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康红芹 《职教通讯》2012,(16):10-14
通过运用词频分析法对2007-2011年我国职业技术教育学硕士学位论文关键词的词频进行统计分析,得出结论:对策、高职院校、中职院校、高等职业教育、职业教育、中等职业教育等33个高频关键词代表了近五年我国职业教育的研究热点;根据高频关键词各年出现的情况,将其分为持续的研究热点、近期的研究热点、曾经的研究热点以及其他。  相似文献   

As part of a major study of Ugandan secondary education to support planning for the next 10 years, an Excel spreadsheet-based model for predicting school demands was developed. This allows variables, such as GER, population growth rate, to be changed to see the effects on school enrolments. It differs from other models in that it takes into account the widely varying considerable range of ages per year class of school students at primary and secondary levels in Uganda and the growing age cohorts.  相似文献   

Halima Ait-Mehdi 《Prospects》2012,42(2):191-203
Strongly influenced by the paradigm of republican universalism, education policy in France favours an approach that largely relativizes, or even denies, the dimension of cultural diversity. The content of the secondary school history curriculum reveals this phenomenon. In the 2007?C2008 school year, 185 students in the final 2?years of secondary school in Amiens completed questionnaires about the importance their schools place on the history of colonization and decolonization. The analysis showed how the respondents?? relationship to this historical topic was linked to the degree of their own experience of migration. Although today??s classes are pluralistic, schools?? failure to take into account the diversity of the population??a legacy of history??diminishes students?? ability to think in terms of ??otherness?? and, as a result, to imagine a common history shared by the various populations living in France.  相似文献   

写作教改实行多年,“伪文体”、“伪议论文”写作教学顽症至今仍难根治,原因大体在于认识不够、衔接不力。写作教学应实行大中学校一体化改革,中学语文写作教学应立足于学生基础文体素养与理性思维的培养,大学中文写作教学应进一步强化专业性文体写作教学,以巩固提高中学阶段所培育的文体素养和理性素养。  相似文献   

By the late 1960s, universities and private organizations began to develop population education programs and courses in the wake of the warning of demographer Philip M. Hauser about the lack of demographic information in the school curriculum. In the early 1970s, the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare provided limited funding for teacher training workshops and classroom materials. Baltimore City's district wide population education program proved successful in 1975 after 10 years of work, population education materials were adopted in the official social studies curriculum, and this model was accepted later by other school systems. In 1979 not quite 15 US colleges and universities taught population issues at graduate-level training or by offering workshops and materials. By the mid-1970s, universities and private organizations were conducting conferences and workshops for secondary school teachers. In the 1970s, these included the Center for Information on America. Environment-Population Education Services, Planned Parenthood, Population Institute, Population Reference Bureau (PRB), the World Bank, and Zero Population Growth (ZPG). In the 1970s and early 1980s various other organizations contributed to population educations, e.g. the University of Cincinnati by organizing institutes, the National Catholic Educational Association representing 8200 schools ZPG with teacher-training workshops, and PRB with meaningful materials for students and teachers. The state of population education in 1992 means that PRB staff lead 15-30 workshops each year and provide workshop materials for teachers. ZPG emphasizes hands-on learning. Pet Net, a network of volunteer teacher trainers leading workshops, and ZPG staff conducted 88 workshops in 1991.  相似文献   

This paper examines the vocational education aspects of the new National Policy on Education (NPE) in Nigeria. The NPE advocates a 6+3+3+4 system which means that the educational system would be divided into six years of primary school, three years in a junior secondary school, three years in either a senior secondary school, a technical or teacher training college and four years in a university. The junior secondary school will be terminal for those who do not have the aptitude for the more academic subjects of senior secondary school and the emphasis at this stage would be both pre-vocational and academic. While it is generally thought that the vocational provision outline in the NPE would help to lay the foundation for a modern technological society, it is clearly an over-simplistic appraisal of the Nigerian socio-economic background. First, the selection for the trainees in vocational education is not usually from an open population in terms of relevant characteristics but from a closed population, those who had already proved to be of lower than average ability, by failing to gain entry to the ‘academic’ senior secondary school. The social implication of such a situation is that trainees in vocational education are caught up in an ‘ecological niche’ in society as fishermen, miners and other direct producers. Secondly, when the elite, the top federal government officials, advocate vocational expansion, it is often for other peoples' children rather than their own. Furthermore, as could be seen from the results of the Udoji report set by the government to harmonize civil service salaries, those who had academic qualifications from schooling rather than vocational qualifications were more favoured. Thus this paper calls for a rethink of the NPE, bearing in mind the realities of the Nigerian educational system and the job market.  相似文献   

