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文重点探讨了刘少奇新闻思想中具有他个性特点的一些观点,这些观点与毛泽东的思路不尽相同,又各有侧重更多地考虑到党的新闻事业如何适应经济建设的新环境。作者认为,刘少奇的论述是对毛泽东新闻思想的发挥、完善、补充和发展。历史已经证明,刘少奇几十年前关于新闻工作的论述是正确和富有创见的  相似文献   

《解放日报》1942年4月1日发表的社论《致读者》,提出党报应具备“四性”,为后来党报工作政策的制定和党报理论的形成奠定了基础。“反客里空”运动是党报坚持新闻真实性原则的一次重要实践。毛泽东对《晋绥日报》编辑人员的谈话阐述了党的新闻工作的一系列基本方针和重要原则,成为中国共产党新闻思想成熟的标志性成果。刘少奇1948年对华北记者团谈话对党的新闻政策提供了认识基础和理论依据。  相似文献   

胡耀邦同志二月八日在中央书记处会议上的发言《关于党的新闻工作》,全文公开发表了。这是继毛泽东同志《对晋绥日报编辑人员的谈话》和刘少奇同志《对华北记者团的谈话》之后,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来公开发表的我们党的领导人关于新闻工作的又一个系统而深刻的经典性论述。它对我国新闻工作的理论与实践无疑将具有极大的  相似文献   

编者按为纪念伟大的马克思主义者,伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家和理论家,以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代领导集体的重要成员,党和国家久经考验的卓越的领导人刘少奇同志诞辰100周年,本刊特刊登刘少奇同志《对华北记者团的谈话》,同时发表部分新闻工作者、理论工...  相似文献   

陈红玉 《新闻窗》2008,(1):56-57
今年是毛泽东同志《对晋绥日报编辑人员的谈话》(以下简称《谈话》)发表60周年。毛泽东同志的这个《谈话》,是无产阶级党报思想的光辉文献。这个《谈话》和同年10月刘少奇同志《和华北记者团的谈话》,堪称中国共产党新闻史上的经典双璧,是每个新闻工作者的入门必读。  相似文献   

胡耀邦同志1985年2月8日在中央书记处的发言《关于党的新闻工作》,到现在已是一年了,一年来许多报刊发表了不少谈体会的文章,也有过一些讨论。党中央的负责人系统地论述党的新闻工作,这几十年来有过三次。第一次是毛泽东同志1948年4月对《晋绥日报》编辑人员的谈话,第二次是1948年10月刘少奇同志对华北记者团的谈话,第三次就是胡耀邦同志的上述讲  相似文献   

最近,中共中央文献研究室毛泽东、周恩来、刘少奇、陈云研究组,为编写《毛泽东传》、《毛泽东年谱》,编辑《建国以来周恩来文稿》、《建国以来刘少奇文稿》、《陈云文集》,到陕西省档案馆查阅档案资料。陕西省档案馆为编写组提供了革命历史档案资料69卷(册),包括有关毛泽东、周恩来、刘少奇、陈云等领导同志的讲话、谈话、电报、文章、批示、书信、题词、照片等。复制档案资料复印件1000余页,其中有1923年毛泽东自己著的《毛泽东传》油印本,翻拍了毛泽东、周恩来、刘少奇、陈云在1928年至1956年革命活动时期及建…  相似文献   

刘少奇不仅是党的新闻、宣传工作的领导者,也为发展、丰富党的新闻工作理论作出了杰出的贡献。他较为集中的关于党的新闻工作的论述有3次。第一次是1948年10月对华北记者团的谈话。当时中国革命即将胜利,面临着从战争到建设、从农村到城市的斗争环境的变化,刘少奇的谈话根据两年来解放区经济建设和土改中新闻工作的经验教  相似文献   

作为党和国家重要领导人,刘少奇同志"一向是关心和爱护我国的人民广播事业的.他曾经代表党中央对新闻、广播事业作了许多重要的指示",这些指示,"和毛泽东同志、周恩来同志的许多重要指示一起,一直成为办好我国人民广播事业的主导思想"①.其中,最重要和最系统的一次是1956年5月28日,刘少奇为了起草党的"八大"政治报告,约请中央和国务院有关部门的主要负责人座谈,对各条战线情况进行系统的调查研究时,与中央广播事业局(下文简称中央广播局)的有关领导进行的谈话.  相似文献   

