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采用文献资料法、数理统计法对ATP官方网站所公布的世界排名前100名的优秀男子网球运动员的技术数据及总积分进行描述性统计、相关性分析和逐步回归统计分析,建立积分回归方程,研究世界优秀网球男子单打比赛制胜技术因素。研究表明,反映发球局的指标:平均每场比赛ACE个数、一发得分率、二发得分率、挽救破发点、发球局胜率成非常显著性相关;反映接发球局的指标:接一发得分率、接二发得分率、成功破发率也成显著性相关。反映发球局与接发球局的指标成显著性相关的均为负相关。影响世界优秀男子网球单打比赛总积分的制胜技术因素是平均每场ACE球个数、二发得分率、接一发得分率。  相似文献   

运用文献资料研究、录像观察、数理统计等方法,以2010年ATP年终总决赛和TA年终总决赛的男、女世界优秀网球运动员30场比赛录像为研究对象,对世界优秀网球运动员制胜分手段进行分析.研究表明,优秀男、女网球单打比赛中正、反手斜线制胜分比正手直线制胜分运用更多;男子胜盘中正手后场斜线制胜分比负盘强,女子优秀运动员胜负盘中正手制胜分能力相当,优秀男子运动员中胜负盘发球制胜分能力相当,优秀女子运动员胜盘中ACE球和内角ACE球比负盘强,外角ACE球能力相当;优秀男女网球单打比赛中截击、正面截击、反面截击、高压、放小球、凌空抽击制胜分在胜负盘中能力相当.  相似文献   

魏源  周淼 《辽宁体育科技》2006,28(5):54-55,57
运用文献资料和数理统计等方法,对2005年年终世界排名前八的网球运动员和2005上海大师赛冠军——纳尔班迪安的二发进行研究,并探索世界男子网坛第二次发球的现状及发展趋势,结果表明:二发在网球运动中占有越来越重要的位置,其稳定性和攻击力往往左右着比赛的胜负。  相似文献   

1980年,IMG同香港网球赞助人协会合作,将ATP(男子职业网球协会)系列巡回赛引进广州。参赛的正选名额32名,世界排名第二的康纳斯(美国)和第八的特尔切尔(美国)亦来加盟比赛。我国运动员当时无世界排名,占主办国之便,许梅林、谢昭、刘树华获得三张“外卡”参赛。  相似文献   

国际田联自2000年开始对田径运动员实行计算总分和排名制,并公布了田径运动员今年的个人总分和世界排名前100名。其得分是根据运动员全年所参加的国内锦标赛、国际比赛、大奖赛、奥运会等赛事中所取得的成绩和名次累计的,创造世界纪录者加分,由于各种类型的比赛规模和层次都不同,因此计分法由专家制定出统计法折算。男女运动员世界前100名排名如下:男子得分/姓名/出生年/国家/项目146908/格林/1974/美国/100米144760/奎罗伊/1974/摩洛哥/1500米144580/约翰逊/1967/美国…  相似文献   

桑普拉斯说:“找一个好的比赛陪同并不容易。”如今排在世界男子网球的前25名选手中,除科达、皮奥林和阿加西三个人已婚外,其余的虽炙手可热,但还“待字闰中”。现ATP世界排名第一的桑普拉斯,作为其中最有价值的单身汉,如是说:“网球运动员整天东跑西奔参加各...  相似文献   

金秋十月,一年一度的网坛盛世2013年上海劳力士大师赛又将如约而至。作为ATP世界男子职业网球巡回赛最高级别赛事之一、亚洲唯一一站ATP1000大师赛,上海劳力士大师赛将拥有包括费德勒、纳达尔、乔科维奇、穆雷在内的世界排名前44名顶级男子网球选手的华丽参赛阵容。  相似文献   

硬地女子网球双打比赛三项指标实力评估法的建立与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料调研、数理统计、专家访谈等方法,从2005-2007年澳大利亚和美国网球公开赛共计239场女子双打比赛的9项常规技术统计中,筛选出对女子双打比赛胜负影响最大的3项指标:接发球赢球率、一发赢球率、一发成功率,构建了可预判比赛胜负的函数方程,其判断的准确率高达90%以上.首次建立了3项指标实力评估法,对郑洁/晏紫等部分世界优秀女子双打运动员进行了实力评估.  相似文献   

