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田颖 《成才之路》2023,(10):53-56
精细化管理强调将管理工作进行细分,更深入、更全面地落实每项管理工作。将其应用到幼儿园保育队伍中,有利于提高幼儿园保育工作的效率和质量,保证幼儿园教育教学工作的顺利开展,全面推动幼儿生理和心理的健康发展。文章简要分析幼儿园保育队伍存在的问题以及实施精细化管理的重要性,重点探讨幼儿园保育队伍实施精细化管理的策略,旨在推动精细化管理在幼儿园保育队伍中的有效应用,优化幼儿园保育工作。  相似文献   

保育工作是幼儿教育重要的组成部分。因此,教师在确定目标、制定计划、组织实施各项教育活动中,要树立教育和保育相结合的观念,尊重幼儿身心发展的特点和规律,严格执行幼儿安全、卫生保健制度,做到“教中有保”、“保中有教”、“保教结合”,不断促进保育质量的提高。  相似文献   

幼儿园保育员专业化成长的策略应把握三点,即重新认识保育内涵,形成保育新理念:完善的园本培训体系,提高保育员业务素质;建立科学的评估体系,加强管理力度。  相似文献   

保育工作的管理 保育管理是幼儿园管理的重要组成部分,在实践中我们深切感受到:加强教师对保育工作重要性和工作标准的认识,增强教师的保育意识尤为重要,因此,我园的保育管理重在以下几方面:  相似文献   

陈厚云 《山东教育》2002,(33):14-16
为了适应社会的变化和发展,日本大力推进保育事业的发展与改革,保育所扩充招收3岁以下孩子入托,延长保育时间,发展夜间保育、临时入托、假日保育、病后儿保育,建立地区育儿支援中心,满足广大妇女特别是职业妇女多种多样的需要。日本学前机构主要有两种:幼稚园与保育所。幼稚园属学校教育系统,归文部省领导,收3~5岁幼儿,每天教育活动时间原则上为4小时。保育所属社会公共福利事业,归厚生省领导,收托家中缺乏保育条件(如母亲参加工作或有病)的0~5岁孩子,每天保育时间8小时以上。幼稚园与保育所从总体上来讲都是实施养…  相似文献   

本文针对目前教师保育行为缺失,不懂保育、重教轻保的现状,从理性分析教师保育行为缺失的成因入手,介绍了幼儿园几年来通过园本教研在概括保育策略、提升教师保育水平、提高保育质量方面所做的一些有益的探索与实践。意在唤醒教师对保育内涵的重新认识,使教师重构“关注孩子需要、呵护孩子心灵、保障孩子健康快乐”的保育行为,提高保育工作的科学性,真正促进幼儿的健康成长。  相似文献   

众所周知,保育员不仅是为幼儿创造美好生活环境,管理好幼儿生活的保障者,而且还是教师在教学活动中的好助手。现代保育观认为:幼儿园的保育工作已不再仅仅是对幼儿日常生活的安排和护理、身体的保健和养育以及生长发育指标的达成,保育工作更关注如何提高幼儿的生活质量,包括提供增进幼儿健康的物质生活环境条件和创设宽松、和谐的人际心理环境,更重视关注幼儿的情绪和需要,养成幼儿健康的行为习惯,帮助其形成积极、合理的生活态度和生活方式,促进幼儿身心和谐发展。保育工作的实施已逐步渗透到幼儿园一日生活的各个环节之中。但在…  相似文献   

高秀红 《山东教育》2004,(36):45-47
保育工作是幼儿教育重要的组成部分。保育的目标是促进幼儿身体发育,增进幼儿对环境的认识,培养自信等良好的个性心理品质和行为习惯。保育工作对幼儿的健康成长以及日后发展有不可低估的影响,而保育员是实施幼儿园保育工作的主要人员,也是影响保育工作发展的最重要因素。  相似文献   

《欢乐时光,儿童乐园——澳大利亚幼儿保育框架》于2011年颁布。该《保育框架》着眼于提高幼儿的幸福感,促进幼儿发展,对幼儿保育和教育的目标、原则和实践作了具体规定。《保育框架》对我国幼儿教育工作具有启示意义。  相似文献   

日本学童保育走向法制化目前,学童保育制度的不完善已成为日本双职工家庭和家长参加工作的单亲家庭的最大苦恼。这些家庭的子女在上小学前通常是被送到保育园照看。保育园与幼儿园不同,幼儿园是正规的学前教育机关,通常是半日制;而保育园则是福利机关,虽然也进行学前...  相似文献   

To examine whether state child care subsidy policies can combine goals of increasing maternal employment and increasing access to quality child care for children in low-income families, we studied one state's comprehensive policy, through a cross-sectional survey of 665 randomly selected families using centers, Head Starts, family child care homes, public school preschools or informal care, including a sample of families on the waitlist for child care subsidies. We found that, in Massachusetts, families receiving child care subsidies report greater access to child care, more affordable child care, and higher quality child care, than do similar families not receiving subsidies. Lower-income families not receiving subsidies can sometimes access affordable, quality child care through Head Start programs and public preschools, but, when they have to pay for care, they pay a significantly greater proportion of their income than do families receiving subsidies. We also found that families on the subsidy waitlist are at a particular disadvantage. Waitlist families have the greatest difficulty paying for care, the least access, and the poorest quality child care. While the child care subsidy policies benefited those families receiving subsidies, families outside the system still struggled to find and afford child care.  相似文献   

