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20世纪80年代.在西方兴起了一种新的哲学——现象学一解释学科学哲学。它从大陆哲学视角出发,重新理解科学哲学,时“科学是什么?”“科学理论与实践的关系如何?”“科学理论与境遇是何关系?”等科学哲学基本问题进行了新的解答,提出了许多有意义的观点,深化了人们对自然科学的认识,推动了大陆哲学和科学哲学的发展。  相似文献   

恩格斯说过:“一个民族要想登上科学的高峰,究竟是不能离开理论思维的。”而要使全民族有理论思维,首先作为先锋队的党要有理论思维。我们党就是一个善于理论思维的党。“四个基本”形成发展的历史表明,在新时期新的伟大实践的基础上,党的历次重要会议尤其是从十三大到十六大的四次代表大会,都以理论思维取得丰硕成果而彪炳于世:十三大大体形成基本理论,首次完整表述基本路线,于是有了“两个基本”;十四大初步建立基本理论的科学体系,以阐述政治上如何正确对待“左”和“右”的错误倾向、经济上如何建立社会主义市场经济体制等问题丰富充实基本路线的内涵;十五大进一步阐发基本理论的科学体系和它的历史地位,依据基本路线提出基本纲领,从“两个基本”推进到“三个基本”;十六大以“三个代表”重要思想继承发展基本理论,概括了十三年来的十条基本经验,又从“三个基本”推进到“四个基本”。这是我们党关于理论思维和理论创新,在理论上勇于实现与时俱进的生动写照,也是我们党愈益成熟的一个显著标志。  相似文献   

论职业英语真实性评价体系的构建与实施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
首先简要回顾了“语言测试”发展的四个阶段及其特点。认为职业教育的课程体系不是学科体系,而是“行动体系”,传统语言测试难以对职业院校学生实用英语能力进行科学、全面的评价,以能力为本位的职业英语学生真实性评价势在必行。然而,如何构建职业英语真实性评价体系?该体系应具备什么特征?如何确定评价标准、设计评价任务及制定评价量规?这些都是职业英语课程真实性评价体系研究中的基本问题。本文根据学习理论、高职教育理论、德国职业教育“行动体系”和英NNVQ评估体系,研究职业英语学生真实性评价体系的特征和构建该体系方法和途径。  相似文献   

在我给高一学生上的第一堂历史课中,我并没有开门见山地讲解课本知识,而是向学生阐述了与历史学习相关的三个问题一何为历史、为何学历史、如何学历史。虽然对于高中学生来讲,这三个问题不会在他们的考试中出现,他们也因此对这三个问题感到迷惑不解,但是我想不光是学习历史,在学习任何一门学科之前,我们都应当首先思考这样三个问题:What?Why?How?正如课本都会有一个前言,对这三个问题的讲解也应当历史课堂教学中的“序言”,以使学生在接触微观的历史课本知识之前对历史有一个宏观的认识。下面我试着就这三个问题淡谈自己的一些浅薄之见。  相似文献   

课堂教学目标的设计既要考虑学生这一主体,又要体现学习主题本身内在的逻辑体系。《普通高中历史课程标准》(实验)强调:“通过普通高中历史课程学习,扩大掌握历史知识的范围,深入地了解历史发展的基本线索;对历史唯物主义的基本理论和方法有所了解,初步认识人类社会发展的基本规律,学会运用科学的理论和方法认识历史和现实问题,逐步形成科学的世界观和历史观;树立不断完善自我、为祖国社会主义现代化建设做贡献和关注民族与人类命运的人生理想。”具体分为“知识与能力”、“过程与方法”、“情感态度价值观”三个层次,并对每个层次做出了要求。在实际教学中,落实到具体每个专题、每课的学习,如何实现这些课程目标,是我们面临的十分紧迫的、急需形成可操作性策略的问题,也是关系课程改革成败的关键问题。  相似文献   

素质教育的核心在于培养学生的创新能力,而拥有蓬勃创造力的关键在于拥有智慧.如何将知识转化为智慧?结合《大学化学》这门基础课程,以“盖斯定律、热力学第二定律以及物质波理论的提出”三个知识点的讲授为例,详细剖析了“大学生既要做学习者,更要做研究者”观点的重要性与必要性.  相似文献   

