (i.e., attractions, food, shopping, and activities) on the relationship between heuristic characteristics and the popularity of BP2V recommendations. Our empirical results, which were based on 565 ‘best places to visit in the U.S.’ recommendation postings from Qyer.com, a major online travel community in China, suggest that recommender's identity disclosure, reputation, number of places recommended, helpfulness rating, and length of recommendation are positively associated with recommendation popularity. We also found that the relationships between heuristic factors and the popularity of BP2V recommendations are contingent on destination category. This study will contribute to the body of knowledge on online travel communities and HSM and provide valuable implications for general travelers and managers in the tourism and hospitality industry.  相似文献   

Warning: This paper contains examples of offensive language, including insulting or objectifying expressions.Various existing studies have analyzed what social biases are inherited by NLP models. These biases may directly or indirectly harm people, therefore previous studies have focused only on human attributes. However, until recently no research on social biases in NLP regarding nonhumans existed. In this paper,1 we analyze biases to nonhuman animals, i.e. speciesist bias, inherent in English Masked Language Models such as BERT. We analyzed speciesist bias against 46 animal names using template-based and corpus-extracted sentences containing speciesist (or non-speciesist) language. We found that pre-trained masked language models tend to associate harmful words with nonhuman animals and have a bias toward using speciesist language for some nonhuman animal names. Our code for reproducing the experiments will be made available on GitHub.2  相似文献   

Nowadays, the increasing demand for group recommendations can be observed. In this paper we address the problem of recommendation performance for groups of users (group recommendation). We focus on the performance of very Top-N recommendations, which are important when recommending the long lasting items (only a few such items are consumed per session, e.g. movie). To improve existing group recommenders we propose a mixed hybrid recommender for groups combining content-based and collaborative strategies. The principle of proposed group recommender is to generate content and collaborative recommendations for each user, apply an aggregation strategy to solve the group conflict preferences for the content and collaborative sets separately, and finally reorder the collaborative candidates based on the content-based ones. It is based on an idea that candidates recommended by both recommendation strategies at the same time are presumably more appropriate for the group than the candidates recommended by individual strategies. The evaluation is performed by several experiments in the multimedia domain (as typical representative for group recommendations). Both, online and offline experiments were performed in order to compare real users’ satisfaction to the standard group recommenders and also, to compare performance of proposed approach to the state-of-the-art recommenders based on the MovieLens dataset. Finally, we experimented with the proposed hybrid recommender to generate the recommendation for a group of size one (i.e. single user recommendation). Obtained results, support our hypothesis that proposed mixed hybrid approach improves the precision of the recommendation for groups of users and for the single-user recommendation respectively on very Top-N recommended items.  相似文献   

Recently, online recommendations have become a main channel for enterprise promotion; however, little evidence has been directed toward understanding the fitness of products information in the online recommendations context. The current study examines the fitness of recommended products information and budget of customers selves’ situation tries to find the key factors that buy exceed the recommended products in the online channels. Drawing upon the customer satisfaction index (CSI) and the price information seeking behavior (PISB) model, this paper proposes a research model and validates it in the context of recommendations from the well-known e-commerce websites from 342 participants. With Amos 18.0 this study finds that, in the online environment, the constructs of CSI are evaluated in online recommendations, in addition, finds the fitness of products information can be vital factor impact perceived quality, value, satisfaction, and buy extra. Moreover, the budget constraints of customers positively impact price comparison, and price comparisons negatively impact satisfactions. This research sheds light on the buy extra behavior in online recommendations and provides insights into the marketing promotion strategies in electronic markets.  相似文献   

Language modeling (LM), providing a principled mechanism to associate quantitative scores to sequences of words or tokens, has long been an interesting yet challenging problem in the field of speech and language processing. The n-gram model is still the predominant method, while a number of disparate LM methods, exploring either lexical co-occurrence or topic cues, have been developed to complement the n-gram model with some success. In this paper, we explore a novel language modeling framework built on top of the notion of relevance for speech recognition, where the relationship between a search history and the word being predicted is discovered through different granularities of semantic context for relevance modeling. Empirical experiments on a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) task seem to demonstrate that the various language models deduced from our framework are very comparable to existing language models both in terms of perplexity and recognition error rate reductions.  相似文献   