How Stake Holder Groups Define Quality in Child Care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents definitions of child care quality from focus groups conducted to develop a research design to assess the quality of Minnesota's regulated child care system. Eleven individual interviews and 38 focus groups involving 333 people were held in communities throughout Minnesota between 1-11-00 and 6-14-00. The focus groups represented the various stake holders interested in child care quality including parents, legislators, child care staff and administrators, licensed and unlicensed family child care providers, family and center based child care licensors, child care resource and referral staff, and teacher educators. Beginning first with the traditional definition of child care quality (what is good for the child) and related quality indicators, the author presents Katz's (Multiple perspectives on the quality of early childhood programs) four dimensional definition of child care quality and the associated research investigating these dimensions. The similarities and differences in various stake holder groups' definitions of child care quality are then presented and compared with Love, Schocket, & Meckstroth's review of child care research. The paper ends with a discussion how stake holders' definitions of child care quality may inform researchers and policymakers about child care quality.  相似文献   

Full-day center-based child care has been repeatedly associated with rising cortisol across the child care day. This study addressed the potential buffering role of attachment to mothers and lead teachers in 110 preschoolers while at child care. Using multi-level modeling and controlling for a number of child, family, and child care factors, children with more secure attachments to teachers were more likely to show falling cortisol across the child care day. Attachment to mothers interacted with child care quality, with buffering effects found for children with secure attachments attending higher quality child care. Implications for early childhood educators are discussed.  相似文献   

Whereas child care quality has been extensively studied in the U.S., there is much less information about the quality of child care in other countries. With one of the highest maternal employment rates in Europe, it is important to examine child care in Portugal. Thirty toddler classrooms in child care centers were observed. The purpose of this study was to determine whether structural features account for overall toddler child care quality. Results showed younger and better-paid teachers provided better toddler child care quality. Space available per child was not a statistically significant predictor of toddler child care quality. Overall quality results suggest some issues to be addressed by early education policy makers and indicate the need to promote quality in Portuguese toddler child care programs.  相似文献   

Although employer-sponsored child care programs have become more common, there is little empirical research on whether these programs affect employees’ satisfaction with child care or their work-life balance, and if effects vary across employee characteristics. In this exploratory study, we administered a survey to employees with children at one large university to gather information on their child care arrangements and experience with their employer's child care voucher program (N = 776). Satisfaction with child care varied with employee and child care characteristics, but not with voucher receipt. Families with preschool children, White families, and those using paid home-based care were more satisfied with their child care arrangements than those with school-age children, minority families, and those using center-based or before/afterschool care. Nearly half of voucher recipients (47%) reported benefits in work-life balance as a result of the voucher. Although demand-side vouchers appear to be a promising employer approach to address child care challenges, these results suggest that attention must also be given to the structure of child care supply as satisfaction and work-family stress are affected by more factors than child care cost only.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study compares 52 working poor families receiving subsidies for child care with 50 demographically matched families drawn from the subsidy waiting lists across three sets of variables: (1) maternal employment and income, (2) child care, and (3) child well-being. Compared to mothers from waiting lists, mothers receiving subsidies for their child’s care were more likely to be employed, spent half as much of their income on child care, and were less likely to be very poor. Compared to children on waiting lists, children receiving subsidies for child care were more likely to be in a formal licensed child care center, have more stable care, and have mothers who were more satisfied with their child care arrangement.  相似文献   

Family child care providers contend with a number of work stressors related to the dual roles of operating a small business and providing child care in their home. Research has documented many sources of work related stress for family child care providers; however, research examining family child care providers’ experiences outside of the lens of quality of care and child outcomes is dated and scant. This study consisted of three focus groups of 11 family child care providers who shared their perspectives on work related stressors and well-being. Many of the study findings were congruent with previous research in the field; however, a key finding in this study was the importance of family child care providers to assert and establish a professional identity to mitigate work related stress. Recommendations and strategies to assist family child providers in constructing a professional identity are discussed.  相似文献   

Young children rely on their parents for making decisions about their child care experiences. Parents' child care arrangements are affected by the information they gather, their values and childrearing beliefs, their knowledge of child care quality, and the extent to which they are satisfied with their child care choices. Parents' decisions about child care are also influenced by ecological correlates, such as child age, maternal education and hours of employment, family ethnicity and income, and state and federal child care policies. This review addresses each of these elements and their role in parents' child care arrangements and concludes with recommendations for honoring parents' child care ideals through better child care quality information and higher professional standards for child care providers.  相似文献   

Young children rely on their parents for making decisions about their child care experiences. Parents' child care arrangements are affected by the information they gather, their values and childrearing beliefs, their knowledge of child care quality, and the extent to which they are satisfied with their child care choices. Parents' decisions about child care are also influenced by ecological correlates, such as child age, maternal education and hours of employment, family ethnicity and income, and state and federal child care policies. This review addresses each of these elements and their role in parents' child care arrangements and concludes with recommendations for honoring parents' child care ideals through better child care quality information and higher professional standards for child care providers.  相似文献   

Nearly one quarter of Australian children under the age of 5 experience multiple non-parental child care arrangements. Research focused on the relationship between multiple child care arrangements and child socioemotional development is limited, particularly in Australia. Evidence from the United States and Europe has linked multiple child care arrangements to increases in children's problem behaviors (0065 and 0155), but there is little corresponding evidence on Australian children's child care experiences. Using a nationally representative sample of Australian children, we examined the associations between concurrent multiple child care arrangements and child socioemotional and behavioral development at age 4.5. We found suggestive evidence that child care multiplicity at age 4.5 is related to higher levels of behavior problems. However, this relationship is moderated by prior child care experiences. We found that prior care multiplicity mitigates the relationship between concurrent multiplicity and children's prosocial skills and conduct problems. In contrast, moving from a single arrangement or no non-parental child care to multiple arrangements appears to be negatively associated with children's concurrent socioemotional skills. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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