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Carolyn Anderson is a speech and language therapist who is currently working as a senior lecturer at the University of Strathclyde. In this article she provides an early account of her ongoing research into communication between teachers and pupils with severe and complex learning disabilities. Video recordings were made of teacher-pupil interactions. The recordings were then analysed in terms of the numbers of turns taken by pupils and teachers; the strategies teachers and pupils used to initiate and respond in interactions; and the numbers of information carrying words teachers used with pupils with different levels of language comprehension. Carolyn Anderson's findings will help teachers who want to develop their own awareness of the role they play in communicating with pupils. This research will also support staff who are trying to encourage pupils with learning difficulties to become more actively involved in interactions and teaching and learning opportunities.  相似文献   

This qualitative study focuses on newly qualified teachers’ use of information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool for meeting the challenges of their everyday work. The overarching aim is to investigate whether they can contribute to new knowledge about learning in ICT contexts. Theoretical points of departure concern the changeable nature of learning in situations where ways of communicating knowledge and skills are changed. The study draws upon interviews and observations. The findings show intersections picturing the new technique as partly changing the circumstances for teaching, learning and collaboration between colleagues. The new teachers’ utterances show that ICT utilisation is extensive and exhibits great variation both among female and among male participants. Boundary‐crossing changes become visible in the collaboration between more experienced teachers and those who are newly qualified, especially when they work on a common development project. However, there are relatively few teachers who bring up active ICT use in connection with pupils’ learning. Changed roles because of ICT competence raise questions about the importance of systematic ICT features within teacher education. Many of the newly qualified teachers wish they had more knowledge about ICT and related techniques. Another question is whether newly qualified teachers who show interest in using the technique can take on the role as agents of change in their active and creative use of ICT.  相似文献   

Proposals by psychologists to improve educational measurement lead to the construction of tests or of scales of development. For the assessment of pupils’ productions in the classroom, teachers seem to have other needs. Precise measurement is not required; what is wanted instead is qualitative information of a diagnostic nature, suggesting possible ways for doing remedial work. Information concerning one pupil rarely permits locating his position on a continuous scale of development, since learning does not proceed linearly. Assessment in the classroom should rather be considered as a communication process between teacher and pupils, leading after an unpredictable number of interactions, to a state of mastery of the educational objective. As experimental social psychology recently demonstrated, this mastery is not to be conceived as a personal characteristic of the pupil, but as the result of his adaptation to his social situation. Consequently, generalizing on the basis of this assessment is hazardous.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the complementary and differing state‐defined roles of beginning schoolteachers in England and Norway by investigating centrally mandated initial teacher preparation programmes in both countries. Through comparative analysis, we get to see the roles that the policy‐makers in London and Oslo seek to confer upon the educators of future generations of schoolchildren, as well as exploring opportunities for cross‐cultural policy learning. In broad terms, we found that centrally prescribed initial teacher training in England is, as its name implies, a training model that seeks to induct trainee teachers into the practical skills and willingness necessary for: instructing pupils in National Curriculum subjects, managing classroom activities, setting homework to consolidate and extend classroom work and providing pupils with a safe learning environment. Centrally prescribed initial teacher education in Norway is, as its name implies, an educative model whose goal is to help student teachers to: reflect and act upon the practical implications of educational theory, instruct pupils in National Curriculum subjects, display leadership in the classroom, act as a member of a caring profession, promote Norwegian values and provide pupils with a safe learning environment.  相似文献   

As Article 126 of the Treaty of Maastricht on European Union of 1992 calls for the enhancement of the quality of education at all levels, the Council of Ministers of the European Union established the SOCRATES programme in 1995 to take concrete measures in this direction. This article describes the work of one of the three chapters of SOCRATES, called COMENIUS, the three Actions of which enhance the creation of European Educational Projects, target efforts for the children of migrants of various kinds, and stimulate the creation of European transnational projects for the in‐service training and further training of teachers. Various kinds of transnational projects for pupils as well as for teachers are described focussing upon enhancement of the acquisition of new knowledge, of communication skills, of creativity and of problem solving skills, of the use of the new information technologies and open and distance learning skills, and of teamwork and interdisciplinary skills. The traditional school, by involving itself in the European programmes evoked and described, must inculcate the habit of lifelong learning both to its pupils and to its teaching staff. The habit and practice of lifelong learning leading to a realization of the ideals of the learning society will be a crucial contribution to European citizenship.  相似文献   

教师要从正面看待学生在课堂中出现的错误,从科学的角度理解学生在学习中可能出现的多种错误,从发展的角度利用错误价值,才能实现错误价值的最大化。对如何利用错误进行了三个案例分析。  相似文献   

Richard Byers is well-known for his work supporting development in schools for pupils with learning difficulties and for his particular interest in the impact of the National Curriculum upon schemes of work in the whole curriculum. Exchanges of views with friends and colleagues have greatly influenced the contents of this article.  相似文献   