刘少奇同志是党的新闻事业的奠基人之一。他把马列主义的新闻理论同党的新闻事业相结合,根据中国革命和建设的特点,提出了许多精辟的论断和独到的见解,对毛泽东新闻思想的形成和发展作出了重大贡献。刘少奇有关新闻工作论述,主要体现在以下几个方面:(一)新闻工作具...  相似文献   

Guidelines are specified in this article for developing video‐taped informative speech models. Faculty members rated selected video‐taped informative speeches on nine variables and two months later rated nine of the same speeches again. The faculty judges were reliable on their ratings for eight of the nine variables rated during the two sessions. Five of the nine speeches were identified as being representative of one of three significantly different levels of excellence.  相似文献   

“知识组织与知识发现”是实现“迈向知识服务”ICSTI 2011大会理念的技术基础。该论坛录用了51篇来自国内外高质量研究论文,11名研究学者从不同角度,发表了其本人或所代表机构的研究成果。文章在简要总结分论坛总体情况的基础上,重点论述这11篇会议演讲的主题,最后,作出要点的分析与总结。  相似文献   

The actions of John Brown have been widely investigated and discussed, but no one has studied the speeches given by Brown in his anti‐slavery campaign. This article discusses three speeches delivered by Brown, prior to Harper's Ferry, and the five speeches delivered during the trial in an attempt to describe an unknown aspect of a man whose deeds formed one of the major causes for the Civil War.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):143-156

This re‐examination of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's two speeches against Warren Hastings appraises the spectacular success of the impeachment speech of 1787 and the relative success of the rephrased version delivered at Hastings’ trial in 1788. It also assesses factors that may have influenced later observers who reacted to the speeches with considerably less enthusiasm than did Sheridan's listeners. In maintaining that Sheridan's view of Hastings was consistent and justified, the author questions the continuing criticisms of Sheridan's motives in the Hastings affair. The conclusion considers why Sheridan's two speeches have probably failed as literature, and hence indirectly suggests why other speeches may have gained literary stature.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):383-397
Why does public speaking anxiety lead people to present speeches of judged lower quality? Prior research suggests a number of variables that might detrimentally affect the performance of highly anxious speakers when they present speeches. But does speech anxiety affect only presentation behavior, or does it also affect the ways in which people prepare their speeches? Measures of public speaking anxiety, and most texts focusing on presentational speaking, assume that the anxiety's effect is limited to performance. In the current study we examine this notion. Using a number of variables drawn from a conceptual model of the speech preparation process, we first find that the way people go about preparing their speeches is meaningfully associated with the quality of their presentation. Second, we discover that public speaking anxiety is significantly related to how people prepare speeches. People with high levels of speech anxiety engage in a variety of preparation actions that may limit the effectiveness of their presentations. When the impact of speech anxiety is statistically removed from the preparation process, the relationship between preparation and speech quality is much smaller. In understanding how speech anxiety affects public presentations, it is critical to examine not only what happens during the speech but also how the speech is prepared.  相似文献   

ICSTI2011的主题是“迈向知识服务”。在全体会议上,有7名科技信息界国内外知名人士和专家应邀进行了主题演讲。文章在简要总结全体会议的基础上,重点论述这7篇全体会议上的演讲,简单介绍开幕式和闭幕式,最后作出总结。  相似文献   

On March 5, 1946, in Fulton, Missouri, Winston Churchill gave one of his most famous and controversial speeches. The ideas and themes of that speech had been used before and would be again, but never with similar explosive effect. The author attempts to analyze six speeches by Winston Churchill in America to discover the variables that combined to create the effect at Fulton.  相似文献   

由国际图联主办的第十一届馆际互借与文献传递大会于2009年10月20日至23日在德国汉诺威举行,会议分为5个议题,共有约20个大会发言。作者结合大会发言与自身的所见所闻,在对大会内容进行总结的基础上,结合自身文献传递与馆际互借的工作体会,思考了文献传递与馆际互借服务今后发展的趋势。  相似文献   

In December of 2007, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney traveled to Texas to give an address on religion and politics. The speech was heralded by many as Romney's “JFK moment.” This study explores the campaign religion speeches of Kennedy and Romney by considering various issues concerning context, audience, and content of the two speeches. Guiding this analysis is Roderick Hart's work on the civil-religious contract and Kenneth Burke's work on dramatistic analysis, which are utilized to demonstrate that—despite the media's proclamations—Romney's speech represented a stark shift from Kennedy's rhetorical approach. Implications are drawn concerning the differences between the two speeches and an understanding of the confessional political style guiding the intersection of religion and politics today.  相似文献   

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