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解读图腾存在的生命意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图腾是一种非常古老的原始宗教形式。在一定的化图中,同一图腾信仰也就意味着同源共祖。图腾也是最早的社会组织的标志和象征,它对于氏族内部的团结和实行氏族以外的婚制具有重要意义。图腾演变的轨迹可从服饰等物品中迫寻,图腾崇拜的本质含义在于原始初民对其现世幸福生活的祈盼与向往,对自己传统部落势力的珍重与维护。  相似文献   

我国正规的姓氏制度究竟溯源于何时:一般认为源于夏代是可信的。这是由于我国历史发展到夏代才开始出现国家。在夏代以前仍属部落联盟时代。在部落还未形成联盟时期的初级阶段,大抵为图腾社会。其后期人智渐开而知己身之所自出,父之于家庭亦渐有其地位。遂由图腾祖信仰转为崇拜始祖,又因族外婚之发达,每一图腾团皆杂有数种以上之图腾信仰,搅乱一团信仰一图腾之成规,以致失去图腾本来之价值。由此,遂以祭祀拜祖代替图腾信仰、以图腾物号作为其族号以别于他族。此乃为姓之由来。于是图腾团组织变为族组织,图腾社会告终而姓族社会起而代之,是为姓氏首次演变,亦可言为姓之产生。自此姓即成为血统世系所系之中心。而此时期即为母系社会时代。由母系到父系社会大约完成于夏代时期。亦即“姓”与“氏”的正式产生时期,《国语》记  相似文献   

巢湖市出土文物文化内涵异常丰富,其中新石器时期凌家滩玉鸟和汉代青铜朱雀等,反映了江淮地区史前时期至秦汉的鸟图腾文化的嬗变。玉鸟是原始宗教的图腾,其诡异的造型,显现出先民的某些信仰观念,与上古商族的鸟图腾信仰存在明晰的文化亲缘关系。它是诗经中生商的玄鸟和卜辞中帝使凤的祖型。从中可知古巢得名与凤鸟崇拜的联系。  相似文献   

神灵信仰以对神灵的崇拜与神圣的仪式体现出宗教性,世俗信仰则以人际关系中特有的虔诚与执着体现出宗教性.世俗信仰的宗教性通过宗教关系反映出来;世俗信仰中的宗教关系不只是指宗教实践中普遍意义上的人际关系与集体间的关系,其核心是个体之间建立在信任和忠靠的基础上的精神依存关系.世俗信仰实践通过消解人际关系的危机实现社会的稳定与个...  相似文献   

弗洛伊德的宗教起源论透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弗洛伊德把精神分析学说运用于对宗教心理根源的考察,认为宗教是“俄狄浦斯情结”惧父心理的无意识转移的产物,原始时期父权制部落里的儿辈们的伊父,弑父以及由是产生的“懊悔心理”,为宗教崇拜和道德禁忌的产生奠定了基础,各种实教信仰的对象,如图腾,摩西,上帝等都是“父亲”的化身,宗教的教导,安慰,要求三大社会功能也体出了“父亲”的作用。  相似文献   

改革开放以后,过去信仰高度同质化的现象已经改变,各种非主流信仰相继涌现,尤其是青年宗教热现象的兴起,对大学生的思想造成了一定的影响。信仰是一个人为一个人的元气,一个社会为一个社会的元气,无论是个人还是社会都需要信仰来支撑。如何通过信仰教育使大学生树立科学的理想信念,正确认识宗教相关问题成为刻不容缓的问题。  相似文献   

《天路历程》是漫长的18世纪极具社会影响力的作品之一。作者约翰·班扬在这部宗教寓言中将基于个人主体性的信仰选择视为个人宗教身份及社会权威建构的驱动力,并在"救赎""名利场"这两个命题中揭示了权力与权威个人主体化的过程。班扬认为,个人救赎是基于个人认知,自主选择的信仰之路,并在神意指引下,独自面对各种考验,直至灵性的成长;同时,个人救赎是在与他者,以及社会这类"名利场"的互动中得到验证,并以推动属灵社会的建构为目标。班扬的作品深受读者喜爱,并参与新兴资产阶级个人主义深度契合,对社会精神建构有着深远影响。《天路历程》在文本传播与社会影响这两个层面揭示了个人主体性之于文学公共领域建构的重要意义。  相似文献   

