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The transition to secondary school is a common cause of stress and anxiety, which can be exacerbated by the innate characteristics associated with Asperger syndrome (AS) and high‐functioning autism (HFA). This study aimed to explore experiences of the transition to secondary school for students with AS/HFA from the parental perspective. Seventeen parents of children with AS/HFA from the north of England completed an online questionnaire about their child's school transitional experience. Responses indicated that there were a number of factors that influenced the experiences of pupils with AS/HFA at school and the preceding transition, including anxiety, bullying, friendship and support at school. Girls with AS/HFA presented with unique issues not commonly seen in the male dominated condition. The transition to secondary school was seen to encompass a number of difficulties for students with AS/HFA. Health and educational services can learn from the experiences explored in this survey in order to inform future practice.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the major issues in developing and implementing a competency‐based human resource development strategy. The article summarizes a brief literature review on how competency models can be developed and implemented to improve employee performance. A case study is presented of American Medical Systems (AMS), a mid‐sized health‐care and medical device company, where the model is being used to improve employee performance and gain a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

将财务分析中的雷达图分析法引入员工绩效能力考评,设计出对员工单个时期或多个时期绩效能力进行考评的绩效雷达图。这种考评方法,可以更加科学、公正地对员工的绩效能力进行评估,并将绩效能力评估的结果一目了然地表达出来,使评估者更直接地了解被评估者的绩效和能力,包括一个人单时期的绩效能力、一个人多时期的绩效能力、多人单时期的绩效能力情况和多人多时期的绩效能力情况。绩效雷达图还可以对员工进行长期的绩效能力跟踪,有助于企业进行科学的薪酬管理。  相似文献   

“FRIENDS for Life” is a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme which aims to reduce anxiety and promote resilience among children. This study evaluated the “FRIENDS for Life” (FRIENDS) programme used as an intervention for seven children between the ages of 10 and 11 presenting with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFA) who attend mainstream schooling. The study adopts a mixed methodology, explanatory research design, which included pre- and post-quantitative anxiety scales, parental interviews completed post-intervention, narrative observation of FRIENDS sessions and a post-intervention children’s evaluation questionnaire. Quantitative findings from this study suggest that participation in the “FRIENDS” programme does not reduce anxiety levels to promote resilience. Such results are discussed with regard to the utility of using standardised self-report measures among children with HFA. Despite this, qualitative information indicates that “FRIENDS” can be made accessible for children with HFA. Recommendations and implications for future research and FRIENDS implementations are outlined.  相似文献   

This exploratory case study examined the process and potential impact of collaborative architectural design and construction in an OpenSimulator-based virtual reality (VR) on the social skills development of children with high-functioning autism (HFA). Two children with a formal medical diagnosis of HFA and one typically developing peer, aged 8–11, were purposefully recruited and matched in a five-week, VR-based architectural design project. Participants’ virtual behaviors and discourses were observed and archived via screen recording. We conducted qualitative time-series and micro-behavior analyses with the data collected. The findings demonstrated that VR-based collaborative design has awarded children with HFA an opportunity to practice and develop flexibility, identity, and norm construction. The target children's design-based social performance was mediated by the VR environment, the context or structure of design partnership, and the nature of a specific design task.  相似文献   

Frontal assaults (e. g., training, team building, strategic planning) on organizational dysfunctions have been a staple of performance technology. A newly popular stratagem—-employee empowerment—-seeks to address dysfunctions by vesting more organizational power with the individual employee. This usually means that the manager and employee set specific and measurable mutual goals that require the manager to relinquish measurement processes and tools to the employee and then hold the employee accountable for quality, customer satisfaction, etc. However, managers may be loath to give up their traditional areas of control, while employees may be unaccustomed to assuming responsibilities of management. Therefore, around and between the more formal strategies for employee empowerment, the performance technologist needs to consider tactics beyond those of conventional organization development.  相似文献   

绩效管理是人力资源管理的核心,企业要对绩效进行管理,无论从组织的角度,还是从管理者或者员工的角度,绩效管理都可以帮助我们解决很多从前难以解决的问题,并能给企业和员工带来非常多的好处。但是,绩效管理的实施效果大部分却差强人意,问题出在应用的过程,即没有做到有效的沟通,实践证明,“3+1”对话模式(业绩目标对话,业绩辅导对话,业绩评价对话和做绩效文档)是一种行之有效的提高沟通有效性的方法。  相似文献   

