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7月3日至14日,由市委常委、宣传部部长何事忠同志率领的重庆市新闻代表团,访问了俄罗斯和乌克兰,与两国的友好州、市签订了多项文化、新闻合作协定,并向俄方介绍了"中国年"重庆周的准备情  相似文献   

迷恋乌克兰文化的爱好者们正试图建立一个电子图书馆,收录乌克兰流失在海外的历史文化遗产,以供所有对乌克兰文化感兴趣的人通过互联网欣赏和研究使用。  相似文献   

中国国家元首出访乌克兰 当地时间6月18日,中国国家主席胡锦涛抵达乌克兰辛菲罗波尔,这是中国国家元首时隔十年再次对乌克兰进行国事访问。  相似文献   

2009年12月21日,在乌克兰首都基辅,一位牧师走在厚厚的雪地上。乌克兰卫生部门当日发布消息说,连续5天的强降雪天气已经造成27人冻死。(新华/法新)  相似文献   

小兵 6月25日,俄罗斯南部的个村落,一名乌克兰男孩在学校里玩玩具枪。这所学校目前被用作收容乌克兰难民的临时站点。  相似文献   

乌克兰的战略地位以及两位候选人不同的政治立场,使得一场自乌克兰1991年宣布独立以来最严重的宪政危机充满了复杂的因素  相似文献   

2006年1月11日,在参加哈萨克斯坦总统就职典礼期间。在阿斯塔纳零下30度的严寒中,俄罗斯总统普京与乌克兰总统尤先科进行了会见。  相似文献   

乌克兰、俄罗斯图书馆参访记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年6月8日-20日,由中国图书馆学会秘书长汤更生率领的中国图书馆学会代表团一行三十余人赴乌克兰参加"CRIMEA-2002"第9届国际图书馆大会并顺访俄罗斯主要图书馆,笔者有幸作为河南省图书馆学会的代表参加了这次全程参访活动.  相似文献   

“进椭圆形办公室之前要走一段非常长的路。”乌克兰新总统尤先科访美时对布什说的第一句话。从1991年到2005年,乌克兰在向美国靠拢的过程中,确实走了一段很长的路。  相似文献   

乌克兰的音乐教育有着悠久的历史,其高水平的音乐文化、浓厚的艺术氛围举世闻名。高度发达的音乐文化来自于该国深厚的基础音乐教育体制。通过实地考察采访基辅多所普通学校和音乐学校,总结出可供国内基础音乐教育参考的教学模式。  相似文献   

Ukraine is in the process of modernizing its educational system. This process must incorporate the best foreign practices to support the Ukrainian educational model. Library and information science (LIS) in the United States presents the best example of implementing technologies in the humanities. For that reason, Ukrainian higher educational establishments should pay attention to issues of integrating library science with information science.  相似文献   


Although there are no aggregate commercial products devoted solely to Ukrainian news, there are a number of newspapers and free aggregate sites available on the web that provide solid coverage of Ukraine. The author reviews several of them.  相似文献   

A rare cache of over 200 Ukrainian ex libris recently discovered in the Slavonic Library of the Czech National Library in Prague serves as the primary focus of this article. As a unique archival resource, the bookplates not only shed light on the social fabric of the Ukrainian émigré community in Czechoslovakia between the two world wars, but tell of aesthetic pursuits that would seek to reconcile modernity with Ukrainian artistic traditions. In all, the collection informs on the tastes and personalities of Ukrainian cultural luminaries in interwar Europe. As part of a larger proposed project—Ukrainian Émigrés in Czechoslovakia (1918–1945)—these ex libris will be incorporated and preserved as part of a digitized catalogue unifying émigré posters, leaflets, and other ephemera of the interwar period, including invitations called pozvanki.  相似文献   

The Ukrainian Society, after introducing the computer literacy course for secondary schools in 1986, is trying to reach the next stage of digital literacy through the development of a National Informatization Programme. Some results of the programme are described: the incorporation of telematics into the educational system and Internet literacy for teachers and students, free of charge and in local languages; the development of regional and local nodes of educational institutions and their incorporation into a national network; the participation of non-governmental organizations in the financing of educational programmes; and the development of a national ethics Net-Codex. Ukraine, as a typical “country in transition”, needs international support in digital literacy through co-operative projects; some proposals for such co-operation are given.  相似文献   

