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Key points

  • This article marks the publication of the Tenth edition Clark's Publishing Agreements: A book of precedents.
  • The growing complexity of traditional assignment agreements is accompanied by researchers’ misunderstanding about their rights.
  • There is a shifting balance between assignment and licensing of rights in an author's work.
  • Academics continue to agree standard assignment contracts even where they disagree with the principles.
  • Publishers are loosening control over copyright in response to demands from funders and a growing minority of researchers.
  • There is a complex range of researchers’ attitudes to copyright issues.



This study sought to ascertain the publication rate of abstracts presented at the annual meetings of the Medical Library Association (MLA) for the years of 2002 and 2003. The secondary objectives were to examine possible reasons for non-publication and factors influencing publication.


A total of 442 abstracts from both meeting years, consisting of presented papers and posters, were examined. The 2 methods used to obtain a publication rate were literature searches and an online questionnaire sent to first authors. The questionnaire also asked abstract authors about reasons for non-publication and other factors that might have influenced their decisions about whether or not to submit the project for publication.


The overall publication rate from the survey was 26.5%, and the publication rate found via literature searching was 27.6%. The most common reason given for non-publication was time restrictions. Also notable was the large proportion of abstracts written by librarians working at universities and those having 25 or more years in the library profession.


Publication rates for abstracts presented at the Medical Library Association meetings for the years studied rank at the low end in comparison with other medical professional associations. Further research into factors affecting publication may reveal ways to increase this rate.


  • Publication rates from posters and presentations at the Medical Library Association''s 2002 and 2003 annual meetings were estimated at less than 28.0% using data from an author survey and literature search. In contrast, a Cochrane systematic review of 79 similar biomedical research studies found a mean publication rate of 44.5%.
  • Respondents listed time restrictions as their primary reason for not submitting their presentations for publication.


  • Compared to biomedical conferences, relatively little of the information presented at Medical Library Association annual meetings is available as peer-reviewed evidence in the published literature.
  • Each profession has different norms for the nature and style of information in presentations at meetings. The further presenters get from basic research, the more difficult it may be for them to conceptualize a presentation as a formal paper. Diverse publication rates between professions are likely to remain.
  • Additional study could be aimed at further clarifying the reasons for non-publication and possible means to ameliorate them.


Key points

  • Publishing is fixated on the format of the scholarly article, and this is stifling innovation.
  • Content should be presented in a way that adapts dynamically to the reader's needs.
  • A lot of interdisciplinary research is needed to transform reading, writing, and publishing processes.


Key points

  • A more general and continuous form of ‘A short history of SHELX’ phenomenon has been found.
  • The Review of Particle Physics (RPP) series, which is called the bible in the particle physics field, is highly cited by other research papers.
  • The RPP phenomenon is found in different journals and is affected by the host journal's impact factor and publication size.
  • The RPP phenomenon provides a big or small, but temporary, boost to its host journal's impact factor.


Key points

  • Twenty years ago, a fraction of articles were paired with supplements; now, one in five research stories go beyond PDF.
  • Why has the evolution of research content's delivery vehicles lagged behind the evolution of the research story?
  • Hyperlinked in‐line references are the most used feature of the Enhanced PDF – exposing faster, easier ways to follow the path of research.
  • Discovery need not start and end with the search engine – it can start within the PDF itself.
  • Discovery is not a solitary process; therefore, content platforms must support collaboration to drive readership.



A survey was conducted of health sciences libraries to obtain information about newer buildings, additions, remodeling, and renovations.


An online survey was developed, and announcements of survey availability posted to three major email discussion lists: Medical Library Association (MLA), Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL), and MEDLIB-L. Previous discussions of library building projects on email discussion lists, a literature review, personal communications, and the author''s consulting experiences identified additional projects.


Seventy-eight health sciences library building projects at seventy-three institutions are reported. Twenty-two are newer facilities built within the last ten years; two are space expansions; forty-five are renovation projects; and nine are combinations of new and renovated space. Six institutions report multiple or ongoing renovation projects during the last ten years.


The survey results confirm a continuing migration from print-based to digitally based collections and reveal trends in library space design. Some health sciences libraries report loss of space as they move toward creating space for “community” building. Libraries are becoming more proactive in using or retooling space for concentration, collaboration, contemplation, communication, and socialization. All are moving toward a clearer operational vision of the library as the institution''s information nexus and not merely as a physical location with print collections.


  • Seventy-eight health sciences library building projects at seventy-three institutions were reported as completed in the last ten years.
  • Five health sciences library projects illustrate the diversity of projects reported.
  • Eleven trends in health sciences library buildings are identified.
  • Numerous challenges are briefly discussed.


  • Changing services and usage patterns demand innovative ways to use library space.
  • Libraries are making more proactive efforts to retool library physical space.
  • Migration from print to digital collections is continuing at an accelerated pace.
  • More library space is now dedicated for “community” building.


Key points

  • Publishers increasingly wish to create subject collections but need automated systems to carry this out in a cost‐effective fashion.
  • The capabilities of unsupervised machine‐based tools to create subject collections have improved dramatically.
  • Experts are still likely to find errors and exceptions in automated unsupervised content extractions and need ways to interact with semantic tools.
  • Many semi‐automated content solutions require highly skilled and expensive technical staff to develop and maintain them.
  • Karger's use of UNSILO's Package Manager appears to have improved efficiency and also fed back to UNSILO to help improve the product.


Key points

  • Humanities and the social science journals need flexible funding models.
  • Pragmatism and collaboration are key to transforming traditional publishing initiatives.
  • The Uopen Journals model sets a 6‐year development target for developing sustainable journals.
  • Actively involved editors are key to a journal's success.


