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我国部分优秀男子跳远运动员起跳环节肌肉用力特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过表面肌电遥测和高速摄影同步测试,揭示优秀跳远运动员起跳环节肌肉用力特征.结果显示:在起跳环节中,股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌、腓肠肌是起跳腿的主要用力肌肉;在起跳腿即将着地前,所测肌肉均有较明显的预激活现象;着地后,肌肉用力的激活顺序依次为胫骨前肌、股二头肌与股内侧肌、股外侧肌、比目鱼肌、腓肠肌内侧头、股直肌、臀大肌;肌肉用力的失活顺序依次为胫骨前肌、股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌、臀大肌、腓肠肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌;肌肉用力持续时间长短依次为股二头肌、比目鱼肌、股外侧肌、腓肠肌内侧头和股内侧肌、臀大肌、股直肌、胫骨前肌.起跳腿拮抗肌共同收缩的特征为:缓冲阶段踝关节拮抗肌共同收缩最强烈,而在蹬伸阶段膝关节拮抗肌共同收缩最强烈.  相似文献   

目的:为探究稳定与非稳定下不同负荷对深蹲练习时主要肌群肌肉的刺激效果是否对同一肌肉的刺激效果一致.方法:对河西学院体育学院2013年级25名男生进行不同负重的(30%的最大力量、60%的最大力量)深蹲测试,采用BL-820S科研生物机能实验系统对受试者臀部、下肢6块肌肉(臀大肌、臀中肌、股外侧肌、股直肌、股内侧肌、腓肠肌)进行表面肌电分析,从肌肉活动角度对非稳定和稳定状态抗阻训练的肌肉刺激效果进行研究分析.结果:在稳定条件下以30%RM,深蹲时所有肌肉的值无显著性变化(P>0.05),同样的在稳定条件下以60%RM深蹲时所有肌肉的值也无显著性变化(P>0.05);而在非稳定条件下以30%RM深蹲时所有肌肉的值也无显著性变化(P>0.05),但在非稳定条件下以60%RM负重深蹲时股内侧肌、股直肌、股外侧肌、腓肠肌、臀中肌、臀大肌等的值出现显著增长(P<0.05),研究结论:非稳定支撑面与稳定支持面可能同样具有提高身体稳定性、增加身体表层肌肉的刺激程度,两者不存在对立关系.  相似文献   

目的:利用表面肌电对拉丁舞伦巴库克拉恰基本步伐中的主要肌群进行肌电分析,能够有效地判断出拉丁舞运动员的肌肉用力特点和技术的内在规律.研究方法:采用意大利BTS FREEEMG300无线表面肌电信号系统,对河北师范大学体育舞蹈专业校队八名女队员进行表面肌电信号的数据采集.结果:肌肉的激活时序先后依次为:股直肌、腹外斜肌、臀大肌、背阔肌、腓肠肌内侧头、长收肌、股二头肌外侧头;肌肉的激活程度由高到低依次为:背阔肌、股二头肌外侧、股直肌、长收肌、腹外斜肌、腓肠肌内侧头、臀大肌.结论:伦巴库克拉恰步伐中下肢肌群先激活,其次为核心肌群;伦巴库克拉恰步伐中肌肉的激活时序以下肢肌群为主,核心肌群为辅;伦巴库克拉恰步伐中核心肌群虽然激活时序慢,但贡献率高.  相似文献   

运用爱沙尼亚产MYOTON肌肉疲乏测试系统对短道速滑运动员500m比赛后肌肉伸缩性、硬度、弹性进行测试,将运动员赛后数据与赛前12h数据进行对比,并与速度滑冰相同距离比赛运动员肌肉数据进行对比,分析专项疲劳特征,以便为教练员有针对性地安排肌肉恢复训练。根据专项动作结构及涉及肌群,选取了腓肠肌、胫骨前肌、腘绳肌、股直肌、股外侧肌、股内侧肌、臀大肌、腹直肌等8块最重要的肌肉测试。结果表明,短道速滑运动员在500m比赛后,专项动作涉及的8块肌肉的疲劳程度各不相同,与自身赛前安静状态相比,下肢小腿肌群疲劳更为明显。与速度滑冰相同距离比赛的运动员相比,腓肠肌、胫骨前肌、股外侧肌、腘绳肌、臀大肌疲劳程度更高。  相似文献   