This article examines historical developments and current trends in Ukrainian library education. It gives a synthetic overview and comparison with US library education, based on a review of the Ukrainian literature, a survey of Library and Information Service (LIS) curricula and interviews with senior figures in Ukrainian LIS education. Ukraine became an independent state only in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Previous to independence, Ukraine's LIS education was integrated within the Soviet system. After independence the system evolved slowly, but with the recent Orange Revolution, reform efforts have increased pace. Ukrainian LIS education remains more vocational than in the US, with a two-year non-degree certificate as the most common training, and a four-year bachelor's degree offered by elite institutions. One emerging trend in LIS education stresses the new opportunities for librarians and information professionals opened by Internet technologies. Another is part of a more general shift, inspired by a new Ukrainian higher education law, stressing the country's independent culture and formalizing standards for different degrees. LIS education has now reached a turning point, as reformers grapple with the limited resources, power of inertia, and remnants of Soviet culture in their efforts to meet current challenges and prepare a new generation of information professionals.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初期,俄罗斯联邦出台了《俄罗斯联邦文化基本法》,为发展文化提供了法律保障。《俄罗斯联邦文化基本法》包括各级政府的文化管理权限、公民的文化权利、民族文化的保护、文化领域的经济调控以及国家之间的文化交流等内容。旨在确立国家文化政策的原则和规范,发展民族文化,保障公民的文化权利。在政府的文化管理权方面,俄罗斯联邦和各联邦主体成立国家权力机关,由国家权力机关行使权力,保障文化领域中各主体的利益;公民拥有创作权、文化价值知情权等,促进公民在参与文化活动的过程中提高自身素质;针对俄罗斯多民族的特点,俄罗斯联邦尊重和保护各民族文化,为民族文化的传播和延续创造条件;文化基本法对文化机构经费来源和个人收入进行经济调控,保障他们的利益不受损害;加强文化交流,促进俄罗斯文化发展,增强自身在国际上的影响力。  相似文献   

Fake News     
The crisis in Ukraine has accentuated the position of Russian television as the government’s strongest asset in its information warfare. The internet, however, allows other players to challenge the Kremlin’s narrative by providing counter-narratives and debunking distorted information and fake images. Accounting for the new media ecology—through which strategic narratives are created and interpreted, this article scrutinizes the narratives of allegedly fake news on Channel One, perceiving the fabricated stories as extreme projections of Russia’s strategic narratives, and the attempts of the Ukrainian fact-checking website Stopfake.org to counter the Russian narrative by refuting misinformation and exposing misleading images about Ukraine. Secondly, it analyses how Twitter users judged the veracity of these news stories and contributed to the perpetuation of strategic narratives.  相似文献   

The Ukrainian Society, after introducing the computer literacy course for secondary schools in 1986, is trying to reach the next stage of digital literacy through the development of a National Informatization Programme. Some results of the programme are described: the incorporation of telematics into the educational system and Internet literacy for teachers and students, free of charge and in local languages; the development of regional and local nodes of educational institutions and their incorporation into a national network; the participation of non-governmental organizations in the financing of educational programmes; and the development of a national ethics Net-Codex. Ukraine, as a typical “country in transition”, needs international support in digital literacy through co-operative projects; some proposals for such co-operation are given.  相似文献   

The author received a ten‐month Fulbright grant to lecture in Ukraine on digital library concepts. In this article she shares her observations and experiences gathered by visiting libraries and librarians all over the country. After 17 years of Ukrainian independence, the libraries are generally in a better situation than they were immediately after the breakup of the Soviet Union. However, they are also in a state of great transition as they rethink their role in society and grapple with new information technologies.  相似文献   

In this article we explore the use of the #SaveDonbassPeople hashtag in the context of an online protest campaign against the military operation in Eastern Ukraine. The campaign was initiated by anti-government activists, but soon became contested by supporters of the Ukrainian government, turning Twitter into an online battleground. Our findings suggest that in the course of the campaign, Twitter was predominantly used as a propaganda outlet to broadcast opposing views on the ongoing conflict.  相似文献   

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