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《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》指出“教师应成为幼儿学习的支持者、合作者、引导者”,“要以关怀、接纳、尊重的态度与幼儿交往,耐心倾听,努力理解幼儿的想法与感受。”在现有条件下,集体活动是一般幼儿园重要的组织活动形式,教师如何与幼儿建立积极、有效的师幼互动,是值得老师关注、探讨的。本文是笔者在学习《纲要》的基础上,对目前师幼互动的一些问题进行反思,初步探求通过努力创设良好的师幼互动的心理环境、分组活动、提高教师的自身素质、提高对幼儿行为的领悟力等建立有效师幼互动的策略。  相似文献   

“师幼互动”是《纲要》提出的、作为幼儿园教育的基本形态存在于幼儿学习生活的各个方面,积极师幼互动能有效促进幼儿发展。幼儿园教育活动中必须加强积极有效的师幼互动。  相似文献   

一、创设良好的互动环境,为构建有效的师幼互动提供条件《幼儿园教育指导纲要》明确提出:"为幼儿创设良好的教育环境"。环境是教学活动中建构积极有效师幼互动的基础,良好的环境能诱发幼儿参与活动的积极性、主动性,激发幼儿的求知欲望,促进幼儿主动参与师幼互动,主动与环境、同伴互动。  相似文献   

《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:教师要以关怀、接纳、尊重的态度与幼儿交往,耐心倾听,努力理解幼儿的想法与感受。支持、鼓励他们大胆探索与表达,关注幼儿在活动中的表现和反应,敏锐地觉察他们的需要,及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作探索式的师幼关系。师幼互动的过程既是教师职能发挥的过程,同时也是教师、幼儿共同成长的过程。因此幼儿教育已将着眼点从过去重视老师怎样教,转为重视师幼关系、师幼互动上来。[编者按]  相似文献   

<正>新《纲要》提出:"关注幼儿在活动中的表现和反应,敏感地观察他们的需要,及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作探究式的师幼互动。"有效的师幼互动,是指在师幼互动中,教师能够了解幼儿兴趣、需求,了解幼儿原有水平,把握幼儿年龄特点,分析幼儿可能遇到的问题,了解幼儿的困惑,找到幼儿发展真正的增长点,针对幼儿实际,引导幼儿与环境、与教师、与同伴积极互动。建构积极、有效的师幼互动是每个教育者共同面对的重要任务。  相似文献   

钟瑛 《动漫界》2022,(12):88-89
师幼互动作为一种特殊的人际互动方式, 指教师和幼儿之间发生的不同形式的相互作用和影响.《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》)指出:"关注幼儿在活动中的表现和反应,敏感地察觉他们的需要,及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作探究式的师生互动. "早期阅读活动中的师幼互动是指在幼儿阅读过程中所产生的师幼间的交互影响. ...  相似文献   

随着教研制度的逐步完善,以及《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》的开展,我园的园本课程也渐渐成熟起来。课题研究逐步深入,我们的目光也随行动的进程变化改善,而且初步积累了一些有益于发展、提高活动质量的经验。一日活动中积极有效的师幼互动,可促进幼儿的发展,那么领会积极有效师幼互动的内涵,掌握影响积极有效师幼互动的各种因素对于教师来说可谓极其必要。  相似文献   

《幼儿园教育指导纲要》要求“教师关注幼儿在活动中的表现与反应,敏感地察觉他们的需要,及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作探究式的师幼互动”。要达到这个目标,需要构建积极有效的师幼互动来促进幼儿的发展。  相似文献   

黄萍 《教师》2014,(27):126-126
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》要求:"关注幼儿在活动中的反应和表现,敏感地察觉他们的需要,及时以适当的方式形成合作探究式的师幼互动。"由此可见师幼互动在幼儿健康成长中占有相当重要的分量,本文就从师幼关系谈起寻找优化师幼互动的策略。  相似文献   

张红燕 《考试周刊》2009,(26):232-232
师幼互动作为幼儿同教育的基本表现形态,存在于幼儿的生活之中,表现在幼儿园教育的各个领域,并对幼儿的发展产生了难以估量的重要影响。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》明确提出:幼儿网的教育是为所有幼儿的健康成长服务的.教师要以关怀、接纳、尊重的态度与幼儿交谈。耐心倾听、仔细理解幼儿的想法和感受,支持、鼓励他们大胆探索与表达,关注幼儿在活动中的表现和反应,敏感地察觉他们的需要。及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作、探究式的师幼互动。随着《纲要》的贯彻落实,教师的教育观念不断更新,教育行为不断改善.并有意识地通过积极的互动提高了教育的有效性。但在深入研究、分析后,我却发现在师幼互动中,教师更多地关注幼儿在建构等创造活动中的行为问题,忽视了与幼儿进行积极、有效的情感交流,从而使教师的教育和与幼儿的互动显得很消极和被动。  相似文献   

The far-reaching impacts of the teacher–child relationship, including academic achievement and social/behavioral adjustment, have been well-documented. At the same time, literature also suggests that teacher perceptions of teacher–child relationships are impacted by the race/ethnicity match or mismatch between teacher and child, with matching related to more positive teacher perceptions. However, limited work has focused on children who are at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders (EBDs) or tested the mechanisms that mediate the relation between a mismatch in the race and teacher-perceived conflict. Thus, the current study used multilevel structural equation modeling to test whether a higher proportion of race mismatch between children in the classroom with problem behavior and teachers was related to teachers' classroom management self-efficacy and, in turn, teacher-perceived conflict with children among 148 teachers and 354 preschool-aged children. Results indicated that among students most at-risk for EBDs, a higher proportion of race mismatch between teachers and children significantly predicted less teacher classroom management self-efficacy and, in turn, significantly predicted teachers' greater perceived conflict with children. Furthermore, this mediation pathway was significant. Findings highlight the importance of teacher training and support that focused on increasing self-efficacy to improve relationships between teachers and children.  相似文献   

