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随着我国教育改革的不断深入,教师们越来越注意到在传授知识的同时,必须考虑到要培养学生的认知能力,教学生学会如何思维,提高创造力,全面培养学生的各方面素养。在物理教学中适当穿插物理学史的讲授能有效培养学生的科学素养,让学生了解科学思想和方法,学习科学家的探索创造精神,树立正确的科学成败观,有助于学生综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

Historical reasoning competencies play an important role in history education. However, valid and reliable large-scale measurement instruments to assess these competencies are scarce. This study considers two instruments for measuring students’ ability to perform historical perspective taking (HPT) as a historical reasoning competency. The instruments have been tested for validity and reliability among 1,270 Dutch upper elementary and secondary school students, ranging in age from 10 to 17 years. One instrument offers effective validity and reliability and can map HPT performance among a large and heterogeneous student population. The results show that even upper elementary school students are capable of performing HPT. However, as students age, their ability to perform HPT increases. Differences regarding the ability to perform HPT were also found between educational levels. Pre-university students performed HPT more successfully compared to students at lower educational levels. The results of this study can be used to gain insight into the construct of HPT and into how historical reasoning competencies such as HPT can be measured. Furthermore, the results provide insight into how differences between students, such as age and educational levels, influence the performance of HPT.  相似文献   

This study addresses a competency of students’ historical thinking related to taking perspectives. We start by discussing socio-cognitive theories from psychology as well as approaches from history education that focus on this competency. We also present empirical findings concerning relationships between achievement, self-concept and interest in the subject of history and connect these findings with the competency to take historical perspectives. Our research questions target this relationship between indicators of achievement and motivation in the subject of history, the competency of historical perspective taking and students’ socio-cognitive ability to adopt social perspectives in their everyday lives. These questions are investigated using a cross-sectional design with 375 grammar school students in grades 7 and 10. Results indicate that in grade 7 the competency to take historical perspectives relates to students’ ability to coordinate social perspectives in their everyday lives. For 10th graders, however, the adoption of historical perspectives is closely related to subject-specific variables such as interest for history, self-concept, history grade and achievement in a test of historical knowledge. In the last section of this paper, we discuss challenges that arise when students’ competencies in a subject like history are assessed within the context of standard-based testing. Specifically, we raise the issues of reliability, validity, the context-specificity of measurements, the kinds of response formats used and the formulation of progression models of historical thinking.  相似文献   

思维能力是人们对社会历史认识和分析的本领,是完成从感性认识到理性认识所必需的心理特征。它在培养学生正确的人生观、世界观、价值观、荣辱观等方面有着其它学科无法替代的作用。在历史教学中,通过图示教学培养学生的识记、判断、推理思维;运用启发式、诱导式教学培养学生的发散思维,是培养学生历史思维能力的好方法。  相似文献   

将学科核心素养与学生的认知逻辑相结合,转化成切实的教学逻辑,培育学科核心素养才有可循路径。时空观念是高中历史学科五大核心素养之一,基于历史学科的特点和功能,可将时空观念素养概括为“知道时空事实”“建立时空关联”“建构时空解释”“运用时空思维”四个层面。与学生的认知逻辑相结合,历史教学以创设教学情境促进学生感知时空特征,以教学问题的探究来建构时空关联,通过问题的拓展引导学生在不同时空框架下理解和解释史事,并在此过程中实现知识与素养的辩证促进,培育学生深层的时空思维,启迪学生生命的成长。  相似文献   


The notion of historical thinking has in recent years become popular in research on history education, particularly so in North America, the UK and Australia. The aim of this paper is to discuss the cognitive competencies related to historical thinking, as expressed by some influential Canadian researchers, as an history educational notion from two aspects: what is historical thinking and what does it mean in an educational context, and what are the consequences of historical thinking for history education? Our discussion will focus on possible implications of this approach to history education regarding what should be taught in history classrooms and why. By focusing on the notion of historicity, we want to argue that while a focus on a more disciplinary approach to history education is welcome, we think that more attention should be given to what could qualify as a disciplinary approach. We further argue historical thinking and the history educational challenge should be understood as wider and more complex than what history education informed by historical thinking entails.  相似文献   

创新是马克思主义内在要求,创新是教育的灵魂与核心。历史教学过程中也应始终体现出与时俱进的理论品质。中国革命史的教学要注重培养学生思维的独创性;把知识的掌握和培养学生的创新能力结合起来;努力探索教学方法的创新。  相似文献   

该项调查主要内容包括当代初中学生对历史课程学习兴趣的自我评价,喜欢(不喜欢)学习历史课程的自我归因,对历史课程的学习习惯,对历史教师的教学内容处理能力、组织课堂教学的方式,对历史课程考评方式的满意度与期望等几个方面;调查还涉及到目前初中生学习历史知识的主要方式,以及所具有的历史思维能力等方面.在研究设计上,除了对各个指...  相似文献   