孟晓 《怀化学院学报》2012,(12):123-124
明治维新以后,日本政府实行文明开化,国家开始重视女子教育的发展。到明治中后期,女子中等教育首次被纳入日本国家教育体系;大正时期女子中等教育得到进一步发展和完善;这一时期的女子中等教育,对后世日本教育产生了极其深远的影响。  相似文献   

农村的存量人口和增量人口在向城市转移的途径选择上应该有所区别。存量人口的转移办法基本上是补救性措施.新的增量人口应通过新的路径把他们合理地转移出去,而不能够积累成存量人口问题。农村增量人口转移有两种途径.一是农民子女-学生(大学)-城市(镇)人口;二是农民子女-学生(高中、中等职业学校)一部分城镇(市)人口和部分新农村人口。无论选择何种路径,农民子女接受教育是关键.它能使农村人口稳定地向高层次转移。而且只有通过这种方式的转移才能使重庆从人口大市向人力资源大市转变。  相似文献   

The essay presents a novel estimate of human capital in Spain during most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as measured by average years of schooling at the three main educational levels. The new estimate confirms long‐term, regional and gender trends already identified by literacy levels. It shows that most of the human capital embodied in the Spanish population until well into the second half of the twentieth century was due to expanded primary schooling rather than to secondary or university studies and it identifies the Civil War of 1936 as one of the most serious setbacks during two centuries of slow and irregular human capital accumulation. Primary schooling determined labor mobility in twentieth‐century Spain during the 1920s and the 1960s as people moved away from agriculture and into industry and services. The decision to migrate was a household rather than an individual one: the education of those who did not emigrate – elder males and females of all ages – was as relevant as that of the actual emigrants. The Civil War and the early years of the Franco regime, by contributing to the depletion of the stock of human capital, had negative effects upon labor mobility as recently as the 1960s.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the factors which affect attitudes towards multiculturalism among Jewish and Arab graduate students who experience intercultural learning in an Israeli-Jewish academic college of education. In Israeli society, it is in higher education institutions where young people from different ethnic groups first encounter the ‘others’. This is due to the structure of the Israeli elementary and secondary education system, which is divided into Jewish and Arab segregated sub-systems. In contrast, the country’s higher education institutions are open to everyone. The research population was composed of first and second year graduate students, all of whom were practicing teachers or involved in other educational work. Participants completed questionnaires and a smaller sample was also interviewed. All of the students are practicing teachers or involved in other educational work. Everyone perceived the college’s socio-cultural climate as an open and multicultural one in both years of study. However, these positive feelings characterized Jewish students to a larger extent than Arab students, while the socio-cultural aspect as well as the quality of the academic experience had a positive impact on multicultural attitudes primarily among Arab students. Thus, a multicultural climate is not enough to effect a positive change in entrenched attitudes toward multiculturalism. Multicultural education policy should also be reinforced through a formal academic curriculum, so as to set an example for ongoing social change which will further encourage graduate students—majority and minority alike—to implement their multicultural positive experiences in their own schools in the future.  相似文献   

近年来,受国家政策等因素的影响,我国中等职业教育规模迅速发展,但随着高中阶段学龄人口的减少,这种单纯的规模发展将难以持续,如何在生源减少的情况下促进中职的可持续发展?中职到底应定位于“就业”还是“升学”?职业教育的质量与特色如何保障?等均是未来一段时期我国中等职业在发展过程中需要重点考虑的问题.笔者认为,要妥善解决这些问题,一方面,政府部门要加强规划,引导中职教育的科学有序发展,同时建立质量监控与评估机制,切实保障中职教育质量;另一方面,学校应大力加强教师队伍建设,同时突出专业特色,加强教学管理,努力提高人才培养质量.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of education policy on early fertility. We study a major educational reform in Sweden in which vocational tracks in upper secondary school were prolonged from two to three years and the curricula were made more academic. Our identification strategy takes advantage of cross-regional and cross-time variation in the implementation of a pilot scheme preceding the reform in which several municipalities evaluated the new policy. The empirical analysis draws on rich population micro data. We find that women who enrolled in the new programs were significantly less likely to give birth early in life. There is however, no statistically significant effect on men's fertility decisions. Our results suggest that the social benefits of changes in education policy may extend beyond those usually claimed.  相似文献   