The estimation of query model is an important task in language modeling (LM) approaches to information retrieval (IR). The ideal estimation is expected to be not only effective in terms of high mean retrieval performance over all queries, but also stable in terms of low variance of retrieval performance across different queries. In practice, however, improving effectiveness can sacrifice stability, and vice versa. In this paper, we propose to study this tradeoff from a new perspective, i.e., the bias–variance tradeoff, which is a fundamental theory in statistics. We formulate the notion of bias–variance regarding retrieval performance and estimation quality of query models. We then investigate several estimated query models, by analyzing when and why the bias–variance tradeoff will occur, and how the bias and variance can be reduced simultaneously. A series of experiments on four TREC collections have been conducted to systematically evaluate our bias–variance analysis. Our approach and results will potentially form an analysis framework and a novel evaluation strategy for query language modeling.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1694-1713
Building on Lee and Malerba’s (2017) framework, we explore how leading firms in Brazil’s forestry and pulp industry responded to windows of opportunity, in learning terms, shaping an early entry into path-creation technological catch-up, shifting that industry into a globally leading position. Drawing on an in-depth inductive study based on 50 years of evidence, a 10-year fieldwork in large firms, and on a novel approach to micro-level external and internal absorptive capacity (AC), as empirically observable external and internal learning mechanisms (LMs) underlying firms’ innovative capability accumulation (technological catch-up), we find that: (1) firms responded to changing windows of opportunity by developing dual AC through the intensity and the manner of use of multiple LMs across the emergence, gradual catch-up, and forging-ahead phases of the path-creation process; (2) however, there were variations within and across firms in the effectiveness with which they developed their dual AC over these phases, leading to a non-homogenous technological catch-up: while some firms reached a world-leading capability level, others became fast-followers. We contribute to deepening and refining the understanding of technological catch-up through robust empirical insights on how the dynamic interplay between windows of opportunity and variation in the micro-level dual AC development’s effectiveness helps to explain the nature and extent of firms’ technological catch-up. We also provide a basis to further the analysis of technological catch-up and its learning processes, particularly in natural resources-rich industries in resource-rich developing countries.  相似文献   

People are gregarious by nature, which explains why group activities, from colleagues sharing a meal to friends attending a book club event together, are the social norm. Online group recommenders identify items of interest, such as restaurants, movies, and books, that satisfy the collective needs of a group (rather than the interests of individual group members). With a number of new movies being released every week, online recommenders play a significant role in suggesting movies for family members or groups of friends/people to watch, either at home or at movie theaters. Making group recommendations relevant to the joint interests of a group, however, is not a trivial task due to the diversity in preferences among group members. To address this issue, we introduce GroupReM which makes movie recommendations appealing (to a certain degree) to members of a group by (i) employing a merging strategy to explore individual group members’ interests in movies and create a profile that reflects the preferences of the group on movies, (ii) using word-correlation factors to find movies similar in content, and (iii) considering the popularity of movies at a movie website. Unlike existing group recommenders based on collaborative filtering (CF) which consider ratings of movies to perform the recommendation task, GroupReM primarily employs (personal) tags for capturing the contents of movies considered for recommendation and group members’ interests. The design of GroupReM, which is simple and domain-independent, can easily be extended to make group recommendations on items other than movies. Empirical studies conducted using more than 3000 groups of different users in the MovieLens dataset, which are various in terms of numbers and preferences in movies, show that GroupReM is highly effective and efficient in recommending movies appealing to a group. Experimental results also verify that GroupReM outperforms popular CF-based recommenders in making group recommendations.  相似文献   

结合社会网络分析的推荐方法研究已成为热点。电子商务中用户的动态行为异常丰富,隐含了用户的关联关系,利用这些信息进行商品推荐是个新研究思路。分析电子商务系统中用户动态行为关联关系及用户间明确好友关系形成复杂隐性社会网络,将社团划分算法应用到该网络中,则社团内部用户联系紧密且具有更相似的消费偏好,据此设计了电子商务中社团内部的推荐方法,应用R语言进行了算法的验证并与传统的协同过滤算法进行比较。实验表明,该推荐算法提高了推荐的质量,缓解了传统推荐算法中数据稀疏性及冷启动问题等。  相似文献   

Warning: This paper contains abusive samples that may cause discomfort to readers.Abusive language on social media reinforces prejudice against an individual or a specific group of people, which greatly hampers freedom of expression. With the rise of large-scale pre-trained language models, classification based on pre-trained language models has gradually become a paradigm for automatic abusive language detection. However, the effect of stereotypes inherent in language models on the detection of abusive language remains unknown, although this may further reinforce biases against the minorities. To this end, in this paper, we use multiple metrics to measure the presence of bias in language models and analyze the impact of these inherent biases in automatic abusive language detection. On the basis of this quantitative analysis, we propose two different debiasing strategies, token debiasing and sentence debiasing, which are jointly applied to reduce the bias of language models in abusive language detection without degrading the classification performance. Specifically, for the token debiasing strategy, we reduce the discrimination of the language model against protected attribute terms of a certain group by random probability estimation. For the sentence debiasing strategy, we replace protected attribute terms and augment the original text by counterfactual augmentation to obtain debiased samples, and use the consistency regularization between the original data and the augmented samples to eliminate the bias at the sentence level of the language model. The experimental results confirm that our method can not only reduce the bias of the language model in the abusive language detection task, but also effectively improve the performance of abusive language detection.  相似文献   

