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Discovery and development of conducting polymers has opened up new frontiers in materials chemistry and physics. This new generation of polymers combines the mechanical properties and processability of traditional polymers with electrical and optical properties unknown earlier. The enormous technological potential that this rare combination offers, is beginning to be tapped. The Nobel Prize awarded in Chemistry this year, is a grand recognition of the dawn of the new plastic age.  相似文献   

《走进新时代》是一首创作于世纪之交、讴歌改革开放新时代的歌曲。1997年9月12日,中国共产党第十五次全国代表大会召开前,歌曲《走进新时代》那感人肺腑的旋律响彻北京人民大会堂。通过电视转播,这首歌很快传遍全国各地,得到了中国亿万百姓的喜爱和传唱。这首歌的词作者蒋开儒在1996年8月接到深圳罗湖区委、区政府的一项任务,为迎接香  相似文献   

作为新时代的主人,几年的北大生涯将奠定你走向未来的深厚根基。怎样打好根基,真正成为"新时代的主人",我想给大家几点建议。第一,学会"包容",养成泰山不弃抔土、河海不择细流的胸怀。大学之所以为大学,首先在于她的包  相似文献   

During the spring semester of 1987 a mathematician and a physicist from Oberlin College went with twenty-one undergraduates to London to use the resources of England as the basis for a course with the above title. This unusual interdisciplinary course is described, with emphasis on its experimental, experiential nature and the challenges and satisfactions which it provided.Joseph L. Snider is Professor of Physics at Oberlin College. He received his undergraduate degree in physics from Amherst College in 1956 and his Ph.D. in experimental physics from Princeton University in 1961. He has taught and done research at Harvard University and at Oberlin College. His areas of interest are solar physics, astrophysics, relativity, and the history and philosophy of science. Recently he has become interested in working to improve the teaching of physics and astronomy to pre-college students.Bruce Pollack-Johnson is Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Oberlin College, where he is responsible for the operations research program. He received a B.A. in sociology with a minor in education from Brandeis University in 1975, an M.A. in mathematics from Temple University in 1979, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in operations research from the University of Pennsylvania in 1980 and 1983, respectively. He has published in the areas of human resource modeling, forecasting, educational planning, simulation, and project management, and his current research includes project scheduling and conflict resolution. He has helped develop new courses for liberal arts students on introductory computer science and educational philosophy, as well as the course described in this article, and is also Co-Director of the Lorain County Peace Education Project.  相似文献   

In Conclusion The various literacies and modes of thinking required in an information society will challenge the capacities of every person. While a variety of means are being found to help build and maintain these information resources, new vistas of capability lie before us. These opportunities and how we respond to them will determine our collective future in a world grown closer through mutual dependence upon shared intellectual resources. In addition, he teaches at the University of Stockholm.  相似文献   

Kelvin and the geologists argued about the age of the earth for nearly four decades. But the fate of Kelvin’s view was sealed when the results of research on radioactivity became available at the beginning of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

在文艺复兴运动的推动下,自然科学取得了很大的进展,这一时期的科学家们揭示出许多大自然的奥秘,致使天主教的某些说辞不攻自破。人们开始从以往愚昧的见识中"清醒"过来,获得了更多的自信。随着资本主义的发展,新兴资产阶级要求摆脱封建专制统治和教会压迫的愿望日益强烈,诸如孟德斯鸠、伏尔泰和卢梭等代表人物,以对专制制度和宗教的批判,拉开了启蒙运动的序幕。他们继承文艺复兴以来人文主义的思想传统,继17世纪的资产阶级思想家之后,进一步论述人性和人道主义。  相似文献   

全球化使艺术活动更趋于生态规律,更富于生态精神,有利于扩大对外艺术交流,优化艺术生态资源.高科技的全球化使艺术产品的科技含量、信息含量大大增加,从而实现了艺术品在全球范围内的高速流动和传播.然而,全球化是一把"双刃剑",它对艺术生态虽有激活和培育的良好效应,同时还存在着影响平衡的负面效应.西方中心主义破坏艺术生态的平衡,艺术的多元性受到前所未有的威胁.拜金主义僭越艺术生态价值理念,它把艺术的精神内涵掏空,使之等同于一般商品.消费主义将艺术活动变成纯粹的经济行为,否定艺术应承担的使命.技术中心主义将艺术导向纯粹技术化活动,将艺术引入歧途.  相似文献   

Past research has considered the reflective practices of the teacher as an important activity in the learning cycle. Some of it has introduced the term ‘reflective teacher’, showing that such practice has become increasingly important.

This paper discusses literature related to various means of collecting feedback from students, the socio-technical approach to management information systems (MISs) and reflective models. It documents the reflective practices that the author followed while teaching an MIS distance education course.

The findings of this research show that actively reflecting on feedback collected from students could improve teaching quality and lead to better understanding for students in future cohorts.  相似文献   

James M. Hay 《Interchange》1992,23(1-2):105-110
The continuing evolution of the Canadian university-industry relationship, particularly in the past five or ten years, is discussed. The effects of the need for increased industrial funding of the universities and the need for capable graduates by industry are reviewed. But it is the increasing industry-university interface in science and technology that is changing most rapidly. Academic and industrial research overlap in many complex ways and if Canada is to be a competitive industrial country we must seek additional vehicles to bring working scientists and engineers from university and industry together.  相似文献   

随着网络科技的进步,人类沟通方式和社会活动的组织模式也随之改变,人们的工作和生活也因此产生了比较大的变化,它在很大程度上推进了人类步入数字化时代的速度。档案信息是当今社会的信息主要来源之一,不管社会的发展步入何种时代,从根本上都是出自于对档案这一基础信息源的储存开发和运用。本文以网络时代的文书档案管理为主体加以探讨,旨在为加速档案信息化建设给出些许帮助。  相似文献   

Margaret Mead 《Prospects》1972,2(2):123-130
Dr Margaret Mead received the Kalinga Prize for 1970 on 2 December 1971, at a ceremony presided over by René Maheu, Director-General of Unesco.The Kalinga Prize is awarded annually by Unesco to a scientist, writer, editor, speaker or radio programme editor whose work has significantly contributed to the interpretation of science as an instrument for improving the welfare of mankind, enriching the culture of nations and answering human and social problems. It was established in 1951, and is based on a grant made by B. Patnaïk, from the State of Orissa, India. Prospects reprints here the text of Dr Mead's speech: Margaret Mead is a prominent anthropologist and author of many works, including Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies, Male and Female, Culture and Commitment: A Study of the Generation Gap,and A Rap on Race (with James Baldwin).  相似文献   

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