信仰缺失对学校道德教育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、何为信仰 所谓信仰常常与宗教联系到一起,以为本文主要是探讨宗教与道德教育的某些关联。其实不然,我所指的信仰是广义的信仰,是指人们对某种具有长远的、终极的意义或价值的向往、追求,甚至身体力行的一种信念,表现在社会中主要是人们的一种精神状况和价值追求。  相似文献   

信仰、宗教、邪教三者既相互区别又紧密联系。它们分别对个人乃至整个社会都产生了不同程度的影响。信仰最终要从宗教中解放出来 ,而宗教的世俗化却又使现代社会面临着严峻的挑战  相似文献   

《山海经》记载的内容与宗教有紧密的关系。图腾是原始宗教的一种形态。《山海经》中图腾崇拜材料,从日月图腾、动物图腾以至龙凤图腾,具有丰富的宗教学内涵。在现在重新弘扬龙文化,有助于形成民族凝聚力,增强民族自尊心、自豪感。  相似文献   

Religious pluralism led to the colonies' separation of church and state by 1776, to Mann's campaign for common schooling, and to the complete secularization of public schools by 1900. The dependence of Western theology upon untenable Greek metaphysics justifies an explanation that the evolutionary purpose of religion was to promote personal integration and social cohesion. This also occurs in civic religion, herein explicated as the common faith established by truths from intersubjectively valid inquiries and by experienced qualities (i.e., the goodness) of things in the natural, societal, and lived worlds of the natural and social sciences and humanities. This promotes natural piety and a sustainable planet by grounding education in the child's being in the world. The inclusion of formal religion in the public school curriculum is considered, but unnecessary, because schools already promote individual development and social cohesion through education for citizenship, etc.  相似文献   

非法邪教与合法宗教有着明晰的区别 ,尽管它的出现是有一定社会原因 ,但它对社会的危害是极大的。只有坚持科学和唯物论立场 ,才能认清当代邪教本质 ;只有坚持社会主义的政治立场 ,才能正确区分合法宗教与异端邪教 ,保护宗教 ,自觉防范和打击邪教  相似文献   

论宗教与社会主义和谐社会的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发挥宗教在构建社会主义和谐社会中的作用,首先要完整准确地理解马克思的宗教观。把“宗教是人民的鸦片”视为马克思宗教观的本质是失之偏颇的。马克思宗教观最核心的內容,是认为宗教的产生及其表现方式与特点,都与由物质生产和物质交往所决定的一定社会状况和历史发展联系在一起,与当时当地人们的现实生活联系在一起。不同历史时期、不同民族国家的人的现实生活过程,是宗教存在与演变的最深刻的根源。根据上述马克思的宗教观,合手逻辑的结论是:人们对宗教的理解也会随着社会历史的发展特别是现代科学技术的发展而不断变化。  相似文献   

Religion could play a positive role in intergroup relations. However, this potential is usually overlooked and religion is often perceived as divisive and polarizing, perhaps even a source of intergroup conflict. This study examined religion as a possible tool for achieving positive intergroup encounters. A randomized control trial research design was used to study the contribution of religion to the enhancement of positive relations between Jewish and Arab high school students in Israel. The 255 eleventh‐grade students were randomly assigned into three groups: encounters based on religious content, encounters based on social content, and a control group. Findings revealed that the religion‐based intervention was more effective than the social‐based one, which merely slowed down the deteriorating relationships between the groups. The results suggest that religion can serve as a common denominator for different national and social groups and be used for enhancing tolerance and understanding between conflict groups.  相似文献   

