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Eye movements of stumptailed monkeys were measured during learning of a pattern discrimination problem. Amount of scanning (shifts in visual fixation from one pattern to the other) increased once learning began and reached a maximum either at about the point that frequency of correct responses reached asymptote or just after that. These results, taken together with earlier findings on vicarious trial and error and operant observing behavior, suggest that this is the characteristic pattern of change in frequency of observing during visual discrimination learning. A change in information processing strategy is proposed as one explanation for these results. Duration of the last fixation on a discriminative stimulus during a trial showed similar, though not identical, changes with practice. The decrease in duration of the last fixation following learning contrasts with results of prior studies involving more complex tasks, and supports our conclusion that the duration of the last fixation is particularly sensitive to the cognitive processing requirements of the discriminative task.  相似文献   

Three rats were trained under a discrimination procedure in which responding was reinforced only following the repeated presentation of three bursts of white noise (S+). S? consisted of presentations of either two or four bursts of noise. All animals responded significantly more in the presence of S+ and, in two cases, showed lower response rates to both “2” and “4” stimuli. Responding by the third animal revealed differentiation between S+ and the stimulus “2,” but no reliable suppression to stimulus “4.” The present instances of discriminative control by the stimulus “3” replicate Fernandes and Church’s (1982) demonstration of control by sequential auditory stimuli in the rat. Moreover, because the present procedure involves adjacent S? values both greater as well as less than S+, these results extend our knowledge of the rat’s abilities with sequential auditory stimuli: Rats are capable of making intermediate numerical discriminations based upon something other than a simple many-versus-few dichotomy.  相似文献   

Compared with their performance with localized (on-key) visual stimuli, pigeons are notoriously poor at performing go/no-go discriminations when keypecking for food in the presence of auditory discriminative stimuli. The difference might reflect the fact that an aversive visual onkey stimulus signaling nonreward can be escaped by looking away and not pecking, which contributes to the measure of good discriminative performance, while an auditory stimulus cannot be escaped. In Experiment 1, discriminative performance was significantly improved by providing pigeons with a response incompatible with keypecking by which they could escape a tone S+ and a tone S?. However, the pattern, frequency, and duration of escape responses were found to be insufficient to explain the improvement. In Experiment 2, it was found that the capacity to escape only S+ or only S? enhanced discriminative performance as much as the capacity to escape both. It is theorized that the Pavlovian relationship between the absence of the discriminative stimuli and the nonoccurrence of food might transfer to the instrumental relationships learned in a go/no-go discrimination. The possibility that intermittent stimuli command more attention than continuous stimuli is also considered.  相似文献   

Two groups of four pigeons each were trained on a discrimination between two intensities of white noise. The low-intensity group had a 60-dB intensity as the negative discriminative stimulus (S?) and a 70-dB intensity as the positive discriminative stimulus (S+): the high-intensity group had a 95-dB intensity as S? and an 85-dB intensity as S+. Generalization stimuli were all of higher intensity than S+ for the former group and all of lower intensity than S+ for the latter group. The rate of acquisition of the discrimination was faster for the Ss in the high-intensity group. In both groups, the maximum of the generalization function was shifted toward the middle values of the set of test stimuli, away from the training stimuli. Responding showed a decline at the far end of the range of test stimuli. Responding to the positive training stimulus was initially as great as it had been on the preceding training sessions, but became markedly depressed relative to responding to the other stimuli as the test progressed.  相似文献   

The effects of transitions from nonrewarded (N) to rewarded (R) trials (N-R transitions) on discriminative behavior in differential conditioning and subsequent resistance to extinction were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, groups given N-R transitions within S+ were more resistant to discrimination (ran fast in S?) and extinction than were groups given a partial reinforcement (PRF) schedule in S+ devoid of N-R transitions. Experiment 2 indicated that N-R transitions that occur when an N trial in S? is followed by an R trial in S+ are as effective in increasing resistance to discrimination, but not resistance to extinction, as are N-R transitions that occur within S+. The sequential effects obtained here were highly similar to those in conventional PRF and support the view that differential conditioning and PRF are highly interrelated phenomena. The results are discussed in terms of the extension of sequential theory to differential conditioning and the importance of internal reward-produced cues in discrimination learning.  相似文献   