目的:量化快速跑过程中下肢各关节力矩和各单块肌肉(群)肌应力的变化规律及其对快速跑动作所起的作用.方法:同步采集8名优秀短跑运动员途中跑时完整步态下肢运动学数据(300 Hz)、地面反作用力(1 200 Hz)数据和肌电图(120 Hz)信号,建立下肢肌肉-骨骼系统模型,应用中尺度序列二次规划拟牛顿线性搜索算法将快速跑时关节肌力矩优化并求解单块肌肉应力.结果:最优化算法所估算的快速跑时下肢冗余肌力变化与快速跑时肌电全波整流图存在一定程度上的相似.支撑期,臀大肌、腘绳肌、比目鱼肌和腓肠肌应力水平较高.摆动前期,髂肌、股四头肌群(股直肌)、股二头肌短头和腓肠肌为主要做功肌肉.摆动后期,只有臀大肌和腘绳肌活动积极.双关节肌腘绳肌、股直肌和腓肠肌在各时期的应力值均高于其他做功肌肉,且在整个步态中的应力峰值也显著高于其他肌肉.结论:下肢双关节肌腘绳肌、股直肌和腓肠肌受两个关节复杂的交互作用导致应力值偏高,在快速跑时被拉伤风险较大.此优化算法为了解快速跑时下肢单块肌肉力量变化提供了更为精确的方法,进而为分析快速跑肌肉功能和为专项力量训练的科学化及防止肌肉拉伤提供了生物力学依据.  相似文献   

袁艳  吴贻刚  苏彦炬  李玉章 《体育科学》2012,32(10):64-68,97
附加振动刺激的负重半蹲运动成为一种新兴的下肢力量训练手段,但是,负重半蹲运动中附加不同频率的振动刺激对下肢肌肉的激活特征研究较少。以10名健康男性大学生在不附加振动、分别附加频率为30、40、50Hz共计4种振动刺激条件以及无负重和负重30%最大力量两种负荷条件下完成10次半蹲起的大腿表面肌电活动特征进行研究。实验结果经双因素方差分析,振动刺激对所有被检肌肉肌电均方根值(EMGrms)有显著影响(P<0.05),负重对股直肌、股内侧肌和股外侧肌EMGrms有极显著性影响(P<0.01),对股二头肌和半腱肌无显著影响;振动刺激和负重对各被检测肌肉肌电交互作用不显著。多重比较表明,50Hz的振动频率可以显著提高被检肌群的EMGrms。结论:30%1RM负重可以提高股直肌、股内侧肌和股外侧肌的肌肉激活,但不能增加股二头肌和半腱肌的肌肉激活。无论是否负重,半蹲起练习时附加振动频率为50 Hz的振动刺激可以显著增加大腿肌肉激活(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

目的:分析正脚背踢球动作中下肢和腘绳肌生物力学特征参数,探讨踢球动作腘绳肌拉伤危险时相,同时探究腘绳肌和股四头肌力量素质与踢球动作下肢和腘绳肌生物力学特征的关系,进一步明确踢球动作中腘绳肌拉伤机制。方法:以15名足球专项国家一级运动员为受试者,采集180(°)/s动作角速度下的等速腘绳肌向心(Hcon)、腘绳肌离心(Hecc)、股四头肌向心峰值力矩(Qcon);采集受试者最大力正脚背踢球动作运动学和肌电数据,根据腘绳肌肌肉起止点和髋、膝关节中心的相对位置获得肌肉起止点坐标,从而获得腘绳肌3块双关节肌肌肉-肌腱复合体(muscle-tendon unit,MTU)长度,以MTU拉伸速度和标准化MTU长度为分析指标。采用样条插值法对各指标按踢球动作周期阶段进行3次归一化处理。结果:腘绳肌3块双关节肌在正脚背踢球动作小腿前摆阶段和触球随摆阶段处于激活状态并被拉长,进行离心收缩;触球随摆阶段3块双关节MTU拉伸速度、肌标准化MTU长度、肌肉激活程度均显著大于小腿前摆阶段(P<0.05),标准化MTU长度在触球随摆阶段中期达...  相似文献   

