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Virtually unknown to the academic world, for over 25 years the U.S. Army has conducted a sophisticated continuing education program for its reserve component officers, marked by many aspects of the nontraditional study civilian campuses are now discovering. This paper discusses goals, courses, delivery systems, faculty, instructional materials and methods, and students of the army program and summarizes the characteristics adaptable to many forms of civilian alternative higher education—credit for life experience, credit by examination, varied yet articulated delivery systems, quality control exercised by residence faculty, maximum use of ad hoc faculty, tangible and intangible student incentives, constantly revised instructional materials, in-service training for instructors, and performance testing—a cost-effective program at once responsible for academic standards and responsive to student needs.A product of the school system he describes, Col. Schoenfeld served as a USAR School Instructor, Chief of Staff, and Commandant. In civilian life he is Joint Professor of Journalism and Wildlife Ecology and Director of Inter-College Programs, the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.  相似文献   

数字教育电视节目作为一种有效的现代教学手段,在现代教育和培训中发挥着重要的作用。首先对教育电视节目的类型作出了划分,接着借鉴韩国电视剧的成功经验,并将其与国内的教育电视节目作比较分析,提出教育电视节目的设计策略,最后提出传播策略,以期为国内数字教育电视的发展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Conclusion The viewing of an educational film anf the recall of this viewing should constitute a satisfying learning experience so that the film’s message will be incorporated into a useful store of vicarious experience and remembered facts. Such learning is most likely to occur when those who write, direct, and edit a film have a clear understanding of the nature of the film’s audience and of what the film is expected to do to this audience. Knowing these things and to present his subject matter in the most interesting and satisfying manner possible. Here a long-time writer of educational films and television programs presents some thoughtful ideas on the design of instructional films for specific cudiences. Ralph R. White is a scenario writer with the Army Pictorial Center.  相似文献   

培养信用管理人才是建立科学的信用管理机制、健全完善的信用管理体系的重要举措。我国的信用管理专业教育正在起步,其中中央电大和天津电大共建的开放教育信用管理专业是全国唯一的信用管理专科专业。我国的信用管理专业教育存在专业教育的内容与具体依据尚不明确、专业教育的普及性有待提高、专业教育的师资力量仍需加强等问题。本文提出了包括培养目标及规格、教学模式、教学媒体和课程设置等专业建设方案以及尚待解决的政策、师资、教学资源、实践基地和教育平台等问题。  相似文献   

A strategy for teaching and learning was developed at Britannia Royal Naval College during 2006 in order to address several key issues. These included improving professional knowledge and skills retention, enhancing pedagogical practices to increase levels of student motivation, and adapting the training and educational package to an extremely diverse student population. Additional drivers such as those provided by externally accredited programmes of study were also addressed. This article presents a brief review of the development of strategies for teaching and learning in higher education, together with a history of teaching and learning in the military environment. Data from a recent MORI (Market & Opinion Research International) student survey conducted at Britannia Royal Naval College are presented and analysed. It has been found that the unique nature of the military education environment, where students from a wide variety of educational and ethnic backgrounds follow a compressed programme involving a combination of both training and education, requires the modification of existing best practice in the strategies for teaching and learning employed at ‘civilian’ universities. This case study, highlighting the key areas of the development and use of a bespoke teaching and learning strategy, shows how such a strategy benefits students, staff and the wider organisation. Findings highlight the fact that an appropriate balance of training and education enables military college officer graduates to cope with the unpredictable challenges of the modern world more effectively than training alone, pertinent to any organisation involved in professional training and education.  相似文献   

Summary Responses were obtained from 50 fourth and ninth grade teachers on a 55-item test of their attitudes toward television in the classroom after 33 of them had been involved and 17 not involved in television series which introduced new ways of teaching mathematics. Intercorrelations were computed, and factors were analyzed. The resulting factor structure indicated 10 unique factors of the attitudes expressed. No general factor was found. The ten factors were tentatively identified as follows: challenge-threat, economy, instructional side-benefits, partnership between TV and classroom teachers, responsiveness, parental influences, security of the classroom teacher, invidious comparison, experimental attitude, and in-service training. On the whole the teachers’ attitudes were highly favorable to instructional television, and consistently rejected the idea that the TV teacher represents a threat to the classroom teacher.  相似文献   

Conclusions Color television is so new that there is little concrete information on the subject. However, it seems logical to doubt that color will provide any general increased effectiveness to educational TV. In some areas, such as art and medicine, the impact may be great; but for the greater proportion of educational subjects, it will not contribute a great deal. In view of this, together with the present high cost of color TV, it would seem foolish for educational TV to delay development because color television is coming. The transition to color can always be made after the piomeering is done, when costs have gone down, when color receiver circulation is large enough to make color worth while, and when the numerous problems of color programming and production have been solved. What effect will color TV have upon educational TV programs? How expensive will color TV be for educational use? How will educational TV stations use color TV? What competition will commercial color TV offer to educational black and white TV stations? These questions are answered and an overview of the implications of color for educational TV is presented. E. G. Sherburne, Jr., was formerly Television Coordinator at the U. S. Navy Special Devices Center, Port Washington, Long Island, New York.  相似文献   

高职院校学生军训的实践和思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对高职学生进行军训不仅是国防教育的需要,也是学生政治思想教育和综合素质培养的重要载体。高职院校要按照“提高认识、规范管理、突出特色、巩固成果”的思路,发挥军训的教育引导功能,提高军训在培养人才中的贡献率。  相似文献   

积极探索军民融合式军事教育资源建设对军事教育又好又快发展具有十分重要的现实意义。分析了军民融合式军事教育资源建设的必要性和可行性,提出军民融合式军事教育资源建设达到智力资源合理流动、信息资源适度共享、硬件资源共建共用的基本构想,并指出在建设过程中应注意的几个环节。  相似文献   

