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Scientific research in universities is undergoing a process of restructuring. To a large extent this process is driven by the changing roles of research funders, research producers and research users. Business is the dominant producer of research, government - through departmental research agencies and research council institutes - is second in importance and universities are relatively minor producers. However, in all sectors there is a process of fragmentation through which independent research producers are emerging. The balance of research funding in the last decade or so has shifted relatively from the dominance of government to the dominance of business, with a growing relative contribution from charities and from overseas. But this diversification of funding has taken place within a broadly stable aggregate level. Research users have started behaving much more as research customers: it is estimated that eighty three per cent of British scientific research is purchased by those in business or government, who wish to use it very directly in their work. These changes pose challenges to the traditional view of university research as a public good or a cultural enterprise; increasingly it is becoming a mode of economic production.  相似文献   

Faced with changing times, disability-based organisations are evolving from church groups running shelters for "retarded" people to providing business services to "jobseekers." This evolution has meant that the management function in the disability sector has become a much more complex and multidimensional one, requiring managers to balance the social and commercial realities of the marketplace. This study aimed to explore the effects of strategic planning intensity in disability-based agencies on the organisational performance of those agencies. The study found that there were statistically significant correlations between the strategic planning intensity levels of disability-based agencies and their respective organisations' performance on two out of the five measures of organisational performance used in the research. The study provides some justification and impetus for managers, agencies, and peak bodies to further engage in the systematic development and implementation of strategic planning systems and processes. Further, in view of the many environmental changes experienced by the disability sector, such justification may provide the various stakeholders, particularly funding bodies and people with a disability, with a means of ensuring that the best possible efficiency and effectiveness outcomes for stakeholders are achieved.  相似文献   

About £8 billion a year is spent on research and development in the UK, and the money is found by bodies ranging from the UGC - whose interest is in supporting good long-term science and technology - to research councils with strategic research and development objectives and firms and government departments wanting solutions to their own scientific and technological problems. And the structure for funding research and development in British academe is changing rapidly, in a highly political manner. What are the threats and opportunities for British academics in the new world of British research and development funding?  相似文献   

员工发展培训是英国高等学校战略发展规划的重要组成部分,是学校可持续发展的重要因素。英国各高校都建立了科学的员工发展培训工作模式并设有专门的机构,其培训覆盖面广,针对性强,工作内容涵盖学校教学、科研、管理、服务工作的方方面面。利兹大学人力资源部下设的SDDU专门负责该校员工发展培训工作,其服务对象涵盖了学校所有人员类别。其发展培训工作理念和经验值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代起,美国大学纷纷开始实施战略规划活动,我国大学在20世纪90年代也纷纷开始了自主性的战略规划活动,然而对于大学战略规划活动的有效性问题却始终存在争议,相关实证研究也呈现出支持和否定两种结果。但对大学来说,实施战略规划至少可以有效终止组织内的争论、凝聚发展力量,同时战略规划还是大学回应外部利益相关者重大关切的工具。大学实施战略规划肯定会出问题,但出问题并不表明战略规划在本质上是无效的,真正应该思考的是如何应对这些不可避免的问题。大学必须充分认识到,实施战略规划是为了帮助其更清晰、更有效地思考。此外,如果大学不实施战略规划,就会挑战现有秩序,丧失合法性。以上这些理由决定了大学不应该回避战略规划。  相似文献   

This paper examines lessons learnt from national research and evaluation studies of ICT in schools in the UK. From research on policy implementation and reform in education, it is well known that change is either very slow or tends to fail. Implementation is a complex procedure, not a direct translation from government policy to practice. Alongside documentary analysis of national evaluation reports, the analysis provides a framework for understanding the implementation process, which exemplifies the structural procedures involved. Government policy has to be filtered through macro, meso and micro levels, as policy is mediated through national agencies (macro), regional agencies (meso) down to individual schools and teachers at the micro level. The analysis identified five key areas that were problematic regarding government policy implementation. These related to management, funding, technology procurement, ICT training and impact on pedagogy. Specifically these were (1) the multi-agency nature of the initiatives in the UK and their leadership; (2) funding disparities that emerged and (3) how these impacted on differential technology resourcing and procurement between schools; (4) the UK’s national ICT training programme for serving teachers; and (5) the impact on pedagogy, of which the latter to date, has been more limited than politicians had hoped. The analysis indicates that policy aims can be achieved if an awareness of the complexity of the implementation process is maintained. This necessitates an understanding of the fact that it is a fluid, non-linear, reiterative process in which key factors are dynamically inter-related: namely, ICT needs to be implemented on multiple fronts, both materially in terms of an ICT infrastructure and culturally in terms of generating an ethos that values ICT for classroom practice. Attending to the multidimensionality of ICT policy implementation aids the management of the change process at the local level of the school. This allows for an understanding of the ways in which teachers interpret policy and engage in implementation of ICT at the local level.  相似文献   