Modeling user profiles is a necessary step for most information filtering systems – such as recommender systems – to provide personalized recommendations. However, most of them work with users or items as vectors, by applying different types of mathematical operations between them and neglecting sequential or content-based information. Hence, in this paper we study how to propose an adaptive mechanism to obtain user sequences using different sources of information, allowing the generation of hybrid recommendations as a seamless, transparent technique from the system viewpoint. As a proof of concept, we develop the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) algorithm as a similarity metric to compare the user sequences, where, in the process of adapting this algorithm to recommendation, we include different parameters to control the efficiency by reducing the information used in the algorithm (preference filter), to decide when a neighbor is considered useful enough to be included in the process (confidence filter), to identify whether two interactions are equivalent (δ-matching threshold), and to normalize the length of the LCS in a bounded interval (normalization functions). These parameters can be extended to work with any type of sequential algorithm.We evaluate our approach with several state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms using different evaluation metrics measuring the accuracy, diversity, and novelty of the recommendations, and analyze the impact of the proposed parameters. We have found that our approach offers a competitive performance, outperforming content, collaborative, and hybrid baselines, and producing positive results when either content- or rating-based information is exploited.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present ViGOR (Video Grouping, Organisation and Recommendation), an exploratory video retrieval system. Exploratory video retrieval tasks are hampered by the lack of semantics associated to video and the overwhelming amount of video items stored in these types of collections (e.g. YouTube, MSN video, etc.). In order to help facilitate these exploratory video search tasks we present a system that utilises two complementary approaches: the first a new search paradigm that allows the semantic grouping of videos and the second the exploitation of past usage history in order to provide video recommendations. We present two types of recommendation techniques adapted to the grouping search paradigm: the first is a global recommendation, which couples the multi-faceted nature of explorative video retrieval tasks with the current user need of information in order to provide recommendations, and second is a local recommendation, which exploits the organisational features of ViGOR in order to provide more localised recommendations based on a specific aspect of the user task. Two user evaluations were carried out in order to (1) validate the new search paradigm provided by ViGOR, characterised by the grouping functionalities and (2) evaluate the usefulness of the proposed recommendation approaches when integrated into ViGOR. The results of our evaluations show (1) that the grouping, organisational and recommendation functionalities can result in an improvement in the users’ search performance without adversely impacting their perceptions of the system and (2) that both recommendation approaches are relevant to the users at different stages of their search, showing the importance of using multi-faceted recommendations for video retrieval systems and also illustrating the many uses of collaborative recommendations for exploratory video search tasks.  相似文献   

Social applications foster the involvement of end users in Web content creation, as a result of which a new source of vast amounts of data about users and their likes and dislikes has become available. Having access to users’ contributions to social sites and gaining insights into the consumers’ needs is of the utmost importance for marketing decision making in general, and to advertisement recommendation in particular. By analyzing this information, advertisement recommendation systems can attain a better understanding of the users’ interests and preferences, thus allowing these solutions to provide more precise ad suggestions. However, in addition to the already complex challenges that hamper the performance of recommender systems (i.e., data sparsity, cold-start, diversity, accuracy and scalability), new issues that should be considered have also emerged from the need to deal with heterogeneous data gathered from disparate sources. The technologies surrounding Linked Data and the Semantic Web have proved effective for knowledge management and data integration. In this work, an ontology-based advertisement recommendation system that leverages the data produced by users in social networking sites is proposed, and this approach is substantiated by a shared ontology model with which to represent both users’ profiles and the content of advertisements. Both users and advertisement are represented by means of vectors generated using natural language processing techniques, which collect ontological entities from textual content. The ad recommender framework has been extensively validated in a simulated environment, obtaining an aggregated f-measure of 79.2% and a Mean Average Precision at 3 (MAP@3) of 85.6%.  相似文献   

