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运用文献研究法、问卷调查法、访谈法、统计法等研究方法,结合在初中体育教学实践经验,对张家港市初中女生体育课兴趣的现状进行调查研究,分析影响其因素,并提出了相应的对策.研究认为当前张家港的初中女生对体育课兴趣有待提高,对体育课学习动机有待改善,学习动力不足;学校体育课开课项目有待改良,要想改善初中女生的体育课兴趣缺失现状,不仅要从学生自身的生理、心理特点出发,还需要外部因素的支持和引导.  相似文献   

王恒 《体育世界》2010,(6):25-26
文章通过对高职院女生上体育课的兴趣进行调查,发现女生的体质在逐年下滑,而且对体育课的积极性明显不如男生高反映了不可忽视学校体育工作的客观事实,并就如何提高女生对体育课的兴趣提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

学生体育课运动的兴趣和积极性是提高体育课有效性的重要途径,但当前很多学校的初中部分女生上体育课时普遍存在消极怠工、无精打采、注意力不集中、畏难情绪较大、借故请假较多等现象,她们对体育课已失去兴趣,喜欢上课由她们自己支配,如散散步,聊聊天等.严重影响了体育课的效率和学生的身体素质.本文通过研究,从初中女生对体育课的兴趣程度。  相似文献   

公伟 《体育科技文献通报》2012,20(6):71+107-71,107
2008北京奥运会的落幕,我国群众体育热情空前高涨。但是学校体育的兴趣问题不容乐观。学校体育是终身体育的基础,如何在体育教学中培养学生的体育意识和兴趣,已日益为广大体育教育者所关心。本文就江苏省苏州市中学女生对体育课兴趣不高的现状及成因进行了分析和研究,并在此基础上系统阐述了解决这一问题的措施和方法,从而为提高中学女生体育课的教学质量提供参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对福建省税务学校05、06、07级女生共400人访问和调查。通过培养体育的认识能力。增强对体育兴趣,树立创新能力,培养科学自我调节能力。培养组织体育活动的能力等系列过程,构建了提高中等职业中专女生自我锻炼能力的途径和方法。  相似文献   

体育课作为教育系统中的一项重要内容,是一个以学生为核心,以体育教师为引导的教学活动。通过运用观察法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对洛阳市涧西区中学学生的体育课学习兴趣现状进行研究与分析。结果表明,洛阳市涧西区中学学生对体育课的学习兴趣总体较高,但也存在以下特点:该校学生对体育课的学习兴趣随年级的增长呈下降趋势,且女生的学习兴趣相对较低。在对影响体育课学习兴趣的相关因素中发现,学生拥有良好的学习动机、学校领导正确对待体育教学都能很好地提升学生的兴趣,但教学内容以及教学场地等方面的不足也会影响到学生对体育课的兴趣。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、调查法与数理统计等研究方法,对广东省惠州市五所小学女生体育课兴趣的影响因素进行调查研究,结果发现:影响惠州市五所小学女生不喜欢体育课的主要因素是体育教师上课死板、无自由活动时间、自身身体素质不好、体育课又苦又累等,并提出在体育课教学中应注重女生积极的情感体验、尊重女生的自主性、教学手段多样化等教学策略,充分发挥女生的主体作用,达到激发女生体育课兴趣的目的。  相似文献   

<正>本文通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等研究方法,对影响常州市武进区横林初中女生体育课兴趣的因素进行调查,分析了影响初中女生体育课兴趣的因素,提出了提高初中女生体育课兴趣的对策,以期激发学生参与锻炼意识。1研究对象与方法1.1研究对象常州市武进区横林初中部分女生。1.2研究方法1.2.1文献资料法根据研究需要,通过中国知网文献数据库,中国期刊网(NKI)、万方数据库等文献数据库进行了相关文献资料的检索与搜集,收集了大量的有关信息,为研究提供了可靠的理论  相似文献   