Key points

  • Accessibility of publications in academia is a non‐negotiable legal requirement.
  • The accessibility of your journal or other scholarly publication is the most important design consideration in your workflow.
  • EPUB Accessibility 1.0 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 provide a clear publishing pathway.
  • Consider the readability chain: Any link can result in accessibility failure but an unbroken chain will benefit all readers.



To encourage evidence-based practice, an Annals of Internal Medicine editorial called for a new professional on clinical teams: an informationist trained in science or medicine as well as information science.


The study explored the effects of informationists on information behaviors of clinical research teams, specifically, frequency of seeking information for clinical or research decisions, range of resources consulted, perceptions about access to information, confidence in adequacy of literature searches, and effects on decision making and practice. It also explored perceptions about training and experience needed for successful informationists.


Exploratory focus groups and key interviews were followed by baseline and follow-up surveys conducted with researchers and clinicians receiving the service. Survey data were analyzed with Pearson''s chi-square or Fisher''s exact test.


Comparing 2006 to 2004 survey responses, the researchers found that study participants reported: seeking answers to questions more frequently, spending more time seeking or using information, believing time was less of an obstacle to finding or using information, using more information resources, and feeling greater satisfaction with their ability to find answers. Participants'' opinions on informationists'' qualifications evolved to include both subject knowledge and information searching expertise.


Over time, clinical research teams with informationists demonstrated changes in their information behaviors, and they valued an informationist''s subject matter expertise more.


  • Informationist involvement in traditional team activities—going on rounds and searching and critically evaluating the literature—increased over time.
  • As the relationship between a clinical team and informationist developed, activities expanded to include projects such as development of wikis, databases, and websites.
  • Clinical teams came to view subject knowledge as key to an informationist''s preparation; however, their expertise as information scientists was valued most highly.
  • “Initiative,” approaching research staff in their workplace, was the one personal trait focus group participants agreed on as most desirable for an informationist.
  • When first introduced to the concept, researchers cited customization of services to team needs as a major benefit.


  • To assure a successful informationist program, libraries must be prepared to commit time and money.
  • Whether informationists or not, librarians should be prepared to support users'' increased need for genetics and molecular biology information.


Key points

  • Scenario planning is fun and engaging and is a good opportunity to revisit your company's core strengths and competitive advantage!
  • Scenario planning should drive long‐term thinking in organizations.
  • It will change the nature of the strategic conversation and can be used to help validate business innovation.
  • Scenarios can help to engage with other organizations in the industry and help people work together to create preferred future outcomes.
  • The complexity of scenario planning should not be underestimated and shortcuts do not work.



The purposes of this study were: to determine the number of articles requested by library users that could be retrieved from the library''s collection using the library catalog and link resolver, in other words, the availability rate; and to identify the nature and frequency of problems encountered in this process, so that the problems could be addressed and access to full-text articles could be improved.


A sample of 414 requested articles was identified via link resolver log files. Library staff attempted to retrieve these articles using the library catalog and link resolver and documented access problems.


Staff were able to retrieve electronic full text for 310 articles using the catalog. An additional 21 articles were available in print, for an overall availability rate of nearly 80%. Only 68% (280) of articles could be retrieved electronically via the link resolver. The biggest barriers to access in both instances were lack of holdings and incomplete coverage. The most common problem encountered when retrieving articles via the link resolver was incomplete or inaccurate metadata.


An availability study is a useful tool for measuring the quality of electronic access provided by a library and identifying and quantifying barriers to access.


  • Lack of holdings, including access to recent articles restricted by embargoes, was the most common barrier to locating full text, accounting for over 90% of all identified problems.
  • Availability rates for electronic articles varied by year of publication and by the database in which the OpenURL request originated.
  • Link resolver error rates varied widely based on the source of the request and frequently resulted from incomplete or inaccurate metadata.


  • An availability study is an inexpensive, practical tool for assessing the quality of electronic access to journal articles.
  • The results of an availability study can help libraries identify barriers to access and thereby allocate limited resources to areas that will provide the most benefit to users.
  • Link resolvers might be more accurate if the quality of metadata in OpenURLs was improved and the behavior of full-text targets was standardized.
A user who attempts to access an electronic article expects the process to be seamless: click a link or two, and the article appears. Unfortunately, this process is not always so simple. Many factors can prevent users from retrieving an article, including:
  • Collection and acquisition problems: The library may not subscribe to the desired journal, or the article and/or journal may be unavailable for some other reason.
  • Cataloging and holdings problems: The journal may be cataloged or indexed incorrectly, or the library''s holdings data may be wrong.
  • Technical problems: Problems may occur with the journal provider''s site or the library''s proxy server.
While many libraries use link resolvers to make it easier for users to retrieve articles, these can introduce additional points of failure. The resolver might not be configured correctly, the knowledgebase (database of library journal holdings) might include incorrect information, or article metadata from the source database might be incomplete or incorrect.At the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Library, users occasionally complained about access problems. These complaints provided anecdotal information about barriers to access, but library staff needed more solid data on which to act: How often were users able to retrieve a desired article? What problems did they encounter in the process, and how often did these problems occur? An availability study was conducted to answer those questions.First described by Kantor [1], an availability study is a method for evaluating how well a library satisfies user requests and identifying barriers to satisfying those requests. An availability study consists of the following steps:
  1. gather actual user requests (or simulate them)
  2. try to fill those requests using the same tools and methods a user would use
  3. record what happens
  4. analyze the results

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