This article outlines in a theoretical and practical way the concepts of self‐regulated learning, learning strategies and metacognition by looking at concrete examples in the classroom. The teachers presented in the article were taking part in a research and development (R&D) work project in which they were cooperating both with each other and a researcher who was facilitating their way through the development processes. The article focuses on how the teachers introduced learning strategies, how the strategies were adapted to the pupils, how the strategies were connected to various tasks and what the use of strategies means for the pupils’ learning in the studied context. The overall aim of the article is to illuminate how the teachers experienced the pupils’ use of strategies in their learning work. Findings from the study indicate that teachers have to adapt the introduction and use of strategies to the pupils’ development levels and that pupils from 13 to 16 years of age need help from their teachers, both in learning and in controlling their own learning processes.  相似文献   

This study examines teachers' use and evaluation of cooperative learning along with pupils' reactions to cooperative grouping and the quality of the group cooperation in a sample of Dutch primary school teachers who implemented cooperative learning methods. Teachers reported that cooperative learning occurred in their classrooms about four times a week. Teachers reported social skills, on-task behaviour and pupil self-esteem to improve as a result of having pupils work in groups. The pupils reported a positive attitude towards cooperative group learning and rated their work in groups as effective. About half of the teachers reported problems with the monitoring of the cooperative groups. Observations showed the time-on-task levels of the pupils working in groups to be high, but effective learning and cooperation not to be promoted. The teachers devoted little time to the teaching of groupwork skills. In general, the implementation of cooperative grouping was found to lack the features recommended in the literature for effective cooperative learning.  相似文献   

The widely supported wish for more inclusive education places ever greater expectations on teachers’ abilities to teach all children, including those with special needs and challenging behaviours. The present study aimed at the question whether teachers judge pupil behaviour more negatively if there are more children with difficult behaviour in class. The teachers of 184 classes in 31 regular primary schools were asked to complete the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-L) for 3649 pupils. Six linear mixed models were carried out with as independent variable the number of pupils that teachers perceived to have ‘abnormal behaviour’, and the class mean without these pupils as the dependent variable. For all SDQ-L subscales – emotional problems, behavioural problems, problems with hyperactivity, problems with peers, poor prosocial behaviour and total problems – the number of pupils perceived as problematic was associated with less favourable teacher perceptions of the rest of the class. The results of this study are a plea for a contextual perspective on pupil behaviour in class, both where teachers are asked to report on individual pupils, as well as where interventions are done on emotional and behavioural problems in class.  相似文献   

This longitudinal research tests the effectiveness of the SPRinG programme, which was developed through a collaboration between researchers and teachers and designed to provide teachers with strategies for enhancing pupil group work in ‘authentic’ classroom settings. An evaluation study involved comparing pupils in SPRinG classrooms and trained in group work skills with those who were not in terms of science attainment. There were 560 and 1027 pupils (8–10 years) in the experimental and control groups respectively. ‘Macro’ attainment data were collected at the start of the year. ‘Micro’ attainment data were collected in the spring and summer before and after science lessons involving either group work (intervention) or the control teachers' usual approach. SPRinG pupils made greater academic progress than control pupils. Findings are discussed relative to enhancing the quantity and quality of group work in schools and a social pedagogic approach to classroom learning.  相似文献   

A key assumption underpinning formative assessment strategies is that individual pupils must be fully involved in the process. While such engagement and attention on the individual is important, studies suggest that teachers do not always readily engage with formative assessment as a reciprocal process which involves pupils. Additionally, a focus on individual differences between pupils can be problematic if the work that is set for some is differentiated to such an extent that they are not able to participate in classroom activities with others. Inclusive pedagogy is an approach to teaching and learning that attends to individual differences between pupils but avoids the marginalisation that can occur when pedagogical responses are designed only with individual needs in mind. Using participant observation and video footage from three classrooms that captured ‘learning moments’ identified by teachers and pupils, this study documents how the professional craft knowledge of teachers develops as they learn to use what their pupils have to say about learning in the context of whole class teaching. By concentrating on the findings from one site, this paper shows how teachers can use what they learn from listening to pupils’ self-assessments of their learning in ways that meet the standard of inclusive pedagogy.  相似文献   

Effective pedagogy and inclusive practice are located within the quality of learning relationships and the context-sensitive, moment-to-moment professional judgements made by teachers within learning interactions. In particular, good teachers are able to align themselves with pupils’ subject positions, though this experience of relatedness within learning interactions is a bodily one that is mundane and mostly overlooked. The aim of this article is to explore whether this account of learning, that crucially involves a shared way of being minded, is adequate to describe the learning of pupils on the autism spectrum. Problems with the idea of ‘pedagogical intersubjectivity’ in relation to autism are noted. Using personal accounts of learning interactions and recent micro-level research findings about the competences of autistic children in favourable interactional ecologies, it is argued however that experiences of relatedness in learning should be considered as important for autistic pupils too. It is concluded that a key aspect of good practice in relation to autism and education is that teachers are able to critically reflect on their bodily experiences of interaction with autistic pupils as a way of deepening their understanding and developing their professional practice.  相似文献   

