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高清晰度的数字电视和模拟电路为主的普通电视,主要区别在于对亮色信号的分离处理上,数字电视亮色分离的关键器件是数字梳状滤波器,本文对数字梳状滤波器特性进行了较为详细的分析.  相似文献   

论电视大型活动对提高频道影响力的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视大型活动通过把电视节目活动化、社会活动节目化的方式,在提高电视节目质量、扩展电视传媒作用和提高收视率的同时,也形成了电视频道的品牌效应,从而使电视媒体的社会价值和经济价值双双提高。电视大型活动更是经济落后地区频道的强心剂,对提高频道影响力具有重要作用。  相似文献   

试论影视音乐的特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
影视音乐是应用于影视艺术中用以增强影视作品艺术表现力的音乐体裁.其主要特征为表现上的共融性,内容上的特定性,结构上的灵活性和多样性,传播和欣赏上的相对独立性.  相似文献   

试论英语视听说课程中英语影视作品的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来先进的多媒体教学手段的使用为英语视听说采用影视作品进行教学提供了一定的物质可行性。国内外大量的研究表明,影视作品在英语为第二语言的教学过程中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文从分析英语影视教学中的常见问题出发,结合影视作品的优势阐述了影视英语教学的教学原则以及教学策略。  相似文献   

Summary The objectives of this study were to examine (1) the relative effectiveness of closed-circuit television for classroom teaching compared to conventional teaching and (2) the acceptability of closed-circuit television teaching to the students. A course was offered both by closed-circuit television and by conventional teaching. Students within each group were asked to rate the course and other related concepts. In addition, their examination grades were obtained. No differences were found with respect to performance. The students taught via television rated the course and their instructors relatively lower than those who received conventional instruction. Howard M. Bobren is assistant to the director, Institute of Communications Research and Sheldon L. Siegel is research assistant, College of Education, both at the University of Illinois.  相似文献   

我国播音主持艺术专业创办三十余年来,为我国广播电视事业培养了一大批人才,也积累了大量的教育理论成果,播音主持艺术专业的发展从整体上而言还是不错的。但随着我国广播电视事业的发展,对人才的要求也越来越高,然而播音主持专业教学课程中存在的一些不足之处,严重影响教学能力的提高,也制约着我国播音主持事业的发展,本文浅析播音主持艺术专业课程中存在的问题,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

我国影视文化贸易仍处于逆差地位,但近年来,影视文化产业表现出前所未有的活跃景象,势头正劲,不可抵挡。从现状来看,存在的主要问题有:贸易逆差巨大,影视产品类型及进出口国家过分集中,影视产业地位虽有所转变,但占世界份额小等。通过分析以上问题产生的原因,提出一些有效的解决措施,为我国影视产业发展提供一点思路。  相似文献   

近年来历史的影像化书写,已构成了一种不容忽视的文化景观。这一现象的产生除了我国独特的文化传统及影视创作传统外,还与当今大众的接受心理以及创作者受商业利益的驱动密不可分。这些影视历史剧固然繁荣了当代影视艺术的创作,但存在的问题必须引起我们的高度重视。  相似文献   

Japan is one of the countries which have been producing and broadcasting a large number of programmes for children, both educational and entertainment, and both types of programme have been widely watched by children in other countries in recent years. This article introduces the characteristics of Japanese children's television viewing and some examples of studies on the development of new television programmes for young children and then discusses the possibility of the development of international television programmes for children.  相似文献   

在多元文化背景下,高等影视艺术教育要突破人才培养的瓶颈问题,除注重教育本身的变革外,更要延伸人才培养的视角,密切关注与之相关的影视产业和社会文化语境,把握影视产业所需要的人才类型,通过推进产学研一体化,建立富有特色的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

作为中国电视业的重要组成部分,地市级电视媒体如何应对加入WTO后所带来的机遇和挑战。这既是一个理论问题,更是一个实际问题,曾为中国电视业的繁荣和发展作出过重大贡献的地市级电视媒体,随着信息时代的到来,就陷入新闻受众流失、录播设备老化、广告收入锐减、专业人才匮乏的困境中;加入WTO后,WTO的协定制度又将给它的生存和发展设置种种关卡。所以,绝大部分地市级电视媒体将圆满地完成其阶段性的光荣使命,按照“强者更强,适者生存”的发展原则,自行融入到新的发展进程中,或被撤销,或进行集团整合。这样才有利于整个中国电视业主动应对挑战,赢得新的发展机遇。  相似文献   