中日近现代音乐教育及其改革之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中日两国近现代以来,在音乐教育领域进行了一系列改革。本文对两国音乐教育指导思想、音乐教育政策与法规、音乐教育教学实践等进行了比较研究,并归纳出有关结论与启示。  相似文献   

军民融合背景下装备保障模式出现了新的变革,军事计量也出现新的发展趋势,军事计量工作实际需求对军事计量人才培养和课程建设提出了新的要求,沿用至今的军事计量课程体系、内容架构和课程教学方法已经无法满足装备保障对于军事计量人才的需求.结合调研结果和教学经验,对军事计量课程内容架构设计、教学方法、课程资源建设与考核方法等提出新...  相似文献   

Conclusion It should be clear that television has much to contribute to education both in extending educational opportunity more widely and in raising the level of quality of what is offered. But to use it effectively it is essential that its characteristics be understood, its potentials be utilized, and its limitations be overcome. Wisely used, television can prove to be a twentieth century answer to some of the century’s most pressing educational problems. On leave from Ohio State University, the husband and wife American specialist team of I. Keith Tyler (long-time director of the Institute for Education by Radio-Television and consultant in educational broadcasting) and Margaret C. Tyler (supervisor of the Ohio School of the Air) spent six and one-half months in the United Arab Republic working with UAR-Television and the Ministry of Education developing an instructional TV series in Arabic literacy and laying the foundations for the extensive use of television in formal education. They followed this with short-term assignments in Manila, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan, lecturing and consulting with leaders in education and television. Educational Implications of the Television Medium was originally presented by Mr. Tyler to representatives of the Ministry of Education in Cairo as basic orientation, and, with minor changes, to educators and broadcasters at Ateneo University in Manila.  相似文献   

The emergence of compensatory education and special education as two distinct entities within the larger educational system can be readily understood in terms of each program's unique social and historical background. An argument for continued separation of treatment along programmatic lines cannot be supported, however, due to growing evidence that the educational rationale for separate systems does not hold. That is, specific instructional treatments tend not to vary across programs, and particular strategies found to be effective are effective for both compensatory and special education students. Drawing upon a diverse pool of studies, we review the findings on the features of effective instructional practices that help to move the lower quartile of students closer to the mean and that are not setting bound. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of effective instruction research for future research, reform policies, and current educational practices.  相似文献   

Minimal consideration has been given to the function of educational television in the education of young children. Teachers have to overcome habits adopted with children's home viewing, and rationalize how television can be part of the curriculum before efficacy materializes. This does not appear to be happening with many infants' school teachers. Educational television broadcasts do not seem to be used as an ongoing teaching element to stimulate experiences beyond children's normal school activities. The entire blame cannot be attributed to the teachers for they have been given little guidance on the use of educational television during initial training or in subsequent in-service provisions, and in curriculum theory. It is necessary therefore to collect and analyse carefully information about the effects of educational television on infants' school children and the conditions which appear to influence whether or not it is educationally effective, but this cannot be done until a satisfactory monitoring procedure is established.  相似文献   

TfU是一种以"理解"为"招牌"的教学模式,强调理解的"表现观"。教学设计是教育技术的灵魂,加强教师对教学设计概念的理解是教育技术培训的一个重点和难点所在。以教学设计内容为案例,从启发性论题、理解目标、理解活动和持续性评估等TfU的四个组成部分来论述该模式在高校教师教育技术能力培训中的实际应用过程,以期对当前教学模式改革和教育技术培训工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research is to examine in-service teachers' instructional beliefs about student-centered education. The inventory was designed to measure teachers' student-centered educational beliefs based on four components of the educational curriculum comprising of educational objectives, content, teaching strategies and instructional assessment. Data for the study were collected from 307 in-service teachers working at K-8 schools. A quantitative research analysis showed that in-service teachers held positive beliefs about student-centered education. In addition, the characteristics of teachers such as school level, teaching experience, teaching subject and educational background had statistically significant effects on their beliefs about student-centered education.  相似文献   

In highlighting the nature of educational television in Nigeria, the author traces the development of television in Nigeria, discusses aspects of instructional and educational television and looks at their importance in Nigerian education and national development. Some of the educational programmes broadcast on Nigerian television are described and the major problems facing the television industry are discussed. The author proposes some recommendations for solving those problems.  相似文献   

实验室建设是培养创新人才的摇篮,是军队院校办学水平的重要标志。重视对学员创新能力的培养,以培养学员创新精神和创新能力为目标的实验室必将成为军校培养创新型人才的重要基地。结合学院实际,主要从加强实验室队伍建设、开放实验室、积极开展并参与各种竞赛、精心组织毕业设计4个方面,探讨了以培养军校学员创新能力为目标的措施。从实践效果看,取得了一些操作性强、军校特色浓、具有推广应用价值的成果,收到了明显效果,为广大学员发挥创造性和开发智力提供了理想的学习场所,为学院的教学科研作出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   

联教联训代表着合力育人的价值取向和开放办学的发展方向,是人才培养的常态化模式和训练重要途径。为了有效展开并稳步推进联教联训实践性教学活动,从院校与部队应把握的共性要求为切入点,阐明了联教联训合作双方只有广泛凝聚共识,做到齐抓共管,任务同承共担,才能确保互利共赢、携手共进。  相似文献   

国防教育作为一个新的研究方向正在蓬勃发展,军地院校都加大了该学科的建设力度.但军地双方在招生对象、课程设置、学位授予等方面有一定的差异,在培养过程中也普遍存在培养目标定位偏低、师资结构不尽合理、课程设置不太科学、教材体系不够完善、就业基本不对口、学科归属不统一等问题.  相似文献   

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