董洪园  李春  苏玉林 《体育科技》2010,31(3):68-72,80
目的:采用表面肌电技术,分析运动员在不同的横向移动速度下相关指标的变化特点,探寻影响提高速度的主要因素,为日常训练提供科学依据,进而达到提高运动成绩的目的。对象:国家男排副攻手5人,均为备战奥运会、且由地方各省队挑选出来的优秀运动队员。方法:采用表面肌电测试,研究不同运动员在多次横向移动过程中各项肌电指标的变化特点。以多次横向移动为研究变量,运动员完全模拟比赛情况进行移动,采集身体双侧腹外斜肌、臀大肌、臀中肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、内收肌、胫骨前肌和腓肠肌的肌电信号进行分析。主要研究结果:(1)运动快时与运动慢时单位时间内积分肌电值的对比结果表明:准备阶段臀中肌、摆动阶段臀大肌和蹬地阶段内收肌,快时的单位时间内积分肌电值低于慢时。反映出这些肌肉的适当放松可以使原动肌更加充分的收缩,说明日常训练中对肌肉的专项训练应"有的放矢"地进行。(2)运动快时与运动慢时肌肉贡献率的对比结果表明:准备阶段腓肠肌、股内肌、股二头肌、臀大肌;摆动阶段胫骨前肌、臀中肌;蹬地阶段腓肠肌、股内肌在完成各阶段过程中的贡献率明显高于其它肌肉,说明这些肌肉为完成动作的主要原动肌。(3)各队员训练背景差异较大,一些队员的技术动作存在一定错误。应参考科学的肌肉动员顺序使技术动作合理化,提高运动效果。  相似文献   

目的:观察阻力训练和超等长阻力训练后下肢肌肉力量变化,比较肌肉激活模式的不同.方法:将16名男性篮球运动员随机分成两组,分别实施8周下肢阻力训练和超等长阻力训练.采用3-D测力台测试训练前、后最大随意收缩值,用表面肌电记录训练前、后6次重复训练动作的胫骨前肌、腓肠肌外侧头、股直肌、股外侧肌、股二头肌的激活信号,计算积分肌电值和髋、膝、踝关节周围拮抗肌共激活.结果:两组下肢肌肉力量均显著提高,阻力训练组效果较明显.超等长阻力训练组肌肉活性显著高于阻力训练组.训练后超等长阻力训练组肌肉活性出现适应性变化,髋、踝关节拮抗肌共激活显著升高,膝关节拮抗肌共激活训练前、后没有显著性差异.阻力训练组训练前、后肌肉活性及拮抗肌共激活没有显著变化.结论:超等长阻力训练有助于提高肌肉间协调性,可以优化肌肉动作的运动策略.  相似文献   

