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本文通过追溯仪式的概念,考察了仪式传播研究的现状,发现国内比较多的研究主要集中于引进和解读凯瑞的传播仪式观,虽有部分研究开始尝试用民族志等方法对中国本土的仪式传播进行研究,但民族志方法的把握与具体问题的展开还存在明显不足。本文认为传播研究既要重视凯瑞提出的传播仪式观,又要正视仪式传播与传播仪式观的差异和联系,在传播仪式观的启发下研究具体社会情境中的仪式传播活动。  相似文献   

黄禹铭 《新闻世界》2012,(2):104-105
詹姆斯·凯瑞是美国文化研究的主要代表人物,他提出的传播的"仪式观"为传播学的研究开辟了全新的路径。本文在区分"传递观"与"仪式观"的基础上,探究"仪式观"视角下的新闻观,以及传播技术对人们的影响。  相似文献   

朱杰 《当代传播》2007,(2):18-19
本文通过约翰·杜威传播理论的描述以及詹姆斯·w·凯瑞对这一理论的分析,区分了传播传递观与传播仪式观在目的性意义上的不同和分野,并进一步探讨了仪式传播观在传播学学理中的历史文化意义和现实文化意义.  相似文献   

李昌 《新闻界》2012,(13):12-15
传播仪式观超越了传播仅仅是信息传递的思想,从对传播过程的控制到通过传播共享相同的文化仪式。传播仪式观启发我们,新闻报道在完成信息传递的同时应该放大人性、文化的因素,营造一个合理的、正直的、温暖人心的仪式。  相似文献   

传播仪式观中传统节日文化的传播   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从詹姆斯·W·凯瑞的传播仪式观角度,分析了我国传统节日文化传播的仪式性、庆典性和参与性特征,指出传统节日文化传播与传播的仪式观具有同样的核心主旨,即通过神圣的典礼将人们以团体或共同体的形式聚集在一起,以完成"时间上对社会的维系"。发现了当前的传统节日文化传播仍是传递观下的信息与知识的线性传播,没有创造出"把人们吸引到一起"的"仪式化场域"。提出传统节日文化传播应该以传播仪式观为理论指导,在传播过程使用、还原与创造有意义的文化符号,使中华民族文化经过几千年洗礼,留存下来的具有生命力、最具共同记忆的部分得以生产、还原与维系,成为联系古今、联结民众的精神纽带。  相似文献   

李佳 《青年记者》2020,(11):75-76
传播仪式观是由美国的传播学者詹姆斯·W·凯瑞在20世纪70年代初提出的,在“传播仪式观”理论中,传播并非指信息在空间的扩散,而是指在时间上对一个社会的维系;它不是指分享信息的行为,而是共享信仰的表征;是一种现实得以生产、维系、修正和转变的符号过程,一种以团体或共同体的身份把人们吸引到一起的神圣典礼.①通过传播的仪式观,特定的传播活动成为一种神圣的仪式,受众在这种仪式下形成共同的情感认同,产生情感的共鸣.  相似文献   

本文以传播仪式观和媒介仪式理论为视角,观照中国春节仪式传播的变迁。春节仪式的传播形式从群体仪式向媒介仪式转变,传播内涵从神圣向世俗转变,传播功能从文化认同向娱乐大众转变。仪式传播的转变,稀释了春节承载的传统文化精神。恢复再造传统群体仪式,虔诚塑造媒介仪式,对于传承和保护春节文化遗产是必要的。  相似文献   

位常娥 《新闻传播》2009,(10):22-22
一、两种传播观与两种满足模式 美国传播学者詹姆斯·凯瑞在《传播研究的文化取向》一文开始就对传播研究做出了一种新的划分“为便于把思想做一归类,我们在描述中可以把传播的定义分为两大类传播的传递观和传播的仪式观。”  相似文献   

本研究基于传播仪式观的视角,对央视频的"雷神山""火神山"慢直播进行研究,通过对传播仪式观和仪式化传播的内涵解读,分析央视频"雷神山""火神山"慢直播中仪式化传播的实践与价值,以期帮助当下的媒体在开展传播活动时更好地运用仪式化传播.  相似文献   

在时尚研究中存在着两种不同的时尚观:作为符号的时尚观与作为社会过程的时尚观。这两种时尚观事实上呼应着研究者两种不同的传播观,即传播的传递观与传播的仪式观。两相比照后,可看清两种传播观的各自缺失。  相似文献   

“礼物”:仪式传播与认同   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仪式传播包含仪式本身作为传播和仪式化传播两个层面。礼物是仪式传播的一种形式,礼物交换蕴含着丰富的意义,而这种意义正是人们认同的诉求所在。  相似文献   

