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通过对武汉市新老城区及湖北省周边地区学前教育师资状况的调查,从目前学前教育师资队伍的数量、幼儿教师工资待遇、幼师生源质量及幼师培养质量等方面探寻湖北省学前教育在师资队伍建设方面存在的问题,分析原因,并在职前生源质量的提高、职后幼儿教师培训及提高幼儿教师待遇等方面为湖北省学前教育师资队伍的建设提出针对性的策略。  相似文献   

学前教育专业本科培养目标的准确定位对于人才培养具有重要意义。当前,众多高校在人才培养目标定位方面存在着:培养目标过于宽泛;目标模糊,缺乏针对性;混淆了培养目标与就业方向、培养规格等问题。基于社会对学前教育专业人才的需求和本专业的可持续发展,学前教育专业本科应以培养具有一定理论基础、扎实专业技能与基本研究能力的幼儿教师为...  相似文献   

学前教育专业培养目标的设置是关系到各级师范及职业院校培养什么样的幼儿教师的关键问题,但是当前我国中专、大专、本科三级院校学前教育专业培养目标普遍存在严重雷同的现象,反映了当前我国各级师范和职业院校设置的培养目标定位不准、层次不清晰、去向不明确等问题.为促进我国学前教育事业发展,提高幼儿教师培养质量,各级院校学前教育专业在制定培养目标时应采取基本目标与梯度目标相结合的思路,根据自身生源质量与培养时间等条件限制,明确培养规格、素质要求及具体去向,满足各地不同社会经济文化发展水平对不同层次与规格幼儿教师的需求.  相似文献   

优化幼儿园教师职前培养课程体系是全面提升幼儿园师资质量、促进学前教育健康发展的必要举措,然而,现阶段我国幼师院校学前教育专业课程体系建设仍在不同程度上存在课程内容陈旧、课程数量超载、选修课程不足、理论和实践课程脱节、潜在课程未受重视、课程评价方式单一等问题.为有效提升幼师院校人才培养质量,推动幼师院校实现由"粗放式"人...  相似文献   

本文针对当前农村小学全科型教师的需求特征,阐述了我校小学教育专业优化人才培养方案,提高实践教学质量的全科型职前人才培养模式研究与实践的思路与做法:培养目标定位;整体改革举措;课程建设与改革措施;提高实践教学质量。  相似文献   

教师人力资本老化是教师人力资本积累和增值过程中可能会出现的一种停滞不前的现象。在农村地区,由于办园资金短缺、工作条件差、幼师职业身份的社会认可度低、幼师自身职业认同感缺失及职后培训的欠缺等因素导致农村幼儿教师人力资本老化现象严重。因此,可以通过政府支持、社会关注、自身认同和公益性培训等方式,将学前教育纳入基本公共服务体系,促进学前教育均等化,提高农村幼儿教师的职业身份认同和职业幸福感,促进农村幼儿教师的专业发展,提升其人力资本。  相似文献   

“说课”是目前大多数幼儿园采用的教学研究方式。但幼儿教师.尤其是新入职的幼儿教师“说课”水平不容乐观。作者对幼儿园新入职教师及部分高职院校学前教育专业学生的说课训练现状进行了调查。发现“说课”受到了幼儿园和高职学前教育专业越来越多的重视,但当前新入职教师“说课”训练中普遍存在“说课内容”和“说课实践”两方面问题。只有充分认识这些问题,注重问题的解决,幼师的“说课”能力和水平才能得到切实提高。  相似文献   

农村幼师国培计划是一项事关民族未来与国计民生的重大工程,其实施品质在一定程度上决定着国家学前教育政策意图的顺利实现.农村幼师国培计划的政策意图是:关注教育薄弱链环,助推幼儿教育均衡发展,推动教育协作.有鉴于此,培训实施者应该坚持专业化导向、共同体培育与成长型培训的理念,努力打造有效的高端培训品牌.农村幼儿教师国培的理想模式为:名师名课论坛、共同体专题研讨、研训交互课堂.  相似文献   

