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In this paper, we propose a novel method for addressing the multi-equilibria consensus problem for a network of n agents with dynamics evolving in discrete-time. In this method, we introduce, for the first time in the literature, two concepts called primary and secondary layer subgraphs. Then, we present our main results on directed graphs such that multiple consensus equilibria states are achieved, thereby extending the existing single-state consensus convergence results in the literature. Furthermore, we propose an algorithm to determine the number of equilibria for any given directed graph automatically by a computer program. We also analyze the convergence properties of multi-equilibria consensus in directed networks with time-delays under the assumption that all delays are bounded. We show that introducing communication time-delays does not affect the number of equilibria of the given network. Finally, we verify our theoretical results via numerical examples.  相似文献   

Among existing knowledge graph based question answering (KGQA) methods, relation supervision methods require labeled intermediate relations for stepwise reasoning. To avoid this enormous cost of labeling on large-scale knowledge graphs, weak supervision methods, which use only the answer entity to evaluate rewards as supervision, have been introduced. However, lacking intermediate supervision raises the issue of sparse rewards, which may result in two types of incorrect reasoning path: (1) incorrectly reasoned relations, even when the final answer entity may be correct; (2) correctly reasoned relations in a wrong order, which leads to an incorrect answer entity. To address these issues, this paper considers the multi-hop KGQA task as a Markov decision process, and proposes a model based on Reward Integration and Policy Evaluation (RIPE). In this model, an integrated reward function is designed to evaluate the reasoning process by leveraging both terminal and instant rewards. The intermediate supervision for each single reasoning hop is constructed with regard to both the fitness of the taken action and the evaluation of the unreasoned information remained in the updated question embeddings. In addition, to lead the agent to the answer entity along the correct reasoning path, an evaluation network is designed to evaluate the taken action in each hop. Extensive ablation studies and comparative experiments are conducted on four KGQA benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of answering accuracy.  相似文献   

In recent years, reasoning over knowledge graphs (KGs) has been widely adapted to empower retrieval systems, recommender systems, and question answering systems, generating a surge in research interest. Recently developed reasoning methods usually suffer from poor performance when applied to incomplete or sparse KGs, due to the lack of evidential paths that can reach target entities. To solve this problem, we propose a hybrid multi-hop reasoning model with reinforcement learning (RL) called SparKGR, which implements dynamic path completion and iterative rule guidance strategies to increase reasoning performance over sparse KGs. Firstly, the model dynamically completes the missing paths using rule guidance to augment the action space for the RL agent; this strategy effectively reduces the sparsity of KGs, thus increasing path search efficiency. Secondly, an iterative optimization of rule induction and fact inference is designed to incorporate global information from KGs to guide the RL agent exploration; this optimization iteratively improves overall training performance. We further evaluated the SparKGR model through different tasks on five real world datasets extracted from Freebase, Wikidata and NELL. The experimental results indicate that SparKGR outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models without losing interpretability.  相似文献   

Knowledge graphs are widely used in retrieval systems, question answering systems (QA), hypothesis generation systems, etc. Representation learning provides a way to mine knowledge graphs to detect missing relations; and translation-based embedding models are a popular form of representation model. Shortcomings of translation-based models however, limits their practicability as knowledge completion algorithms. The proposed model helps to address some of these shortcomings.The similarity between graph structural features of two entities was found to be correlated to the relations of those entities. This correlation can help to solve the problem caused by unbalanced relations and reciprocal relations. We used Node2vec, a graph embedding algorithm, to represent information related to an entity's graph structure, and we introduce a cascade model to incorporate graph embedding with knowledge embedding into a unified framework. The cascade model first refines feature representation in the first two stages (Local Optimization Stage), and then uses backward propagation to optimize parameters of all the stages (Global Optimization Stage). This helps to enhance the knowledge representation of existing translation-based algorithms by taking into account both semantic features and graph features and fusing them to extract more useful information. Besides, different cascade structures are designed to find the optimal solution to the problem of knowledge inference and retrieval.The proposed model was verified using three mainstream knowledge graphs: WIN18, FB15K and BioChem. Experimental results were validated using the hit@10 rate entity prediction task. The proposed model performed better than TransE, giving an average improvement of 2.7% on WN18, 2.3% on FB15k and 28% on BioChem. Improvements were particularly marked where there were problems with unbalanced relations and reciprocal relations. Furthermore, the stepwise-cascade structure is proved to be more effective and significantly outperforms other baselines.  相似文献   

