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历史演进至宋代,由于雕版印刷乃至经济的发展,书籍的收藏更为普遍,此时涌现出了一大批私人藏书家,赵州宋氏家族更是以善于藏书著称于世,是宋代藏书家们的杰出代表。宋氏家族藏书数量庞大,类型众多,质量精审,对家庭自身的教育、仕进、学术事业乃至家族的维系等都产生了积极的影响。并且其藏书不限于家族内,还能够与士人沟通有无,一定程度上促进了学术文化的传播与交流,为宋代学术文化事业的繁荣做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

褚纳新 《寻根》2006,(1):65-71
浙东素称人文渊薮,南齐时余姚人虞和是浙东地区有史可考最早的私人藏书家。自宋室南渡之后,浙江成了全国的学术著述版刻中心,民间藏书蔚然成风。明代,随着姚江学派的兴起,余姚的科甲扬名于天下,“衣冠文献,益盛以大”。读书成就了学人的前途,也造就了一方乡土的藏书之富。泗门,这一浙东富庶之地上的书香古镇,其藏书文化,更值得一书。  相似文献   

胡文辉 《中国文化》2008,(2):151-153
一谈及近代中国文献东流日本的问题,总要提起陆心源及其皕宋楼。陆氏为晚清四大藏书家之一,鼎盛时期藏书多达十五万册,分别以皕宋楼藏宋元古本、以十万卷楼藏明清秘本、以守先阁藏通行本。1907年,陆氏后人以十万元的价格,将藏书悉数售予日本三菱财团岩崎弥之助的静嘉堂。  相似文献   

潍坊地处齐鲁之邦,文化历史源远流长,历史上曾出现许多著名藏书家,为保存潍坊地方文献,弘扬民族文化做出了很大贡献。近代以青州李文藻、潍城丁锡田最为有名。李文藻所著(所藏书日》、《所见书目》、《所闻书目》,多为齐鲁乡邦文献。清初目录学家意学城曾称他为“山在目录大家”。丁锡田精研文史,广泛搜集地方志.集成山东省各县县志,还整理保存了各种乡邦文献、名人著作集,成为研究潍坊历史文化的重要资料。解放后,其子女将其全部藏书2300()余册捐献给潍坊市图书馆,后于1957年移交山东省图书馆收藏。解放初期,为保存古籍文献…  相似文献   

书院是中国士人围绕着书,开展包括藏书、校书、刊书、读书、讲书、教书、著书等各种活动,进行文化积累、创造、传播事业的文化教育组织。在千余年的发展过程中,出现了各种各样的书院。如作为读书之处的书院,作为著书之地的书院,作为藏书之所的书院,  相似文献   

王珂  李龙 《寻根》2002,(6):87-89
固始,中原南部一个并不起眼的山区县。从地图上找,它只是那么一点点,然而在中国移民史上,却相当重要。中国历史上几次大的移民浪潮几乎都与中原有关,在这几次大的移民浪潮中,固始几乎占据了主导地位。西晋末年,“八姓入闽”就有河南光州望族的痕迹;唐初移民,固始陈政、陈元光父子带领固始宗亲进入了福建,在漳州一带落户生根,这是固始人在东南一带聚居的开始。  相似文献   

海源阁是清代四大著名私人藏书楼之一,其规模和影响居北方私家藏书之首。海源阁位于山东省聊城市。聊城市是国家级历史文化名城,京九、济邯铁路和济馆高速公路在此交汇,也是著名的江北水城,这里明清两代称为东昌府,经济、文化繁盛,是当时沿大运河的“九大商埠”之一,被称誉为“漕挽之咽喉,天都之肘腋”。  相似文献   

中国古代藏书之风很盛 ,藏书 ,需要有专门的藏书建筑 ,《史记》说 :“老子者 ,……周守藏室之史也。”即是说老子是周代藏书室之史 ,可见那时已经有了专门的藏书建筑了。藏书的数量上也经过了一个由少到多的发展过程。战国时 ,“惠子多方 ,其书五车。”但那时主要是竹简 ,五车书的份量也不会太多。三国时王修藏书较为有名 ,《三国志·魏志·王修传》 :“修家不满十斛 ,有书数百卷。太祖叹曰 :‘士不妄有名。’”可见那时有书数百卷即算名士。晋代以后 ,纸作为文献载体越来越占据重要位置 ,故私家藏书数量日多 ,张华“尝徙居 ,载书三十乘 ,”…  相似文献   