高职高专课程设置中,历史学因其特有的人文特性在高职高专的教学中占有一定比重。高职高专历史教学在向学生传授历史知识的同时,强调培养学生的历史思维能力。高职高专的历史教学实践中,培养学生的历史思维能力包括课前、课中、课后诸环节,围绕学生的学习与教师的施教两个方面,以历史知识为中介,通过相互合作的方式全面展开。通过课前知识准备,课上思维交互,课后结论评价三个环节的有机统一得以实现。  相似文献   

高等职业院校的数学教育的定位与目标,一是为学生的专业学习服务;二是为学生日后的工作和深造打下必要的数学基础;三是增加数学的应用实例;四是注重数学的思维方式、思想方法的教育,将对学生能力培养溶入教学过程中,实现“训练全面考虑科学系统的头脑的开发功能”。  相似文献   

历史思维,是一种学习历史知识的独特思维形式,促进历史思维的形成和发展,是历史教学的任务之一。按照新的教学理念, 可以通过五个方面培养学生历史思维,提高教学时效。  相似文献   

试论历史教学中历史思维能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养学生的历史思维能力是历史教育本身的要求.教师在教学中要以丰富的历史史实为前提,培养学生运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,科学准确地解释历史现象,分析历史事件,评价历史人物,认识和把握历史发展的一般规律,以史鉴今,回答和解决社会现实问题的能力.  相似文献   

在中学美术课中培养学生的创造性思维非常重要,要做好以下几点:激发学生的好奇心、求知欲和创造动机;重视学生发散思维与集中思维的培养;重视教师自身素质的发展;开展多种形式的课外活动,培养学生的学习兴趣;建立科学的评价机制,鼓励创新。  相似文献   

历史一直是社会科课程重要的学习领域之一。在品德与社会教科书中,如何结合小学生的认知规律和思维水平,开展有效的历史学习并培养他们的历史思维能力,是教科书编写的难点。在以儿童的社会生活为主线的指导下,现有教科书尝试淡化历史学科体系的痕迹,倡导主题式的呈现方式。这种尝试在增进学生对历史的了解时,也存在着时序不清晰等问题。基于此,教科书历史内容的编写应突出时间顺序,增强对学生历史思维能力尤其是时序思维能力的培养。  相似文献   

Despite the availability of the human performance technology (HPT) competency standards, the degree to which practitioners within HPT practice the standards has not been the subject of significant empirical research. The present study examines whether the International Society for Performance Improvement HPT standards accurately describe the threshold of competency within HPT and the degree to which practitioners apply and utilize the competency standards.  相似文献   

杜文星 《天津教育》2021,(2):119-120
培养学生的探究思维是高中历史教学的重要任务。探究思维对于提高学生的自主学习能力、提升学生历史综合素养具有十分重要的意义。教师要优化高中历史教学模式,引导学生转变观念,开展自主探究;创设问题情境,促进学生探究能力的提高;善于运用任务驱动教学,提高学生探究动力,教师要给学生提供自主探究与合作学习的机会,让学生养成探究学习的习惯,促进学生历史素养的提高。  相似文献   

人类的学习是在社会活动中,以言语为中介,通过积极思维,主动掌握人类社会历史经验和积累个体经验的过程。对于学生来说,学习外语,不仅要掌握外语知识,而且要在掌握必要的语言知识的同时,熟练掌握运用外语进行交际的各种技能。也就是说,我们掌握一门外语,就是要掌握有关的知识和技能,使其平衡发展。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the nature and quality of students' comprehension of history. Specifically, we explore whether cognitive-psychological theories developed to capture the comprehension of narrative text can be used to capture the comprehension of history. Participants were 36 students with learning disabilities who had taken part in an earlier study designed to investigate the effects of an interactive instructional intervention in history. The results of the original study supported the effectiveness of the intervention in terms of amount recalled. The results of the present study reveal that historical understanding can be characterized as the construction of meaning through the creation of a causal network of events. The study of history within a causal network framework has implications for understanding the nature and quality of students' learning of history, and for potentially identifying sources of failure in learning.  相似文献   

面向21世纪,高校中国现代史教学应注重介绍学科研究前沿和研究的重点、热点问题及其查找途径,以激发学生的学习与科研兴趣;应注意运用和向学生传授新的历史研究与分析方法;充分运用多媒体教学手段,向学生展现历史事件的生动记录,增强教学的直观性和生动性;尽可能采用西方国家流行的互动式教学方法,开展课堂讨论,增强师生之间的双边交流活动,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性;应当将社会史的内容和现代化理论、历史社会学的观点溶入课堂教学之中;还应注意结合教学内容,讲清当前的某些热点问题的历史真相和来龙去脉,寓爱国主义教育于课堂教学之中。  相似文献   

在物理教学中要充分发挥学生思维的主体性,开放教学,鼓励学生思考,激活思维,改革实验教学,开展研究性学习,促进学生创造性思维培养,提高学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

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