Today's community colleges face ever-changing environments. Faster and improved planning intelligence is needed and this must be connected effectively to decision making. A strategic planning process rooted in research and confirmed through consultation, implementation, and assessment can improve the ability of community colleges to adapt. This case study at a large community college illustrates a successful strategic planning process. The process linked the analytic inputs of research with the authority and intuition of leaders.  相似文献   

面对政府赋予的发展社区教育的职责,地方电大应该深刻认识,科学规划,发挥优势,以完成这一使命。深刻认识到发展社区教育是社会的需求、电大的使命和电大自身发展的需求,是电大加快改革发展的战略性举措;科学规划则要以社会发展的战略需求为社区教育定位,用科学发展观和社区教育的规律规划社区教育;要发挥电大和社区(区域)内的文化资源优势。  相似文献   

战略规划是大学发展的纲领性文件,对大学发展可以发挥多方面的作用,包括凝聚共识、明确方向、确立目标、创新文化和促进跨越发展等。战略规划的主要任务是研究大学生命周期和发展形势,设计大学发展愿景和规划实施的保障措施。编制大学战略规划不能没有科学的理论依据,经验表明:目标导向理论、资源匹配理论、人力增值理论、组织再造理论和文化创新理论等对做好大学战略规划具有重要意义。要使战略规划成为指引大学前行的灯塔,必须提高战略规划的质量,为此,可以采用系统规划法、全员规划法、全要素规划法和战略研究法等方法。  相似文献   

In the current and foreseeable harsh UK higher education environment, aspiring to best- practice financial management will be key to ensuring the prosperity – and indeed the survival – of any university. In this article I argue that good university financial management should provide stability to the institution, allow for investment as well as renewal and the exploitation of opportunity, be transparent enough to facilitate accountability and good governance, and ensure that the institution allocates resources efficiently in the context of its strategic plan. I explore in detail the issues relating to this fundamental definition of good financial management, including the role of financial management in inducing stability, short-term solvency and reserves, managing financial risk, capital expenditure and long-range planning, developing a diversified funding base, embedding good financial management in university culture, the relationship between financial planning and strategic planning, and financial accounting and control.  相似文献   


In order to determine the allocation of money for projects in continuing and vocational education, government agencies in the UK are providing more and more opportunities to bid for targeted funding. This article provides an overview of recent changes in funding policy in higher education and examines how such changes have impacted on continuing education deparatments in higher education, pointing up the increasing pressure to bid for UK government and European Union funds to develop provision which was once outside their sphere of operation. There appears to be little or no theoretical account of the effects of the growth in competitive tendering on continuing education, and so the impact of this relatively new funding strategy on staff and institutions is studied in order to assess its efficacy and significance for the sector as a whole. This study contextualises the familiar differences in culture between liberal adult education and vocational endeavours and between continuing education and ‘mainstream’ higher education. It also reinforces recent calls for a coherent policy of funding for continuing education.


That Central agencies for Jewish education throughout North America are in difficulty is now an established fact. The challenges facing these agencies relate principally to the two “f's”: function and financing. As the configuration and power structure of Jewish communities have changed, the traditional activities of bureaus and boards of Jewish education have come under intense scrutiny. At the same time, the geometric escalation of Jewish community demands on decreasing financial resources has made it increasingly difficult for bureaus to secure the funding needed to carry out their full array of programs.  相似文献   

外部环境的变化要求大学组织发生相应的改变。高等教育的普及化、国际化、市场化、数字化要求重新定义大学,以创新应对挑战,以战略规划指引大学改进。战略规划是通过程序性的工作来产生根本性的决策和行动,以此来塑造和引领:一个组织是什么样的,该组织在做什么,为何这样做,并着眼于未来。战略规划有两种基本的方法:SWOT分析和基标法。编制战略规划的前提是形成大学发展的战略思想。厘清大学发展的战略思想需要回答十个关键问题:大学的使命与战略定位、大学中长期发展的目标体系、战略优先、学校发展路径选择、学校办学规模、优先发展的学科领域、卓越教师队伍建设、一流人才培养体系、拓展经费渠道、组织和管理创新。  相似文献   