詹姆斯·凯瑞与美国传播学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹姆斯·凯瑞是美国文化研究的主要代表人物,他提出的传播“仪式观”为美国传播学研究开辟了新的路径。他本人也成为美国70年代和80年代媒介理论研究复兴的一个主要推动者。  相似文献   

老子的自我观蕴藏着独特的内向传播智慧,主要体现在要求自我确立起惟道是从的主体意识,进而以道的符号象征意义为媒介来引导自我省思,不断消除世俗价值观的污染,最终实现无为而无不为的自然、自由的人生境界。与侧重考察自我的社会性西方内向传播理论相比,老子的内向传播智慧更倾向于消融社会性对自我超越的干扰,注重自我内心通过向道的复归而实现自我升华。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探究亲子阅读的学理特征,为优化亲子阅读服务提供新的思路。[方法/过程] 借助传播学中的"仪式观"和"传递观"理论,结合亲子阅读实践活动进行相应的学理分析。[结果/结论] 亲子阅读作为仪式和传递共存的一种知识传播方式,在其知识传播过程中将自我传播、人际传播、大众传播相互交织起来用以实现知识的传递和习得功能;同时在知识传播的过程中承担着建构新秩序、维系共同感的仪式功能。因此,在亲子阅读的推广实践中,专业亲子阅读机构、公共图书馆、书店、父母应强化其知识传播仪式性和传递性的学理认知,并依据各方的实际需求做出相应的调整,使得亲子阅读的推广和实施效果得以优化。  相似文献   

Interpersonal Deception Theory (IDT) argues that deception is an interpersonal action where people employ communication tactics to achieve various goals. Deception is a global concept; thus, much investigation has been conducted to determine the roots of such deceptive behavior. Through IDT, deception is categorized as a dynamic process where both the sender and receiver need to be engaged for deception to be successful. In extension of IDT, a study was conducted to determine the degree to which undergraduate students engage in deceptive behavior via text messaging. Through a survey design, undergraduate students' deceptive texting behaviors and deceptive detection traits were assessed. Results indicate that among undergraduate students, text messaging is an interpersonal form of communication that circumvents professionalism and power. Further, undergraduate students were much more likely to engage in deceptive texting with family and friends, but did so with significantly less frequency in the organizational setting.  相似文献   

陈瑜 《档案管理》2021,(2):58-58,60
民族仪式档案是将民族仪式用一定载体固化下来形成的原始记录,在地方遗产语境中,它是承载民族记忆的最真实的知识场域。档案系统参与建构社会记忆的主体性是20世纪档案实践的一个突出标志,因此,民族仪式档案的管理保护具有文化承载的价值基点。  相似文献   

A review of the emotional support and social support literature indicates a paucity of instruments which directly measure the phenomena of interest. While many have utilized assessments of “strong” or “weak” links between relational partners, they have not examined the communication modalities specifically. They have also tended to view emotional support as a unilateral product of a source or receiver rather than a product of communicative interactions. In order to examine support more carefully, a unidimensional instrument was developed to measure the communication of emotional support in relationships. As tests of convergent validity, it was suggested that perceptions of emotional support will be positively correlated to perceptions of relational solidarity and relational quality. The final instrument consisted of 13 communication based items with high reliability and evidence of internal, face, and convergent validity.  相似文献   

Rephrasing the forum question to “How can we ensure communication research has a positive effect on communication practice?” focuses on the present, points to a specific purpose for communication research, emphasizes the scope and type of difference to be made, and places accountability and responsibility on researchers. In general, the public has not found the expertise of communication scholars. The essay addresses ways to overcome this research to practice dilemma: establishing a common framework, complementing the top-down research approach with a practice-driven, bottom-up approach, and adjusting research and practice assumptions.  相似文献   

A case study of a family reunion ritual is showcased in this analysis. Fifty-nine members of one multigenerational family were interviewed and answered questions about their most meaningful family reunion memories. The author integrated the interview data, reunion observations, and family documents to answer research questions about the construction of meaningful reunion rituals, the meaning attached to ritualizing activities, and the transformation of the ritual over time. Three metaphorical phases—labeled allegro, legato, and decrescendo —describe how family members described changes in the family reunion ritual over time. The findings show that members of this multigenerational family reported alignment with the properties of family rituals theorizing – transformation, communication, and stabilization.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to derive certain lessons learned about funded international communication research. Like other types of funded research, funding for international communication research is increasing as funding agencies perceive the value of communication research. Much international communication research is interdisciplinary in nature, and benefits the American university in broadening intellectual concerns to a more worldwide perspective. The Internet is changing the nature of certain types of international communication research by providing rapid, low-cost access to overseas respondents in data-gathering, and by raising new issues to be investigated. Also, the rise of this new communication technology calls the potential of communication research to the attention of funding agencies.  相似文献   

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