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IlikeEnglish,soIlikeEnglishteachers,too.OfallmyEnglishteachers,IlikeMissLiubest.Ithinksheisnotonlymyteacher,butalsomygoodfriend. MissLiuhaslonghairandtwobrighteyes.ShespeaksEnglishfluently(流利地).Shelooksyoungandnice,becauseshelikessports.MissLiuhasbeenteachingEnglishforsevenyears.SometimessheteachesustosingEnglishsongsandtellsussomeEnglishstories.Weallrespecther.Iloveherverymuch.I like one of my teachers$太原市第38中202班@张敏…  相似文献   

BeCause Iw阴t two Pieees of eake、M:一m.月尸口.、、I Want Two Pieces of Cake@佚名 @陈烨霓$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》是一部奇幻冒险小说,于2001年出版之前被五家伦敦出版社拒绝。这是作者扬·马特尔的第二部小说,成为2002年布克奖获奖作品。以下是马特尔获奖之后与PBS NewsHour主持人SUAREZ的访谈对话,谈故事,谈人物,谈创作经历……  相似文献   

The article builds upon a study where students’ relations to science are related to their worldviews and the kind of worldviews they associate with science. The aim of the study is to deepen our knowledge of how worldview and students’ ways to handle conflicts between their own worldview and the worldview they associate with science, can add to our understanding of students’ relations to science. Data consists of students’ responses to a questionnaire (N = 47) and to interviews (N = 26). The study shows that for students who have a high ability in science, those who have taken science-intense programmes in upper secondary school to a higher extent than others have worldviews in accordance with the worldviews they associate with science. This indicates that students who embrace a worldview different from the one they associate with science tend to exclude themselves from science/technology programmes in Swedish upper secondary school. In the article the results are presented through case studies of single individuals. Those students’ reasoning is related to the results for the whole student group. Implications for science teaching and for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

For this year's 41st International Annual IATEFL Conference in Aberdeen , IATEFL and the British Council worked together to enable teacher audiences worldwide to participate in this year's IATEFL Conference via the internet and get a taste of exactly what happens over four exciting days each year around Easter. The following are from the roving reporters who report on conference sessions using web logs on 2007 IATEFL Conference.  相似文献   

I Show I Am     
“我型我SHOW”究竟让多少人的梦想放光,恐怕已经无法数清。今年,又会有谁再次进驻这个聚光灯闪耀的地方?一轮轮的比赛进行了,一群群的追梦人离开了,留下了承载着他们梦想的人继续前行,我们带着好奇,采访了其中的几位,师洋、高娅媛、何方、戚薇是比赛的佼佼者,却也有着自己的故事。  相似文献   

I think I Can     
如果你认为你败了,那你就一败涂地;如果你认为你不敢,那你就会退缩畏惧;如果你想赢但是认为你不能,那么毫无疑问你就会失利。如果你认  相似文献   

This paper attempts to address the principal shortage issue from the concept of fit perceived by job applicants. It links vice-principals’ perception of suitability for principalship to their conception of how well they can match with the selection criteria set out by school hiring bodies. Based on evidence collected from aspiring principals in Hong Kong, the study found that the respondents believed their suitability for a principal position was generally measured against four criteria by school hiring bodies; namely generic managerial skills, communication and presentation skills, knowledge and experience, and religious value orientation. Respondents were confident about their capability in the first three attributes, but were less assured about the last one. The results further showed that respondents’ perceived deficiency in the religious related attribute affected their confidence in being considered a suitable candidate. Implications of the findings for policy makers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we utilise the British National Child Development Study to explore the determinants of career expectations formed at the age of 16. We analyse the influence of careers advice and resources at school on career expectations as well as the influence of education. In addition, we explore the accuracy of occupational expectations as compared to the occupation that the respondents subsequently become employed in. Throughout our findings, human capital and gender play a pivotal role in explaining career expectations as well as explaining the accuracy of the occupational forecast. Interestingly, the level of school resources available for careers guidance in terms of the number of teachers who are qualified to give careers advice and the amount of specific careers guidance training received by these teachers both have relatively small effects upon career expectations.  相似文献   

在OICQ上我叫“蒙娜丽莎”,那是一个拥有不朽笑容的女人。在生活中我叫三木,那是一个毫不起眼的平凡的小丫头。 在OICQ上蒙娜丽莎千娇百媚,谈笑自若,顾盼生辉。在生活中三木一切平平,普通得就像众多破折号中的一个,有时一天从早笑到晚,却不知到底在笑些什么。 我不知道哪个才是真正的自己。在OICQ上和生活中我都爱听音乐,英文歌尤甚。R·Kelly有首《IBe-liveve I Can Fly》,是1998年葛莱美获奖金曲之一。很简单的MTV,却有种特别  相似文献   

在OICQ上我叫蒙娜丽莎,那是一个拥有不朽笑容的女人。在生活中我叫三木,那是一个毫不起眼的平凡的丫头。在OICQ上蒙娜丽莎千娇百媚,谈笑自若,顾盼生辉。在生活中三木一切平平,普通得就像众多破折号中的一个,有时一天从早笑到晚,却不知到底在笑些什么。  相似文献   

The present study examines the pragmatic functions of the discourse marker I mean based on a case study of an American soap opera Desperate Housewives.Four pragmatic functions of I mean are detected and discussed.Among them,two functions are more frequently used including supplementary and explanatory function,reminding and emphasizing function.  相似文献   

彬彬有礼是文明,M ay I/Could I…开场白。M ay I com e in,please?想进别人屋子里。Could I speak to M r.Lin?请你帮找林先生。注释:1.英语中M ay I/Could I…是常用的开场白,表示谦恭客气的态度。2.M ay I com e in,please?我可以进来吗?———选自《少儿英语歌谣100首》彬彬有May I Could I…?@胡文彬 @胡正桁  相似文献   

I Love,So I Do     
我清晰地记得,那是在教授完PEP第三册教材Unit 6 Meet My Familv,PartA部分时,为了巩固所学单词brother,sister,father,mother的书写,我不假思索便说:“For today’s homework,please copy…”“Oh…”学生们的长吁短叹让我失望。“在这种情绪下完成的作业能有效果吗?”我不禁思索。突然“兴趣-动力-效果”三个词猛然跳入我的脑海。“对,就从兴趣出发。”我清了清嗓子又说: ““Please design some wordcards of your family members. ““““Word cards? Yes, you can大话draw a picture of your father and write father on it. “Yea……”孩子们的欢呼声充满了课堂,但是我心里却还是七上八下的。  相似文献   

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