Question answering (QA) aims at finding exact answers to a user’s question from a large collection of documents. Most QA systems combine information retrieval with extraction techniques to identify a set of likely candidates and then utilize some ranking strategy to generate the final answers. This ranking process can be challenging, as it entails identifying the relevant answers amongst many irrelevant ones. This is more challenging in multi-strategy QA, in which multiple answering agents are used to extract answer candidates. As answer candidates come from different agents with different score distributions, how to merge answer candidates plays an important role in answer ranking. In this paper, we propose a unified probabilistic framework which combines multiple evidence to address challenges in answer ranking and answer merging. The hypotheses of the paper are that: (1) the framework effectively combines multiple evidence for identifying answer relevance and their correlation in answer ranking, (2) the framework supports answer merging on answer candidates returned by multiple extraction techniques, (3) the framework can support list questions as well as factoid questions, (4) the framework can be easily applied to a different QA system, and (5) the framework significantly improves performance of a QA system. An extensive set of experiments was done to support our hypotheses and demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework. All of the work substantially extends the preliminary research in Ko et al. (2007a). A probabilistic framework for answer selection in question answering. In: Proceedings of NAACL/HLT.  相似文献   

Recent developments have shown that entity-based models that rely on information from the knowledge graph can improve document retrieval performance. However, given the non-transitive nature of relatedness between entities on the knowledge graph, the use of semantic relatedness measures can lead to topic drift. To address this issue, we propose a relevance-based model for entity selection based on pseudo-relevance feedback, which is then used to systematically expand the input query leading to improved retrieval performance. We perform our experiments on the widely used TREC Web corpora and empirically show that our proposed approach to entity selection significantly improves ad hoc document retrieval compared to strong baselines. More concretely, the contributions of this work are as follows: (1) We introduce a graphical probability model that captures dependencies between entities within the query and documents. (2) We propose an unsupervised entity selection method based on the graphical model for query entity expansion and then for ad hoc retrieval. (3) We thoroughly evaluate our method and compare it with the state-of-the-art keyword and entity based retrieval methods. We demonstrate that the proposed retrieval model shows improved performance over all the other baselines on ClueWeb09B and ClueWeb12B, two widely used Web corpora, on the [email protected], and [email protected] metrics. We also show that the proposed method is most effective on the difficult queries. In addition, We compare our proposed entity selection with a state-of-the-art entity selection technique within the context of ad hoc retrieval using a basic query expansion method and illustrate that it provides more effective retrieval for all expansion weights and different number of expansion entities.  相似文献   

Visual Question Answering (VQA) requires reasoning about the visually-grounded relations in the image and question context. A crucial aspect of solving complex questions is reliable multi-hop reasoning, i.e., dynamically learning the interplay between visual entities in each step. In this paper, we investigate the potential of the reasoning graph network on multi-hop reasoning questions, especially over 3 “hops.” We call this model QMRGT: A Question-Guided Multi-hop Reasoning Graph Network. It constructs a cross-modal interaction module (CIM) and a multi-hop reasoning graph network (MRGT) and infers an answer by dynamically updating the inter-associated instruction between two modalities. Our graph reasoning module can apply to any multi-modal model. The experiments on VQA 2.0 and GQA (in fully supervised and O.O.D settings) datasets show that both QMRGT and pre-training V&L models+MRGT lead to improvement on visual question answering tasks. Graph-based multi-hop reasoning provides an effective signal for the visual question answering challenge, both for the O.O.D and high-level reasoning questions.  相似文献   