随着终身体育思想的确立,体育兴趣的培养问题更加引起高校体育界的重视。就湖南省高校女生对体育课兴趣不高的现状及成因进行了分析和研究,并在此基础上系统阐述了解决这一问题的措施和方法,以求为提高我国高校女生体育课教学质量提供参考依据。  相似文献   

<正>提高初中女生对体育课的兴趣,是完成教学任务的根本保证,对她们养成终身锻炼习惯也有十分重要的作用。男、女分班上课较为科学,可充分调动女生积极性,课堂效果明显。但很多学校存在实际问题,暂不能开展,笔者学校也是其中之一,本人通过教学实践和调查,  相似文献   

沈豪杰 《当代体育科技》2020,(10):176-176,178
近年来,国家对体育教学的重视程度与日俱增,各中职学校也想出各种办法,出台各种措施,开展各种各样的活动,以此来督促学生锻炼身体、增强体质。有的学校更是推出了跑步打卡等软件。而体育课是学生获取体育知识、运动技能、培养运动兴趣、增强体质的主阵地。体育课的教学质量,直接决定着中职学生的身体素质水平,提高体育课堂的效率才是重中之重。本文主要围绕信息化在中职体育教学中的应用,做出了相应的探讨和思考。  相似文献   


Objective: Physical education (PE) has been attributed an important role in providing young people with physical activity. If sufficiently active, PE lessons could contribute to physical activity levels in youth. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the overall intensity of Dutch primary and secondary school physical education (PE) lessons and the influence of various lesson characteristics on these intensity levels. Methods: Between September 2008 and June 2009 heart rates were measured using the Polar Team System in a nationally distributed sample of 913 students in 40 schools in the Netherlands. Results: Overall percentages lesson time in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) were 46.7% and 40.1% during primary school and secondary school PE respectively. Results indicated a sharp decline in girls’ PE intensity levels at the beginning of secondary school. Furthermore, secondary school boys were more active than girls. The high prevalence of teamgames in the Dutch PE curricula might prevent secondary school girls from attaining similar physical activity levels during PE.  相似文献   

顾敏芳 《体育科技》2003,24(4):50-52
采用问卷调查法 ,调查了职校女生在体育教学中出现的运动性肌肉酸痛的情况。分析了职校女生在体育教学中出现运动性肌肉酸痛的原因 ,并提出了预防和解决的方法 ,对提高职校女生的体育锻炼兴趣和体育锻炼效果有积极的意义。  相似文献   

Purpose: An objective database for physical education (PE) is important for policy and practice decisions, and the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT) has been identified as an appropriate surveillance tool for PE across the nation. The purpose of this review was to assess peer-reviewed studies using SOFIT to study K–12 PE in U.S. schools. Method: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses informed the review, and 10 databases were searched for English-language articles published through 2016. A total of 704 records identifying SOFIT were located, and 137 full texts were read. Two authors reviewed full-text articles, and a data extraction tool was developed to select studies and main topics for synthesis. Results: Twenty-nine studies that included direct observations of 12,256 PE lessons met inclusion criteria; 17 were conducted in elementary schools, 9 in secondary schools, and 3 in combined-level schools. Inconsistent reporting among studies was evident, including not all identifying the number of classes and teachers involved. All studies reported student physical activity, but fewer reported observer reliabilities (88%), lesson context (76%), teacher behavior (38%), and PE dosage (34%). The most frequently analyzed independent variables were teacher preparation (48%), lesson location (38%), and student gender (31%). Conclusions: SOFIT can be used reliably in diverse settings. Inconsistent reporting about study procedures and variables analyzed, however, limited comparisons among studies. Adherence to an established protocol and more consistent reporting would more fully enable the development of a viable database for PE in U.S. schools.  相似文献   

职业实用性体育是结合专业特点开展的具有实用价值的特色体育教学活动。通过对中职学校开展职业实用性体育教学的意义、内容的设置和实施等方面进行了探析,为深化中职体育教学,提高人才培养质量提供基础。  相似文献   