The effect of training a positive discriminative stimulus (S+ ) as a signal for the nonreinforcement of an instrumental response (S?) on the ability of that stimulus to evoke its original instrumental response was examined in three experiments using rats. In all three experiments, two different stimuli were established as S+s for different response-outcome relations. In Experiment 1, an S+ was less effective in controlling its original response after it had undergone training as an S? for a new response that earned the same outcome than it was after training as an S? for a response that earned a different outcome. Experiment 2 established that this effect was not mediated by Pavlovian inhibitory conditioning produced by the negative correlation between the S+ and the outcome during S? training. Simply arranging a negative correlation between S+ and the outcome whose occurrence it had previously signaled did not impair the ability of that S+ to elicit its original response. In Experiment 3, the response-evoking properties of an S+ were found to be undermined by using the S+ as a signal for the simple extinction of a new response trained with the same outcome, but not with a different outcome. These results suggest that positive discriminative stimuli use their associations with the outcomes earned in their presence to control the responses that earned those outcomes.  相似文献   


The temporal discrimination hypothesis (TDH) of delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) stresses the animal’s ability to discriminate which choice-stimulus alternative has appeared most recently as sample. Thus, the emphasis is placed on discriminative processes, temporal in nature, rather than on the traditional trace or buffer storage mechanisms of short-term memory. Some of the predictions of the TDH were tested within the context of the DMTS task. Experiment I showed that the difficulty of sample-stimulus sequences could be predicted by the TDH. Experiment II showed DMTS performance to be an increasing function of the number of sample stimuli employed, a result predicted by the TDH, but not by a traditional proactive interference interpretation. The results demonstrate the importance of temporal discriminative processes in DMTS. The possibility for a simpler theoretical approach to memory, in general, is discussed.


In this investigation, which employed rats in a runway, discriminative responding consisted of faster running on the reinforced than on the nonreinforced trials of either the 4NR or R4N schedule, both schedules containing fixed, repeated sequences of nonreinforced and reinforced trials. Under the 4NR schedule, four nonreinforced trials preceded a reinforced trial each day, and under the R4N schedule, a reinforced trial was followed by four nonreinforced trials each day. The major finding obtained was that under the 4NR schedule, discriminative responding was improved very substantially by a shift to extinction. Rats maintained on the 4NR schedule did not show improved discriminative responding, nor did discriminative responding improve in extinction following training under either the R4N schedule or a schedule of consistent reinforcement. Latent discrimination learning was defined as discriminative responding which fails to reflect adequately the amount of discrimination learning accomplished. The present findings demonstrate latent discrimination learning for regular schedules of partial reinforcement, something already demonstrated for brightness differential conditioning and possibly DRL schedules, as well.  相似文献   

Pigeons were given successive discrimination training in which pecking during a choice period when the key was white was either reinforced or not, depending upon the prior presence or absence of a discriminative stimulus, which was a two-element serial compound. The compound consisted of a keylight and food, with food presented second or first in a forward or backward pairing for different groups of pigeons. In Experiment 1, the sequence was an S+ indicating reinforced trials, while in Experiment 2, the sequence was an S? indicating nonreinforced trials. Following acquisition of discriminated operant behavior, a sequence generalization test was administered during which all possible orders of the two stimuli were presented on test trials prior to the onset of the choice period. The results showed that food overshadowed stimulus control by the color of the light on the key on the sequence-generalization test, independently of whether food was presented first or second during training and independently of whether food was associated with reinforcement or nonreinforcement. The similarity of results for the two experiments suggests that overshadowing occurs independently of whether the compound is a discriminative stimulus for reinforcement or nonreinforcement. Simultaneous presentation of elements of a compound stimulus is not necessary for overshadowing because the phenomenon was captured with sequentially presented stimuli.  相似文献   

The present experiment demonstrated in a simultaneous discrete trial discrimination that the stimulus control of a rat’s leverpress response can be errorlessly transferred across stimulus modalities, i.e., from light to click location and from click to light location. Subsequent to acquisition of the original discrimination, the original and new discriminative stimuli were simultaneously presented for several sessions. Then the new discriminative stimulus was presented 3 sec prior to the onset of the original discriminative stimulus. Within the direction of transfer, e.g., from light to click location, the delay group emitted fewer trial and intertriai errors than the control group. As the new discriminative stimuli acquired control over responding, the response latency distributions were differentially affected. The results suggest that the transfer of control from the original to the new discriminative stimuli is mediated by the temporal aspects of the delay interval.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that when a delay of reward (DOR) is introduced into a well-learned discrimination, even gradually, discriminative performance deteriorates and, with moderately long DORs, does not recover with practice. The present experiment assessed whether the decrement in performance was due to an associative loss or to a decline in the incentive value of the reward object caused by the DOR. Cebus monkeys were trained on a simple visual discrimination and tested with either a DOR or an identical delay period which preceded the appearance of S+ and S? (“predelay” trials); reinforcement on predelay trials was immediate. On half of the daily trials, the animals were given the option of choosing either the DOR or the predelay trial. The duration of the delay was increased gradually until terminal delays of 32 to 128 sec were reached. All four animals maintained almost errorless performance on predelay trials; in contrast, their error rate reached 36% on DOR trials. Surprisingly, none of the animals learned to choose predelay over DOR trials. Both results were interpreted in terms of the incentive loss hypothesis.  相似文献   

