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浮沉子实验,通常用来说明物体的浮沉条件,常为很多老师的教学所用。实验装置如图1所示:其中A为玻璃容器,B为水,C为玻璃瓶浮沉子,D为浮沉子内空气柱,E为橡皮膜,R为玻璃容器内上方被封闭的气体。  相似文献   

浮沉子实验通常用来说明物体的浮沉条件,实验装置如图1所示。其中A为玻璃容器,B为水,C为玻璃瓶浮沉子,D为浮沉子的空气柱,E为橡皮膜,R为被封闭的气体。  相似文献   

1 浮沉子实验 浮沉子实验通常用来说明物体的浮沉条件,实验装置如图1所示.其中A为玻璃容器,B为水,C为玻璃瓶浮沉子,D为浮沉子的空气柱,E为橡皮膜,R为被封闭的气体.  相似文献   

浮沉子实验生动有趣,照一些书上的叙述:“手指按橡皮膜,浮力减小,浮沉子下沉;手指脱离橡皮膜,浮力增大,浮沉子上浮;手指用力适当,浮沉子停留在水中”似乎演示很简单。事实上,若实验条件取得不当就难以控制浮沉子的浮沉而使实验“失灵”。对此,本文将就浮沉子浮沉的物理过程及规律作一粗浅分析。浮沉子实验的一般装置如图1所示:E为橡皮膜;C为玻璃管;D为浮沉子玻璃壳;K_1为被E封闭的气体,初始时体积为V_1,压强为P_(10);K_2为封闭在浮沉子内  相似文献   

关于"浮沉子"在水下存在平衡位置的问题,就笔者在中国知网搜索的关于"浮沉子"的文章来看,有一些涉及"浮沉子"的水下平衡问题,主要是定性的描述。笔者通过理论分析和计算得出水下平衡位置与"浮沉子"下沉的深度和玻璃容器上部分气压之间的关系。  相似文献   

浮沉子是初中物理浮力教学中常做的演示实验之一,操作时偶尔会出现无法下沉或下沉后不再上浮的现象。从三种配重不同的浮沉子浮与沉的实验现象出发,对浮沉子浮与沉的原理进行深度剖析,找到有的浮沉子不下沉而有的浮沉子下沉后不上浮的原因,为成功制作浮沉子提供理论支持。  相似文献   

一、浮沉子浮沉子是初中教材中一个颇有趣味的实验。不过,它的原理却不像它自身那样简单。如图1,用手指向下压橡皮膜时,气体1的体积变小,压强增加,浮沉子原来所处的那种平衡态被破坏,液体被压入浮沉子内,而气体2由于体积缩小压强增大,而达到新的平衡。同时,由于气体2体积缩小,浮力也相应地减小,浮沉子下沉。反之,浮沉子上浮。  相似文献   

锌跟水反应的实验方法河北玉田师范学校(064100)齐俊林锌在红热状态时可以跟水蒸气反应,生成氢气。但该反应在玻璃容器内进行时,玻璃容器容易炸裂,导致实验失败。为此,笔者对该反应的实验方法进行了研究改进。一、实验原理Zn+H2O(气)=ZnO+H2↑...  相似文献   

浮沉子是学生学习浮力时做的一个有趣的实验,如图,塑料可乐瓶中倒悬的小玻璃瓶称为浮沉子。当用力捏可乐瓶时,浮沉子下沉,当松手后,浮沉子又会上浮,直到漂浮于可乐瓶中水面为止。似乎手压塑料瓶时,浮沉子就下沉;手松以后,浮沉子就上浮。实际并非如此。  相似文献   

常建  丁志勇 《物理教师》2011,(10):37-38
1引言1.1浮沉子的制作作者在期刊网上搜索关于浮沉子的制作及原理问题.总结出一般浮沉子的制作材料不外乎小滴瓶、医用滴管的橡皮帽;一端封口的玻璃管、废旧的饮料瓶;用于封玻璃管口的橡皮膜、气球皮;水和配重用的诸如焊锡丝、保险丝之类[1].稍加扩展的浮沉子也不外乎用注射器及瓶外接液柱  相似文献   

我曾经对我的弟子们这样讲: 发展自己——我们每个人真正的大事。 给自己多储备一些知识,让自己多增长一些学问,逼自己多培养一些能力。  相似文献   

观察现代社会服饰,服装时髦在女性的表现上远胜于男性,其明显特征即是追求一定程度上能裸露形体曲线的服装。现代服装时髦在性别差异上的不同表现,既有内在的生理、心理诸多因素的差异,又有外在的社会因素对两性不同影响的结果。女性追求时髦是人权自由,人类文明进步的标志。  相似文献   

本文从“四王”与“四僧”山水画的产生,以及所处的时代,形成的相关因素,思想意识,审美取向,和存在的两种不同的个性特征进行了刍议。以引发我们在今天山水画的继承和发展中,启迪一份感悟。  相似文献   

Making of errors is an inevitable and indeed necessary part of the learning process.We should have positive attitude towards errors and the policies towards error correction should be flexible and adaptable.Teachers should have different policies towards different errors.For example,pre-systematic error should be tolerated.The immediate correction is ineffective.The systematic error should be corrected immediately,with the help of the teacher.And the teacher should encourage the student to discover and correct the post-systematic error by themselves.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an exploratory study of students’ knowledge about scientists and countries’ contributions to science, aiming at answering two research questions: “In which ways are students aware of the history of scientific development carried out by different people in different places of the world? What can be influencing and shaping their awareness?” Thus, this study aimed at depicting students’ knowledge about History of Science (HOS), focusing on what they know about science being done by people and communities from different parts of the world and on how this knowledge is constructed through their engagement with school science. An exploratory research was carried out at two multicultural state secondary schools in London, UK, involving 200 students aged 12–15 (58.5% girls, 41.5% boys) and five science teachers. The method involved an initial exploration of students’ knowledge about HOS through an open-ended survey, followed by classroom-based observations and semi-structured interviews with the participants. Results showed a disconnection between remembering scientists and knowing about their work and background, hinting at an emphasis on illustrative and decontextualised approaches towards HOS. Additionally, there was a lack of diversity in these students’ answers in terms of gender and ethnicity when talking about scientists and countries in science. These findings were further analysed in relation to their implications for school science and for the fields of HOS, science education and public perception of science.  相似文献   

一、名师的风采前不久有幸聆听到特级教师于永正执教苏教版四年级下册的一篇饱含亲情的美文——《第一次抱母亲》。于老师用完整的两课时向听课老师生动、具体地诠释了苏版教材所提出的"倡简、务本、求实、有度"八字方针,其中的一处朗读指导更给在场老师留下了深刻的印象。  相似文献   

There are many kinds of corrective feedback for SLA learners, which include explicit feedback, recast and prompts. Since teacher plays a very important role in SLA teaching, we should carefully use corrective feedback. From the book A Research Agenda For Second Language Acquisition Of Pre-literate And Low-literate Adult And Adolescent Learners' s examples and my own real teaching experience, I assume that teacher should choose different corrective feedback to different students. Their learning abilities, English levels as well as their characteristics and personalities should be all taken into account when you are giving a corrective feedback to students. In other words, as a SLA teacher, we should teach students in accordance with their aptitude. And teachers better use different corrective feedback when they are going to response or react to their different students.  相似文献   

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