A query-relevant snippet for ontology search is useful for deciding if an ontology fits users’ needs. In this paper, we illustrate a good snippet in a keyword-based ontology search engine should be with term-association view and compact, and propose an approach to generate it. To obtain term-association view snippets, a model of term association graph for ontology is proposed, and a concept of maximal r-radius subgraph is introduced to decompose the term association graph into connected subgraphs, which preserve close relations between terms. To achieve compactness, in a query-relevant maximal r-radius subgraph, a connected subgraph thereof with a small graph weight is extracted as a sub-snippet. Finally, a greedy method is used to select sub-snippets to form a snippet in consideration of query relevance and compactness without violating the length constraint. An empirical study on our implementation shows that our approach is feasible. An evaluation on effectiveness shows that the term-association view snippet is favored by users, and the compactness helps reading and judgment.  相似文献   

Existing approaches in online health question answering (HQA) communities to identify the quality of answers either address it subjectively by human assessment or mainly using textual features. This process may be time-consuming and lose the semantic information of answers. We present an automatic approach for predicting answer quality that combines sentence-level semantics with textual and non-textual features in the context of online healthcare. First, we extend the knowledge adoption model (KAM) theory to obtain the six dimensions of quality measures for textual and non-textual features. Then we apply the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model for extracting semantic features. Next, the multi-dimensional features are processed for dimensionality reduction using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Finally, we incorporate the preprocessed features into the proposed BK-XGBoost method to automatically predict the answer quality. The proposed method is validated on a real-world dataset with 48121 question-answer pairs crawled from the most popular online HQA communities in China. The experimental results indicate that our method competes against the baseline models on various evaluation metrics. We found up to 2.9% and 5.7% improvement in AUC value in comparison with BERT and XGBoost models respectively.  相似文献   

This paper presents a robust and comprehensive graph-based rank aggregation approach, used to combine results of isolated ranker models in retrieval tasks. The method follows an unsupervised scheme, which is independent of how the isolated ranks are formulated. Our approach is able to combine arbitrary models, defined in terms of different ranking criteria, such as those based on textual, image or hybrid content representations.We reformulate the ad-hoc retrieval problem as a document retrieval based on fusion graphs, which we propose as a new unified representation model capable of merging multiple ranks and expressing inter-relationships of retrieval results automatically. By doing so, we claim that the retrieval system can benefit from learning the manifold structure of datasets, thus leading to more effective results. Another contribution is that our graph-based aggregation formulation, unlike existing approaches, allows for encapsulating contextual information encoded from multiple ranks, which can be directly used for ranking, without further computations and post-processing steps over the graphs. Based on the graphs, a novel similarity retrieval score is formulated using an efficient computation of minimum common subgraphs. Finally, another benefit over existing approaches is the absence of hyperparameters.A comprehensive experimental evaluation was conducted considering diverse well-known public datasets, composed of textual, image, and multimodal documents. Performed experiments demonstrate that our method reaches top performance, yielding better effectiveness scores than state-of-the-art baseline methods and promoting large gains over the rankers being fused, thus demonstrating the successful capability of the proposal in representing queries based on a unified graph-based model of rank fusions.  相似文献   