In three delayed matching-to-sample experiments, pigeons were given distinctive stimuli that were either correlated or uncorrelated with the scheduled retention intervals. Experiment 1 employed a single-key, go/no-go matching procedure with colors as the sample and test stimuli; lines of differing orientations signaled short or long delays for one group, whereas the lines and the delays were uncorrelated for the other group. The function relating discriminative test performance to delay length was steeper in the correlated group than in the uncorrelated group. In addition, the line orientation stimuli controlled differential rates of sample responding in the correlated group, but not in the uncorrelated group. In Experiment 2, subjects extensively trained with correlated line orientations were exposed to reversed cues on probe trials. Miscuing decreased discriminative test responding at the short delay, but enhanced it at the long delay. As in the correlated group of the first experiment, rates of sample keypecking were higher in the presence of the “short” time tag than in the presence of the ”long” time tag. Experiment 3 used a three-key choice-matching procedure and a within-subjects design, and equated reinforcement rate at the short and long delays. When auditory stimuli were correlated with delay length, the function relating choice accuracy to delay was steeper than when the stimuli and the delays were uncorrelated. The consistent effects of signaled retention intervals on memory performance may be understood in terms of differential attention to the sample stimuli.  相似文献   

Higher order occasion setting with serially presented stimuli was investigated in an appetitively motivated, discrete-trial operant study with rats. Reinforcement of barpressing during an occasion-setting light (a discriminative stimulus) was contingent on immediately preceding second-order occasion setters (i.e., a click train or a buzzer served as a conditional discriminative stimulus). Moreover, the meanings of the clicks and buzzer were themselves indicated by a third-order occasion setter that preceded them (i.e., a white noise acted as a second-order conditional discriminative stimulus). Subjects responded more frequently and had shorter latencies to the first response in the presence of the light on trials during which barpressing was reinforced than on trials during which barpressing was not reinforced. The likelihood that the subjects solved the problem by responding to unique compound stimuli was minimized by the insertion of a 5-sec gap between the different controlling stimuli presented on each trial. Thus, these subjects appear to have mastered a second-order conditional discrimination, which is equivalent to third-order occasion setting if the discriminative stimulus (light) is viewed as a first-order occasion setter. Although the subjects learned to respond appropriately to each of the compound stimuli, differences in responding to specific stimuli were consistent with a higher order feature-positive effect. Some implications of higher order occasion setting are discussed, including the issue of independence between the different levels of occasion setting signaled by a single stimulus.  相似文献   

Discriminative stimuli produced by drugs control behavior in the same way as exteroceptive discriminative stimuli control behavior, despite the difficulty in controlling the intensity of the discriminative stimulus properties of drugs throughout test sessions. In recent years, many investigators have correlated the potency of drugs as discriminative stimuli, with their affinity for specific pharmacological receptors. High correlations have been interpreted as evidence that the discriminative stimulus properties of drugs are mediated by these specific pharmacological receptors. However, the relationship between discriminative stimulus potency and receptor affinity can be confounded by other pharmacological effects of drugs, such as their ability to produce position responding, and by behavioral variables, such as the schedule of reinforcement under which the drug discrimination is established and measured.  相似文献   

