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作为一个女作家,残雪在写作时尤其关注女性意识的解放。在《五香街》这部小说中,作者塑造了众多的女性形象,这些女性形象虽特点各异,但都有着与男权文化相异的思想,她们大胆地言说着在传统文化中作为禁忌的性话题,大胆地展示自己真实的看法。她们的思考体现了女性更为本真的一面。在小说中残雪还以批判的目光重新审视了母亲这一形象,赋予母亲一种夸张的日常化特征,这大大迥异于传统的母亲形象。  相似文献   

<正>I have many good teachers. But Miss Li is my favorite teacher. Her English name is Lily.She's a beautiful girl with short black hair and she always wears black and white clothes. All the kids in my class love her very much. She loves us, and she is friendly to us. We all like to have her classes.She speaks good English. She always has a good way to teach us. She tries her best to  相似文献   

Jeanette Pellegrin shares the touching stories of some of the many student‐veterans she has served and provides a list of recommendations for those of us who share her commitment to this special population of students.  相似文献   

In a year-long, school-based teacher education project, primary school teachers were given workshop- and classroom-based support, including sustained mentoring, as they appropriated a generative heuristic for teaching technology-and-science in their classrooms. The mentor participated in their lessons and recorded her frequent conversations with teachers. Extracts from 3 conversations (of many, spanning 5 months) between 1 teacher and the mentor illustrate this teacher's changing ideas and the mentor's role. The teacher realized that although she preferred to learn generatively, she had been using instructionist approaches in her technology-and-science teaching. These dialogues show how the mentor supported this teacher as she gradually aligned her technology-and-science teaching with the generative style of learning she already valued.  相似文献   

Conclusion When you think about it, many of the things we do are expressly designed to maintain a sense of wonder because once it is lost, childhood is lost. I still vividly recall a class discussion with one of my teachers about the existence of Santa Claus when I was 10 years old. By that time, nobody in the class was a believer. Sister Christopher told us that she still believed in Santa until she was 13. When we asked her how she could have been so gullible, she said that just about the time she was beginning to question the myth, her father (she later found out) climbed up on the roof in the middle of the night to make “reindeer tracks” and lines from the runners of the sleigh. Now that was a man who really wanted to keep the wonder alive! If you reflect on all of the people you know and love, I'll wager that most of them are individuals who have managed to keep some sense of awe intact despite its erosion throughout life. Early childhood practitioners are fortunate because we have the best possible role models of wonder to follow. Being in the company of young children whose sense of wonder is at a lifetime high helps to keep us from becoming jaded and disaffected. For if we allow children to show us the way, they can lead us back to wonder.  相似文献   

<红楼梦>中王熙凤在协理宁国府时,表现了出色的管理才能,短短一个月中使宁国府的管理由乱到治,管理成效显著.文章试从现代管理学的角度审视其管理过程,分析其管理理念、管理措施,看其有否科学性及合理性,以从中得到一些启示和借鉴.  相似文献   


The English social and educational reformer, Mary Carpenter, became involved in the imperialist venture in India in the 1860s and 1870s. Imbued with liberal, anti‐racist attitudes, she was drawn to India particularly because of gender interests. Inspired by and working with Indian reformers, she was apparently welcomed on her four visits to India where her own ideas on women's rights were further developed. In England she eagerly publicised her experiences and strove, with some success, to achieve her interpretation of what Indian reformers desired. How far Mary Carpenter actually could understand the Indian situation, how far her liberalism in fact was touched by cultural imperialism and class attitudes — her own ethnicity as an Englishwoman — indeed, are examined here. It will be seen that to understand fully racial and imperial attitudes of late nineteenth century England it is crucial to interrelate gendered notions with them.


《紫色》与反性别主义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
反性别主义是艾丽丝·沃克妇女主义的重要内涵之一.沃克在其长篇小说<紫色>中,通过对三代黑人女性婚姻生活的细腻描写,揭示了性别主义对男女两性的影响.三代妇女在两性关系中的不同遭遇以及她们对性别歧视的不同反应,表现了黑人妇女的女性意识从麻木到觉醒、从反抗到斗争的发展变化过程,她们的不同结局体现了作者的女性、女权意识及民族思想.  相似文献   

从理性角度追求正义的实现是西方社会的传统。尤其自近代以来,市场经济的发展,人们越来越重视事实与理性,似乎只要依据事实和理性,就能实现正义。努斯鲍姆认为,在这种理论中,人以单纯的理性实现正义,只能使人沦为物,成为了缺乏情感的、冷冰冰的理性经济人。由此,她提出了诗性正义的思想,认为借助文学想象和情感能够形成完整的理性,促进社会正义的实现。诗性正义的思想既深化了人们对正义的认识,也促使人们反思其局限性。  相似文献   

一位年轻的母亲认为,世界上还有许多受饥饿的人,浪费食物真不应该。有天晚上,在安排幼小的女儿睡觉之前,她给女儿喂夜宵。她先给她一片新鲜的黑面包和黄油,但孩子说她不喜欢这样吃。她要一些果酱涂在面包上。  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
幸运的母亲 一位年轻的母亲认为,世界上还有许多受饥饿的人,浪费食物真不应该。有天晚上,在安排幼小的女儿睡觉之前,她给女儿喂夜宵。她先给她一片新鲜的黑面包和黄油。但孩子说她不喜欢这样吃。她还要一些果酱涂在面包上。  相似文献   