高职院校要把科学发展观贯彻落实到具体的办学实践中,重要的是要以科学发展观为指导,认真研究制定具有前瞻性、科学性、可行性的发展战略规划。本文介绍了高职院校制定发展战略规划的主要目的和作用,阐述了高职院校制定并实施发展战略规划是保证科学发展的重要举措,说明了科学发展观是高职院校制定和实施发展战略规划的根本指导思想。  相似文献   

文章对天津市东丽区从创新人力、创新研发费用投入进行分析,指出其高新技术企业由于投入上的不足,造成了其技术创新能力的不足,并给出相应对策:组建高素质科技人才队伍,技术创新资金投入增加,构建技术创新联盟,加深与其他机构的合作等。  相似文献   

In this case study, a co-operative inquiry process was used to facilitate the expansion of inclusive early childhood education and care practices in a rural community in the Midwest. A university and a community researcher first engaged in interviews and site visits, during which they learned how a three-member inclusion team of early care and education professionals initiated changes in practice from self-contained to inclusive special education and therapy. Key practices included responding to families’ priorities, changing roles, and providing integrated services and support for children’s successful transitions into Kindergarten. The second part of the research consisted of action planning during focus groups and community meetings, which resulted in social recognition from the school district, technical assistance through state improvement grant funding, and better preschool options for young children with disabilities. *We gratefully acknowledge partial funding of this research by the Dean's Office at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and State Improvement Grant funding by the Department of Public Instruction.  相似文献   

Third-sector community organisations are important sites for learning, especially for the most excluded groups in society. However, scant attention has been paid to the various factors shaping educational provision in community contexts, and how these interact to shape the provision available to marginalised populations. This article presents new evidence addressing this gap, through drawing on interview data from practitioners working in the UK homelessness sector. It identifies a range of factors shaping educational provision in these community contexts. These are: service user need and demand; staff roles and capacity; organisational purpose and structures; national policies; support from other adult education providers; non-governmental finance; and volunteers. With some modification, and placed within an overarching critical realist framework, it is argued that these findings are consistent with Boeren’s comprehensive lifelong learning participation model. The article concludes that so long as government policy and related funding continues to ignore and fails to support educational provision in these settings, it will remain piecemeal and highly contingent on the contribution of volunteers and short-term funding.  相似文献   

Increasing competition for federal government research funds has resulted in a large number of good projects not being funded. This situation is unlikely to change in the near future and has generated uncertainty and frustration amongst many who are dependent on external funding for their research. In this context it is particularly important that the aims of federal government funding agencies are communicated effectively and that the procedures they establish to allocate research funds are seen as credible by the academic research community. This article reports the results of a survey which investigated the research grant process from the point of view of unsuccessful applicants from four universities for large 1991 initial Australian Research Council grants. The findings identify a number of limitations in the operations of the peer review mechanism as used by this Council and question the adequacy of the advice and instructions provided by the ARC to those nominated to review research proposals. The findings also raise questions concerning how the lists of external assessors are compiled as well as how these external assessors are later matched with individual applications.  相似文献   

‘Career Academics’ are principally research-led, entering academia with limited or no industrial or practical experience. UK Higher Education Institutions welcome them for their potential to attain research grant funding and publish world-leading journal papers, ultimately enhancing institutional reputation. This polemical paper problematises the Career Academic around three areas: their institutional appeal; their impact on the student experience, team dynamics and broader academic functions; and current strategic policy to employ them. We also argue that recent UK Government teaching-focused initiatives will not address needs to employ practical academics, or ‘Pracademics’ in predominantly vocational Construction and Engineering Education. We generate questions for policy-makers, institutions and those implementing strategy. We argue that research is key, but partial rebalancing will achieve a diverse academic skill base to achieve contextualised construction and engineering education. In wider European contexts, the paper resonates with issues of academic ‘drift’ and provides reflection for others on the UK context.  相似文献   


Globally, performance-based research funding aims to support the most deserving academic institutions and researchers. However, overcoming entrenched assumptions about quality is a persistent challenge for higher education research policies worldwide; traditionally powerful institutions tend to maintain dominance. Research impact as a performance criterion presents an opportunity for position-taking through success according to non-academic criteria. Could impact-oriented research funding challenge institutional hierarchies? The UK university system presents an instructive case study for exploring this question. However, exposing the effects of such performance-based funding on institutional stratification requires focusing on the interface between institutions and disciplines. A Bourdieusian analysis of 53 cases of research-based impact on higher education policy/practice revealed the differential capital that researchers from more and less ‘prestigious’ universities mobilise when generating research impact. By uncovering how impact reinforces disparities in research power between UK institutions, the study contributes to understanding of sectoral reproduction through discipline-level mediation of research policy.  相似文献   

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