The basic pattern of contemporary secondary education in Japan was laid down in the years immediately after the Second World War. Secondary education is divided into a lower and an upper stage. The main characteristic of the lower stage is the combination of compulsory subjects and elective subjects. This article shows how the attempt to organise upper secondary education along American lines with comprehensive high schools controlled by elected school boards has given way to a structure more in keeping with Japanese needs. However, co-education in upper secondary schools has taken firm root in Japan. The article concludes with a list of major policy issues in Japanese secondary education today.  相似文献   


Bedford in 1902 had an enormous advantage in the substantial provision made by the Harpur Trust. She has consequently been able to provide, through little effort of her own, excellent opportunities for selective secondary education for most of the century, especially when a meagre scholarship ladder was improved after the Great War and the opening of Pilgrim School ended a second lean spell in selective secondary education in the 1950s. However, concern for those with fewer financial or intellectual advantages has not been conspicuous; a central school was forced through because the Board demanded improvements in the school buildings, the rise in population more than anything else caused partial reorganization in 1937 and government pressure helped to produce a scheme for reorganization on comprehensive lines. Usually a Conservative M.P. sits for Bedford (Labour won narrow victories in 1945 and 1966) and this perhaps indicates the nature of the town's political attitudes. There has also been a habitual reliance on the Trust. These factors may account for the town's moderate concern for the child of average and below average ability. Finally in 1970 the Harpur Trust, which in the first half of the century was such a boon to the town in its efforts to develop secondary education, was proving a stumbling block to the reorganization of the Borough's schools; Sir William's gift now presented nearly insuperable problems to the development of a truly comprehensive system of secondary education and this, in the eyes of many, was once more to the detriment of the ordinary child. The provision of secondary schools in Bedford was for so long the pride of the town, but no longer seemed so splendid to many living in a more egalitarian educational climate.  相似文献   

中高职衔接与职业技术教育协调发展有几个核心问题需要注意。我国中职教育和高职教育的发展和特点显示我国职业技术教育经过多年的摸索之后终于步入正轨,中高职衔接的时机已成熟。目前中高职衔接只是搭建职业技术教育立交桥的近期目标,中远期的目标是打造具有经济造血功能的职业一体化教育实体。  相似文献   

Most of the middle schools in Belgium are two-year schools that form a link between the six years of elementary education and the last four years of secondary education. In Flanders they are regarded as an example of the more global reform of the secondary educational system in a comprehensive sense.First I shall outline the new system of secondary education as it took shape in the beginning of the 1970s, thereby focusing on the first two years — the so-called observation stage. I shall then sketch the development of renewed secondary education and the current situation. In this connection I shall deal with the middle school and the innovation strategy that was followed. Thirdly a report will be given of the research so far carried out.As appears from this contribution, the changes in and the adoption of the new educational structure have not always led to a new school structure and a new school culture. In general, the movement towards moderate comprehensiveness has had only a limited effect on the behaviour of the teachers; there are more indications of effects on the school career of the students.  相似文献   

公民教育研究在我国学界方兴未艾,而农村中小学公民教育实施问题的相关研究却非常少。据最新人口普查结果显示,我国半数人口仍在农村。农村中小学的公民教育成为提高农民公民素质,建设新农村民主文明的重要途径。基于此,厘清公民教育内涵,探讨农村中小学公民教育实施的可能性,揭示其现实中面临的问题,以期为农村中小学实施公民教育提供可能的途径。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes recent household survey data from Gansu, a less developed province in Northwest China, to examine school attainment in a poor rural area of China. Censored ordered probit regressions are used to estimate the determinants of years of schooling. Child nutritional status, as measured by height-for-age Z-scores, and household income have positive effects on completed years of schooling. Mothers’ education and attitudes toward children's education also have strong effects. Children of mothers with 6 years of primary education will go to school 1.4 years longer than their counterparts whose mothers who have no education. Science labs in lower secondary schools appear to have positive impacts; providing a science lab is estimated to extend years of schooling by 1.8 years. Finally, teachers’ experience in lower secondary schools also has a strong positive impact on school attainment.  相似文献   

学龄人口年龄结构的变化对整个学龄人口的平均受教育年数会产生重要的影响.以与学制和年龄相对应的“标准(或适龄)受教育年数”为基本参数,以受教育程度构成的年龄变化为依据考虑学龄段内的错龄上学,对学龄人口的分龄及整体平均受教育年数的探索性研究结果显示,我国学龄人口的分龄及整体平均受教育年数普遍提高,总体受教育程度高移化趋势显...  相似文献   

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