Phil Goss has extensive experience as a practitioner and manager in schools for pupils with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties. In this article, he reports on his enquiries into the gender mix among staff in these schools. He finds that there are significantly more women than men working as teachers and in support roles in these specialist contexts. Phil Goss goes on to discuss the outcomes of his research into headteachers' perceptions of the impact of this gender imbalance. In concluding, he makes a series of proposals for future policy on recruitment and staff development, for teachers and teaching assistants. Phil Goss argues that we need to find ways to bring more men into this work.  相似文献   

This study investigates primary school teachers’ sense of efficacy in their work with pupils with learning, emotional, and behavioural difficulties (LEBD), both in mainstream inclusive classrooms and in special classrooms for pupils in residential treatment institutions. Using an online questionnaire survey, data were collected on teachers’ self-efficacy, efficacy beliefs on their ability to teach LEBD pupils, and perceived ability to apply knowledge from different socio-pedagogical areas. Mainstream classroom teachers perceived higher efficacy in collaborating with parents of LEBD pupils, in most aspects of their ability to handle pupils’ learning and behavioural problems, and in most aspects of their ability to use knowledge from different socio-pedagogical areas. Conversely, special classroom teachers perceived higher efficacy in aspects related to their pupils’ engagement and comprehension of learning material, and in their classroom management ability, particularly in managing pupils’ disruptive behaviour.  相似文献   

At a time when the contemporary landscape of teaching is populated with successive and persisting government policy reforms that have increased teachers’ external accountabilities, work complexity, and emotional workload, understanding why and how many teachers are able to sustain their capacity to be resilient and continue to work for improvement is an important quality retention issue. The purpose of this paper is to build upon but take further current understanding of resilience in teachers by exploring in greater depth the nature of resilience in teachers as a relational concept and the ways in which it may be related to the learning and achievement of their pupils. The empirical basis of the paper draws upon analyses of twice yearly semi-structured face-to-face interview data from 300 teachers in different phases of their careers in 100 primary and secondary schools in England over a consecutive three-year period. Through these analyses, the paper contributes additional empirical evidence to the emerging but still limited literature on the factors which influence teachers’ capacity to be resilient. The paper concludes with a consideration of the implication of the findings for the quality retention of teachers.  相似文献   

Project-based learning is undoubtedly one of the best instructional methods for developing students’ broad learning capabilities, beyond teaching specific subject matter. However, experienced engineering teachers often tend to concentrate on merely teaching pupils the technical side of project work. This paper describes a programme aimed at fostering self-regulated learning among high schools pupils working on projects in electronics, control systems and robotics. The programme sought, for example, to promote pupils’ conceptual knowledge regarding the subjects they dealt with in their projects, enabling the learners to gain experience using simulation, laboratory testing and troubleshooting in a system that they were constructing. The change in project work also required pupils to document systematically all stages of system development and reflect on their learning by preparing a printed or web-based ePortfolio on the project. Outcomes of the in-service training course given to teachers countrywide and the first signs of change in project work in schools are reported.  相似文献   

通过对隆安县部分小学体育教研工作的调查研究,了解到当前农村小学体育教研存在的种种问题,并对此进行分析,找出解决问题的对策,以期促进农村学校的体育教学改革,更好地、全面地实施素质教育。  相似文献   

This article reports on selected findings from a doctoral study which investigated how teachers in an 11–16 secondary school in the UK consulted pupils about teaching and learning in their classrooms. It presents the views of pupils on the consultation practices and responses of their teachers. While interest in consulting pupils has increased over the last decade, there is little published research on pupils' perspectives on being consulted apart from Rudduck and McIntyre who themselves draw upon data from the study reported here. Qualitative case-studies of four teachers were carried out over one academic year. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews (with the teachers, with 75 Year 8 pupils and with school management) and lesson observation. Analysis was guided by a systematic inductive approach aided by NVivo. Key findings were that pupils: (i) welcomed consultation; (ii) had much to say about its benefits; (iii) valued feedback from teachers post-consultation; and (iv) had concerns clustered around issues of trust and anonymity. The article suggests there are implications for teachers, school management and policy-makers if significant benefit is to be realised from teachers consulting pupils on teaching and learning in the classroom.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates through an example the usefulness of autoethnography as a mechanism for teachers acquiring clarity about their spiritual experiences, which has the potential to contribute to facilitating pupils’ spiritual growth. I begin by examining the role of the spiritual dimension in the promotion of a holistic model of education. The purposes and ethical implications of autoethnographic research and its benefits for teacher development are addressed. A story about illness, neurosurgery and rehabilitation is presented, written according to introspective and autoethnographic techniques. The narrative reflects aspects of the writer’s spiritual growth and highlights the need among teachers to explore their own spiritual well‐being as much as the spiritual well‐being of their pupils. Suggestions are made about the diverse use of narrative to promote spiritual learning experiences in the classroom. This is an important part of the work carried out by teachers in the delivery of a curriculum that prepares learners to fulfil their potential in life and work.  相似文献   

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