Seeking online health information may reinforce the anxiety of those who are already overly anxious about their health. This study explored how people with health anxiety may behave differently in terms of their attentional biases when seeking health information online. We conducted an eye-tracking experiment with 17 participants in the high health anxious group and 17 participants in the low health anxious group, who performed three types of information-seeking tasks (factual, interpretive, and exploratory) on a Chinese health website. We observed that both groups mainly allocated their attention to the stages of evaluating the list of search results and synthesizing information to make health decisions. They showed similar attention tracks at the earlier search stages and health anxiety was found to associate with attentional biases towards certain website stimuli. However, the high health anxious group showed more active eye movements than their low health anxious counterparts. Attentional biases from the high health anxious group mainly occurred at the later stage of processing rather than the initial orientation stages. As for task types, the high health anxious group presented more extensive attentional biases when performing the interpretive task, compared to the explorative and factual tasks. The findings provide novel insights into the attentional biases of people with health anxiety as they search online for health information, which have implications on designing more effective information interventions for vulnerable groups of health information consumers. The findings can also help clinicians interpret patients’ anxiety-related sensations and provide intervening recommendations for clients in use of online health information.  相似文献   

Recommender systems learn from historical users’ feedback that is often non-uniformly distributed across items. As a consequence, these systems may end up suggesting popular items more than niche items progressively, even when the latter would be of interest for users. This can hamper several core qualities of the recommended lists (e.g., novelty, coverage, diversity), impacting on the future success of the underlying platform itself. In this paper, we formalize two novel metrics that quantify how much a recommender system equally treats items along the popularity tail. The first one encourages equal probability of being recommended across items, while the second one encourages true positive rates for items to be equal. We characterize the recommendations of representative algorithms by means of the proposed metrics, and we show that the item probability of being recommended and the item true positive rate are biased against the item popularity. To promote a more equal treatment of items along the popularity tail, we propose an in-processing approach aimed at minimizing the biased correlation between user-item relevance and item popularity. Extensive experiments show that, with small losses in accuracy, our popularity-mitigation approach leads to important gains in beyond-accuracy recommendation quality.  相似文献   

Music has a close relationship with people's emotion and mental status. Music recommendation has both economic and social benefits. Unfortunately, most existing music recommendation methods were constructed based on genre features (e.g., style and album), which cannot meet the emotional needs of listeners. Furthermore, the “filter bubble” effect may make the situation even worse, when a user seeks music for emotional support. In this study, we designed a novel emotion-based personalized music recommendation framework to meet users’ emotional needs and help improve their mental status. In our framework, we designed a LSTM-based model to select the most suitable music based on users’ mood in previous period and current emotion stimulus. A care factor was used to adjust the results so that users’ mental status could be improved by the recommendation. The empirical experiments and user study showed that the recommendations of our novel framework are precise and helpful for users.  相似文献   

We will explore various ways to apply query structuring in cross-language information retrieval. In the first test, English queries were translated into Finnish using an electronic dictionary, and were run in a Finnish newspaper database of 55,000 articles. Queries were structured by combining the Finnish translation equivalents of the same English query key using the syn-operator of the InQuery retrieval system. Structured queries performed markedly better than unstructured queries. Second, the effects of compound-based structuring using a proximity operator for the translation equivalents of query language compound components were tested. The method was not useful in syn-based queries but resulted in decrease in retrieval effectiveness. Proper names are often non-identical spelling variants in different languages. This allows n-gram based translation of names not included in a dictionary. In the third test, a query structuring method where the Boolean and-operator was used to assign more weight to keys translated through n-gram matching gave good results.  相似文献   

Recommender systems are techniques to make personalized recommendations of items to users. In e-commerce sites and online sharing communities, providing high quality recommendations is an important issue which can help the users to make effective decisions to select a set of items. Collaborative filtering is an important type of the recommender systems that produces user specific recommendations of the items based on the patterns of ratings or usage (e.g. purchases). However, the quality of predicted ratings and neighbor selection for the users are important problems in the recommender systems. Selecting suitable neighbors set for the users leads to improve the accuracy of ratings prediction in recommendation process. In this paper, a novel social recommendation method is proposed which is based on an adaptive neighbor selection mechanism. In the proposed method first of all, initial neighbors set of the users is calculated using clustering algorithm. In this step, the combination of historical ratings and social information between the users are used to form initial neighbors set for the users. Then, these neighbor sets are used to predict initial ratings of the unseen items. Moreover, the quality of the initial predicted ratings is evaluated using a reliability measure which is based on the historical ratings and social information between the users. Then, a confidence model is proposed to remove useless users from the initial neighbors of the users and form a new adapted neighbors set for the users. Finally, new ratings of the unseen items are predicted using the new adapted neighbors set of the users and the top_N interested items are recommended to the active user. Experimental results on three real-world datasets show that the proposed method significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art recommendation methods.  相似文献   

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