《古书隐楼藏书》是清代道教龙门派十一代高道闵一得的重要著作,其中贯穿了一个重要的思想:“医世”。本文以《古书隐楼藏书》为对象,考察其中医世思想及医世宗的情况。  相似文献   

论百越民族文化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、百越民族历史的上下限在文献记载中,商朝时的蛮或荆蛮大概包括了越人在内。西周时,越族在东南地区有越、于越等。春秋晚期至战国早期,越族最先进的一部分在江浙一带建立了强大的越国,共传八代历160多年。战国晚期,有扬越与百越:扬越指分布在扬州地区的越族,...  相似文献   

On June 28, 2007, approved by the 31st World Heritage Committee held inChristchurch, New Zealand, Kaiping Diaolou and villages were inscribed in the World Heritage List and became the 35th world heritage in China. They were also the first Chinese world heritage that reflects the culture of overseas Chinese. In fact, as early as June 25, 2001,  相似文献   

Partly because the First Crusade had weakened the Seljuk Sultanate in 1097–1099, David III of Georgia was able to extend his power over much of the Caucasus. The rulers of the Crusader States who stood in need of Eastern Christian allies sought to co-operate with him. Yet although some Western knights served in his army, the practical difficulties of co-ordinating joint action against the Islamic powers of north Syria and Anatolia in the twelfth century proved insuperable. In the thirteenth century the Georgian crown offered an alliance to the leaders of the Fifth Crusade: their forces would attack the northern provinces of the Ayyūbid Empire while the crusaders were invading Egypt. This strategy was sound, but the rise of the Mongol Empire prevented it from being implemented. Nevertheless, the desire for military collaboration between Georgia and the Western powers persisted until the mid-fifteenth century.  相似文献   

The research in this article examines audience responses to a range of factual and reality genres. It takes as a starting point that television audiences do not experience news or documentary or reality TV in isolation but as part of a range of factual and reality programmes. Factual and reality programming includes a broad understanding of non-fictional programming on broadcast television, satellite, cable and digital television. The breakdown of factual and reality programming into specific genres includes news, current affairs, documentary, and reality programmes, with further sub genres applied within each of these categories. This article critically examines genre evaluation. The quantitative research in this article is based on two national representative surveys conducted in Britain and Sweden. In both Britain and Sweden, programme makers have moved towards a reliance on popular factual genres. In Britain this is across all channels, and in Sweden this is mainly concentrated on commercial channels. Whilst there is still a commitment to news, there is an increasing use of hybrid genres in an attempt to popularise factual output. The impact of this changing generic environment on audiences is that in both countries viewers have reacted by drawing a line between traditional and contemporary factual genres. It is precisely because of the redrawing of the factual map that viewers rely on traditional ways of evaluating genres as public and informative, or popular and entertaining. The data provides evidence that contributes to existing debate on television genre, public service broadcasting, and media literacy skills. The central argument in this article is that genre evaluation is connected with wider socio-cultural discourses on public service broadcasting and popular culture, and that these are common social and cultural values that are shared by national audiences in two Northern European countries.  相似文献   

张雅真 《寻根》2021,(1):83-86
一 糕印、饼印、粿印形制各异、工艺精美,是颇为珍贵的民间艺术创作和文化创造.不仅代表着闽台两地的饮食文化,也反映两地的习俗信仰、节庆生活;同时也显现出艺术与生活结合为一体的传统风俗,在福建、台湾等地年节婚庆、敬神祭祖等传统民俗活动中都有广泛的传播.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the definitions of success and failure (achievement goals) and preferred means to goal attainment (achievement orientations) among male and female Anglo and Mexican-American high school students I athletes in sport and the classroom. Based on a recent conceptualization of achievement motivation, it was assumed that definitions of success and failure could be equated to personal characteristics, behaviors, or outcomes and reflect an emphasis on either effort or ability. Further, it was assumed that there are two major achievement orientations: In one, the means to goal attainment entail social comparison; in the second, goal attainment is processed according to mastery criteria. Results revealed cultural and sex differences in athletic goals. Anglo males were more likely to define sport success in terms of ability while Anglo females and Mexican-American athletes tended to equate athletic success to the demonstration of effort. The reverse was true for sport failure—Anglo males emphasized low effort while the other groups stressed low ability. Variations in preferred achievement orientations were also revealed. For example, in the athletic setting, females showed the least preference for sport success which reflected on the individual and involved social comparison. Males indicated the least preference for individual-oriented, social comparison-based athletic failure.  相似文献   

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