本研究采用质性研究方法,通过目的性抽样,聚焦11位学前教育本科生的教育实习经历。研究发现:教育实习使学前教育本科生对幼师职业产生了坚守或逃离的两种选择。从认知层面看,学前教育本科生在教育实习前后对幼师职业的理解和对幼师职业自我胜任感的认识产生了变化;从情感层面看,教育实习中的“重要他人”帮助学前教育本科实习生加深了对幼师的职业情感。整体上来说,一方面实习生在教育实习中遭遇了“上课”和“带班”的双重挑战,另一方面实习生又在“指导教师”的专业指导下及“儿童群体”的情感感召下,增强了对幼师职业的认同和热爱,进而促进了对幼师的职业承诺。  相似文献   

随着学前教育规模的扩大和发展速度的加快,青年幼师已经成为当今学前教育的主干力量。青年幼师面临着社会身份转化、人际交往能力不足、所学知识无法灵活运用、事实与想象落差较大等问题,使得青年幼师在入职初期出现了各种入职焦虑的状况,影响了正常教学工作的开展和教师自我认同的实现。尝试从青年幼师教学授课恐惧、职业关系处理失当等焦虑表现当中分析造成焦虑的压力源,并从教师自身、幼儿园、社会、国家教育行政机关、高等教育机构等五个方面提出相关的应对策略。  相似文献   

新入职教师的专业发展始终受到教育行业的关注,现阶段,许多90后幼儿教师进入幼儿园工作,他们本身具备鲜明的特征。因此,文章围绕“互联网+”背景下幼儿园新入职教师的专业发展策略展开探索研究,对幼儿园新入职教师专业发展现状进行深入分析,并提出可行性发展策略。以期为幼儿园新入职教师的专业发展提供些许建议。  相似文献   

本研究采用自编调查问卷和访谈提纲,对从湖北省武汉市随机抽取的15名幼教专家、60名幼儿教师、60名幼儿家长和60名幼儿四类主体的“好幼儿园”标准进行调查,结果显示不同的主体由于其认知水平、社会角色、价值需求不同,其“好幼儿园”标准也存在诸多差异.幼教专家更关注从理论而言的应然状态,幼儿教师更关注幼儿园的内部发展与外部效应,家长更关注幼儿学习的结果与幼儿园的健康安全工作,幼儿则更重生活的过程与开心快乐的情绪体验,渴望获得来自教师与同伴的爱,能有更多游戏的机会.不同主体的“好幼儿园”标准并无对错之分,但有价值取向之别.在幼儿园具体实践中,应理性对待不同主体的“好幼儿园”标准,在坚持幼儿园教育的基本目标与宗旨的基础上对不同主体的要求进行取舍,同时要特别尊重幼儿的“好幼儿园”标准,为他们提供充分自由游戏的时间与空间,制定和实施富有弹性的一日生活常规,积极关注和创设幼儿园良好的人际关系氛围.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a qualitative study of two kindergarten teachers’ responses to the professional demands posed by recent shifts in national and state education policies in the United States. Although the literature has framed the practical challenges resulting from these changing expectations in terms of curricular/instructional tensions between developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) and academic standards, study participants indicated adapting to the changing climate of kindergarten, managing the expectations of their students’ parents, and responding to the demands of the first grade teachers at their school site were their most significant challenges. These findings suggest looking beyond our current framing of the situation to examine the full range of complexities and opportunities facing kindergarten teachers will lead to deeper understandings of the ways in which practitioners experience and respond to the new demands and changing expectations shaping their work.  相似文献   

We use the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study to investigate national patterns addressing (a) who repeats kindergarten, and (b) the subsequent cognitive effects of this event. Using OLS regression techniques, we investigate 1st-time kindergartners who are promoted, 1st-time kindergartners who are retained, and children who are already repeating kindergarten. Boys, children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and children who enter kindergarten younger than typical age standards are consistently at risk for repeating kindergarten, but racial/ethnic patterns differ across the 2 cohorts of kindergarten repeaters. Evidence suggests that repeating kindergarten rarely leads to cognitive benefits in literacy or mathematics performance. On average, kindergarten repeaters continue to perform below their peers in terms of literacy skills both at the end of kindergarten and at the end of first grade (effect size [ES] = ?0.20 and ?0.24, respectively). In mathematics, the performance differentials are smaller but remain statistically significant. Evidence suggests that these differences vary somewhat by children's background and the school setting. Most children appear to receive little or no cognitive benefit from repeating kindergarten, suggesting the need for a careful reconsideration of current retention practices.  相似文献   