对2010年美国网球公开赛和2011年澳大利亚网球公开赛的女子单打11项技术指标进行单因素方差和逐步判别分析,研究世界优秀女子网球单打比赛制胜技术关键因素,建立判定比赛胜负的判别函数方程.研究结果显示:在世界优秀女子网球单打比赛中ACE球、二发得分率、接发球得分率为比赛获胜的最关键制胜因子,并且它们对比赛制胜影响大小顺序为:接发球得分率>二发得分率> ACE球.  相似文献   

运用德国SIMI公司的Simi Scout测试软件对2014年中国网球公开赛女子单打的八分之一、四分之一、半决赛以及决赛的12场比赛(除部分运动员退赛)进行统计分析。通过对运动员比赛的胜负和移动距离、平均速度以及最大速度的相关性进行比较分析,得出以下结论:跑动距离和最大速度的模型建立对比赛的胜负具有预测作用;运动员在比赛过程中的跑动距离与比赛胜负呈负相关,最大速度与比赛胜负呈正相关;跑动距离和最大速度对比赛胜负的预测作用与运动员及其对手的实力密切相关。  相似文献   


This study investigated split-step timing when returning serves and whether this timing is related to neuromechanical capabilities in world-class tennis players. In Experiment 1, the split-step timing of four groups of world-class players (male and female ATP/WTA seniors, and ITF juniors) was measured on court when returning serves of the same level players. The four groups initiated the split-step at a similar time, starting around the time ball-racket contact in the serve stroke and landed when early ball-flight information was available. In Experiment 2, the neuromechanical capabilities (leg stiffness and vertical jump performance) of a group of world-class players and three groups of less-skilled tennis players were examined. The results showed an increase in leg stiffness with an increase in the level of expertise. A cross-experiment analysis in world-class male players (ATP/ITF, n = 10) revealed that the timing of initial foot movement was significantly correlated with the leg stiffness (r2 = 0.54), with later lateral step after the serve in the players who had higher stiffness. The findings support the hypothesis that world-class tennis players adapt perceptual-motor control on the basis of their neuromechanical capabilities and maximise the time before initiating their interceptive action to rely on more reliable information.  相似文献   

我国网球男选手竞技水平现状及相对落后原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析自1885年网球运动传入中国以来,特别是1973年以后,国际职业网球联合会实行新的排名法之后,我国网球男子排名(双打或单打)从未进入世界前一百名,和女子网球竞技水平相比形成“阴盛阳衰”。分析认为导致我国网球落后的因素有:教练员本身及其训练方面存在的问题;运动员综合素质较差;体育科技实施滞后;中国特色社会主义体育政策不够完善;历史、经济、自然条件的影响。应针对性地采取措施,以提高我国男子网球竞技水平成绩。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像观察、数理统计等研究方法对场地类型与网球运动员竞技能力发展的关系进行探讨。由于研究对象中以草地球场为主导训练环境的球员样本极少,本研究主要考察以硬地、红土场以及硬地和红土结合三种球场类型为主导训练场地类型的职业网球运动员在排名上是否存在差异。以1997—2005年ITF(国际网联)青年赛年度前10名运动员共87名男子职业球员的ATP排名进行方差分析。预分析发现,职业网球运动员获取最高职业排名的平均年限为5.8年,因此对本文研究对象ATP排名的数据获取底线为2009年。结果表明:红土场地训练环境成长的球员排名与另外两种场地环境下成才的球员最高职业排名具有显著性差异(P〈0.05,红土场球员排名平均数为121,标准差为131)。查阅国内外文献资料,从逻辑上分析了多年红土训练可能存在的额外训练效应,并提示场地因素可能成为预测职业网球运动员最高排名的指标之一。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、特尔菲、层次分析及数理统计等方法构建网球双打运动员战术意识诊断指标体系,并采用调查量表的形式对湖北省5对优秀网球双打运动员的战术意识进行实证。构建出的4个一级指标和15个二级指标的网球双打运动员战术意识诊断指标体系,具有较高的内部一致性,诊断实践发现:湖北省网球双打运动员的战术意识整体处于良好水平,部分选手在攻防转换意识和协作配合意识上还有待加强。  相似文献   