The role of the reinforcer in instrumental discriminations has often been viewed as that of facilitating associative learning between a reinforced response and the discriminative stimulus that occasions it. The differential-outcome paradigm introduced by Trapold (1970), however, has provided compelling evidence that reinforcers are also part of what is learned in discrimination tasks. Specifically, when the availability of different reinforcing outcomes is signaled by different discriminative stimuli, the conditioned anticipation of those outcomes can provide another source of stimulus control over responding. This article reviews how such control develops and how it can be revealed, its impact on behavior, and different possible mechanisms that could mediate the behavioral effects. The main conclusion is that differential-outcome effects are almost entirely explicable in terms of the cue properties of outcome expectancies—namely, that conditioned expectancies acquire discriminative control just like any other discriminative or conditional stimulus in instrumental learning.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to determine the stimulus characteristics that favor the development of conditional stimulus control in the single reversal paradigm with pigeon subjects. In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained on a successive discrimination between tone frequencies ranging from 350 to 3500 Hz in a particular houselight context condition (houselight-on or -off). The subjects then were trained on the reversal of the tone discrimination in the alternative context. Subsequent tone-frequency generalization testing in the two contexts indicated that they had failed to gain conditional control over the pigeons’ discriminative performance. Such control was obtained in Experiment 2, in which the two problems were alternated daily for 32 sessions of training. The gradients then peaked at the appropriate S+ value in each context. In Experiment 3, the key colors (blue vs. red) served as contexts while pigeons learned a successive discrimination in which the discriminative cues were houselight-on versus houselight-off conditions. This was followed by a reversal of the discrimination in the alternative key-color context condition. The key colors were effective conditional cues in this situation. In a previous experiment (Thomas, McKelvie, & Mah, 1985), key color had been ineffective as a conditional cue when the discriminative cues were lines superimposed on the colored background. In Experiment 4, key color was effective when the color and lines were presented on a single key as in the earlier experiment, but were sequenced such that the onset of the key color preceded and then overlapped the presentation of the lines. We concluded that conditional discriminations are easiest for pigeons when visual cues are used, but the conditional and discriminative cues must be presented in such a way that they do not combine to form a psychological compound.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, it was shown that generalization testing following successive discrimination training between two closely spaced wavelengths results in a sharp gradient with a peak of responding shifted from S+ so as to be further removed from S?. Testing after a 24-h delay resulted in a flatter gradient with greater peak (and area) shift. A 5-min pretest exposure to S+, reinforced or unreinforced, or to S? (unreinforced) reinstated immediate test performance; free reinforcement with no discriminative stimulus present had no such effect. Experiment 2 replicated the flattening of generalization gradients and enhanced peak shift in delayed testing. Free feeding in a pretest treatment with a distinctive food uniquely associated with the wavelength discrimination problem failed to reinstate immediate test performance. Experiment 3 tested the hypothesis that free feeding failed as a reactivation treatment because it did not engender keypecking. Subjects were trained to peck a vertical line stimulus before being given wavelength discrimination training. Again, the enhanced peak shift and greater flattening with delayed wavelength generalization testing was found. A pretest exposure to the vertical line stimulus elicited pecking but had no effect on subsequent wavelength generalization. Thus, only a reactivation treatment that included one of the discrimination training stimuli was effective in producing delayed test performance comparable to that obtained in an immediate test.  相似文献   

Four naive pigeons were given six generalization tests in extinction after periods of pretraining in which S+ appeared with food reinforcement and S? appeared in extinction. An analysis of sequential effects among presentations of test stimuli showed that the overall gradient was influenced differently by stimuli at the extremes of the continuum of test stimuli and by S+ and adjacent stimuli. Gradients consisting of responding in each stimulus when it was preceded by an extreme stimulus tended to peak at S+, while gradients produced when each stimulus was preceded by S+ or an adjacent stimulus tended to show a peak shift. This was true whether the overall gradient showed a peak shift or not. Two naive subjects were added and four additional tests were given after pretraining in which unequal frequencies of reinforcement accompanied both S+ and S?. Results of all 10 tests show that sequential effects occur during generalization testing in extinction and that these “local dimensional effects” are unlike local contrast. These stimulus-specific sequential effects may greatly influence overall gradient form.  相似文献   

The present experiment is concerned with the nature of the cues that might acquire conditioned reinforcing value, and the ways in which such cues might interact with one another. Red and green colored keylights were differentially paired with food dependent upon the houselight context (A or B) and the trial type (training or choice/forced). The duration of the colored keylights was varied between groups in an attempt to manipulate the effectiveness of the short-term memory of trial-type cues at the trial’s end. The red and green stimuli were of 30 sec duration for Group 30 and of 3 sec duration for Group 3. The results indicated that the choices of the pigeons in Group 30 were influenced by the houselight context present and by the keylight color. The choices of the pigeons in Group 3 seemed to be influenced by the houselight context present, the keylight color, and the memory of trial-type cues. Memory cues for trial antecedents were not overshadowed by presumably more salient external houselight stimuli for the pigeons in Group 3. Two alternative explanations for the results are discussed, and determined to be unlikely based on the results of an earlier experiment. The present results are related to a model of the conditioned reinforcing value of momentary stimuli and of transmission of conditioned reinforcing value.  相似文献   

Schedule-induced drinking and food-magazine contacts were examined in rats receiving either true- or pseudodiscriminative conditioning. Schedule-induced drinking was largely confined to S? following true discrimination training, but when SI and S2 were unrelated to food deliveries (pseudo condition), drinking occurred after food ingestion. A stimulus generalization test for drinking yielded an excitatory postdiscrimination gradient around S? after the true discrimination and a flat gradient after the pseudo discrimination. Additional observations showed S? drinking to be closely related to the amount of food consumed during the immediately preceding S+ trial. These data suggested that both the predictive feature of S? and postprandial stimuli can control schedule-induced drinking. It was argued that these variables represent two general processes—induction and selection—both of which are necessary conditions requiring further study. Magazine contacts during S+ did not distinguish the true from the pseudo condition and were not influenced by test stimuli during a generalization test.  相似文献   

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