Performance appraisal is a measurement process of how well an individual is doing her or his job. In most organisations, this appraisal is an annual event. Generally, it is done to encourage job performance, to flag areas that need attention, to inform both parties as to expectations. Much of the literature speaks to this process in terms of the performance appraisal of the employee. However, the leader’s performance is as important to the success of an organisation as the employee’s. This article provides comment on actual use of a survey on leader performance. In so doing, the article highlights how a process, performance appraisal, can be responsible for undesirable consequences when results and actions taken are not necessarily aligned.  相似文献   

Condition 1 showed that employees recorded high percentages of completed tasks; and task performance was shown to slightly improve. At that point in the project, recording accuracy was at it's highest level. Condition 2 illustrated a continuance of high employee records of completed tasks but also showed that actual task performance considerably increased so that there was greater self-recording accuracy. Then, during Condition 3, actual task performance increased more so that it even more closely reflected self-recorded measures. Each of the steps discussed thus far could be sufficient individually to facilitate accurate self-recording and task performance gains, although each appeared to have gained additional strength by being collectively applied. The cost of the present organizational intervention was very low. The costs included material duplication costs and approximately 30 minutes of management time per day. Management time was used to make concession observations (management records), compute performance data, and provide feedback to the employee. Employees worked the same number of hours as in Baseline. Based on this breakdown, the approximate weekly cost of this project was about $30.00. The total cost could be reduced further, perhaps, by monitoring less frequently and reducing the frequency of feedback sessions as employee performance stabilized at higher levels. Thus, the longer this project would run, the less expensive it might become. The steps implemented during this project might easily be applied to other jobs that produce easily observable outputs and could also be applied to other work settings. Future research efforts that would identify cost-effective ways to stimulate and maintain high levels of accurate self-recording might provide today's managers several options that could all yield accurate data for organizational management. Other research efforts centered on specific analyses of participatory standard setting, peer reinforcement, and self-reinforcement for task performance could provide additional insight into the areas of job analysis and employee productivity. Lastly, increased knowledge about the long term effects of self-recording could be gained through future research methods that first established high recording accuracies and task performance levels, then evaluated maintenance procedures for these methods. Implications of successive research studies which clearly show that employee performance can be improved by rewarding performers for accurate self-recording could be profound.  相似文献   

Many colleges use some form of an employee performance appraisal process. Yet, despite prevalent use, the performance appraisal process is facing growing criticism. The author reviews the literature regarding the process of performance appraisal in higher education, focusing on articles supportive of the use of the performance appraisal, and those that are not. The advocates of performance appraisals cite implementation flaws as the cause for dissatisfaction among users. Essentially, they contend that the process will work if properly used. Furthermore, it is noted that supervisors, more than the employees themselves, tend to favor the use of performance appraisals. Critics of performance appraisals question the validity of the process in general. Followers of W. Edwards Deming view the performance appraisal process as divisive within the organization, and thus counterproductive to organizational development. They state that the use of ratings in an employee performance appraisal establishes arbitrary divisions among employees. Furthermore, they contend that intrinsic rewards are far more effective as a motivator of employees. The author suggests that as an alternative to performance appraisal organizations should consider a professional growth model. Elements in this model include: (a) a focus on employee success, (b) a priority for leadership development training for supervisors, and (c) a special performance appraisal process for those employees who need targeted focus in performance.  相似文献   