电视摄像者的基本功和电视意识很大程度上决定了电视图像质量的好坏。摄像者应掌握电视摄像的基本原则和规律,同时,还应培养对运动特性的表现力,以及对镜头的理解力,提高自身的编导意识,从而提升画面创作的技术性和艺术性。  相似文献   

It is often thought that bookwork is likely to be hampered by an accompaniment of television, or more simply of music. Others allege that television reduces the time that is spent with books or writing. It is helpful, therefore, to use a very large survey sample to find out how many people do perform intellectual homework, and how many of these do so with television (or musical) accompaniment. It is clear that doing homework, and doing so with television or musical accompaniment, is a widespread experience, especially among young teenagers. Several statements outlining possible advantages or disadvantages were put to respondents, to record their agreement or disagreement. There was no overwhelming endorsement of disadvantages of an information‐noisy work environment, especially among young teenagers. There is substantial evidence that people believe that the possible competition for one's attention from television or music distracts other potentially disturbing individuals, or that it can act as a kind of ‘sensory screen’.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来,教育电视凭借其传递信息量大、传输质量高、视听效果好等优势占据了我国教育领域主流传播媒体的位置。但近年来随着快速、便捷、信息量大、双向互动、直观形象的网络多媒体传播技术的迅速崛起和广泛普及,教育电视面临着严重的挑战。网络时代教育电视有无存在的必要和价值以及未来教育电视应如何发展,一度成为该领域关注的焦点。针对此问题,本文首先从媒体发展的历史、教育电视媒介和网络媒介的发展现状及其优势对比三个角度分析了网络时代教育电视将长期存在的必然性,并在此基础上,详尽阐述了教育电视和网络媒介相融合发展的意义和作用、内容以及形式。  相似文献   

台湾宗教电视台的发展有较强的代表性且形成了自己的特色。台湾较有影响力的宗教电视台——佛光山“人间卫视”(原“佛光卫星电视台”)的运营特色和运营效果,对社会具有较大的影响力,对大陆宗教传媒事业的发展也具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

广播电视语言在很大程度上接近日常口语,应定位于“说话”的形式上。这是多元化社会发展的需求,也是广播电视自身发展规律的需求。但是要“说好话”必须受众的语言需求及电视节目主持人,用意员自身素质两个方面加以要求。  相似文献   

Interactions between two pairs of subjects were conducted face‐to‐face and over a two‐way closed‐circuit television medium and were tape recorded. The speech for each subject over each medium was edited to remove silent intervals and the resulting edited speech segments, each about 1 minute in duration, were analyzed by a computer implementation of the cepstrum method of fundamental‐frequency determination. The speech of all four subjects showed a statistically significant rise in fundamental frequency ranging from 3.89% to 7.83% for the closed‐circuit television condition relative to the face‐to‐face condition. This result could imply that two‐way closed‐circuit television is a more tense or stressful medium than face‐to‐face communication. Alternatively, the effect could be explained by such other factors as a rise in speech level caused by a greater perceived distance between the participants in the closed‐circuit television condition.  相似文献   

电视媒体必须与时俱进,不断寻求新闻表现和传播形式上的创新和突破,以实现最佳宣传效果。各级电视台已开始大量“正在发生的事实的报道”的形式进行动态新闻的现场报道;而“正在报道发生的事实”也已经成为有条件的电视台对直播即将发生的重大新闻事件的必备手段。  相似文献   

媒介技术变迁为儿童的同伴关系重新设定框架。在印刷术大量应用前,儿童间同质性较高。印刷术的发明使得大规模公共教育成为可能,在学校里儿童获得了在各种规则下与同伴相处的能力,形成了新的互动惯习。电视的出现既导致儿童同伴关系的相对疏离,又促进了儿童同伴亚文化的形成。网络为儿童提供了获取同伴关系的新型方式,扩充了儿童与同伴的交流模式。手机的技术特征使得儿童在同伴关系中"永远在线",扩大了儿童的私人空间。  相似文献   

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