本文围绕农村幼儿园的数学活动现状展开论述,在明确数学活动对农村幼儿园教育的重要意义后,分析当前农村幼儿园数学活动开展的主要困境及限制原因,并寻求适合我国农村幼儿园使用的改善幼儿数学活动的相关措施,以期能够在一定程度上促进农村幼儿园数学活动的更好开展,促进幼儿全面发展。  相似文献   

幼儿园教师职业准入标准核心指标探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对比国内外幼儿园教师任职资格标准,考虑我国幼儿园教师专业化发展趋势,结合《幼儿园教师专业标准(试行)》和《教师教育课程标准(试行)》,认为学历、职业道德与情感、专业知识与能力、实践经验等,可作为幼儿园教师职业准入标准的核心指标。  相似文献   

通过对福建省南片区漳州市区公办园和私立园早期教育实验现状的比较,发现漳州市区公办园与私立园在早期教育的服务方式、早期教育服务时看护人员参与程度、与各部门联动、师资培训、早期教育实践中的主要困难、亲子园的硬件条件及自我评价、实验工作经费投入等方面存在较大的差异,漳州市区公办园与私立园有各自的优势与不足,任何一方单独承办早期教育都存在一定的困难与局限,为此提出未来漳州市区早期教育办园的新模式:公办园与私立园联盟办早期教育。  相似文献   

The present study sought to examine whether preschool children's emotion regulation, problem behaviors, and kindergarten behavioral self-regulation in the classroom were predictors of kindergarten achievement scores. The children (N = 122, 47% male and 63% European American) who were participating in an ongoing longitudinal study, were seen at both a preschool and kindergarten assessment. The present study examined the relation between parent report, teacher report, and laboratory measures of regulation and children's achievement test scores. Children's emotion regulation and behavioral self-regulation in the classroom were related to all measures of achievement. The relation between preschool emotion regulation and kindergarten achievement was mediated by behavioral self-regulation in the kindergarten classroom. In addition, all measures of regulation were correlated, suggesting that some children who have difficulty regulating their behavior in one setting (such as home) may also have difficulty with regulation in other settings (such as school).  相似文献   

Chronological age and developmental age have been used to identify readiness for kindergarten entrance. In the current research, chronological age and results of the Gesell School Readiness Test were evaluated as predictors of kindergarten performance as measured by the Stanford Achievement Test. Subjects were 284 children attending kindergarten in the San Luis Coastal School District during the 1986—1987 school year. Results indicate that both chronological and developmental age provide good predictors of Stanford Achievement Test performance in kindergarten. Implications of the current research for setting appropriate entrance policy were explored.  相似文献   

The present study is a longitudinal examination of family-school communication in preschool and kindergarten. Preschool and kindergarten teachers and family workers of 75 children from families with low SES logged the frequency and characteristics of family-school communication, resulting in over 22,000 contacts. Data were collected during a period of implementation of an intervention designed to enhance relationships upon the transition to school. Family demographic information and information about family support for academics at home were assessed through parent interviews and children's behavior problems were measured through teacher questionnaires in preschool and kindergarten. Familyteacher communication decreased between preschool and kindergarten and there was a shift from shorter to longer types of communication between the two years. Communication differed as a function of program. Counter to expectation, few family factors and experiences predicted frequency of family-school communication, and more frequent communication in preschool was unrelated to more frequent communication in kindergarten. Findings have several implications for practice. Families experience a great decrease in communication between preschool and kindergarten and interventions designed to ease the transition to kindergarten need to either ameliorate the decrease or acknowledge its existence to prepare families. Otherwise, this contrast may be interpreted negatively. Given that our findings show no relation between a family's communication in preschool and kindergarten, it appears that it is not enough to support communication in preschool to ensure frequent communication in kindergarten.  相似文献   

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