Three of the five prerequisites for change to a performance support system orientation exist: (a) Need and sponsor dissatisfaction with the status quo; (b) available and affordable alternatives; and (c) mindsets. The missing conditions are the development of a critical mass of people with vision who have the knowledge and skill to proceed, and the development of a sufficient transition and implementation strategy. Currently, a limited few are sufficiently familiar with the new alternatives—and while they have made the required mindset shifts, they are insufficient in number and not at sufficient organizational levels to sponsor the development of performance support systems. The key to developing effective performance support system strategy development and implementation is achieving the mindset or frame of reference shifts among those persons who can sponsor and fund the change and among the functional representatives who must participate in the change. The performance system view must be sold with benefits to the employees involved, to the overall organization, and to the functional participants in mind. Our current business problem is inadequate employee performance. Throwing in more traditional training events, regardless of whether they are interactive or not, will not solve it. The outcomes of traditional training are simply inadequate. And inadequate is now (and probably always was) insufficient. We have the technological means to develop and implement alternatives, but in order to accomplish the results we need, our view must shift from training to learning and then to performance. The focus must shift from rigidly defined content and training program structure, created by an instructional designer, to truly individualized learning experiences created by the learner. We must get out of our historical mindset and organizational boxes and take the broader and longer view. The future requires it. We must make a difference by affecting employee performance.  相似文献   

Improved organizational efficiency can only be accomplished if the employees within an organization have developed the skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes to perform at the highest possible levels. To a limited degree this can be accomplished via training, but employees develop the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes related only to their current job. As a result, the organization is only indirectly impacted. This refers to the micro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Organizational efficiency can also be accomplished through organizational development, but the individual employee is often overlooked during this process. Without employee commitment to improve efficiency, it will be short-lived. This approach refers to the macro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Both the micro and macro perspectives of improved organizational efficiency have their weaknesses. Thus, a combination of the two processes is necessary. Career development is that combination. Career development is a process which enables employees to develop beyond the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes required for their present job assignments. It is a process which is focused on improving organizational efficiency while relying on the development of the individual employee. Performance improvement practitioners can provide learning activities which improve employees' skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes by viewing improved organizational efficiency from an individual (micro) perspective while remaining dedicated to the overall enhancement of the organization (macro). However, many performance improvement practitioners fail to see the connection between training and overall organizational development. These terms are often used interchangeably which leads to the increased confusion and misapplication of each process. It is necessary, therefore, to arrive at an acceptable definition in order to communicate effectively the intent as well as the similarities and differences of the processes. This will enable performance improvement practitioners to better understand the commonalities of each process. It is this understanding that serves as the basis of this article and the forthcoming recommendations.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of students with high functioning autism (HFA) enrolled in general education classes. Many of these students struggle with academic and social–behavioral expectations in school, and minimal research is available to educators related to meeting the needs of such students in secondary educational settings. Educators must identify effective, evidence-based strategies to help adolescent students with HFA meet academic and social goals. This review represents a comprehensive search of the literature in which 23 studies, published in peer-reviewed journals from 1985 to 2015, examined social–behavioral and academic aspects of students with HFA in regular education classrooms. Results indicated that several interventions were used successfully to change the behavior of students with HFA in general education. Implications drawn from the research and quality of the studies are provided.  相似文献   

As research on student evaluations of teaching (SET) has dominated our understanding of teaching evaluation, debate over SET implementation has turned attention away from basic principles for appraising employee performance as established in human resources literature. Considering SET research and its practical significance in isolation from relevant human resources literature not only risks unlawful remedies for issues such as bias in SET but also risks replacing one form of bias with another. Meanwhile, the full potential of human resources tools to support consistent evaluation of teaching remains unrealized. To address this gap, this article clarifies how teaching evaluation can be conducted as sound performance appraisal by deploying SET and peer review of teaching within a larger framework of established human resources techniques. A review of recent literature articulates prominent themes in research on SET and peer review of teaching and outlines key principles for performance appraisal and performance management. Those principles are used to analyze representative faculty evaluation policies and procedures and clarify the weaknesses of both traditional and recently revised approaches to teaching evaluation. The final section elaborates performance appraisal techniques relevant to teaching evaluation. These include planful use of results and/or behavior approaches to performance appraisal, robust rating instruments for behavioral performance appraisal, targeted collection of information from multiple stakeholders, and job analysis. Efforts to de-emphasize quantitative SET data to address issues such as bias can be strengthened through the incorporation of performance appraisal tools that clearly articulate performance criteria and standards and that gather both qualitative and quantitative data on employee performance.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on seven major managerial practices and three negative conditions that must be managed to enhance employee growth and development. These managerial practices and conditions have significant potential for human resource development practitioners and performance improvement technologists by providing new perspectives to improve employee performance through employee growth and development activities. Surveys measuring employee perceptions of manager behaviors were administered to 503 MBA and PhD students from the United States, resulting in 463 useable responses. The hypotheses were tested using linear regression and structural equation modeling. Based on the analysis, the researchers found that involving employees in decision making, motivating employees, treating employees as unique individuals, and making certain that managers are effective have the highest influence on employee growth and development.  相似文献   