Social networks and many other graphs are attributed, meaning that their nodes are labelled with textual information such as personal data, expertise or interests. In attributed graphs, a common data analysis task is to find subgraphs whose nodes contain a given set of keywords. In many applications, the size of the subgraph should be limited (i.e., a subgraph with thousands of nodes is not desired). In this work, we introduce the problem of compact attributed group (AG) discovery. Given a set of query keywords and a desired solution size, the task is to find subgraphs with the desired number of nodes, such that the nodes are closely connected and each node contains as many query keywords as possible. We prove that finding an optimal solution is NP-hard and we propose approximation algorithms with a guaranteed ratio of two. Since the number of qualifying AGs may be large, we also show how to find approximate top-k AGs with polynomial delay. Finally, we experimentally verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our techniques on real-world graphs.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]社会化问答社区的投票机制有利于信息消费者筛选高质量回答。本文以用户原创回答为研究对象,探讨影响知识分享用户感知有用性的影响因素。[方法/过程]以信息接受模型为基础,基于知乎社区71 495条回答,结合文本分析与负二项回归分析方法,从回答特征、回答质量和回答者特征3个方面探讨知识分享有用性的影响因素。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,回答特征(及时性、图片或引用)、回答质量(答案中心度、情感支持)、回答者特征(社会网络中心度、可信度)均对回答有用性投票具有正向影响。回答的语言多样性对回答有用性投票具有负向影响。本研究通过实证进行客观分析,有利于促进回答者贡献高质量回答并对社会化问答社区进行高质量的信息服务提供可行性建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes how questions can be characterized for question answering (QA) along different facets and focuses on questions that cannot be answered directly but can be divided into simpler ones so that they can be answered directly using existing QA capabilities. Since individual answers are composed to generate the final answer, we call this process as compositional QA. The goal of the proposed QA method is to answer a composite question by dividing it into atomic ones, instead of developing an entirely new method tailored for the new question type. A question is analyzed automatically to determine its class, and its sub-questions are sent to the relevant QA modules. Answers returned from the individual QA modules are composed based on the predetermined plan corresponding to the question type. The experimental results based on 615 questions show that the compositional QA approach outperforms the simple routing method by about 17%. Considering 115 composite questions only, the F-score was almost tripled from the baseline.  相似文献   

Argumentation theory is an area of interdisciplinary research that is suitable to characterise several diverse situations of reasoning and judgement in real world practices and challenges. In the discipline of Artificial Intelligence, argumentation is formalised by reasoning models based on building and evaluation of interacting arguments. In this argumentation framework, the semantics of acceptance plays a fundamental role in the argument evaluation process. The determination of accepted arguments under a given semantics (admissible, preferred, stable, etc.) can be a time-consuming and tedious (in number of steps) process. In this work we try to overcome this substantial process by providing a method to compute accepted arguments from an argumentation framework. The principle of this method is to combine mathematical properties (e.g. symmetry, asymmetry, strong connectivity and irreflexivity) of graphs built from the argumentation system to compute sets of accepted arguments. In this work, we combine several graph properties to provide three main propositions; one for identifying accepted arguments under the admissible, preferred semantics and the other to easily identify stable extension. The proofs of the suggested propositions are detailed and this is part of an approach designed to increase collaborative decision-making by improving the effectiveness of reasoning processes.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】旨在将社会化问答社区中碎片化的答案关联起来,并为用户提供不同主题的高质量答案和更 好的知识服务。【方法/过程】首先,本研究利用Doc2vec算法计算答案之间的语义相似度,并构建答案语义网络。其 次,利用Louvain算法对答案语义网络进行社区划分,并用TextRank算法抽取各个主题下文档的关键词,使用词云 对每个主题进行可视化展示。最后,利用PageRank算法对聚类后的答案语义网络进行排序,从而实现答案文档的 主题聚合和排序。【结果/结论】本研究使用“知乎”上的问答数据进行了实证研究。结果表明,所提出的答案聚合和 排序方法不仅能够向用户直观地展示答案之间的关联强度和各个主题答案的主要内容,还能够为用户提供分主题 的答案排序结果,自动为用户筛选高质量的答案。【创新/局限】创新性地提出了答案语义网络,并基于答案语义网 络,提出了一种集聚合、主题可视化和排序于一体的答案知识组织方法。  相似文献   