所谓“问题解决”就是把学习置于问题之中,把问题解决看做学生学习、教师教学的过程。将学生学习由“吸收——储存——再现”转化为“探索——研讨——创造”,将教师教学过程转化为学生“发现问题、提出问题、解决问题、再发现新问题”的能力的培养,这正是物理新课程标准大力提倡的宗旨,也是同建构主义理念完全吻合的原则。那么,如何将“问题解决”运用于物理教学之中呢?  相似文献   

《化工热力学》教学改革的一点尝试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《化工热力学》是化学工程与工艺专业教学计划中的主干课程之一,是该专业的专业基础课程。课程的主要目的是为学生解决化工的问题提供热力学分析方法,要求学生在学习完《化工热力学》后能形成完整的经典热力学思维体系,熟练掌握热力学基本定理、定义及其应用,并能将热力学理论灵活应用到化工实验过程中,并为各种化工单元操作和过程设计的改进提供理论依据,为后续课程的学习奠定基础。因此,该课程将起到由基础课过渡到专业课的桥梁作用。教师如何讲好《化工热力学》课程、学生怎样学习专业基础课及专业课,探讨这一问题将有助于后续专业课程的学习以及对学生科学素质的培养,因此是非常值得研究的问题。  相似文献   

一堂好课是什么样的?从新课标上看,一堂好课应该把握好三个基本点:一是有机整合“三维目标”;二是科学制作“教学设计”;三是主动完成“科学探究”。而这三个基本点又该如何联系到一块?笔者认为应该以一个核心问题为“中心”,  相似文献   

所谓“问题解决”,就是把学习置于问题之中,把问题解决看做学生学习和教师教学的过程,将学生学习由“吸收——储存——再现”转化为“探索——研讨——创造”,将教师的教学过程转化为学生“发现问题——提出问题——解决问题——再发现新问题”的能力培养过程,而这正是生物新课程标准倡导的理念。那么,如何将“问题解决”运用于生物教学之中呢?  相似文献   

Not Saint Darwin     
John S. Wilkins 《Resonance》2009,14(2):154-171
Charles Darwin’s name is going to be heard, read about, or spoken a lot this year, as it is the second centenary of his birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species. And as great as his contribution to science and the modern world is, we might ask ourselves whether we are making rather too much of this man. Is Darwin the important person he is being taken to be? To answer this question I shall raise three more: first, why do we celebrate individuals in scientific history, when it is the work of many scientists that gives us the results? Second, how original was Darwin anyway — who else did the important work? And third, what role do scientific heroes play in current science? Answers to these questions will give us a better, more sober and balanced, and more useful explanation of actual science both in the past and the present, and perhaps also in the future.  相似文献   

History teaching usually focuses on understanding the past as an aim in itself. Research shows that many students don’t see the point of this and perceive history as not very useful. Yet history plays a major role in the orientation on present and future. If students fail to see this, the question arises whether this is due to a lack of explicit attention in history classes on the application of knowledge about the past to the present and the future. This article explores two questions: (1) If history is to be more relevant to students, what kind of objectives should play a central role in history teaching? (2) What kinds of teaching strategies align with these objectives in history teaching? The first question is answered by means of historical and educational theory. The second is answered by exploring a number of teaching strategies that have been described in the literature, as well as a small-scale experiment conducted by the authors. This article aims at providing a basis for developing meaningful history curricula as well as for research into educational strategies which can be deployed to teach students how to make connections between past, present and future.  相似文献   

Where does Finnish science education come from? Where will it go? The following outside view reflects on relations, which Finns consider ??normal?? (and thus unrecognizable in introspection) in science education. But what is ??normal?? in Finnish culture cannot be considered ??normal?? for science education in other cultures, for example in Germany. The following article will trace the central ideas, which had a larger influence in the development of this difference. The question is, if and why the Finnish uniqueness in the philosophy of science education is empirically important. This puts Finnish science education into the perspective of a more general epistemological debate around Ernst Mach??s Erkenntnistheorie (a German term similar to the meaning of history and philosophy of science, though more general; literally translated ??cognition/knowledge theory??). From this perspective, an outlook will be given on open questions within the epistemology of Finnish science education. Following such questions could lead to the adaptation of the ??successful?? ideas in Finnish science education (indicated by empirical studies, such as the OECD PISA study) as well as the further development of the central ideas of Finnish science education.  相似文献   