This case study is an employee performance analysis that utilizes Gilbert's behavior engineering model (Gilbert, 2007 ) as a theoretical framework to examine the events that caused Circuit City to fail in 2008. Additionally, the case study views the events through a systemic lens. As management implemented changes, employee morale and performance faltered, which in turn affected customer perceptions and attitudes. Taken together, these actions resulted in a negative feedback loop that greatly contributed to the demise of the company.  相似文献   


Children with deficits in executive functions (EFs) and impairments in pragmatic language have a range of cognitive and language difficulties that affect their literacy and educational achievements. As deficits in EFs and pragmatic impairments are characteristics of autism spectrum disorders, this study examined the associations between EFs and pragmatic skills in children with high-functioning autism (HFA). Fifteen children with HFA (5–9 years; M?=?7.44, SD 1.21), matched to 15 typically developing peers on age, gender, and non-verbal intelligence participated in the study. Children completed a pragmatic language assessment protocol, and a rating scale of EFs was administered to parents. Our results point to two main findings: children with HFA presented pragmatic difficulties and EFs impairments when compared with typically developing peers; and, as shown by a significant indirect effect of group on pragmatics via EFs, the poor pragmatics skills of HFA children were associated with their EFs difficulties. These findings may be of clinical relevance for children with pragmatic impairments, such as autism spectrum disorders. Future studies are crucial to further investigate the relationship between impaired pragmatics and EFs.


Improved organizational efficiency can only be accomplished if the employees within an organization have developed the skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes to perform at the highest possible levels. To a limited degree this can be accomplished via training, but employees develop the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes related only to their current job. As a result, the organization is only indirectly impacted. This refers to the micro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Organizational efficiency can also be accomplished through organizational development, but the individual employee is often overlooked during this process. Without employee commitment to improve efficiency, it will be short-lived. This approach refers to the macro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Both the micro and macro perspectives of improved organizational efficiency have their weaknesses. Thus, a combination of the two processes is necessary. Career development is that combination. Career development is a process which enables employees to develop beyond the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes required for their present job assignments. It is a process which is focused on improving organizational efficiency while relying on the development of the individual employee. Performance improvement practitioners can provide learning activities which improve employees' skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes by viewing improved organizational efficiency from, an individual (micro) perspective while remaining dedicated to the overall enhancement of the organization (macro). However, many performance improvement practitioners fail to see the connection between training and overall organizational development. These terms are often used interchangeably which leads to the increased confusion and misapplication of each process. It is necessary, therefore, to arrive at an acceptable definition in order to communicate effectively the intent as well as the similarities and differences of the processes. This will enable performance improvement practitioners to better understand the commonalities of each process. It is this understanding that serves as the basis of this article and the forthcoming recommendations.  相似文献   

Performance ratings are probably the most widely used criteria in personnel evaluation. To determine the psychometric quality of performance ratings, practitioners generally evaluate ratings in terms of reliability and validity. This article presents generalizability theory as a measurement procedure that can be used to assess and improve the reliability and validity of ratings of employee job performance.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have identified a positive correlation between employee engagement and overall organizational performance. However, research on employee engagement specifically within higher education is limited, and even less attention has been focused on engagement within the context of Christian higher education. An exploratory comparative case study research design was used to explore two faith-based universities that are atypical examples of excellence as measured by the Best Christian Workplace Institute (BCWI) “Employee Engagement and Organizational Culture” survey. Analysis of data gathered from 53 interviews with employees and document analysis led to the identification of institutional characteristics that fostered employee engagement at two universities that consistently exhibited high rankings of employee self-reported engagement based on the BCWI survey results. Despite substantial differences between the two institutions, commonalities were identified in many of the characteristics that fostered employee engagement on the two campuses. The findings revealed that the shared themes of mission, community, empowered human resource departments, and a sense of positive momentum all contributed to the atypically high employee engagement levels that resulted in a positive and empowering organizational culture.  相似文献   

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