目的:采集不同高度跳深训练动作动力学数据,测量自不同高度平台下落着地前下肢肌肉活性,比较不同高度对下肢肌肉预激活调节的影响.方法:对未经系统跳深训练的16名健康男性受试者进行低、最佳、高三种平台高度的跳深练习,记录每次跳深动作着地前150 ms内腓肠肌内侧头、股直肌、股外侧肌、胫骨前肌、股二头肌的表面肌电信号,计算积分肌电和最大振幅.记录跳深动作过程腾空时间和着地支撑时间,计算平均输出功率.结果:最佳高度条件下腾空时间最长,低平台条件下跳深输出功率最高.除腓肠肌内侧头以外,其他肌肉预激活均随着跳深平台高度增加而增加.多数肌肉预激活显著性差异出现在低-高之间,低-最佳、最佳.高之间肌肉预激活差异性不显著.结论:高于最佳高度时下肢肌肉预激活与地面反作用力不协调.跳深输出功率是较恰当的下肢超等长训练参数.实践中采用跳深法对下肢肌肉进行爆发力训练时,宜以最佳高度或低于最佳高度的形式.  相似文献   

Hip extensor strategy, specifically relative contribution of gluteus maximus versus hamstrings, will influence quadriceps effort required during squat exercise, as hamstrings and quadriceps co-contract at the knee. This research examined the effects of hip extensor strategy on quadriceps relative muscular effort (RME) during barbell squat. Inverse dynamics-based torque-driven musculoskeletal models were developed to account for hamstrings co-contraction. Net joint moments were calculated using 3D motion analysis and force platform data. Hamstrings co-contraction was modelled under two assumptions: (1) equivalent gluteus maximus and hamstrings activation (Model 1) and (2) preferential gluteus maximus activation (Model 2). Quadriceps RME, the ratio of quadriceps moment to maximum knee extensor strength, was determined using inverse dynamics only, Model 1 and Model 2. Quadriceps RME was greater in both Models 1 and 2 than inverse dynamics only at barbell loads of 50–90% one repetition maximum. The highest quadriceps RMEs were 120 ± 36% and 87 ± 28% in Models 1 and 2, respectively, which suggests that barbell squats are only feasible using the Model 2 strategy prioritising gluteus maximus versus hamstrings activation. These results indicate that developing strength in both gluteus maximus and quadriceps is essential for lifting heavy loads in squat exercise.  相似文献   

采用芬兰产Mega6000肌电仪和肌电仪器自带的Megawin2.4软件系统,让实验对象在做大腿后部肌群的力量练习手段如直腿后摆拉橡皮条、俯卧屈小腿拉橡皮条、俯卧后摆腿、俯卧跪起和仰卧挺髋力量练习手段的状态下,对实验对象的臀大肌、股二头肌、半腱半膜肌、腓肠肌内侧、阔筋膜张肌、股直肌和胫骨前肌进行肌电测试,并结合高速摄影技术分析肌电特征和肌肉的工作机制。结果表明,各块肌肉在力量练习过程中放电顺序、放电强度、放电时间、肌电积分值都不相同。因此,在力量训练时,应根据动作结构、肌肉收缩方式、收缩速度和力量大小等方面进行训练,使训练手段更能符合专项运动的规律。  相似文献   


The main purposes of this study were to (a) investigate acute effects of static and dynamic lower limb stretching routines on total response time, pre-motor time and motor time of the medial and lateral hamstrings during maximal eccentric isokinetic knee flexion; and (b) determine whether static and dynamic routines elicit similar responses. A total of 38 active adults completed the following intervention protocols in a randomised order on separate days: (a) non-stretching (control condition), (b) static stretching and (c) dynamic stretching. After the stretching or control intervention, total response time, pre-motor time and motor time of the medial and lateral hamstrings were assessed during eccentric knee flexion movements with participants prone. Measures were compared via a mixed-design factorial ANOVA. There were no main effects for total response time, pre-motor time and motor time. The results suggest that dynamic and static stretching has no influence on hamstrings response times (total response time, pre-motor time and motor time) and hence neither form of stretching reduces this primary risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament injury.  相似文献   