Argument mining (AM) aims to automatically generate a graph that represents the argument structure of a document. Most previous AM models only pay attention to a single argument component (AC) to classify the type of the AC or a pair of ACs to identify and classify the argumentative relation (AR) between the two ACs. These models ignore the impact of global argument structure of the documents, which is important, especially in some highly structured genres such as scientific papers, where the process of argumentation is relatively fixed. Inspired by this, we propose a novel two-stage model which leverages global structure information to support AM. The first stage uses a multi-turn question-answering model to incrementally generate an initial argumentative graph that identifies relations among ACs. At each turn, all ACs related to the query AC are generated simultaneously, such that the sibling global information between the answer ACs is considered. In addition, the partially constructed graph is used as global structure information to support the extension of the graph with additional ACs. After the whole initial graph structure has been determined, the second stage assigns semantic types to both the ACs and ARs among them, leveraging information from this initial graph as global structure information. We test the proposed methods on two scientific datasets (one is the AbstRCT dataset including 659 abstracts about cancer research and the other is the SciARG dataset that consists of 225 computer linguistic abstracts and 285 biomedical abstracts) and a student essay dataset PE with 402 essays. Our experiments show that our model improves the state-of-the-art performance on two scientific datasets for different AM subtasks, with average improvements of 1%, 2.41%, 1.1% for the ACC, ARI and ARC task respectively on the AbstRCT dataset, and 2.36%, 1.84%, 8.87% for the ACC, ARI and ARC task on the SciARG dataset. Our model also achieves comparative results on the PE datasets: 87.7% of F1 scores for the ACC task, 81.4% for the ARI task and 78.8% for the ARC task.  相似文献   

Bond graphs are used to construct finite mode representations of inherently distributed systems. These systems are, perhaps, only part of an overall dynamic system. The “causal” information provided by the bond graph permits the derivation of an automatable algorithm which produces the state equations as well as all output variables associated with the finite modes. The procedure requires only the a priori knowledge of modal masses, frequencies, and associated mode shapes for general boundary conditions of the distributed parts of the system. Thus, the algorithm is applicable to any multidimensional distributed system which is representable by normal modes.  相似文献   

Image–text matching is a crucial branch in multimedia retrieval which relies on learning inter-modal correspondences. Most existing methods focus on global or local correspondence and fail to explore fine-grained global–local alignment. Moreover, the issue of how to infer more accurate similarity scores remains unresolved. In this study, we propose a novel unifying knowledge iterative dissemination and relational reconstruction (KIDRR) network for image–text matching. Particularly, the knowledge graph iterative dissemination module is designed to iteratively broadcast global semantic knowledge, enabling relevant nodes to be associated, resulting in fine-grained intra-modal correlations and features. Hence, vector-based similarity representations are learned from multiple perspectives to model multi-level alignments comprehensively. The relation graph reconstruction module is further developed to enhance cross-modal correspondences by constructing similarity relation graphs and adaptively reconstructing them. We conducted experiments on the datasets Flickr30K and MSCOCO, which have 31,783 and 123,287 images, respectively. Experiments show that KIDRR achieves improvements of nearly 2.2% and 1.6% relative to Recall@1 on Flicr30K and MSCOCO, respectively, compared to the current state-of-the-art baselines.  相似文献   

Effectively detecting supportive knowledge of answers is a fundamental step towards automated question answering. While pre-trained semantic vectors for texts have enabled semantic computation for background-answer pairs, they are limited in representing structured knowledge relevant for question answering. Recent studies have shown interests in enrolling structured knowledge graphs for text processing, however, their focus was more on semantics than on graph structure. This study, by contrast, takes a special interest in exploring the structural patterns of knowledge graphs. Inspired by human cognitive processes, we propose novel methods of feature extraction for capturing the local and global structural information of knowledge graphs. These features not only exhibit good indicative power, but can also facilitate text analysis with explainable meanings. Moreover, aiming to better combine structural and semantic evidence for prediction, we propose a Neural Knowledge Graph Evaluator (NKGE) which showed superior performance over existing methods. Our contributions include a novel set of interpretable structural features and the effective NKGE for compatibility evaluation between knowledge graphs. The methods of feature extraction and the structural patterns indicated by the features may also provide insights for related studies in computational modeling and processing of knowledge.  相似文献   

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