涂尔干是法国著名的社会学家和教育家,他从社会学的角度提出了教师权威学说,开辟了教育研究的新视角。涂尔干企图通过建立教师权威,运用教师道德的优先性对儿童进行道德教育,使儿童顺利实现社会化,从而达到社会稳定团结的目的,这是一个美好的愿景。文章通过对涂尔干教师权威学说的述评,厘清涂尔干教师权威学说的贡献与不足,为建构科学的教师权威提供方向。  相似文献   

按照人学的视角,目前幼儿体育教学中存在着理念认识上不到位、幼儿体育教师师资培养不够、幼儿体育教师素质标准缺失以及幼儿体育课程器材与活动场地不足、幼儿体育研究中"人"的研究主体不强等问题。我们认为可以从政策与现实对接、加强幼儿体育师资培养、设置幼儿体育教师素质标准、提高幼儿活动器材和场地的准入门坎和加强对幼儿体育教学中"人"的研究来提升幼儿体育教学。  相似文献   

The implications of the attachment relationship between children and their preschool teachers was investigated. Sixty-two preschool-age children and their teachers were studied to assess relations between the quality of attachment relationships and social competence. Results indicate that attachment security with teacher is related to prosocial behavior and teacher-rated social competence in the preschool. In addition, evidence suggests that when the child-mother attachment relationship is insecure, a secure attachment relationship with a preschool teacher may partially compensate for the insecure relationship. Children who were insecurely attached to mother but securely attached to teacher had higher teacher-rated social competence, were more prosocial, and were more positive emotionally than children who were insecurely attached to both mother and teacher.  相似文献   

This study examines the experience of national teacher assessment in a sample of inner‐city infant schools. In particular, it addresses the conduct of teacher assessment in the three core curriculum areas of English, mathematics and science, and modifications made for children with English as a second language and those with special educational needs. Two distinct approaches to teacher assessment emerged, with integration into classroom activities occurring in some cases, but frequently separate ‘bolt‐on’ activities being carried out. It is interesting to note that almost all the teachers used two or three standard assessment tasks instead of continuous teacher assessment to assess children’ s attainment. Teachers consistently saw time as a vital ingredient for meeting the needs of children with ‘additional educational needs’ in relation to teacher assessment. The findings are discussed in the context of recent policy developments and in terms of theoretical models of teachers’ approaches to assessment.  相似文献   


This paper describes and analyses the fate of an educational innovation, namely the mainstreaming of hearing impaired children into a primary school. Set in the context of recent State policy, it is a critical case study of a ‘caring’ organization staffed by ‘professionals’ engaged in work upon children with special needs. The data presented are derived from ethnographic interview with a specially qualified teacher of the hearing impaired. Primarily, it explores the teacher's interaction with her male headteacher, from her perspective. Conflict developed between the two around the meaning of integration, and the use of the hearing impaired children as a resource to preserve the school, at a time of threatened closure. Eventually, there was a polarized antipathy between teacher and head; and a consequent teacher career failure and head career success, resulting in the ultimate resignation of the teacher. As such, the paper is a critique of the socially oppressive schooling of those children deemed to have special needs.  相似文献   

This research is concerned with clarifying whether teacher’s communicative strategies affect children’s conversational relevance in classroom discourse. 34 conversations between teacher and children in a nursery school in a Rome suburb of low social class, collected with a «quasi-experimental» methodology, have been audiotaped and analysed. 5961 turns at talk have been categorised in order to identify different levels of relevance of the teacher’s and children’s conversational contributions. Categories describe the links between the present turn and the focus or the topic of the preceding turn. Frequencies of turn categorization were elaborated by computing transitional probabilities. Results of sequential analysis show that the children most often extend or elaborate on the information introduced by the teacher when the teacher has just extended the topic of a child speaker. In the group observed in this research peer interaction can however take on a function similar to that of teacher-children interaction: high relevance to a preceding utterance somehow «activates» a subsequent highly relevant contribution by another child.  相似文献   


The present study investigated specific teacher factors that potentially influence teacher‐child relationships with preschool‐age children. One demographic questionnaire and three rating scales were used to survey 152 head teachers of 3–6‐year‐old children in community‐based childcare and preschool centers in one mid‐western state. There were 46 teachers who reported on their relationship with a child with a disability or concerning developmental delay. Positive correlations were found between teacher‐child relationships and the teachers’ educational backgrounds, self‐reported teaching efficacy and parent‐teacher relationships. The parent‐teacher relationship appeared to be the strongest teacher‐related factor predicting the quality of teacher‐child relationships. Compared to other teachers, the teachers of children with delays or disabilities reported comparable parent‐teacher relationships and more positive teacher‐child relationships, especially when more than one child with concerns was reportedly enrolled in the classroom. Teachers with children who had developmental delays reported lower teaching efficacy scores. The role of parent‐teacher relationships is highlighted as a possible moderator when teachers feel less than capable or positive about individual children in their program.  相似文献   

幼儿园中作为社会化代理的教师   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
幼儿园教师作为社会委托的专业人员。应更有目的、有意识地干预和影响幼儿的社会化过程。幼儿园教师作为社会化代理承担着三种角色:幼儿社会性发展的促进者、幼儿社会化过程中的合作者、文化知识的启蒙者。  相似文献   

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