Introduction: Adolescent fast bowlers are prone to sustaining lumbar injuries. Numerous components have been identified as contributing factors; however, there is limited empirical evidence outlining how the muscles of the lumbopelvic region, which play a vital role in stabilising the spine, function during the bowling action and the influence of such activation on injuries in the fast bowler. Methods: Surface electromyography was utilised to measure the function of the lumbar erector spinae, lumbar multifidus, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles bilaterally during the fast bowling action in a group of 35 cricket fast bowlers aged 12–16 years. Results: Two prominent periods of activation occurred in each of the muscles examined. The period of greatest mean activation in the erector spinae and multifidus occurred near back foot contact (BFC) and within the post-ball-release (BR) phase. The period of greatest mean activation for the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus occurred during phases of ipsilateral foot contact. Discussion: The greatest periods of muscle activation in the paraspinal and gluteal muscles occurred at times where vertical forces were high such as BFC, and in the phases near BR where substantial shear forces are present. Conclusion: The posterior muscles within the lumbopelvic region appear to play a prominent role during the bowling action, specifically when compressive and shear forces are high. Further research is required to substantiate these findings and establish the role of the lumbopelvic muscles in the aetiology of lumbar injury in the cricket fast bowler.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate activation characteristics of the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles during the acceleration and maximum-speed phases of sprinting. Lower-extremity kinematics and electromyographic (EMG) activities of the BFlh and ST muscles were examined during the acceleration sprint and maximum-speed sprint in 13 male sprinters during an overground sprinting. Differences in hamstring activation during each divided phases and in the hip and knee joint angles and torques at each time point of the sprinting gait cycle were determined between two sprints. During the early stance of the acceleration sprint, the hip extension torque was significantly greater than during the maximum-speed sprint, and the relative EMG activation of the BFlh muscle was significantly higher than that of the ST muscle. During the late stance and terminal mid-swing of maximum-speed sprint, the knee was more extended and a higher knee flexion moment was observed compared to the acceleration sprint, and the ST muscle showed higher activation than that of the BFlh. These results indicate that the functional demands of the medial and lateral hamstring muscles differ between two different sprint performances.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the relationships between muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and muscular strength in terms of knee extension and flexion, hip extension and flexion, and hip abduction and adduction among well-trained soccer players. Fourteen university soccer players participated in the study, who had previously been divided into two groups based on ability (Group A: above-average ability; Group B: average ability). Maximal isokinetic and concentric muscular strength was measured in knee extension/flexion, hip extension/flexion and hip abduction/adduction using an isokinetic dynamometer at 1.57 and 4.19 rad x s(-1) (3.14 rad x s(-1)) in both the dominant and non-dominant leg. The CSAs of the thigh, gluteus muscles and iliopsoas muscles were calculated based on magnetic resonance imaging. There was no significant difference between the two groups in muscle CSA and isokinetic strength. Although there were some statistically significant differences between the dominant and non-dominant leg in terms of CSA and strength (P < 0.05-0.01), these were small and negligible. Apart from a non-significant relationship between the CSAs of the adductor muscles and hip adductor strength (r < 0.26, N.S.), the CSA of the other muscle groups correlated with maximal isokinetic strength (r = 0.38-0.64, P < 0.05). These results suggest that no difference in muscle characteristics (in terms of muscle CSA and strength) was apparent among well-trained soccer players, even between the dominant and non-dominant leg. There is also a case that the anatomical function of a single (or group of) muscle(s) may not be reflected by the strength-CSA relationship depending on the movements (such as hip adduction-adductor muscle CSA). Thus, further studies are required to develop methods to assess neuromuscular function in relation to muscle morphology among soccer players.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine the relationships between muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and muscular strength in terms of knee extension and flexion, hip extension and flexion, and hip abduction and adduction among well-trained soccer players. Fourteen university soccer players participated in the study, who had previously been divided into two groups based on ability (Group A: above-average ability; Group B: average ability). Maximal isokinetic and concentric muscular strength was measured in knee extension/flexion, hip extension/flexion and hip abduction/adduction using an isokinetic dynamometer at 1.57 and 4.19 rad·s?1 (3.14 rad·s?1) in both the dominant and non-dominant leg. The CSAs of the thigh, gluteus muscles and iliopsoas muscles were calculated based on magnetic resonance imaging. There was no significant difference between the two groups in muscle CSA and isokinetic strength. Although there were some statistically significant differences between the dominant and non-dominant leg in terms of CSA and strength (P<0.05–0.01), these were small and negligible. Apart from a non-significant relationship between the CSAs of the adductor muscles and hip adductor strength (r<0.26, n.s.), the CSA of the other muscle groups correlated with maximal isokinetic strength (r=0.38–0.64, P<0.05). These results suggest that no difference in muscle characteristics (in terms of muscle CSA and strength) was apparent among well-trained soccer players, even between the dominant and non-dominant leg. There is also a case that the anatomical function of a single (or group of) muscle(s) may not be reflected by the strength—CSA relationship depending on the movements (such as hip adduction-adductor muscle CSA). Thus, further studies are required to develop methods to assess neuromuscular function in relation to muscle morphology among soccer players.  相似文献   