当前我国的体育事业蓬勃发展,更是将发展的方向和目光投入到了学校之中,但是当前许多中职学校的体育课程的设置与其设置理念等存在着较大的问题,导致部分中职学校的体育课程的发展受到了阻滞。体育课程的开设对于学校具有着重要的意义,承担起培养更多优秀的体育后备人才,以及加强学生自身的身体素质的责任。因而当前对于学校中体育课程的改革迫在眉睫。本文通过对中职学校体育课程改革理论进行阐述,提出相应的改革实践方案,最终为学校体育课程的改革提供相应的理论基础与依据。  相似文献   

根据2005年青海省学生体质健康调研资料,对7~18岁汉、土、撒拉族中小学女生的身体形态、机能发育和身体素质发展进行调查分析,了解青海高原汉、土、撒拉族中小学女生生长发育特点和规律及存在的差异,建议在西部地区经济发展的基础上来关注女生,逐步提高该地区适龄女生的体质水平。  相似文献   

体育竞赛是发展校园体育文化的关键因素,两者相辅相成,缺一不可。随着我国教育行业的不断发展与进步,近年来社会各界和教育处对职业技术的教育越来越重视,同时,对职业学校在文化教育内涵等方面也更加关注,以促使中职学校的学生建立起更浓厚的体育文化,实现中职学校学生体育竞赛和校园体育文化内涵的有效结合,从而提升学生的综合素养,推进中职学校学生教育的稳步发展。该文对中职学校学生体育竞赛与校园体育文化内涵的建设进行探究与分析。  相似文献   

本文对中等职业学校体育舞蹈课的课程模式、价值、教学内容进行讨论和分析,为中等职业学校开展体育舞蹈课提供参考依据。  相似文献   


Background: Physical education (PE) can be considered the centrepiece of school physical literacy (PL) programs, but ineffective lessons or an absence of PE across the public primary school system has raised concern. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation, acceptability and impact of teacher delivery of PE as part of a multicomponent Physical Education Physical Literacy (PEPL) approach, designed to improve classroom teachers’ provision of PE and PL opportunities within a cluster of suburban primary schools.

Method: Within a pragmatic randomised cluster-based trial with mixed methods, a PEPL coach was appointed to seven schools for one school year, with another seven schools continuing their usual practice as the control group. The coach’s role was to support and professionally develop classroom teachers to teach PE and to create opportunities that develop PL inside and outside the school environment. Focusing on Grade 5 teachers, the implementation, acceptability and teacher impact were assessed using direct observations of PE teaching style, a daily log kept by the coach and interviews with principals and teachers.

Results: The PEPL coach visited each school on average once a week for the 33 available weeks of the school year. There were several positive effects for teachers and schools. With no classroom teacher initially taking PE or classroom physical activity breaks, all seven teachers regularly introduced a PE lesson and activity breaks into their weekly schedule. PE class instructional time increased (intervention; +4.8 vs. control; ?3.5 min/lesson; β?=?1.69; SE?=?0.76; p?=?.05), with lessons of greater duration (intervention; +8.6 vs. control +1.9 min/lesson; β?=?1.14, SE?=?0.58, p?=?.05) and moderate and vigorous physical activity increased 5.7 min in intervention classes (p?<?.05). The PEPL coach introduced regular physical activities before and after school and linked the schools with a national sports coaching scheme. Interviews indicated that the PEPL approach was both valued and well-accepted by staff, that classroom teacher confidence to teach PE increased and that principals perceived a shift toward a school ‘culture’ of physical activity.

Conclusions: Well-received by classroom teachers and principals, the PEPL approach resulted in classroom teachers introducing both PE and activity breaks into their weekly teaching program and schools were linked to external sport coaching programs. These effects suggest that the PEPL approach enhanced opportunities for the development of physical literacy in this suburban primary school setting.

Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry identifier: ACTRN12615000066583.  相似文献   

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