朱淑真是宋代流传作品最多的女作家,与李清照并称宋代女性文学的双璧,但今世却因种种原因少为人知。朱淑真的诗词以独特的女性视角,向我们展示了一系列以“自我”为中心的女性形象,我们更能从中感受到作为一个受尽挫折却依然勇于追求爱情的女人对于命运的抗争,以及她在抗争中所体现的觉醒的女性自我意识。朱淑真的诗词,大胆展示了女性丰富而细腻的情感世界,作品中所体现的或朦胧或强烈的女性意识,构成了朱淑真诗词动人心弦的“永恒魅力”。  相似文献   

在美国接受医学教育的近代中国第一个女留学生金雅妹,在20世纪初曾多次成为《纽约时报》的报道和专访对象。这些报道除介绍金雅妹在天津从事女子医学教育和医疗活动的片断情形外,还透露出金氏居留美国期间的活动情况。金雅妹与美国各界有广泛的交往,经常受邀到各处发表演说,向听众介绍中国的历史文化与现实变革,为中国伦理文化进行辩护。其有关远东政治形势的演说和见解,则以揭露日本侵华阴谋、呼吁美国支持和帮助中国为主题。金氏的活动为其在美国社会赢得了声誉,被《纽约时报》称为"一个典型的中国进步女性"、"当今世界最杰出的女性之一"。  相似文献   

冰心缺少展示自己的勇气,其作品永远写不出家庭亲子爱以外,但文字亲切,能给人以母性的温柔和持久的感动。其诗作缺少诗的完全性,但能给人以兴味。她与宋美龄攀同学作参政“恐不是光彩”,她是文坛上善于务虚的福将。其中有些看法虽不无商榷之处,但毕竟表现了沈从文彼时彼刻的真实感受和想法。它们有助于我们回到“历史现场”,了解同代作家对同代作家的评价,同时对于我们深入研究冰心其人其作也具有一定的价值和意义。  相似文献   

德鲁·福斯特是哈佛大学第28任校长,也是哈佛建校371年以来第一位女校长。她的任命本身也具有一定的象征意义,象征哈佛大学将更加开放、更加民主。上任以来,她通过演讲、报告、新闻发布会等形式,提出了富有哲学意蕴的研究型大学的办学思想。例如:大学要对永恒许下诺言,大学要帮助学生寻求人生的意义,大学是关于知识的,研究型大学的前提是我们都是教师、我们都是学习者,等等。这些理念对我国建设世界一流大学有一定的启示。  相似文献   

自由意志是西方伦理思想中最基本的概念之一。在凯特·肖邦的《觉醒》中,多处有着自由意志的内涵。在细读文本的基础上,本文将从自由意志的角度解读《觉醒》的女主人公爱德娜的挣扎选择,以及选择后的沉沦。本文将通过对自由意识这一概念的探析,来指出爱德娜有权利去选择她自己的思想、感情和生活,并且有能力对她的选择所负责。  相似文献   

歌德的这首诗感动了无数人。因为大家都知道爱是要相互的,爱是要快乐的。随着社会的不断发展,人们的观念日趋开放和宽容,选择自己生活方式的权利和欲望也得到了彰显。在本期的《时尚&体验》中我们就一起来看看关于情人节的异样感受,而女人主动向男人求婚应该怎么办呢?如果你觉得我们提供的两个女孩的亲身经历还是不够的话,没关系,还有专家帮你支招。当然,还有那些特立独行的女孩们!她们又是怎样坚持自己的道路的?  相似文献   

《西厢记》描写叛逆的爱情。崔莺莺的叛逆,不仅要触动她所属的那个阶级,而且她首先要背叛反映在她的思想性格中的她所属的那个阶级的习性、教养和观念。莺莺是勇敢的,虽然也有软弱;她的胜利是双重的。  相似文献   

Eleanor Metheny devoted more than four decades of her life to the profession of physical education. From an examination of her work, several major themes emerge in her speaking and writing—scientific, historical, feminist, and philosophical. Ideas are overlapping, sometimes even contradictory; yet she is recognized as one of the preeminent thinkers in the profession. Never satisfied with the status quo, she regularly challenged and cajoled her students and colleagues to examine the past, assess the present, and look to the future. She was both pragmatic and idealistic, but when she spoke, others listened—to ideas often articulated “in a different voice.” My purpose in this paper is not to evaluate those ideas but rather to describe them from my personal point of view and as I perceived them to have developed over time.  相似文献   

双性同体是20世纪女性主义批评的一个重要理念。艾利斯.沃克是美国20世纪著名的黑人女作家,她在小说《紫色》中塑造了多个双性同体的人物形象。她以独特的小说创作理念展示了美国黑人女性对自我和独立的追寻,流露出她对两性差异的关注和对两性融合的提倡,表明了黑人女性对异性恋霸权和父权制的抗争和在经受残酷现实的打击后对男权社会所作的妥协。  相似文献   

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