中国法律史学已走过百年历程,特别是新中国改革开放的三十年,无论是专门研究机构设置的增多、研究队伍的日渐壮大、还是研究成果的公开发表,均有长足进步,堪称辉煌三十年。但也存在着不容忽略的问题,包括既不能在法学学科内进行有效交流,也不能与历史学进行平等对话,甚至存在某种程度的“排拒”;不重视文献资料建设,追求所谓的“填补空白”,致使研究成果中引领学科发展的创新性论著凤毛麟角。这成为学术发展的隐忧,如不能正视并加以解决,中国的法律史学最终走不出狭小的“象牙塔”,无法“成为世界法学发展的基础学科之一”。  相似文献   

心理学研究的对象是什么,这一问题已基本解决;但作为研究对象的性质如何,这一问题却尚未取得共识.这两个问题是有区别的,不能混为一谈.作者从此种认识出发,主要讨论了五个问题,即:心理学的研究对象解决了吗,归纳出三种意见;研究对象的历史演变,包括研究对象的总体演变、学派分歧与一分为二;我国对研究对象的看法;研究对象的基本共识,即心理(意识、精神)与行为.而作为研究对象的性质问题,不是该文所要讨论的问题.  相似文献   

Grounded within Connelly and Clandinin’s conceptualization of teachers’ professional identity in terms of ‘stories to live by’ and through a life-history lens, this multiple case study aimed to respond to the following questions: (a) How do three preservice elementary teachers view themselves as future science teachers? (b) How have the participants’ life histories shaped their science identity trajectories? In order to characterize the participants’ formation of science identities over time, various data regarding their life histories in relation to science were collected: science biographies, self-portraits, interviews, reflective journals, lesson plans, and classroom observations. The analysis of the data illustrated how the three participants’ identities have been in formation from the early years of their lives and how various events, experiences, and interactions had shaped their identities through time and across contexts. These findings are discussed alongside implications for theory, specifically, identity and life-history intersections, for teacher preparation, and for research related to explorations of beginning elementary teachers’ identity trajectories.  相似文献   

Two fundamental questions about science are relevant for science educators: (a) What is the nature of science? and (b) what aspects of nature of science should be taught and learned? They are fundamental because they pertain to how science gets to be framed as a school subject and determines what aspects of it are worthy of inclusion in school science. This conceptual article re-examines extant notions of nature of science and proposes an expanded version of the Family Resemblance Approach (FRA), originally developed by Irzik and Nola (International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 999–1021, 2014) in which they view science as a cognitive-epistemic and as an institutional-social system. The conceptual basis of the expanded FRA is described and justified in this article based on a detailed account published elsewhere (Erduran and Dagher in Reconceptualizing the nature of science for science education: scientific knowledge, practices and other family categories. Springer, Dordrecht, 2014a). The expanded FRA provides a useful framework for organizing science curriculum and instruction and gives rise to generative visual tools that support the implementation of a richer understanding of and about science. The practical implications for this approach have been incorporated into analysis of curriculum policy documents, curriculum implementation resources, textbook analysis and teacher education settings.  相似文献   

Researchers from multiple perspectives have shown that young students can engage in the scientific reasoning involved in science experimentation. However, there is little research on how well these young students learn in inquiry-based learning environments that focus on using scientific experimentation strategies to learn new scientific information. This work investigates young children’s science concept learning via inquiry-based instruction on the thermodynamics system in a developmentally appropriate, technology-supported learning environment. First- and third-grade students participate in three sets of guided experimentation activities that involve using handheld computers to measure change in temperature given different types of insulation materials. Findings from pre- and post-comparisons show that students at both grade levels are able to learn about the thermodynamics system through engaging in the guided experiment activities. The instruction groups outperformed the control groups on multiple measures of thermodynamics knowledge, and the older children outperform the younger children. Knowledge gains are discussed in the context of mental models of the thermodynamics system that include the individual concepts mentioned above and the relationships between them. This work suggests that young students can benefit from science instruction centered on experimentation activities. It shows the benefits of presenting complex scientific information authentic contexts and the importance of providing the necessary scaffolding for meaningful scientific inquiry and experimentation.  相似文献   

The Knowledge Integration Environment (KIE) activities were designed to promote lifelong science learning. This paper describes the partnership process that guided the design as well as the Scaffolded Knowledge Integration framework that gave the partnership a head start on creating effective materials. KIE activities take advantage of internet materials to engage students in debate of science questions like 'how far does light go?', to make scientifically oriented design decisions, and to critique science claims in the popular press. Other papers in this collection describe the design studies carried out to improve KIE activities. These studies have implications for improving the Scaffolded Knowledge Integration framework and can inform future designers of science instruction.  相似文献   

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