优秀网球运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数特征的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对ATP、WTA年终排名前50名的优秀网球运动员的身高、体重和克托莱指数特征进行了统计分析,探讨世界优秀网球运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数置信区间的特点及其身高与体重的回归方程,旨在为网球运动选材与运动训练提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The relationship between junior boys' tennis success, as measured by a top 20 International Tennis Federation's Junior Circuit (ITFJC) ranking, and subsequent ranking accomplishments in professional men's tennis is discussed. The names, countries, and birthdates of all players to achieve a top 20 ITFJC boys' year-end ranking from 1992 to 1998 were recorded. The progress of these players through the professional ranks was then tracked to the end of 2004. Results indicate that 91% of top 20-ranked boys achieved a professional men's ranking, while a stepwise regression analysis revealed junior ranking (JR) to be a predictor of future, professional ranking (beta = 0.232, r(2) = 0.054, p < 0.05). A regression equation [predicted professional rank = 78.17 + 6.31*(JR)] accounted for a significant amount of variance in professional ranking. For male players, therefore, the achievement of a top 20 junior ranking appears to be a reasonable yardstick for future, professional success. The type of surface upon which junior players develop their games was also shown to influence professional ranking highs, with play on clay courts or a combination of clay and hard courts helping to produce higher, professionally ranked players than hard court play alone (p< or = 0.01).  相似文献   


This study constructed a technique effectiveness evaluation formula for table tennis players based on the relationship between the scoring rate and usage rate of techniques and established the evaluation criteria through the examination of 224 matches of the world's top 35 players. It also built a competition performance formula with the score difference theory for the exploration of the correlation between player technique effectiveness and competition performance. The results showed the three indices – the technique effectiveness of the first and third strokes (TE1,3), the second and fourth strokes (TE2,4) and the after fourth strokes (TE>4) – could help better evaluate the technique effectiveness of elite players. The comparative analysis of Chinese elite table tennis players and players from other countries and regions revealed that Chinese players as a whole were “excellent” in all the examined techniques except in the male's “first and third strokes”; while players from other countries and regions were overall “general”. The case analysis of two world top players further indicated that correlation analysis of technique effectiveness and competition performance could help identify the technique indices highly correlated with player competition performance.  相似文献   

Official rankings are the most common measure of success in professional women’s tennis. Despite their importance for earning potential and tournament seeding, little is known about ranking trajectories of female players and their influence on career success. Our objective was to conduct a comprehensive study of the career progression of elite female tennis talent. The study examined the ranking trajectories of the top 250 female professionals between 1990 and 2015. Using regression modelling of yearly peak rankings, we found a strong association between the shape of the ranking trajectory and the highest career ranking earned. Players with the highest career peak ranking were the youngest when first ranked. For example, top 10 players were first ranked at age 15.5 years (99% CI = 14.8–15.9), 1.2 years (99% CI = 0.8–1.5) earlier than top 51–100 players. Top 10 players were also ranked in the top 100 longer than other players, holding a top 100 ranking until a mean age of 29.0 years (99% CI = 27.8–30.3) compared with age 24.4 years (99% CI = 23.7–25.2) for top 51–100 players. Ranking trajectories were more distinct with respect to player age than years from first ranking. The present study’s findings will be instructive for players, coaches, and administrators in setting goals and assessing athlete development in women’s tennis.  相似文献   


Competitive balance is important because it enhances outcome uncertainty and therefore it promotes spectator interest, and encourages government investment in a sport. This article analyses the distribution of gold medals, medals, medal points and top eight points amongst nations in table tennis from 1988 to 2016 at the Olympic Games and the World Championships respectively. A normalised version of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index and a coefficient of variation are calculated for each nation’s share of these performance indicators. The key findings are that China dominates both events, with successful female players being more dominant than their male counterparts. The competitive balance for gold medals has declined, whilst there is a trend towards improved competitive balance for top eight points for women, suggesting that more teams are featuring in the top eight (but not necessarily the top three) placings. This research has implications for the development of table tennis competitions. Compared to other racket sports, the issue of competitive imbalance in table tennis is particularly thorny, which threatens the long-term development of this sport. Accordingly, some measures are recommended for the International Olympic Committee and the International Table Tennis Federation to propel a more balanced development of international table tennis.  相似文献   

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