任何执政者都要与宗教打交道,世界上许多事都与宗教相关。新时期,我们需要以新型的执政意识审视宗教功能,以现代的思想观念去研究科学合理的政教关系。当代,社会转型是中国社会发展的一个突出特征,社会转型带来了社会价值观念的巨大转变,造成了激烈的价值矛盾、冲突和现实失范等。当今,培育人文精神是调适价值观念冲突的有效武器。宗教属于信仰范畴,回答人们用理性无法解释的人生根本问题。在转型时代的欧洲,康德的宗教哲学思想对欧洲大陆有着积极的建树,探讨其人文思想,对构建社会主义和谐社会将有重要的意义。  相似文献   


This essay discusses the role of religion as a central facet when researching the emerging social group – the global middle class (GMC). It is argued here that religion is a particularly relevant feature for the constitution of this social group because of the GMC’s transnational and cosmopolitan character. In this essay, I will draw on several examples focused on Islamic education provision in Western, pre-dominantly Christian societies to illustrate why and how religion should become critical to our study of the GMC. The essay’s central argument is that there remains a gap in research related to the role of religion in the making and practising of the GMC as a social group. I conclude by proposing a future research agenda that addresses the intersections of religion, education, and the GMC on an individual, national, and global level.  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯奠定了历史唯物主义的宗教观,列宁进一步揭示了在资本主义制度下宗教的麻醉作用,阐明了无产阶级革命时代无产阶级对待宗教的态度,以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为代表的中国共产党人根据马克思主义宗教观的基本原则,从我国的国情出发,正确把握我国宗教所具有的群众性、民族性、社会化、国际性等特点,立足于我国社会主义条件下宗教问题的长期性以及宗教在当代的某些变化,克服教条主义和主观主义,探索了如何处理宗教与社会主义的关系,以及如何引导宗教与社会主义相适应的重大课题,这是我党对于马克思主义宗教理论的重大贡献,体现了我党坚持真理、实事求是的优良传统和与日俱进的开拓精神。  相似文献   

The authors conducted a qualitative study using phenomenological inquiry to explore the nature and essence of international students' experience of utilizing religion/spirituality to cope with acculturative stress. Twelve students from 2 public universities and diverse religious/spiritual traditions participated. Results suggest that religion/spirituality plays a central role in the heightening of psychological, cognitive, and social functioning and affects students' performance in the academic environment. Implications for student affairs personnel, counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors are provided.  相似文献   

It is suggested that sport is not only popular but also plays a highly significant part in the lives of many. One explanation focuses on the analysis of the tension excitement generated by sporting encounters. Particular emphasis is placed on the work of Elias and Dunning, who suggest that in societies at a late stage in the “civilising process,” affect-control is strongly established, so that people's expressions of sentiment are strongly restrained. Excitement in such societies is thus to be found not so much in real-life situations as through mimetic or “imitative” excitement, which resembles that produced in critical situations in real life, but in a safe and pleasurable way. A second approach draws on a variety of theoretical perspectives, although the contributions derived from Emile Durkheim's later work on the sociology of religion are prominent. The argument is advanced that sports encapsulate symbolically the social natures, relations, and identities of the collectivities that generate them. Sport, therefore, is perceived as a form of collective representation that may be invested with great social significance. Finally, relationships between the two approaches are considered.  相似文献   

This mixed method study examines Finnish pupils' (N = 825; age groups 12–13, 15–16) views on the place of religion in the public school. Religious landscape in Finnish society has changed significantly in recent years, as the `new' diversity (Vertovec 2015) has supplemented the `old' one. The role of institutionalized religion has diminished, whereas globalism, secularism and an interest in new religious movements have been on the rise. The traditionally strong Evangelical Lutheranism has become a more cultural, secular feature underlying societal history and nationalism. In this changing situation, it is important to obtain knowledge about how the pupils themselves see the position of religion in the public education system. In this article, we examine pupils' views on the place of religion both as a formal part of the National Curriculum and as a part of social interaction and physical environment, and whether background factors explain variance in their conceptions.  相似文献   

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