Background:One-legged pedaling is of interest to elite cyclists and clinicians.However,muscular usage in 1-legged vs.2-legged pedaling is not fully understood.Thus,the study was aimed to examine changes in leg muscle activation patterns between 2-legged and 1-legged pedaling.Methods:Fifteen healthy young recreational cyclists performed both 1-legged and 2-legged pedaling trials at about 30 Watt per leg.Surface electromyography electrodes were placed on 10 major muscles of the left leg.Linear envelope electromyography data were integrated to quantify muscle activities for each crank cycle quadrant to evaluate muscle activation changes.Results:Overall,the prescribed constant power requirements led to reduced downstroke crank torque and extension-related muscle activities(vastus lateralis,vastus medialis,and soleus)in 1-legged pedaling.Flexion-related muscle activities(biceps femoris long head,semitendinosus,lateral gastrocnemius,medial gastrocnemius,tensor fasciae latae,and tibialis anterior)in the upstroke phase increased to compensate for the absence of contralateral leg crank torque.During the upstroke,simultaneous increases were seen in the hamstrings and uni-articular knee extensors,and in the ankle plantarflexors and dorsiflexors.At the top of the crank cycle,greater hip flexor activity stabilized the pelvis.Conclusion:The observed changes in muscle activities are due to a variety of changes in mechanical aspects of the pedaling motion when pedaling with only 1 leg,including altered crank torque patterns without the contralateral leg,reduced pelvis stability,and increased knee and ankle stiffness during the upstroke.  相似文献   

In lateral reactive movements, core stability may influence knee and hip joint kinematics and kinetics. Insufficient core stabilisation is discussed as a major risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Due to the higher probability of ACL injuries in women, this study concentrates on how gender influences trunk, pelvis and leg kinematics during lateral reactive jumps (LRJs). Perturbations were investigated in 12 men and 12 women performing LRJs under three different landing conditions: a movable landing platform was programmed to slide, resist or counteract upon landing. Potential group effects on three-dimensional trunk, pelvic, hip and knee kinematics were analysed for initial contact (IC) and the time of peak pelvic medial tilt (PPT). Regardless of landing conditions, the joint excursions in the entire lower limb joints were gender-specific. Women exhibited higher trunk left axial rotation at PPT (women: 4.0 ± 7.5°, men: ?3.1 ± 8.2°; p = 0.011) and higher hip external rotation at both IC and PPT (p < 0.01). But women demonstrated higher knee abduction compared to men. Men demonstrated more medial pelvic tilt at IC and especially PPT (men: –5.8 ± 4.9°, women: 0.3 ± 6.3°; p = 0.015). Strategies for maintaining trunk, pelvis and lower limb alignment during lateral reactive movements were gender-specific; the trunk and hip rotations displayed by the women were associated with the higher knee abduction amplitudes and therefore might reflect a movement strategy which is associated with higher injury risk. However, training interventions are needed to fully understand how gender-specific core stability strategies are related to performance and knee injury.  相似文献   

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